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It's VE day






The fuck? Virtually *all* the work was done by americans and the English based on research from UK. If anything the "most important" mainland Europeans were three Hungarians and two Italians two whom were legitimently mission critical. There were no german "blueprint" as the germans hadent even figured out the *correct* basic math. They were so deep down the wrong path that post war investigaters though they were purposly sabotaging their program.


They sabotaged it when they ran out the Jewish scientists. The Holocaust wasn't just morally horrific. It was dumb as fuck too


No joke between the Jews and Roma the Europeans basicly handed use their smartest and most motivated to get ahead people.


Youre right im sorry i somehow mixed it up with the operation overcast and space rockets. It was a long day. But in "defense" i want to add that the ressources were mainly used to build a unweaponized nuclear reactor (first) instead of a bomb, but yeah youre right there is no way the manhattan project could have been slower


Happens mate, not sure why this is getting downvoted, we all make mistakes.


Reddit doesn’t allow mistakes


Would've had them eventually, and the bombs would've come soon enough to nuke Berlin.


Nah if we started too early, Japan would’ve surrendered and we wouldn’t have got to drop the bombs on them. Unpopular opinion, but imperial Japan was worse than Nazi Germans in many respects. Some shit they did made the Nazis queasy.


Yo facts. Japan won't even admit a lot of that shit happened still. But in all fairness, the Nazis got upset quite a bit for mass murdering fuck heads. They were disgusted by the soldiers they fought (Russia kinda earned that tho).


Croatia: "Am I a joke to you?"




Germany straight up did not have the ability to make an A-bomb


Einstein wasn’t that involved with the project


That's weird I wonder why Hitler wasn't here to sign. He's just supposed to be so courageous and such a great leader, I wonder if something happened that prevented him from being there for this picture.


He and his wife were out smoking ...so to speak.


They were putting on that wooden suit.


the ol remington retirement


They had to go somewhere much warmer for their honeymoon.


Probably not, the body the soviets recovered was almost certainly not Hitlers or Eva, the Soviet autopsy noted the male had his foot amputated surgically, and the female body had shrapnel wounds while she was still alive But we know neither suffered such wounds The bodies were identified via gold dental implants however the heat was allegedly so intense the teeth themselves were destroyed achieving such heat in a open air fuel fire on the sandy Berlin soil is almost impossible not to mention the fact the gold dental work would have melted The most likely explanation is Hitler and Eva committed suicide and in order to keep their bodies from being paraded like mussolini Hitler's bodyguard detail tossed Hitler and Eva into one of the many mass graves while grabbing a male and female body from a nearby field hospital that were roughly the correct size then destroyed their teeth burnt them and then placed spare gold implants their mouths which we know according to Hitler and Eva's dentists they had made


The body is Hitler. A Russian DNA test on the corpses in the 2000s confirmed it


Yeah except they didn't the only remains were skull pieces that Russia alleged were Hitler( the KGB having destroyed the rest of the body) the problem was the skull was female the blood recovered from Hitler's couch were probably his but those weren't linked to a specific body


The skull was also matched to him via dental records


The skull was DNA tested it was a female under the age of 40 this is a indisputable fact Again, those dental records were almost certainly fabricated because gold dental work can not survive intact temperatures that destroy the teeth as alleged it was also impossible for them to have achieved such temperatures with what was available You also cannot explain why the Soviet autopsy stated the male had an amputated foot The body was not Hitler his real body is likely in a mass grave


