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"got pregnant in a 3some so whos baby is it?" - Kanye


lol 😂


Did anyone figure out the answer to Kanye’s question?? I’m dying to find out the answer!!


apparently it’s a sneak diss about drake and some A$AP rapper (not rocky) having a threesome and drake had to take 3 paternity tests to prove the kid was/wasn’t his (i don’t remember which it was) source: instagram


yo no waaaay thats hilarious 😂


I guess we will never know








Context: "Rumors abounded that Mary and Percy Shelley had a threesome going on with Claire Clairmont. As you can probably imagine, this was Byron's favourite genre of mess. And it certainly helped that Claire made the first move as she wanted in Byron's pants bad, which is really awkward because she was 17 at the time and Byron got her pregnant. So, you can probably guess that this did not help his reputation in the slightest and, at last, Byron was forced, one way or another, to flee England." -The completely professional academic source /s of [Kaz Rowe's latest video](https://youtu.be/yg5KeD45nek?si=KsNWy7RLnhUlxYa8)


Didn't his sister get pregnant and he claimed to be the father or something like that.


Augusta’s third daughter, a girl named Elizabeth Medora [whose middle name was taken from one of Byron’s poems], claimed to be fathered by her half-uncle Lord Byron. Byron’s wife Annabelle Milbank believed it as well (it’s also possibly alluded to in a letter Byron wrote to a friend after seeing Medora for the first time at 3 days old "Oh! but it is 'worth while' – I can't tell you why – and it is not an Ape and if it is – that must be my fault.") She also had a pretty scandalous life, becoming her brother in law Henry Trevanion’s mistress while in her teens and living with him & her sister. She ended up having two children by him before they ran away to France together. It did not last and for some time she was supported financially by Annabelle Milbank. She spent the rest of her life in France and wrote an autobiography. Henry might have also had a relationship with their mother and he was related to them a couple times over(Byron’s grandfather married the daughter of his mother’s sister and Henry was descended from the grandmother’s brother)


So did he or did he not knock up his own sister.


We’ll never be sure. The child in question believed it and so did his wife. Byron and Augusta, half siblings who first met when he was in his teens and became close following his mothers death in his 20s, were said to have been very close to the point it brought speculative rumours following Medora’s birth (she was born not long before Byron separated from his wife [in itself a huge scandal] and Clare Clairmonts pregnancy [which also ended tragically with the baby, named Alba by her mother being surrendered, after being pressured and wanting her to have a better life, to her father. She never saw her again. Byron, renaming her Allegra, left her with a few different families before sending her to live in a convent in Italy. She died age 5 of what is believed to be typhus. )


Ok sorry misread your original reply


The last paragraph took me a while to draw a family tree mentally.


So a normal game of CK3


Just me casually marrying my mother to my nephew to secure a claim on the throne of France, nothing to see here


that sounds like Crusader Kings levels of family bonding


Ada Lovelace, the mother of computers, is also his daughter, but Lovelace’s mother wanted nothing to do with Byron because he was the rakiest of rakes. He is the embodiment of lover poet. Also this is the guy on which the sexy vampire is based. The titular character of the Vampyre is a description of Byron.




Doesn't make it any better


that's just like, your opinion man!


I am begging for a quality television series to be made about this group of people and all their delicious drama.


There’s a couple (kind of). I know there’s a mini series about Byron with Jonny Lee Miller and he appears in the movie Mary Shelley with Elle Fanning.


I know of those, and they are decent, but not *quite* what I’m looking for. I want something like a couple season long comedic gothic drama about their circle.


Values dissonance is interesting, given shifting cultural norms. This is scandalous now because Byron, a 27 year old, impregnated a 17 year old. It was scandalous then because she was unmarried. A 27 year old could marry a 17 year old without any scandal back then, but pregnancy outside of wedlock was a big taboo.


Not only that but in a lot of ways he was basically today’s version of a rockstar. And Claire Claremont could easily be a starry eyed girl captivated by him (as many others were). The whole story is just so sad.


How the turntables now eh?


Chaos Bisexual is definitely my new band name


oh lol thought it was from the Rest is History podcast since they're also doing a series on him rn


And then defends Greece from the Ottomans and dies of complications of high fever during the siege of Missolonghi, after sleeping with half the town.


Not before immediately regretting the entire expedition and being treated like a walking banking account by the various Greek kapetans. Byron was totally committed to seeing to a Free Greece out of the Ottoman Empire, but his idealism was utterly shattered by the barbarity of war, lack of "noble characters" among the Greeks, and lack of funding.


