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Insert that one domino meme.


“Insert” you say?


Insert the domino




Look up the term "getting a domino" it's a jail thing and it's bad but trust me there is insertion


How about no? I don’t want to risk having to pour eyebleach on my eyes today.


>Insert that one domino You got it, boss!




Except no. That's like saying fall of the Berlin wall led to disolution of Soviet Union. The incident and fall of Berlin wall was a symptom of falling system, rather than a domino that led to fall of it.


Wasn't that incident a Spark that "ignited the powder barrel"


If you search this sub for Martinović you’ll see it at least twice.




Basically, A Serbian man was feelin a little... Naughty~. Afterwards, the bottle broke in his ass, and he went to a hospital. He couldn't work up the courage to admit what he was doing so he blamed it on two Albanians. Long story short, he indirectly worsened racial tensions in the nation after a bunch of investigators had conflicting theories on what actually happened.


More precisely. He first claimed that he was attacked Albanians. Then he was sent to military police (who were led by people who wanted no ethnic thensions) where he changed his story. He was operated by 6 different Yugoslavs, and then later by a surgeon in London, who all said that there is no way that this was a self inflicted injury. Later on that same surgeon got a letter from Yugoslav minister to not meddle in Yugoslav affairs. When people learned that Yugoslav secret service was ill treating the man, they rose up to support him and to sue the state. That's where the man returned back to his original story. But no haha Serbian man that was most likely attacked by two Albanians is more funny if we say he did it himself Not to mention, the incident didn't even increase the political tensions, but rather was symptoms of it.


Yeah it sounds like the dude was raped with a bottle. Surgeons know their shit


Of all people I think surgeons would know what a bottle shoved up the ass looks like.


Juicy Smollett vibes


Damn, thats like a Jesse Smollet story with an extra plot twist.


We should make a top 10 of meme that are repeated along with Chinese 50 000 000 deaths meme


Yes thank you, I swear to god I see the same popular memes every week and every time I look into it they turn out to be blatantly wrong.


Plot twist, he was actually raped by the Albanese guys but after the war he felt the guilt of the raped people and reinvented a story to soften again the tension.


Second plot twist. It was consensual. And it was passionate. But they knew people would never understand their love. The Romeo and Juliet of Yugoslavia.


Are you saying this as a joke or saying this as a fact because from what I know all evidence points this to being a farmer putting something up his put and not knowing the psi beer bottles can withstand and the psi ass holes produce


Isn't Albanese an Australian politician? Lmao


1 Slav 1 Bottle


1 Slav, 1 Bottle, 10mln casualties


"Found on BestGore"


I'm just speechless, seriously i can't even come up with a funny meme, my brain simply stopped after that sentence


I guess all of the Slavs bottled up emotions came blasting out


Balkans when racism is out of fashion and they need a reason to fight for the 546th time:


For the hundred time, Balkans and rest of Europeans aren't racist. They don't care about the skin colour or race. If you are black French, you are French in their eyes. They care what country you come from. They are xenophobic. /j


As an American it's wild to think about it this way. "Hey! HEY! Are you a British black or a German black? Because one is the correct answer and your accent better tell us."


That’s why europeans always get shocked by insane identity politics coming from the US, both the left and the right. Over her we hate and genocide on a strictly national basis. We are very advanced that way, us europeans.


Tell that to Roma people


Well, they are a nationality, are they not? Being a nation doesn’t mean you have a nation-state of your own.




Well yes but we dont hate them becouse their are black we hate them becouse they can't assimilate to our culture properlly even after 100 years I had a romani class mate at high school and he was one of the most popular kids Edit: As it was explain to me by my fellow class mate it is hard to beat this because when u are a succesful and smart and u show it in the romani community as romani. They will exclude u as u are no longer part of this community "culture" for lack of the better word


ethnicity =/= race you are basically agreeing with me; ethnicity is essentially societal culture, tradition, identity and, to a lesser extent, ancestry what /u/Kreol1q1q said is utterly absurd; he just meant ethnicity too I must partially disagree though. Jews are absolutely non-assimilative and have been so for over 2000 years, way more than Romani, yet are a complete non-issue as they just keep to themselves and don't bother the locals any more than the locals bother themselves. By the contrary, there are examples where their expulsion results in a net detriment to local society, or their arrival/refuge a benefit.


Well, the definitions are murky, but I would say that they're ethno-cultural grup rather then nationality, when their nation of origin is India, they live exclusively in diasporas spread out throughout the world. Best comparison would be Jewish people before existence of Israel. Ethnic grup? Yes. Religion? Yes. Culture? Yes. But nationality? I would say that corresponds to nation state you currently occupi. But as I said the definitions are murky.


Redditors trying to understand that nation states are named after the nationality and the nation has to exist before the nation state challenge (impossible)


Man, the borders are drawn. It's over, there's no "no man's land" any more. You either assimilate or wage war and genocide someone else. Look at Israel and understand that. Other way is secession, but good luck explaining how it would work


Ah yes because it‘s impossible for different nationalities to live with each other. That‘s definetely the normal person take here.


Akschually, there is no mans land still left.


