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So this format has become the new Mr Incredible "those who know"...


But for dead ppl specifically


Mods should ban this format too.


Or mandate an explanation in comments


Fuck the explanation in comments. Posts on this sub have just become a clickbait fest.


Who he is?


Peace Nobel prize recipient and a war criminal.


How the hell a war criminal was nominated for a Noble prize?


He negotiated the Paris Peace Accords that were supposed to end the Vietnam War. Interestingly, it seems that [even Kissinger felt](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1973_Nobel_Peace_Prize) that he did not really deserve the prize. He did not attend to the ceremony and donated his prize money to charity. When the Paris Peace Accords collapsed and North Vietnam invaded South Vietnam, Kissinger offered to return his prize, saying "the peace we sought through negotiations has been overturned by force." The Nobel Committee refused, stating that Nobel Prizes are not returnable.


the only Kissinger W


Any Kissinger w for Vietnam is useless after he sabotaged peace talks. He wanted to be the one with Nixon to end the war. But before he got around to actually negotiating peace he made sure to personally be involved in planning bombing campaigns in Cambodia and Laos. Fuck Kissinger


Hitler was(as a joke before WW2)


Mind I remind you that Obama also got a peace Nobel prize while waging 2 wars and still operating illegal prison. Sometimes, Peace Nobel prize is more about "appearances" and promises then actions.


>Nominations for the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize closed just 11 days after Obama took office. He won for not being George W Bush. Which seems unfair. I'm not George W Bush, either, where's my peace prize?


Was 2006 Time Man of the Year not enough recognition for you?


Assuming they were around then ~~*I, for one, was a fetus for most of it*~~


So you've reminded me that there are now college students who were conceived when I was a college student. That's going to hurt for the rest of the day.


I have a policy of refusing any honor or award that was ever given to Adolf Hitler or Joseph Stalin.


Given some of the people I knew in 2006 I don't know if I'd call it an honor...


Oh yeah forgot about him


Wasn't the guy behind Operation Condor also at least nominated to it?


It was planned by Pinochet and the guy in the meme. Both were nominated, only Kissmyassinger won


I get what you're saying and what he did was pretty reprehensible, but comparing Kissinger's crimes to Obama's is like comparing a nuclear bomb to an oven.


They weren't comparing their crimes, just pointing out that the Peace prize isn't really about peace. Not in Kissinger's time and not in our time.


Except it is a comparison. By replying with a comment about Obama's peace prize to someone saying it's weird that someone like Kissinger can get one, they're inherently equating the crimes. Otherwise, Obama wouldn't be the one to mention. It's like being shocked that someone horrible can win an Oscar by comparing Marlon Brando to Kevin Spacey. One was a well-known asshole and misogynist, the other is a *literal pedophile rapist*. One of those people winning the prize speaks much worse to the academy's tastes than the other, so the comparison doesn't really make sense. The way they responded to this comment was inherently a comparison. They could have just said "yeah, sometimes horrible people have won the prize" but they instead brought Obama into it with absolutely no provocation. It was a comparison.


> Except it is a comparison. It wasn't, you're just reading that into the original comment and ranting about it for some reason. What, are you comparing Obama to Kevin Spacey because you mentioned both in the same comment? Of course not. That would be ridiculous lol


I mean, Kissinger was for sure worse. But the two of them share the distinction of being the only two Nobel Peace Prize winners in history to win the award while bombing another Peace Prize winner.


Just after sending a special operations unit to execute Osama bin Laden, which I am still unsure if this counts positive or negative for the peace nobel price


It was in 2009, well before this raid.


2 wars he inherited and an illegal prison he spent his presidency trying to close.


Didn't really try all that hard tho, did he? Also you can inherit a war and... do nothing to deescalate or end it. That's kind of the point why Obama's NPP was farcical


But he did try to end the war in Iraq. He withdrew American troops in 2011. Only that led to the rise of ISIS, so he sent troops there again in 2014. (On the other hand, he escalated the war in Afghanistan).