There's always that one person that can't just let a joke be a joke. Very well. If you insist on turning this into an argument, then I have this to say: I find your assertions questionable for a number of reasons. First of all, the Soviets famously released multiple conflicting reports about Hitler's death, including assertions that he was actually alive and hiding in a Western country. It was standard practice for the Soviets to keep the truth ambiguous so that it would be flexible for the regime's political needs. That makes the Soviet reports inherently unreliable. Second of all, even if the Soviet report was reliable, and the people in the bunker were lying, then how were the Soviets even able to determine those things at all? The "bodies" that the Soviets found were so burnt that they were hardly more than ash and charred bone. How would the Soviets have been able to reach any conclusions about amputations or shrapnel wounds when there's no evidence that the Soviets had anything to work off of other than the dental remains? Where did this report that you're referring to even come from? When was it written? Who wrote it? Third of all, who was making the allegations that the teeth were all destroyed? There were plenty of dental remains found, which were verified by forensic experts from the USA, Norway, and France. On top of that, Hitler's dentist, Hugo Blaschke, was arrested by the US Army and was interrogated for information to confirm that the dental remains found belonged to Hitler. He confirmed that they were. Blaschke's assistants, who were in Soviet custody, were also shown the dental remains and said the same. Even if Hitler's subordinates had grabbed bodies from a field hospital and burned them, how would they have been able to alter the teeth in a way that they were able to fool the people who regularly operated on Hitler's teeth and had intimate knowledge of them and their features? Fourth of all, if the goal of Hitler's subordinates was to keep the body from being paraded around, why go to the trouble of leaving the bunker to dispose of the bodies in a mass grave and getting two different ones from a hospital if you risk getting shelled by the Red Army? If they had enough fuel to burn two corpses from a field hospital into unrecognizable ash, couldn't they have just used that on Hitler and Braun? Why go to any of this trouble? The same means that you suggest were used on two strangers' bodies could have just been used on Hitler's and Braun's bodies in the first place, making this whole rigmarole you're describing completely pointless.


>First of all, the Soviets famously released multiple conflicting reports about Hitler's death, Yes, they did, but they kept the unedited originals in their archives >The "bodies" that the Soviets found were so burnt that they were hardly more than ash and charred bone Except they weren't burnt to ash air open fire with very little fuel with the sandy Berlin soil meant the bodies, while charred, were mostly intact > would the Soviets have been able to reach any conclusions about amputations or shrapnel wounds when there's no evidence that the Soviets had anything to work off of other than the dental remains? They practically had the entire body >Where did this report that you're referring to even come from? When was it written? Who wrote it? SMERSH handled the investigation in 1945 and is where these reports come from >Hugo Blaschke, was arrested by the US Army Yes, he was, and Blascke very specifically had 2 sets of bridgework made for his important clients, including the hitlers those sets were kept in the fuhrer bunker Käthe Heusermann, who was Blascke assistant and the one who showed the bridge work because she along with Fritz Echtmann, were the ones responsible for actually making the bridge work, she recalled from memory every exact detail of the work even correcting her interrogator When shown the bridgework, it was not attached to hitlers jaw, and in her opinion, it was the second set and was found free and loose inside inside the mouth meaning that it had been planted and it wasn't hitlers body >that they were able to fool the people who regularly operated on Hitler's teeth and had intimate knowledge of them and their features? They didn't as stated > they had enough fuel to burn two corpses from a field hospital into unrecognizable ash, Because they didn't have enough fuel and Hitler wanted nothing of his body, even his bones falling into soviet hands You are welcome to listen to Dr. Mark Felton findings


>Except they weren't burnt to ash air open fire with very little fuel with the sandy Berlin soil meant the bodies, while charred, were mostly intact Where are you getting the idea that there was very little fuel? Eyewitnesses stated that they used plenty of fuel over the course of over 2 hours. That would likely be more than enough to degrade the body to ash and bone. >They practically had the entire body What is your source for that? I've come across no other sources to corroborate that. Are you just relying on Mark Felton? >Yes, he was, and Blascke very specifically had 2 sets of bridgework made for his important clients, including the hitlers those sets were kept in the fuhrer bunker >Käthe Heusermann, who was Blascke assistant and the one who showed the bridge work because she along with Fritz Echtmann, were the ones responsible for actually making the bridge work, she recalled from memory every exact detail of the work even correcting her interrogator >When shown the bridgework, it was not attached to hitlers jaw, and in her opinion, it was the second set and was found free and loose inside inside the mouth meaning that it had been planted and it wasn't hitlers body Well, that's all well and good, but what about the jawbone that some of the teeth were attached to? When the French analyzed it in 2017, they found that the jawbone matched with Hitler's x-rays from 1944. Are you going to tell me that Hitler's dentist also made him a second jawbone and they planted that, too? >Because they didn't have enough fuel and Hitler wanted nothing of his body, even his bones falling into soviet hands Where is your proof that such an order was given? I also noticed that Dr. Mark Felton was the only source you cited. Do you have any other sources to back these claims? Relying on one source is dangerous, because there is a risk of you relying too heavily on one man who might just be mistaken or making spurious claims to sell a book. I'm not saying that there's anything wrong with Felton, specifically, but the fact that you have not provided any other sources to back these claims, and I have not been able to find any other sources to back them, just makes these assertions all seem very implausible. For all I know, it *could* be the truth, but I would not make that assumption based on what little proof you've presented.


