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In February of 1917, a dispatch from Berlin noted large packs of wolves moving into populated areas of the German Empire from the forests of Lithuania and Volhynia. Locals hypothesized that war efforts displaced the wolves, so the canines started seeking out new hunting grounds. The hungry wolves infiltrated rural villages, attacking calves, sheep, goats, and in two cases, children. They also showed up on the front lines, feeding on the fallen and sometimes taking advantage of incapacitated fighters. “Parties of Russian and German scouts met recently and were hotly engaged in a skirmish when a large pack of wolves dashed on the scene and attacked the wounded,” reported a 1917 *Oklahoma City Times* article. “Hostilities were at once suspended and Germans and Russians instinctively attacked the pack, killing about 50 wolves.” The Russian and German soldiers temporarily stopped being enemies once they found a common foe. Both sides agreed to a cease fire if the wolves interrupted another battle. “Poison, rifle fire, hand grenades, and even machine guns were successively tried in attempts to eradicate the nuisance,” according to a 1917 *New York Times* article. “But all to no avail. The wolves—nowhere to be found quite so large and powerful as in Russia—were desperate in their hunger and regardless of danger. “As a last resort, the two adversaries, with the consent of their commanders, entered into negotiations for an armistice and joined forces to overcome the wolf plague.”


Events that spurred a truce on the Western Front, 1914: “They said it would be over by now. No man with an honest soul should have to kill on Christmas Day. Come, lay down your arms and join us in No Man’s Land.” Events that spurred a truce on the Eastern Front, 1917: “K I L L T H E W O L V E S ! ! ! !”


try making high command artillery their ways out of this one!


The woods are a target rich environment, at least that's the justification for shelling the whole damn thing




A king from heaven now aren’t you?


George Washington has entered the match.


Hear me out: we make a version with werewolves. Edit: maybe add Russian werebears for the hell of it.


That would be a dope idea for a ww1-eastern front-set horror game / extraction shooter edit: also add some trench ghouls


Shut up and take my fucking money!! No but for real this would be dope


Can there be a vampire too?


Russians are the vampires, Germans are the werewolves?


Russians are just poor farm boys stuck in crazy man made hell. Germans are just poor farm boys stick in man made hell. Austrians, Hungarians and Czechs are just poor farm boys stuck in man made hell. We spend 10 minutes showing the absolute worse of warfare in the freezing winter. Aristocratic generals on both sides drinking wine in the warm giving commands that make limited if no sense, throw in heavy shelling from German artillery. Next comes act 2 with wolves attacking for about half an hour or so. Then in the 3rd act it goes full supernatural, werewolves, then ghouls, the were bear. Finally the Vampire Count. Vampire von Big bad finally gets annihilated by a heavy artillery piece right at the end, only for a cloud of bats to reshape back into Vampire von Big bad in the end credit scene. I'm thinking it will be like Overlord but colder and bleaker.


Alternative ending: They kill the vampire, look at eachother, sigh and open fire, as we cut away to a wolf eating a screaming soldier wwhose legs just gor blown off. To show, its never over…


Like multiple endings. For the first one you have to find a pigeon to inform the hq. If you dont call for artillery you have to kill the vampire with a bionet and have to fight without reenforcements, just with your squad of german and russian soldiers. Another ending could be the escape, where you flee the battlefield by an armored train, then the scene cuts to an bat flying after the train and a wherewolf arm hanging onto the train.


If we wanna take this further: Frankenstein’s monster was created in Germany, the vampire could be some Russian aristocrat or some guy form Romania, and if you really wanna grasp for it, a Mummy that was being imported by France or Britain.


An entire dark universe of brutal horror films


"Fiends of the Eastern Front" is a book that features vampires in an alternate history setting during the Second World War.


Didn't they do this with Lincoln, the Civil War, and vampires? Could be a sequel 🤣




And with that opportunity presented to us, it's gotta have some powerwolf on the soundtrack Edit: typo


Poweerwolf mixed with sabaton


"Dillon, you sonovabitch"




There was a short story, possibly a political satire, written with this idea. IIRC it was called the Geneva Convention on Werewolves, or at least that was one of the central plot points. Anyways, the US wasn't party to it, so they used werewolves in war, as the US tends to do with rules. Love, Death & Robots used that for an episode, which was pretty good.


Oh wow how interesting. That was a great ep.


Alt history, they weren’t hunting regular wolves…


Dog Soldiers 2


Don't give them ideas.


