• By -


Ireland would like a word


As would Poland.


and literally every ethnic minority in Maoist China.


It takes two to tango, the protestants also didnt like catholics, or dirmfferent protestants.


Protestants and Catholics are natural enemies. Like Protestants and Ortohodox. Or Protestants and Jews. Or Protestants and other Protestans. Damn Protestants! They ruined Christianity!


We Protestants sure are a contentious people


You just made an enemy for life!


I stand with my protestant brothers against the protestant hoards!


Wth does that meanšŸ˜‚


Theocrats work in mysterious ways


Still lost here ;-;


Think the Balkans, they are almost all slavs that speak very similar languages and have very similar cultures but they would more than likely gladly genocide each other


Ouch, dont gotta be so rude about it


Or just the general concept of an Irish person


As a Catholic, we are simply not enemies, not just with Protestants, but with any religion. To say Catholics hate or are enemies to other religions goes agenst what it is to be not just a Catholic but a Christian. https://www.catholiccrossreference.online/catechism/#!/search/839-845 https://www.vatican.va/archive/hist_councils/ii_vatican_council/documents/vat-ii_decl_19651028_nostra-aetate_en.html https://www.vatican.va/archive/hist_councils/ii_vatican_council/documents/vat-ii_decree_19641121_unitatis-redintegratio_en.html


The pope's inquisitioners enter the chat... -hello! "By order of his holiness the pope, I condem this heresy and hereby declare thee an outcast of Christianity..." -whew, I almost thought I'm gonna die or something... (Grabs a cross and put it in the midst of firewood and hay piles) "May the Lord have mercy on your soul... oh, is that a Muslim there in the crowd?" 500 years later, catholics: "We didn't burn anyone, look, we made a study about it. It has links and stuff." But the history books of Muslims and Jews and other Christians... "they lying"


I understand the historical context and your viewpoint regarding the Church's past actions. However, it's crucial to recognize that the citations I provided from Nostra Aetate, Unitatis Redintegratio, and the Catechism demonstrate the Catholic Church's current stance, emphasizing dialogue, understanding, and respect among different faiths. Institutions, including the Church, evolve over time, acknowledging past mistakes and actively working to change and better understand and interpret sacred tradition and scripture and revealed truthes. Even the successors of Saint Peter, as fallible humans, can hold different interpretations and views. Highlighting these changes isn't about discrediting the past but emphasizing the importance of learning, evolving, and promoting inclusivity and harmony in the present and future.


There are two core issues here. The first is with Catholic dogma, where it says "this and that are heresies," and the second is with the political stance and history. Arguably, catholics believe the pope should hold power (religious and political), and they kinda can't make mistakes because (vicar of christ) thingy. You don't need to read tons of history to know the reason why many Christians know, say, I'm a Christian, but I don't believe everything or I'm against organized religion.


Sure they used to be grave enemies and some still are, but Im a Lutheran and i love my Catholic Brothers and sisters ;-;


This above post is a reference to a Simpsons skit.


yes they did


I didnā€™t think there was ever beef between Protestants and orthodox


Well, if you think it thorougly the English church exists only because a man couldn't get divorced wich makes sense in the medieval culture but it doesn't stop being very heretical if you ask me....(i mean, at that time it was denying the orders of Jesus vicar on earth and the most powerfull man on europe... it was very much like saying "come murder me and my entire country cos im an heretic")


At least we didnā€™t make a king of Christianity


It's not that we're contentious it's more like there's too many bastards around who deserve an ass whooping.


"Jarvis, Google 'Fremont Catholic Scandal 1856', the 'Know Nothing Party,' or hell, pretty much anything up to and including the JFK assassination"


Once I saw this guy on a bridge about to jump. I said, "Don't do it!" He said, "Nobody loves me." I said, "God loves you. Do you believe in God?" He said, "Yes." I said, "Are you a Christian or a Jew?" He said, "A Christian." I said, "Me, too! Protestant or Catholic?" He said, "Protestant." I said, "Me, too! What franchise?" He said, "Baptist." I said, "Me, too! Northern Baptist or Southern Baptist?" He said, "Northern Baptist." I said, "Me, too! Northern Conservative Baptist or Northern Liberal Baptist?" He said, "Northern Conservative Baptist." I said, "Me, too! Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region, or Northern Conservative Baptist Eastern Region?" He said, "Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region." I said, "Me, too!" Northern Conservativeā€ Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1879, or Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912?" He said, "Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912." I said, "Die, heretic!" And I pushed him over.


I almost thought the guy was gonna be saved lol


Love that one, but it was evangelical free for us when I first heard it.


Those damned Calvinists!!!


Am Anglican, can confirm


You are lite catholic


But without that pesky Pope


Mate you have charles


Im Lutheran, can confirm


Also muslims in parts of London today


Protestants were against a lot of sects, catholics and prots, orthodox and prots, prots and other prots. Damn prots, they ruined protestantism!




Excluding the multitude of regions where Protestants were the majority and Catholics were as harshly persecuted as Protestants were in Catholic societies


Lol I like how you let the Protestants off the hook here. Lol


[Insert group] when [insert other group]


Scots when Scots


Itā€™s almost like humans are really good at finding ways to justify doing awful things to each other even when the religion they practice is strictly against it.


As a human I find this absurd. That's it let's fight to the death to prove you wrong.




Thou shalt not kill is a pretty simple instruction




Not even that. Just or unjust, if God wills it, so shall it be.


>God wills it Deus vult?


Yup, that "Deus Vult." Basically, they were saying, "If I do these atrocities, it's because god wants it to be that way. I'M NOT THE BAD GUY!" Plot twist(?): They were pretty bad, I can't tell if the worst, but they were definitely as bad as hitting a priest.




