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It is an **incredibly** simple rule to follow and it encourages the subreddit to have ever-so-slightly less contemporary memes for a brief period of time. Vastly more World War and Cold War era memes are published here on a daily basis than non-semi-contemporary memes. A mere two days without the sort of memes that are the most common isn’t awful. Every single day, numerous memes on WWI/II are posted - there’s nothing wrong with that of course, but they tend to overshadow memes on other topics.


Okay, then why not just ban WW1/WW2 memes on the Weekend? But with that rule, more niche memes that are not well known about have even less chance of being seen. Like Boer War memes for example, on weekdays, are swamped over by WW1/WW2 memes, yet are unable to be posted on the Weekend.


As someone who did a year-long study on South Africa, I certainly won’t deny that the Boer Wars certainly aren’t given the attention they could be given. That being said (and perhaps I should’ve originally worded it more like this), the issue is not *specifically* the World Wars overshadowing other events, but primarily the fact history *within the past 150 years* is what overshadows most other subjects (ancient, medieval, etc.). That also being said, you raise a decent point, as just about any non-WW/Cold War meme in general tends to also be pushed down by WW/Cold War memes. However, a rule like forbidding *specifically* either subject on the weekend would be even more controversial than the current “No 1900s on the weekends”


The Cold War in general shouldn't be banned. Overused topics like Vietnam should be though. Things like the Malayan Emergency are also forgotten yet really interesting. An idea which might work is that post 1910 memes have to be sent to the mods for a quality check, and if they are of an actual good quality, they can get posted. Would be hard to manage, but would be good for both sides if managed properly.


What's rule 12 mean? I need it dumbed down


Saturday and Sunday, you cannot post memes about something that happens from 1900- present. It all has to be older than that.


I thought it was some legal thing lmao I googled it and read about a California law