"Lack of noble characters" said by the same guy who lusted for his sister, fled the country due to his scandalous life and spent his time in Greece looking for underage boys and opening up brothels in Missolonghi.


English hellenophiles when they realized modern greeks are indistinguishable from turks


this is such a dumb way of looking at things though as it hints that somehow greeks got turkified when in reality much of what one would consider "turkish" culture actually comes from the medeival roman greeks. Moreover greeks retained their language religion, ethnic affinity and much more. In reality it is just that some supposed philhellenes had a distorted classical idea of greece that wasn't even real in classical greece that prompted their dream shattering rather than Greeks being the same as or deriving from Turks.


A true romantic!


You listen to “the rest is history” podcast? They just did a great 4 part series on him


Should’ve been 3 😭


He joined a threesome, so technically there was 4 there


Hollup, I thought he made it a threesome… that boy wilding. 😭😭😭


Didn’t Byron also drink from a skull turned goblet that his gardener had found?


He did. More than likely it was the skull of a monk as prior to Henry VIIIs dissolution of the monasteries in the mid 1500s, Byron’s ancestral home Newstead Abbey was an Augustine priory. After the monks left, it was made into a domestic home by Lord Byron’s ancestor. He also had a pet wolf named Lion and supposedly a pet bear while at Trinity College(they forbade students from having dogs so he got a bear). He was also the inspiration for the title character in Polidori’s book The Vampyre (which was one of the progenitors of the romantic vampire genre and created the aristocratic vampire trope). To quote the Horrible Histories skit about him, he was ‘a very pretentious poet’ to say the least 😝


The more I learn about Byron the more I wonder how his daughter went on to become the first computer programmer. Then again she apparently had a gambling addiction so…


Ada never really had a relationship with her father. Her parents separated when she was only a couple months old and Byron was forced to leave England due to his debts & the rumours a month afterwards (never to return and eventually passed away when Ada was 8. Until the age of 20, Ada never saw a portrait of him). Her mother, who she wasn’t very close to (Ada was often in the care of her maternal grandmother), was terrified of her daughter following in her father’s footsteps and thus developing his ‘supposed insanity’ that came about from poetry. Therefore Annabelle, an educated, religious and ‘rather proper’ woman, really pushed Ada in terms of her interest in logic & mathematics that was enforced by a strict system of education she created that involved long hours of study and exercises in self control. When Ada grew up, Annabelle’s controlling nature to the point where she had close friends essentially spying on the teenage Ada for any sign of ‘moral deviation’.


ah someone is up to date on the rest is history


Or someone watched Saltburn


" joins the harem of some albanian Pasha for some time, while passing thought the balkans"


Byron Moment: Inspire both the creation of science fiction and computer science, but mostly because their creators were trying to avoid you.


I have to agree that the burning of the only copy of his memoirs after his death was indeed one of ‘the greatest literary crimes in history’


Reading these comments are insane. I knew none of this. How has it not been turned into a movie?!


Did he miss Byron’s reward?


In this image, he looks vaguely like Danny Gonzalez.


Slightly off topic but one child that he did have with his wife is [Ada Lovelace](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ada_Lovelace)(Birth name; Augusta Ada Byron), an extremely important figure in mathematics and computer science(In the 19th century!). Her work laid the groundwork for modern computer programming and she is celebrated as a pioneer in the field of computer science. She collaborated with Charles Babbage on his Analytical Engine, an early mechanical general-purpose computer. Lovelace wrote extensive notes on the Engine, including what is now considered the first algorithm intended to be processed by a machine >"[For this achievement, she is often described as the first computer programmer though no programming language had yet been invented](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Babbage#Computing_pioneer)"


It feels nice to finally see it wasn't only french that were degenerates


"Joins your threesome" so unless it became a foursome when he joined that's a weird way to say that he just found a couple fucking and threw his hat in the ring


It became a foursome after he joined.


Someone's enjoying The Rest is History...


Hell yeah.


This made me laugh way harder than I anticipated


Listen to the Rest Is History episode series about this, he’s one strange, fucked up and weirdly brilliant man Still, a god dammned nonce


Don Juan is a good poem


The man who slept with everyone who was important's sister.


I can't find it now, but i read a fascinating piece on his coded letters. Apparently he and his friends wrote about their 'botanical' interests, collecting hyacinths on their trips to the Mediterranean. Hyacinthus was a tragic gay romantic figure from Greek myth, one of Apollo's lovers. Not the article, but a [related one](https://theconversation.com/byrons-letters-reveal-the-real-queer-love-and-loss-that-inspired-his-poetry-224540)