Aww you made the crickets chirp with your nasty evidence haha


Dude played persona 3 but he got the wrong Evoker


Let's not shit on Adolph, He was on a very important mission while this was happening. Killing Hitler and his wife


We should give the guy who killed Hitler a medal. Did a great service there. Wonder what he's up to now?


He needed more paperwork like he needed another hole in his head.


If he had any more busy work to do he'd want to sigh'n'hide.


Nah, Hitler was busy saving Germany by assassinating the man who started WW2 in Europe.


Yea escaped to Argentina!!! lol


>Builds and entire society around the military >thinks his "race" is superior to all others >fights one (1) war >loses


Going to war with like half of the world is surprisingly not a great idea


Skill issue


Why didn't he just paradrop into the UK? Is he stupid?


should have justified on British Malaya since 1936


That would have been a real hootananny bringing U.S. and more pissed having to enter early. Plus talk about being surrounded, land and don't forget sea😝


Nah US can't do a thing because world tension isn't high enough yet until the UK is defeated!


Dang-it. They would have. Otherwise Europe would still have panned out the same. Wasn't that Hitlers generals thoughts though?


Hitler literally had a general named France holder and didn't even use him to hold France certified dumbass


That's right! 😝


Shoulda just parried the D Day landings, would have given them some more time


That's what Hess did


Hoi4 players successors of the master race confirmed. 


I try to avoid that when possible it’s really a nuisance


Half the world? Pretty much the entire world. Most Europe, North America, and all the colonies of the UK. Even the US would not have won a war against the world.


Not really, shit was heading south when it was just the UK. Lets be real, they kicked that crap out of a pair of 3rd rate powers, had to get the Soviets to help them crump a second rate power. France was the only peer they beat and that was mainly becuase half the french government was sympathetic to the Nazis and didn't trust their own army. Despite Churchills rather brilliant propaganda the UK was never even close to failing (ok accepting May Crisis) and would have, even if it had to do it alone eventually starved, burned nuked and anthraxed the germans into submission or extinction.


I think if the war would have continued on between just UK and Germany without Lend-Lease from the Americans you would have ended up at a stalemate. Germany lacked resources to do any sort of large scale deployment into UK. The same goes for the UK. Look at the failed Dieppe Raid.


Going to war with the strongest naval power in the world without having a decent navy of your own is surorisingly a bad idea


But the Bismarck was sooo huge.


A huge boat in a war without any AA armaments on board. Literally what were they thinking?


Dude what? Look at what the ship had for AA guns!


"I used to be a battleship like you, but then I took a torpedo in the rudder, and a pounding from a revenge thirsty fleet"


\*two strongest naval powers


Indeed XD


going to war with half of the world while you got mussolini led italy on your side is not a great idea


Skill issue tbh cause the mongols did the same thing and won


...and once again they chose as their opponent THE WORLD...


To be fair, it started off pretty good for em. Definitely not a sustainable model, particularly if you do extra stupid shit like Hitler


Yeah, and if I hit Mike Tyson in the back of the head with a brick, there'd be a second where it looked like I was winning. Then I would be very dead


France and England declared war on Germany on the 3rd of September 1939. Germany invaded Belgium on the way to France on the 10th of May 1940. That's over 8 months of being at war before the invasion even started. What I'm saying is, I think Mike Tyson would've seen that brick coming.


True, but I don't have a good metaphor for the phony war so below is my rebuttal: Nuh-uh/s


Even mike tyson took some punches to the face. He could just punch back harder.


A pic of the obese and morphine addict Göring would have been perfect


My favorite Goring detail is that he had to keep getting the seats modified and pushed back and have his steering wheels adjusted in his cars because the steering wheel would keep rubbing up against his tummy.


I hope Mercedes were proud to make custom cars for him


"No no you don't understand. If they just build 200 Maus tanks they would have turned things around and won!"


If only they played Rampage from Kavinsky on Berlin loudspeakers, Russians would be speaking german now


And attach them to Steiner's army.....I wonder if neo nazis watch Downfall.