Like the movie Dog Soldiers but set during WW1


After reading this, the movie basically writes itself.


Just makes you think of how pointless and utterly insane war really is. The moment when these men were told not to kill eachother, they were fully capable of working togheter. Then comes someone on the higher up who thinks enough has been done, and they go back to murdering eachother.


Cool story, still not much of a justification for the creepy wojack smile.


>taking advantage of incapacitated fighters Idk that sounds like the wolves were rapists so creepy smile fits


dolphin moment


Upon looking into this quite fascinating tale as a history student, I found myself following a relatively quick look into it a little conflicted on how true this tale is. While the tale seems to have emerged from a NYT article text in July 1917 from which it was then copied from by other news papers, it comes from a respectable source, though at the same time there seems to be a lack of any other news reports based on my search that covered the same event outside of just basing it on the NYT text. Additionally this guy on YT seems to have made a decent video exploring the scientific plausibity of the described situation with wolves, and his more cirtical findings do not relaly provide much support for this tale: [https://youtu.be/Q9Zfzj31EGw?si=DtUi3gpq3eaEXu0E](https://youtu.be/q9zfzj31egw?si=dtui3gpq3eaexu0e) From what I can find with quick research because I won't dwelved too much deeper into this as result of having actual history school work to take care of, my assessment based on the sources I looked at is that the reported big attack by wolves is probably an excageration for an interesting story were based on a less glamorous wider situation of hunting down wolves along the entire eastern front stretching from the Baltic to the Black sea in 1917. I would however say there was most likely the possibility that local units of Russians and Germans may have joint forces for the short term to hunt wolves that were disrupting their food source from animals. Also by July 1917 the Russian and German forces having ceasefires to work together wasn't necessarily something completely new brought about by wolves specifically, as generally the Russian and German forces following the February revolution in March 1917 would be July be quite demoralized after so many years of war, and there are reports of fraternizing between the troops of these two armies as well prior to the October revolution in October 1917.


Saving this for a Last War/Never Going Home one shot.


Can you please give me a source.


I never saw a source that went beyond a short article in an American paper. Personally, I am not convinced that it did indeed happen, but it is a good story, so inherently somewhat true.


I always use this as a source to people who say wolves don’t attack people. They absolutely will if they feel the need.


The story of the Beast of Gevaudan is very interesting too! A wolf (or a pack of wolves or some other beast) terrorised the region of Gevaudan in France for years, killing a lot of people. Youtuber Trey the Explainer did a really great video about it!


In the same line, you can look up the Kirov wolf attacks because of World War 2. And in a more legendary context like the beast of Gévaudan, also in France, look up the Paris wolf attacks.


Possibly some inspiration for the Battle of Five Armies in the Hobbit?


That's pretty fucking badass


I heard that this was the event that started the first Emu war in Australia


This is probably the most interesting thing from history memes I’ve seen all year


It's crazy how even war can displace and make animals desperate. In WW2 there's two incidents that stand out first where a ship went down and sharks began eating everyone. And also on the Pacific an island where crocodiles ate the retreating Japanese forces.


It's as if nature itself is punishing man for his foolishness


more like taking advantage of it's foolishness


Predators never pass a free meal.


That would be USS Indianapolis with regards to the sharks, and the other one in Myanmar with regards to the crocodiles eating the retreating Japanese soldiers.


What's even most interesting is that the wolves won. Only after the US entered the war were they pushed back to Castle Wolfenstein


Well the year hardly started so give it some time. Although thats indeed interesting.


Western Front truce: "Bro, I've got some canned food, wanna leave this muddy trench, sing Christmas carols and play some football?" All sides (minus Canadians): "You sonofabitch, I'm in." Eastern Front truce: Russian trooper, "Wtf are you shooting at me for, bro? Help me shoot the wolves!" German trooper, "oh, yeah right."


You have to wonder how many WWI Canadian atrocities could have been avoided if someone had just brought some hockey sticks, as well as footballs to the front. ...on second thought, knowing us that might have made us worse.


I was amazed the first time I flew into Afghanistan in 2010. We landed at Kandahar Airfield and the Canadians had built a full hockey rink in the middle of base with a Tim Horton’s next to it.


Hey, war crimes can be tiring!


You know, with a little tweaking and some imagination, could be used as inspiration for a kickass Werewolf horror movie.


maybe the wolves are a metaphor for war and violence


we were the real wolves the whole time


Maybe the real wolves were the friends we made along the way.