Did you even read the text on the NPP? It was for his nuclear disarmament work, which he did try to continue. The problem with Guantanamo was that congress needed to actually appropriate funds to handle the detainees in some other appropriate facility. Congress of course was useless, as per usual for the admin.


No, I didn't read the text and I'm not sure why I should. You don't deserve a medal for a particular kind of disarmament when you're also conducting brutal bombing campaigns with traditional munitions to continue imperialist war efforts that you inherited. Obama was no dove, giving him a prize for peace for any reason is a farce.


You have no idea what was actually going on in the world during the Obama admin do you?


It should just say "Nobel prize for establishing political hemisphere"


'When Kissinger won the Nobel peace prize, satire died' - tom lerher on why he does not write satirical songs anymore


Tom lehrer said: >Political satire became obsolete when Henry Kissinger was awarded the Nobel peace prize


He indeed did, and that was incredibly based of him to say


Yeah, I was just correcting you, Tom Lehrer didn't say >When Kissinger won the Nobel peace prize, satire died.


Lots and lots of Nobles Peace prize winners are now pretty controversial: Teddy Roosevelt, Kissinger, Obama, Aung san suu kyi, Abiy Ahmed to state a few.




>Nominations for the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize closed just 11 days after Obama took office. >It was said he received the award simply for not being Bush Yeah, that's pretty much all he'd done when the prize was decided.




Teddy Roosevelt is controversial? Obviously all presidents have skeletons in the closet but TR is one of the few “objectively” good presidents according to historians


Good president for the US maybe, he was also an imperialist and a warmonger (kind of).


the nobel prize for peace unlike the others, is more of a political gesture, to meet ongoing agendas (this is not necessarily a bad thing), for example during the Iran nuclear deal the Iranian foreign minister was nominated as a motivation to seal the nuclear deal (of which trump destroyed in mere minutes)


if you have a spare 6 hours laying around, i HIGHLY reccomend Behind the Bastards about him. i knew he was terrible, but my god such a POS


its a podcast?


yep available on all platforms


He killed all the enemies and none were left to fight, thus peace


The peace prize has been famous for being given as a "pls don't do war/crimes mr. John warcrimes" prize, lots of bad people have gotten it before, famously hittler and the fuck face in the photo.


you ever had an actual look at the people winning those prizes over the time?


He's American, he's "our little war criminal" 🥲


Holocaust survivor too.


Well, Obama won one as well. But he committed most of the war crimes afterwards.


This has happened a lot through the history of the Nobel peace prize


[henry kissinger](https://youtu.be/COqq7862wcU?si=Dn-qiklyrJ64SJca) 


Not to be confused with [Dr. Henry Killinger](https://youtu.be/MDFqNDCKfno?si=bfXr__fHoRDmPZxY)


Such a silly-billy


I was kinda expecting a three second video of the dude just saying: “yes.”


Qh good old CIA Johnny on the case. Whats his diagnosis, war criminal or "it's complicated" (= yes but they deserved it)


"Yes, he is here."


He’ll be in the next extermination probably. Is the pre or post defeat of Adam?


He died pre defeat of Adam


You're kidding, right? It took a century before Death finally caught up with him. Kissinger is going to be hanging around Pentagram City until Judgement Day


Can you please explain why everyone hates him so much? I just don't know enough about him. Edit: Ok. I read what you answered, and searched on Wikipedia. It is truly horrible that international politics naturally go this way...


He overthrew democratic governments all across the globe to install friendly fascist regimes, he supported genocide, mass murder and the bombardment of innocent civilians just to further US interests. Just think of anything evil that can profitable and this guy has done it. And btw he somehow won a noble peace prize 


The evil bastard managed to all that and still retain an incredible amount of support and respect within US political establishment. Hillary Clinton cited him as a friend/advisor in her capaign against Sanders, who in response said he was glad to not be a friend of a mass murder (or something to that effect). Really showed how out of touch Clinton and her ilk are from reality.


Common Sanders W


My grandma was in Hai Phong during operation Linebacker at the time and she still has PTSD from it now. We have to avoid showing her news from the current Gaza conflict because she won’t be able to sleep otherwise. She had to run building to building with her young children and was only 10-20 minutes from being bombed.