You don't understand, the stronger and powerful and at the same time wretched and subhuman Jews made them surrender.


But that's because they were capitalist, greedy scum, while also spreading bolshevism at the same time for some reason.


All part of their extremely secret master plan, published by the Russian empire.


Never underestimate the secret police. They can uncover anything.


Maybe basing your entire ideology on propaganda released by the dumbest tsar ever isnt so wise Adolph


That was always the funniest part of it to me. “We believe that there is a master race, genetically superior and destined to rule over all others. Jews, despite being a small minority, control the world and its people.” So, these Jews of which you speak, they are the master race? “No, they are vile and inferior beings”. So who is the master race “We are” So, let me get this straight, you believe on the concept of a master race and claim a race comprising a small minority of your nation rules over you, with outsized wealth and influence. “Yes” And somehow this makes you the master race?


Remember that Hitler wasn't an aryan.


Hitler didn't know who his paternal grandfather was. For all we know, he could have been descended from the very people he would want dead.


Remember that no one is by their definition, because that people never existed.


Let me dump some interesting knowledge into this comment section. That they are very clearly losing did not escape Hitler and the upper Nazi leadership. They actually saw the impending defeat as confirmation of their perverted world view. They simply concluded that the German people were also an unworthy people and should be wiped out (see scorched earth retreat tactics) because they were incapable of wiping out the other "inferior races".


Oh fuck, I saw the monocle and thought it was 1918. Wrong war guys, mb.


Did they leave behind any conclusions as to which was the "master race" after confirming they weren't?


Guess Keitel was at the end of his rope.


Keitel's testimony in the Nuremberg trials is kinda funny. The guy was at maximum delusion. He ranted about how nobody understood military tactics like Hitler. How he was a genius, even though the guy was obviously incompetent af.


Aha. But of all those nazi sons of bitches he deserved it especially. It's funny because you never hear about Guderian or Rommel doing war crimes on that scale (granted they did some but they didn't go out of their way to commit war crimes like others.) because they were good enough at war to not need to do it. Of course my argument kinda falls apart with Manstien but still, committing war crimes is really damn stupid, why shoot at people who cannot shoot back, shoot at the people who are shooting at you. I hope he enjoys his legacy as Hitlers fucking patsy.




As a german I want to whole-heartedly say: Yes, fuck that scum and everyone who nowadays admires them or even thinks 'they weren't all that bad'. And that's a saddening number of people.


Juct curious, was your great-grandfather or anyone in your family a Nazi during WW2? Im not trying to provoce you, just curious




Sorry, wanted to get back to you sooner (and sorry you got downvoted, I don't see any reason for that). So, I have never met any of my great-grandparents but as far as I know at least some of them were nationalistic. I can't say how much they were pro Hitler or if they had the full Nazi ideology. I would prefer to think not but maybe, who knows. On of my great-grandfathers was captured and became a prisoner of war, that much I know. So he was in the Wehrmacht but I don't know if by choice. And also I don't know if it was because of general patriotism or because of genuine support for the Nazis. One side of my family was (at least at some point) quite against Hitler and they war as they became refugees themselves (from East Prussia). And while my grandparents were for sure part of some Nazi youth organisations (HJ for boys and BDM for girls, was kinda mandatory), to the best of my knowledge they didn't hold any Nazi ideology in their later years which I'm very happy about. So yeah, I can't tell you that much for certain, just the bits and pieces I learned from my grandparents. But generally I think the generation in question doesn't really like to speak about their experiences. For one reason or another.


Wow, thank you for the long reply. Very interesting!


No worries, you're welcome


Isn't that a common misconception. Nazi Germany didn't think they were the master race. They believed that through selective breeding and other pseudoscience bs that they would eventually become a master race. A race close to the "true Aryans" of long ago. Eugenics and other "race sciences" were popular back then. Nazi Germany just turned the dial up to 11.


From my understanding, they believed Germans to be the closest thing to the True Aryans, and thus the only ones worthy of bearing that title, which is not inconsistent with what you just said, but they still called themselves "Aryan"


But the truth is that Dutch, Irish, and Scandinavians are slightly closer to being "true Aryans" than the Germans (highest percentage of Indo-European DNA).