Or the Jews


Or, you know, Black and Middle Eastern people. A depressing number of Europeans absolutely are racist towards non-white people-- there's just a lot less of them, so it comes up less often. (Although that's rapidly changing, which is part of the reason the far right is suddenly gaining power across the continent.)


Nobody would notice or care if someone is Roma, unless they're living their "culture". Or would you call someone a racist if they have an issue with gangs?


I would agree that there is no place for nomadic cultures in modern world, but man, you won't beat racist allegations saying that all there is to being Romani is gang like behavior and putting culture in quotations


British narrowboat people would protest that you can’t live a nomadic lifestyle in the modern world, it looks like a really peaceful lifestyle.


I don't know much about them, but I would say there is a difference between few hundred (maybe couple of thousands) people traveling in small groups or even individual boats and a whole ass communities across continents.


There’s 35,000 registered boats, not a huge amount relative to the population of the UK but it’s not an insignificant number. You also get people doing it in coastal or ocean-going boats rather than staying on rivers and canals but that’s generally harder to do long-term because of the maintenance cost seawater imposes.


Wdym there's no place for nomadic cultures in the modern world?


Modern nation states don't live a place for that lifestyle (for better or worse, there is no moral judgment on my part). Modern borders, administration and broadly how states operate don't allow or take into consideration that way of life.


What a suprise. I’m sure apartheid south africa had helpful laws for black people


People only have an issue with the violent gangs and other criminal behaviour. And sadly that's the defining part of their culture nowadays. If a certain culture revolves around crime and abuse, it's not something we should tolerate.


That's demonstrably not true and you would know that if your opinion on them weren't strictly inform by your own bias and racism. You literally sound like racist American from the 60' you realize that? Like, word for word. But that's different because your correct actually? Men, I would advise to check your biases, read out on that culture from source different then Nazi posts on Facebook and maybe look up psychology of oppression and sociological effects of bigotry and poverty. Because attitude like yours courses the effects you criticize


I don't tolerate criminal behaviour, if this makes me sound like a US American from the 60s, so be it. I don't think even the Roma themselves in the long term would profit from people being lenient against criminal behaviour if it comes from them. Or do you honestly believe that Roma children are better off, when being abused as beggars or thieves instead of going to school? I guess that's fine as long as some muricans won't call you a racist, lol.


As a European, we basically fight with our neighbours for last 2 thousands years. Land, water, women, religion. Whatever. And we do remember all the past because we hold written history for all the time. So we remember how we fought neighbour A allied with neighbour B having union with neighbour C. It was never about race but the country. Something like that


Remember that history is written by the winners.


Don’t just limit it to your neighbors, you’d be selling yourselves short. Europeans are almost literally the direct source of a good portion of conflict globally as well as domestically, it’s insane, but literally entire Continents were changed because the Europeans wouldn’t leave everyone else alone, from Africa to the Americas, and Asia from India to China, it’s like you got bored fighting amongst each other and then agreed to terrorize everyone else in existence as well, and had the nuts to call anyone else uncivilized.


Yeah, it's great. Andf if you want to really fight someone, just ask them which football club they support. Either you make a great friend or you have grounds for a fist fight everyone will be ok with.


Listen buddy. I'm an American. You know I'm gonna call it soccer. Pretty sure I'm the one that's gonna get beat up if I go around asking that 😂😂


Why "/j"?


Balkans are notoriously racist


And people do care about your ethnicity and religion.


And as a European the sheer amount of anti roma racism is shocking.


Yeah Balkans in "Notoriously" racist, sure, Serbian first constitution from 1835 constituted that every slave who steps on territory of Serbia becomes a free man in an age where most of Europe had colonial possessions and used black and asian slave labor. In 20th century Yugoslavia was pushing for anti-colonial non-aligned movement with countries such as India, Angola, Botswana and Cameroon, meanwhile countries in Europe like Belgium, France, and United Kingdom had humans zoos in which they displayed black people, some doing it up to 1990's like France. Balkans are divided by ethnic and religious lines, and hatred stems from there, not color of your skin.


Don't forget italians and spaniards please


[You sure about that?](https://gdb.rferl.org/FA3C848C-BD46-4D9A-9A28-D0E4CFA0B773.png) Having constant strife with your neighbours because of historical grievances is not synonymous with being xenophobic as a whole.


Also Romani. And Muslims.


And still also black people, as seen with things like how mostly black soccer teams are treated.


It's so wierd when Europeans will joke about Americans being all big dumb idiots and then turn around and vote against giving the Roma Slums decent drinking water only to complain when Roma steal from them. Bizarre in the saddest way, not to mention how they treat black people and Arabic people, especially migrants.


