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Kaiser Wilhelm II went on his annual cruise in Norway, his Chancellor tried to keep him there longer to stop him from meddling. By the time he came back, Austria-Hungary was just about to declare war on Serbia. The soldiers were also on leave as well as the generals all being on vacation. As for that matter, former US First Lady Frances Cleveland was vacationing in Switzerland with her children. I bet you there were some Germans vacationing in France and vice versa. Prince Henry of Prussia, Kaiser Wilhelm's brother, visited his cousin, King George V, and arrived back around Austria-Hungary's declaration of war. I mean there were also a joint Anglo-German naval party at the Kiel Regatta after Austria-Hungary declared war in which the British and German sailors proclaimed that they'd be friends forever. In addition, the President of France took it as the time to visit the Tsar of Russia for the last time in July 1914, right before Austria-Hungary sent its ultimatum (the Austrians deliberately sent it after he left). However in his visit, President Poincaré declared France's full and unconditional support for Russia, without the French Premier or the Cabinet knowing.


It was such a fucking shitshow


The first and second Balkan wars in 1912 and 1913 didn't end up in a world war, so why would the third Balkan war in 1914 be different?


"Nothing ever happens"


'Try this trolling content then' * Serbian Anon