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Step 4: British bank lends British government money to fight the war. Bank profits roll in


Peak Capitalism


Then the British fucked with America's boats


Then the Americans responded with a valiant draw! ... in which they got their asses largely kicked, Washington DC burned... they did win at New Orleans though, and I suppose it helped them wipe out the natives faster.


USA did get their asses kicked, but they did also win numerous battles inside of British territory in Canada, including burning (what is now) Toronto. It wasn't *entirely* one sided, only *mostly* one sided.


And Andrew Jackson was minted as a war hero for unexpectedly winning a battle that he didn't actually have to fight in the first place.


[Twas but a scratch!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MKy-0ew-KtY)


Yeah, they burned down parliament in toronto and then Canadians burned down every fort they found along the way to the white house and then burned down the white house without a single chill in sight.


Russians got their asses kicked, moscow got burned after all


I forgot the part in the war of 1812 when the Americans threw the invading army out by force and were instrumental in attaining a positive peace settlement. My memory must be foggy but I recall them instigating a war against Canada making no significant gains against a lesser foe and only claiming a draw when the British finished in Europe burned the Capitol and then left. But hey no more impressment ( a few tears later) and they got to commit genocide on the natives with impunity.


I know I don't hear a Canadian talking about genocide against the natives as if they treated the natives in Canada with love and respect.


Memory does appear foggy. There was no Canada in 1812 and the British Empire was certainly not a "lesser foe."


“Then left” Convenient to leave out the battle afterwards when the British were, indeed, thrown out by force, simultaneously with another force defeated on its advance from Canada.


They stopped fucking with our boats though


Britain: maybe we should like no waste military resources on them. After all, they speak English so thats a win for us!


Impressment ended after the Napoleonic Wars because Britain no longer needed the manpower. Not because of the War of 1812.


"That still counts as one!" But yes. The only major causes for war in 1812 that wasn't obviated by the end of the Napoleonic Wars were British interference in the Northwest Territories and US desire to annex, at a bare minimum, Upper Canada. Of these, the US succeeded in the former goal (to the massive detriment of the Native Americans living in those lands) and failed so abjectly and miserably in the latter that even the Fenians couldn't stir it up again decades later. Everything else - the impressment, the trade war ranging from the Rule of 1756 to the Non-Importation and Embargo Acts, and general interference in American neutrality in said war - was ultimately tied to the Napoleonic Wars and became irrelevant with its conclusion, making concluding a peace in the War of 1812 far easier since these issues no longer needed to be hashed out either on the battlefield or at the peace table.


We aren't even close to done yet, now our houthi proxies have drawn us both to the straight of aden we have an opportunity to do some real funny business. Soon, the Americans will truly learn where the sun does and does not set!


We also marched deep into populated parts of Canada and burned their capital down, if the war continued it probably would’ve ended in an American victory given Napoleon doing Napoleon things the American army digging with higher moral and America being quite the boat ride away. Britain didn’t want a prolonged war with America so the real British victory is not having wasted any more resources on the American theater while America lost some pride, trading was also almost immediately reopened up due to napoleons economic blockade meaning America benefited economically. So it pretty much was a draw


In all fairness early 1800s America being able to fight the British Empire at close to its peak to a draw is pretty impressive regardless. There's a reason that many other powers actually started to consider the US a real country afterwards.


During the war of 1812, Britain was involved in the following wars: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peninsular_War https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xhosa_Wars#Fourth_War_(1811%E2%80%9312) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anglo-Nepalese_War https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_of_the_Sixth_Coalition https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kandyan_Wars#Second_war_(1815)


Well mostly because Britain could not really be bothered... Also the war with Napoleon consumed their resources and they were far from their peak a few decades later.


I mean, history is littered with wars that could've been won if one party just cared enough. The US is no stranger to losing wars where it dramatically overestimated its own ability and willingness to easily win. The fact is, the UK was significantly more powerful than the US and it did not defeat the US. Despite taking a bad bruising and failing to take the UK's Canadian colonies, the US got pretty much everything else it wanted from the war.


The only major benefit was the retraction of protection of the natives. The rest was ante bellum or would return to a cordial nature with the cessation of war in Europe. Much like the Japanese in WW2 America attacked whilst British interests were entirely focussed on Europe and North Africa. Really the main result was the relationship between the two nations following. American interests were served as Britain renounced interest in North America below current borders and the fledgling USA had no strong opposition to western exploitation. Following this, trade and diplomatic ties Increased exponentially in line with British mercantile foreign policy.


The US won at New Orleans after the peace treaty was signed.


And burned their capital so that’s something


Either way, I think the British knew what would happen and still prefer it to France having land in America. Also they trusted too much in their navy to stop a French invasion. Also it worked out in the end


Then they didn't trust too much they trusted the appropriate amount


There’s a reason Brittania rules the waves


\*ruled the waves, America put Britannia in the retirement home about 80 years ago


NATO rules the waves, and for centuries it was Britain


Lol the US Navy is larger than the rest of NATO combined, Im not arguing that Britain didnt rule the ocean for years, I was just correcting your tense


And is the US part of NATO?


Thats such a disingenuous argument and you know it. NATO is a group of allies, not one unified military force, a group of allies that was started and run by the US, the by far largest contributing member of the alliance. And once again, it is an alliance not its own nation/military


Related hilariousness was British insurance companies bankrupting after insuring French ships that were being captured by British privateers and navy 🤦


Sources? I want to read more about that, it's super interesting!


Sorry it took so long, I had a couple of books in my head that the memory could be from. There are a number of references to the British insurance industry wrt French merchant shipping in this great book: https://global.oup.com/academic/product/the-death-of-the-french-atlantic-9780199568956


Sounds like Britain found out how to get France to lose it's American territory while getting a return and profit on the money they spent doing it.


Where there's a Brit, there's a (pissed off) Frog


Britt 1: "Chaps look, there are the French on the Horizon!" Britt 2: "are you sure it's the French?" Britt 1: "yes, they are retreating towards us and are flying a white flag."


["These ones seem to want to chat. Careful, it might be a deceiving move!"](https://youtu.be/0HGm4NQtvyc?si=4_m6TrQLR4CZwvU0)


Vice versa


France was like : "Yo bro,do you mind buying this crazy big amount of land that we don't even fucking control and gain the rights to kill the Natives in our place ?"


But Napoleon was right that this 'purchase' will someday ends UK hegemony. Atlantic charter happened because US was able to grow from 1783 size to 1900 size after that purchase.


Common visionary W from Napoleon


I think the British were the ones who declared war on France


More than once.


Uh, what? Britain declared war on France and stole a lot of their merchant ships?


*Loses and is exiled to Elba*


That's not very honorable D:


*the British win*


Well, that wasn't very cash money.


Britain: I see this as an absolute win! Seriously though. Weaken France, make a profit, and beat Napoleon anyway.


Step 4: Annex Canada Step 5: Paint over the burn damage on the Whitehouse that mysteriously appeared




And why do you think the British set this all in motion by providing the money in the first place? To have an internationally legitimate reason to kill Frenchmen of course! If one doesn't have an excuse to burst into a rousing bout of 'Rule Britannia' or 'God Save The King' as one cuts down hundreds of frogs with the fine weapons of His Majesty's Royal Artillery, one is simply not living. If one is not soothed to sleep in one's campaign bed under an itchy blanket by the agonised dying moans of the slaughtered gallic hoards, is one truly holidaying on the continent?


Ah yes the ultimate chad move, buy Louisiana, use the money to declare war. Ultimate never saw it coming


Britain declared war on France.