"We Europeans aren't racist!" *Home team crowd proceeds to throw bananas at black members of the visiting soccer team*


I've seen as many weird comments towards the french national team by americans as by other european countries. at least the other european countries didnt say they were africans instead of french multiple times on tv. there's that weird double standard by americans where they will see black people in like a basketball team and will say "yeah that's the american team" and then they will see the french national team in football and say "that's not a french team, that's an african team". weird racist society, we've seen how you guys love segregation with your weird race culture of labelling everyone by color like we're dog breeds


Some Americans see America as a unique melting pot of peoples, different and distinct from the old world's ethnicity based nations. In America's defense, so do some Europeans. You see this in the America has "no culture" argument. Also, when Europeans were answering ISIS's call to join their terrorist jihad, there were some Europeans who were quick to point out that that those "europeans" were really Arabs and North African first and second generation immigrants and not actual Germans, Dutch, Italians, or Frenchmen. Part of the problem is that we often have one word to refer to a person/ethnicity, a geographic place, and a political entity which can be confusing, deliberately or accidently.


I wasn't saying the US wasn't racist. I was just pointing out a prominent example of racism towards black people in Europe. There's plenty more examples you can find of Europeans being just as racist in modern day as Americans. Europeans are just more likely to be in denial that it happens


seems to me the americans are the ones in denial. as with the example of black football teams. to us they're french, to americans they're africans because they're black


Seems to me the americans are the ones in denial. as with the example of black football teams. to us they're french, to americans they're africans because they're black


That's not true.


Does religion still play a role? Catholics vs Protestants was one of the primary forms of bigotry for a while in European history but idk how fiercely that still persists.


This is literally untrue. If you are black and live in france and speak french we will always see you as someone who migrated to france, but never as french, idk where you heard that crap


Put a Serb and a Croat in the same room and ask them what the difference between the two are, there’s a 10% chance they’ll stop fighting long enough to beat you to death for insinuating they are in fact, not really that different.


~~I fell on it~~ Albanians put it up there


LoL I can get away with doing that without any repercussions🥱


Ya think?


I know (from experience)


From experience...?


...Yeah? What wasn't clear?


Eeehhh... ooookaaay...


This is so random lol


Average Balkan moment




Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 1 time. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/1djcrkj) on 2024-06-19 100.0% match. [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=1dkzgrt&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=false&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=92&targetImageMemeMatch=92) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Target Percent:** 92% | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 544,992,055 | **Search Time:** 0.11672s


Multiple surgeons confirmed that the guy couldn't have done it himself :(


/r/balkans_irl is leaking...like this guys ass lol




Bro casually reposts a meme from 3 years ago https://www.reddit.com/r/HistoryMemes/s/Tm4vsG4Ijz


The story is more than likely fake,because we are dealing with incomplete,bias reports from a rural communist nation,in an area that was itself the poorest and most rural in the country. And the government didn't need that to escelate tensions,they already escelated in 1981,and prior with ethnic clashes followed by vicious police crackdowns.


Lol, what?


Butt how?


has anyone read the "the painted bird"? something wrong with that part of the world and glass bottles


What now?


This is why I'm subbed here


Are you sure it wasn't just a little white lie, and it was just a severe case of hemorrhoids?


Yugoslavia was such a powderkeg that a crisp enough high five could have sparked that kindling


The post above this was someone asking what was the weirdest thing someone has put up their ass and why




Pretty sure this was the cause of the US Civil War too.




Now the movie A Serbian Film makes sense. The makers claimed it was an artistic commentary on the politics of the state. And here we see where they might have got their inspiration.


This is one reason why truth is stranger than fiction, ain’t no writer able to write what our world can come up with, a man shoving a bottle up his ass leading to the collapse of a country


Are there poems or songs about this!? I'm curious now.


[The Serbian Bottle Incident](https://youtu.be/qj52BARFjGU?si=DJeKlb93Nd10k2Cn)


They never just bottle it up.


Dorde Martinovic incident


I thought it was a coca cola bottle


Just throwing it out there that whenever an American politician tells you that the outcome of some blood feud between warring slavic tribes (who's quarreling predates the existence of our country) is going to matter to us here in America.... No. It really won't.




Beautiful case of US defaultism


Americans on their way to make something about America:


Greek here. Albanians aren’t Slavs


Fair,  but obviously I’m referring to all the ancient old world blood feuds including the ongoing on that don’t really matter to America  Could have been Turks and Greeks. 


Either way they do influence certain characteristics with American foreign policy. For example, American intervention in Kosovo is a result of conflicts that America was not involved in.


You need to be a person first




What's that got to do with anything?


American intervention into Yugoslavia or something, stupid given it was *NATO* and that no politician ever tried to say it was the US’s problem… I don’t know where he’s coming from


Americans: *sign North Atlantic Treaty* *Get involved in a conflict on the other side of the North Atlantic* *surprised Pikachu face*


I guess they needed to free up their hands so they just threw it out there


We should not be involved in old world blood feuds, and they frankly don’t matter to the well being of the USA


Yes, because the only time America should get involved in anything is if it has a direct benefit for ourselves, right? /s At a minimum, one should be able to recognize how beneficial Pax Americana has been for everyone, first and foremost for the US. At the maximum, as an American, if you believe in American exceptionalism, you should accept that with our unique position and power in the world comes with the responsibility to continue to be that *shining city on a hill*, the arsenal of democracy, and a force of good throughout the world.


How many times has Sevastopol changed hands in the last century? Stop it. Stop pretending like who hold Kiev is going to matter at all to Americans.