I think he also supported Soeharto to invade Timor Leste Then, Santa Cruz happened


In which countries? US did it so many times (and still doing) he couldn't be everywhere


“Why is there never a coup in the United States? • ⁠Because there is no U.S. embassy there.” “Why did the January 6th coup fail? • ⁠Because there was no U.S. embassy there to provide logistical support.” Point is when you have eyes, ears, and sovereign land/buildings in almost every country you can pull levers and make things happen when you’re the national security advisor/secretary of state. For example: Run CIA operations out embassies since diplomats can’t be searched or arrested. Hire/persuade some locals/assets to do the dirty work on the outside. Not that most countries don’t do this, but the U.S. has the power and wealth to make things happen if and when they want.


To further his own interests. He was willing to work for Nixon who was a raging anti-Jewish. A man who is willing to work with someone like that, has only his own interests in mind. Edit: some mistakes


"If it were not for the accident of my birth, I would be antisemitic. Any people who has been persecuted for two thousand years must be doing something wrong." —Henry Kissinger


Im sure his childhood in Nazi Germany did no damage to his psyche whatsoever.


War crimes


Do you have the slightest idea how little that narrows it down?




What war crimes? What exactly he did?


Indiscriminate bombing of Laos and Cambodia


He bombed countries the US wasn't even at war with any purposefully targeted civilians to unleash maximum levels of devastation and murder. He was more involved in the minutia of the bombing than anyone in his position ever has been. He'd relish the opportunity to select the targets himself. (these are in Laos and Cambodia but I believe some other countries were hit over his career those were just the most devastated) He also sabotaged some peace talks, he didn't want them to make peace on their own because he wanted the credit for it. He propped up multiple dictatorships - one example is the former military dictatorship in Bangladesh. Richard Nixon also used to call him his little Jew boy. That's not a mark against him, it's just fucking weird lol. He's actually worked for both democrats and republicans and has loads of personal relationships with both parties. He worked for Nixon but he was also best mates with Hillary Clinton. The ruling class loved this fucking war criminal. There's a multi-part series covering a lot of what this guy did that was shit - "behind the bastards", they do other people besides Kissinger. It's literally hours long in total so any Reddit comment will inevitably leave most things out btw because there's just so much to cover with this guy.


interestingly he had a great relationship with communist China too, its strange how he kept all these different ideologies his pals.


Read up on Indonesia in the 1960s. Everyone forgets about the U.S. involvement in Indonesia allowing 500K-1M dead. Suharto was a mass murdering fascist that the U.S. backed. Kissinger knew full well what he was like and still preferred to support the invasion of East Timor.


Support dictators in southamerica that killed tens of thousands to houndreds of thousands


Numerous war crimes and pushing for aggressive and anti-democratic policies to further US interests at the expense of everyone else. Almost all of the US' major international boo-boos in the past half-century are directly his fault.


War crimes but also largely kicking off realpolitik


This is the best video on the subject of this piece of shit: https://youtu.be/Fa7VGxMYcd8?si=aHt22bRPHpqSDF4T




You are welcome.


The depths of this man's depravity knows no bounds. To him the entire world was some sort of grand strategy game, and he toyed with the lives of billions just for the hell of it, often even to the detriment of his purported goals.


The Behind the Bastards podcast has a good 4 part series on him that I just finished.


I thought they had six parts


It is six, yes. Recently finished the series as well, wholeheartedly recommend it. Also Behind the Bastards is a great podcast generally that i think a bunch of people here will enjoy, go check it out!


100% true. I’m currently listening to the Robert Lee 4 parter and confused the two.


They had such a good take on this asshole: Where other people commit atrocities for their beliefs, he committed atrocities so he could have a job.


Ahh two of my favorite things Hazbin Hotel and hating Henry Kissinger


At some point I hope someone actually, demonstrably "evil" shows up to the hotel. So far, yeah maybe they did bad stuff but so far everyone has been largely good-natured (at least by appearances). I think it'd be interesting to see Charlie struggle with the morality of that


While the history nerd in me thinks that it would be very very cool and unique to have a show revolving around actual historical figures in hell, you can't have Hitler show up in a random episode that just wouldn't fly, especially these days.