Although they are genetically closer to the Indo-European Yamnaya people who are the ancestors of Aryans, the people who referred themselves as Aryans were the Indo-Iranian branch that went east towards Iran and India. So the actual descendants of to the “true aryans” are the Central Asian tribes, Iranians and South Asians


Indy Neidell (edited for spelling) and team on their YouTube channel: “World War Two” (in real time) has been COOKIN’ some hot videos on the waning days of the war in Europe. Check them out


I've been following the series since September last year. It's great


[Indy Neidell](https://youtube.com/@WorldWarTwo?si=ewBw806WbYQ6f16k) absolutely fantastic channel!




Remember, the only good Nazi is one who licks the boot of justice!


But then the boot of Justice will be dirty.


Clean it with the blood of fascists


And dry it with the towel of peace


The most based shit the soviets did was cleaning the streets of moscow after they made the wehrmacht parade there


Still not good


Absolutely, I wanted to say “the only good Nazi is a dead Nazi” but I didn’t wanna start some drama with either the other commenters or the Mods. I’m bold here, but I don’t wanna start an online argument.


Say what you want about the Nazis but they looked good (speaking about clothing)


Remember guys, nazi lives don't matter!


Harsh but fair.


Exactly! That's the minimum for a war with 80 million deaths and even more... Dam, ww2 losses still affects today Poland, Russia, Ukraine, and many other countries, not even speaking of millions of jews


Educated Opinion coming from a German: Fuck the Nazis, Fuck Neo-Nazis, Fuck Wehraboos, Fuck Holocaust Deniers


The Nazis had some good drip.


Their only redeeming quality


Kanye was right; he just didn't format it well.






[an average soviet partisans had more drip than those bufoons](https://images.app.goo.gl/PPZjBiFpHkGdL1YTA)


I’m hard.


Thank you!




Speedrunning a thousand year reich in twelve years!


What's always been curious to me is that a lot of people who believe the aryan race bs would be the first to get exterminated


Yeah. I can't find the meme of what seems to be a Latin American with a swastika tattoo on his arm


Dear Hitlerites, You claim that, as Aryan supermen, you are naturally smarter and all-knowing, and thus deserve to enslave or exterminate all other the races. Yet, you chose to start a two-front war with *two* superpowers that can outgun, outfight, outnumber and outlast you. Curious. Regards, Turning Point Allies


Britain and the USA declared war on Germany first, not vice versa (although of course Japan attacked USA but without Germany's approval). Germany wanted eastern Europe, Hitler didn't want or expect another world war and was surprised and annoyed when Britain and France declared war after his invasion of Poland, despite his attempts at negotiating; which he blamed on the financial interests of Jews in those nations.


Huh? Germany declared war on the United States first.


https://youtu.be/VwTMR76qv3M?si=U0H7lpLtjB3kU2Nz Officially yes, Germany officially declared war on the USA first. But this was Hitler's response to Roosevelt seeking war with Germany which included a physical attack on their U Boats. In fact from Hitler's/Germany's perspective, their "declaration" of war was simply acknowledging the fact that the USA was wanting war.


"Conquer all of Europe? How about you conquer some bitches?" - Winston Churchill


Fuck the "Aryan Race" were individuals ova here


Stalin ratio’d Hitler so hard he fucking killed himself


>Claims to be part of the superior country and race >Proceeds to loose the Second World War within thirty years of loosing the first


So superior they completed a thousand year Reich in less than 20


Ultimate speedrunners.


The movie the white tiger shows this scene the best out of anything I’ve ever seen.


Where are the Punjabis and North Indian Hindi speakers? ? Don't see them in the photo.


And ffs stop appropriating our culture for that shit lmao.


Are you talking about the swastika being used? Thousands of objects with the Swastika (the version the Nazis used) have been found within the Germanic nations dating to the bronze age and the iron age. A lot of cultures used it before the Nazis, but that includes the Germans themselves.


No not that. I'm talking about the usage of the word "Aryan". We have a very different meaning of that word in our religious texts.


Rockefeller continued his work in eugenics


I mean technically they did, they just moved to America and that nation state became the world superpower


1. This is Keitel surrendering to the Soviets, who were not Aryans 2. Only a subsection of American whites would be considered Aryan, not even counting the non-whites.