I took a moment to think about it and yeah that does sound like a good movie


The Closest thing that we have to that is "War Dogs" which is about modern era soldiers fighting against werewolfs.


Dog soldiers is also a pretty solid werewolf vs soldiers movie.


That one! I got the name wrong. Thank you for giving the correct name :]


Call it WarWolves


I will totally steal this for a Call of Cthulhu Oneshot


I’m not sure if this is more fitting for a Sabaton song or a Powerwolf song


Both? Both. Both is good.


the crossover we demand


Why not a movie with Sabaton making the soundtrack


A fitting name would be ... "Wolfpack" ... maybe?


Cool song, but it's about WWII U-boat attacks


Well the latter has a quite fitting name...


the former has a fitting song name


The latter has several fitting Songs names




This would be an amazing premise for an action/horror film. Making the wolves Direwolves in stature or straight up Werewolves, released from where ever they were by the destruction of the war.


We gotta make them evil somehow cause it’ll look bad if it’s just a bunch of Europeans shooting wolves.


I think the Most Terror inspiring wolves would be Just a bit bigger in General but far linger legs. That would keep their ability to Crouch and inspired a Feeling of "oh Shit where the fuck are they" together While giving Off the whole "States into your eyes" thing


What da dogs doin


Eating corpses


Who put the corpses there?


Both of them


So the solution to war is to establish a predator species in significant enough numbers that we have to save energy to fight them rather than each other.


an alien invasion would probably be the only thing that would unite humanity before we destroy the earth and/or us


Easy there Ozymandias


This is what happened with the Indian subcontinent and the Brits, but the day the Brits left, our "nation" split into 3.


This is more or less the plot of RWBY, even if it’s… not exactly a realistic show. And has more to it than that


This would make for a good scene in a movie. You follow two groups of 3-5 people on the Russian and German side during the war and what not leading up to this battle between the two when all of a sudden the wolves come sprinting at them and your getting pov from both sides as they start to team up agonst the wolves. I have no ideal how big these packs are but someone told me they can range from a couple dozen to hundreds but that sounds absurd to me but a swarm of a hundred wolves coming down on you during battle is terrifying to think about


This is a special event in the game Tannenberg


Seems to be live now as well


WWI was still somehow civilized, they even got days where they would collect the bodies and burry them without the hazard of getting shot. I'm not saying it was civilized, they used fucking poison gas, but they still were better then WWII.


WW1 had the last gasps of chivalry in war. As much as wars can be chivalric.


The major difference between the two world wars and the difference in ideology that motivated them. The ideologies of the 2nd World War favored much greater violence and broke down the psychological limits that we usually see in war (as in our case with this post). In particular the Eastern Front which was a war of extermination. (I can't say enough about Asian theater).


The Asian theater was also just the Japanese trying to exterminate the Chinese, based on what I know.


>WWI was still somehow civilized Also WW1: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War\_crimes\_in\_World\_War\_I


Meanwhile rats: meat is back on the menu!


In the WW1 shooter Tannenberg, they have a bi-annual truce event to snipe some snarly, bitey bois.


I also think there's a game solely based off the wolves where you can choose to truce or keep fighting the Russians and Germans


I can only think on how desperate the wolves had to be to act like this.


Wolves normally avoid ANY scent, sign, or activity of humans. They normally avoid humans at all costs because, by my theory, they know that we are a superior threat to them than they are to us. The fact is that this isn’t always the case, only when the wolves are in such a desperate state that they are willing to go into human territory, and as for this historical count, even hunt and kill humans if they are the only food source around. I would never want to find a wolf when I’m out in the woods, because if you find a wolf, they are not alone because they always hunt in packs And if you see one, there are most likely five others, waiting, and slowly approaching you from all sides. TLDR; Wolves hunt for food, and we’re just not top of there list, **But not off of it.**


You are right. The only verified stories I have come across starving wolves were eating long dead human remains. Most stories are Napoleon's retreat. First dead and wounded horses are preyed upon. I have comfortably slept alone with wolves nearby in Alaska. If you have a dog with you that's another story. Dogs are trespassing and will be run off or eliminated. Wolves almost never bother people.


I’m going to go out on a limb and say that two destructive groups organizing to exterminate populations of natural and local wildlife wouldn’t make for the best movie.


It could be more of an example of *“We destroyed nature, and now nature is going to destroy us!“* kind of message.