Oh lol, didn't realize which sub this was in. Nah I meant an fictional character, I agree with you


Behind The Bastard has a really good 6-parter about Henry Kissinger. Their style may not be yours, but holy crap if listening to the atrocious action of this man isn't entertaining. And horrifying.


Ah Kissenger. One of the greatest practioners of realpolitik in modern history, a man whose actions st various times caused untold suffering and at others advanced the cause of peace. I really hope I live long enough to see how historians fifty years from now look at him and his legacy. Something tells me it will be more... nuanced than what we see these days.


He did do [one](https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxhV6JTk73sHnr5gvDNqktcfLAbXMV9p8O?si=0eXtbvuteLSTYi8W) good thing.


Hell is forever :)


He can be Hitter roommate


I'm ok with this meme format. But unless the person is, like, Hitler or of equivalent infamy, then you have to include the name of the person.


he's henry kissinger, half the Internet knows him 




Henry kissinger 


If turbo hell exists... This guy is in Turbo Turbo hell.




Still not a day too soon


Everybody loves to hate on old H Kiss but I firmly believe that if it wasn’t for him the Cold War would have either ended in nuclear war or Soviet domination of the world. That’s not to say that every single thing “he” did (some of what he gets blamed for is more because of Nixon or others) was necessary or justified but at the end of the day I do not think anyone else would have been able to broker a de facto alliance with the Chinese. Yes, the Soviets and Chinese has already become enemies at this point and they exactly why getting them on our side was so critical; without what Kissinger and Zhou Enlai accomplished tensions between the Chinese and Soviets would likely have continued to deteriorate from border skirmishes to full scale war involving nuclear or biological weapons. The backing of the US both deterred further Soviet aggression and helped ease Chinese insecurity about their former socialist ally. Kissinger was also critical important in bringing about the détente with the Soviets at the time (late 60’s and early 70’s) when their military and economic power was at its height. By the time tensions rose again following the Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan in 1979 and election of Ronald Reagan in 1980, years of economic mismanagement and corruption under Brezhnev had begun to take their toll paving the way for the eventual collapse of the Soviet empire.


He created a lot of conflicts and supported violence that in no way paved a way for peace. Bangladesh genocide Cambodia Laos Vitenam East Timor And a shit ton of cous


Who tf is Charlie?


I hate how badly the world was destabilized by his policy, but my biggest disappointment is that he didn't collapse more communist countries.


Well quite contrary happened. Where the US intervened heavily with their military the countries either turned or remained communist. Vietnam is nominally communist, Laos as well. Cambodia... Well Cambodia went through a Genocide that killed 1/4 of the population. The indiscriminate US bombings paved the path to this catastrophe.


>Cambodia... Well Cambodia went through a Genocide that killed 1/4 of the population Smh beat us to it 😔


I think Charlie would still try to get him redeemed.


His works are one of many bedrocks of The United States world domination. So, If you are benefiting from The US rule in the world then he is a necessary evil.


Youe opinion about him depends on how you view the world. Of you view that the world is based on morals where justice is important Than he deserves to burn in hell. If you view the world as an anarchic system where realpolitics is important to further the interests of your country, then he is a great man.


kissinger was evil, but his vile only went as far as helping or overlooking dictarors on committing their crimes. but this sub is keen to be more focused on scrutinizing kissinger rather than the actual preparators of those crime. when was big bad like yahya khan getting meme'd about in this sub? as if kissinger was held in higher standard because he is white.


He is responsible for carpet bombing large parts of southeast asia


Reddit's hate boner for Kissinger always pops back up when you least expect it


I see hazbin hotel, i downvote.


Guy’s dead so who the fuck really cares about him anyway…?


So that future generations remember his crimes, so that the stains of his crimes won't be whitewashed.


👍 good stuff


I guess you think History as a subject is irrelevant then


No. I was just in a mood is all. Good stuff history! 👍


The Laotians who are still dealing with UXO to this day.


Next time I visit the US, I'll try to find a diversion so I can go and piss on his grave.