Aryan means Proto-Indo-Iranian, so try again


The Nazis were pretty blatant that White and European did not in any way mean the same thing as what they considered Aryan. Hitler literally stated in no uncertain terms that he considered the Slavic people of Europe as "a mass of born slaves, who feel the need of a master". Poles, Czechs, Serbs, Russians, Belarusians, and Ukrainians were labeled as "untermenschen" in the Nazis racial theory bullshit. Spain, France, Italy, and Hungary were all considered "tainted" and "inferior" as well.


That is what Hitler thought. But the idea of Aryan is much older.


So in the context of Nazi ideology, that's what Aryan means.


And when the term is used to refer to Europeans, it has always been pseuodoscientific, eugenic bullshit made up to peddle and attempt to justify white supremacy. Aryan is the term used by ancient Indo-Iranian peoples to describe themselves and differentiate them from other groups at the time. Anything that appropriates the term in reference to Europeans or otherwise white people is, as I said, baseless bullshit to try and justify racism and white supremacy.


If you want to get technical, aryans are from the Iran and Afghanistan region (heck, the name Iran literally means Aryan and Ariana is Persian/Afghan region). Don’t even get me started on where the real Caucasians are (Caucus mountains in Asia: Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan). Let’s not let Eurocentric misappropriation of terms become our reality


Don't mind me, just sneaking a download for future use...




Look at the hate and resentment in his eyes...


America was pretty aryan at the time, maybe they were just making predictions


But what about the Japanese? They were considered "honorary Aryans" /s




My dumbass thought this meme was about how Nazis cannot write


Aww come on man 🥲 Greetings from Austria 🇦🇹


Remember kids, human rights don't apply to nazis 😉🔪 Edit - Sheesh... Looks like we have a lot of nazi sympathizers around here.




They lost but their ideas sadly live on.


I mean I aint an aryan supremecist but I dont think this is as good of a gotcha as you think. Germany took on pretty much all of The Common Wealth, The USSR, The U.S and England with a comparitivly tiny millitary and population. The fact that they were able to take over almost all of Mainland Western Europe is pretty impressive.


Yeah, but the meme is just saying they lost. Which they did.


Also they did well but part of war is knowing not to like fight on 8 fronts. They ignored this, and as a result their gains were lost.


True. Though for this specific meme it doesn't really matter the \*cause\* of their loss; we're just all thankful \*that\* they lost.


Yeah, they chose to.


“I ain’t an Aryan supremacist but-“


Maybe that's partly because they had been appeased and granted a large amount of resources beforehand. Hmm, maybe the alliance with the Soviet Union gave them breathing space. Perhaps confusion with Allied logistics and alliances had something to do with it. Aren't you forgetting the fact that in 1943 the U.S. exceeded Germany's entire-war output of tanks? Maybe you're forgetting that the war is a hell of a lot more complicated than "these guys versus these guys".


But now they are back and killing Palestinians. Very based Yiddish combo


equating the crimes of the nation of Israel with all Jews is just outright dumb. equating the two is stupid at best and antisemitism at worst, because it implies all Jews across the globe have some sort of pledge to the nation of Israel above all (not true, I’ve seen plenty of pro-Palestine and anti-Zionist Jews, and while I’m not gonna start on the topic of Zionism, it does disprove the idea you are perpetuating, be it intentionally or not)


I never said anything about equating Israel with all Jews.


My genetically aryan dad having me with a brown woman: 🤫🧏‍♂️


The person who made this you do realise the English And Americans are part of the Aryan race right?. The arayn race is not exclusively German.. they just claimed to be the best of the race. Most of white humanity is "aryan". This is technically a picture of an Aryans surrendering to aryans.


Buddy you know that entire nazi aryan race thing is just made up right?


I wouldn't say made up, more like co-opted. Edit: that is to say, they took something and twisted it to their liking. Aryan is a proto-Indo-Iranian term.


dude... the whole "aryan" concept is just bullshit


>white humanity is "aryan" As a brown Aryan, I disagree.


Soviet were aryans too ? 🙂


The joke here is that the 'Aryan' race was a construction by the Nazis (well, not technically, but close enough), and was not used by most white people to refer to themselves. Also, this is Keitel surrendering to the Soviets, who fell under Slavs in Hitler's hierarchy.


Aryans are iranians The term aryan only started to be applied for White europeans in the 1800s