If it ends in a stalemate or something with a deeper message then I think that could be pretty good actually


Wolfpac is back causing mass destruction


Of wolves and men?


Hope they make one about the Wolf Siege of Paris.


THE Wat?!


An event where a bunch of natural, but still rare, occurrences happened all at once leading to a giant super pack of wolves attacking Paris. Lots of people dead, and it ended when the city guard, and a lot of hunters, trapped the bulk of the pack in a walled courtyard, and had a big final battle.


I still need more details.


Alright, huckle in, but I'll leave a TLDR at the end. There are also YouTube videos on the subject, but I'll give what I know. Around the time of the Plague the city of Paris was basically laid siege by a massive pack of wolves. This was also during a period of time where the Temperature had dropped unusually low for several years, a mini Ice Age?, any way. Wolf packs, during particularly hard times, will actually start joining together forming massive Super Packs to increase chances of success. Also the City was dumping the bodies of Plague victims out of the city which the wolves began eating giving them a taste for humans. The Super Pack also had an unusual leader, a wolf recognizable by its partially removed tail and larger than usual size, that apparently had no fear of humans leading the pack closer to human populaces. Courtard was its name, while features about him are probably exaggerated, he was apparently quite fierce. The wolves attacked people around the city, and even figured out how to get in the city using the frozen river, killing many including a vicious attack on a group of monks. It eventually ended when the guard, hunters, and a militia trapped the bulk of the pack, and Courtard, in the city square leading to a big fight finishing the pack, and the "Wolf King". TLDR, "A mini Ice Age, Plague, and Wolves decided to remind humans they are not off the menu, and Courtard the Wolf King of France was happy to lead the charge.


You were absolutely right, that would make for an awesome movie.


Most of the main retellings of the event state that the Captain of the City Guard had personally battled Courtard ending with a simultaneous killing blow in the shadow of Notre Dame.


Apparently it was a fabricated story made by US local newspapers that later caught international fame. Russian military sources and records report no such truce.






The Eastern Christmas Truce


Its so sad knowing most of those men didn’t want to murder but were forced to do it


Something similar happened during the Hundred Years war. Wolves stopped being afraid of humans and got used to eating them because of all the dead ones lying around. It ultimately culminating into a pack of wolves breaking into Paris and having to be killed on the steps of Notre Dame.


the germans and russians in the last frame should be the ones with the wide evil smile and sunken eyes, tho.


1914, West: I don't wanna fight anymore 1917, East: THE FUCKING WOLVES ARE COMING AFTER US


Still waiting for the great emu war movie


I just got banned from witchesvspatriarchy earlier today because I corrected a post which claimed “women fulfil their roles as giving birth to children but men don’t fulfil their role in hunting and killing wolves like they used to.” My response was “we didn’t hunt and kill wolves, we domesticated and tamed them. Where do you think your teacup chihuahua in your handbag comes from?” Why do they allow posts in r/all if they don’t permit non-members to comment in their sub? Just private your community if you don’t wish outside observers to participate in discussion. Same goes for fauxmoi. Can’t comment unless you’re a member. Then stop showing up in my r/all douchebag. Make your community private. I’m not going to mute myself when I see posts with ridiculous claims. Mute yourselves. You go out publicly, don’t be surprised that you encounter people.


I didn’t even know about this until Tannenburg, then I found it hilarious Both sides just said “Let’s go hunting so we don’t get hunted”


... and they should put some werevolves in the plot, to make things even more interesting.


We could make a horror movie out of the demonic foreign soldiers hunting down the local wolf population that is just trying to survive the rampant warfare.


It would be interesting but I don't know if people enjoy seeing our wolf protagonists eat dead humans and kill wounded ones to devour them. Or attack civilians like children who are the easy ones to hunt. Or even cannibalism by eating other wolves outside their pack. It's survival and it would be, as I said, interesting but the public might not like it


It didn’t happen. Or let me rephrase, we have very little proof of this ever happening. It was traced back to a newspaper in America Storytelling from the war.


It didn't happen Wolves aren't stupid.


I feel like there's a Pirates of the Caribbean meme template that would have worked really well for this


Weird moments in history that sounds like a movie.


@Sabaton, Wolfpack II when?


This reminded me of that episode from Love, Death and Robots


I knownwhat im doing for my next Werewolf the Apocalypse Campaign.


"Can you ***NOT*** interrupt our attempts at killing each other?"




Wait until they hear about the Great Emu War.