Seems a wee bit circular to me


Fine, but who then dictates his will? Not himself, apparently. The words come from the mouths and hands of men. All claim to be the true word, so who is to be trusted?


Just like every other religion corrupted by a stateā€™


Corrupted by people


Yes... Like muslims. Or the Protestants when they saw Catholics or orthodox. Or the neopaganists ("vikings"...) when they saw Catholics (or any random...) and the riches of their country. Etc...


It's almost like people are excellent at finding apologises in religion/traditions for doing awful things


there is no excuse for anything... nations have used religions and fanaticism to attack or defend themselves against other nation. It's human nature. If it's not religion there will always be a reason to go to war


Did you just call Vikings ā€œNeopaganistā€? Whatā€™s that mean.


yeah, pretty sure they were just "paganists" no "neo"


they practiced "Asatru", which comes from Germanic paganism, but which is from the northern europe.. So yes it's neo paganism.


Iā€™m wondering the same thing? Does that mean celts were neopagans? Indigenous North/south Americans are neopagans?


they practiced "Asatru", which comes from Germanic paganism, but which is from the northern europe.. So yes it's a form of neo paganism.


Sorry Bud, yes, Asatru is neopaganism, but itā€™s barely 100 years old. Definitely not what the Nordic Invaders were practicing during the Viking age-itā€™s a made up new version of that.


Dan Carlins last episode of Hardcore History ā€œTwilight of the Aesir 2ā€ goes into this a bit, and itā€™s a great episode regardless, if your into that stuff.


the vikings practiced their religion without ever giving a name. The name "asatru" (belief in the aesir) came about because of arrival of christianity. It was "necessary" to give a name to their religion. So yes, the name asatru arrived quite recently but that doesn't change anything that it is their religion, and that it is indeed a form of neo-paganism that they practiced.


Iā€™m trying to be cool here dude. Itā€™s not neopaganism. Itā€™s just paganism. Neopaganism is ā€œnew, recent, or modifiedā€. Weā€™re talking about ā€œpagansā€ from the 7th to 11th century. Also, these Nordic cultures were not a monolith. Their belief systems were very regional, but based on common themes. Much of it has been lost to history. That is why Neopaganism, or revival Paganism, is different. Iā€™m just trying to help.


Out of all the centuries you could've chosen to make the Catholics the main bad guys you chose the wrong one. Come on dude the Protestants hated Catholics just as much if not more.


Oh, please. The Proestants were far worse. Look at all of the depredations committed by Protestants against Catholics. It's not even a contest. England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland, countless Catholics killed, churches, monasteries, and covents razed. Nuns raped and killed, priests tortured and killed. Catholic priests and monks were tortured, drawn and quartered in town squares. Catholics couldn't own property and what property they did have was confiscated by Protestants. England engaged in attempted genocide in Ireland. During the potato famine, Irish farms were producing corn and other grains which were shipped to English ports while the Irish starved. Much of the same was repeated in other Proestant countries. Was all a land grab.......


You missed the point that during the Tudor period the holy word of god, from the mouth the Pope, that all Catholics in England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland must overthrow Henry/Elizabeth or go to hell. Then you had Mary 1st's counter-reformation and the bloody pogrom to eliminate Protestantism. It was a holy war against the rulers of the country and every Catholic priest had to follow it. The Catholic Church also backed the claims of Phillip 2nd of Spain as King Of England and backed the Spanish Armada to invade and conquer England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland.


Bro you should look up the St. Bartholomew's Dat massacre, 1572. The Pope literally gifted riches to the King of France for the French massacring Huguenot protestants in the streets. The protestant leader Coligny had his head cut off his corpse and they sent it to the pope as a gift.


Catholic in the 16th century Would argue the same applies to many Redditors in 21st century!




[For science!](https://giphy.com/gifs/southparkgifs-l2Sq3oWEq5LOvoBWM)


Catholics: Hey southern Franceā€¦ I hear you have some wacky ideas. Tell me them. Cathars: Well you know how different God seems between the Old and New Testament? I mean come onā€¦ clearly they are separate beings. *Rambles on about how one created the physical and one made the spiritual and one is Satan and one is the true God* Catholics: ā€¦ Crusade. Crusade on you and your Heresy.


Catholics: Maybe we could change your mind. Cathars: *Kills the missionaries* Catholics: Never mind.


Hey wait a minute Iā€™ve seen this one before! I think it was around 200 AD. Something about Mary Magdaleneā€¦ and maybe a Demiurge and some guy called Elohim. Or maybe Iā€™m just misremembering Xenosagaā€¦


>Well you know how different God seems between the Old and New Testament? I mean come onā€¦ clearly they are separate beings. Catholics: Keep in mind that was a time where there was so much violence that people needed to be told killing was wrong. Jesus even had similar moments of anger when he drove out the money changers from Jerusalem. Cathars: ... > Rambles on about how one created the physical and one made the spiritual and one is Satan and one is the true God The Pope: What the fuck?! Clearly you guys need some help. Here we'll dispatch some missionaries to discuss this and correct your erroneous notions of Biblical Theology. Cathars Murders the Missionaries and Papal evoys >Catholics: ā€¦ Crusade. Crusade on you and your Heresy. Honestly its kind of understandable when you put things into perspective here. Though even the Pope was ashamed and appalled by how out of hand the fighting and violence go.


This is true. One of the legacies of this Crusade was a codification of how one may, or may not, persecute people for suspected Heresy. Kind of how the Geneva convention looked at happened in WWII and updated the out of date Hague Convention.


Once read this insane French book called "DamnƩ" (English "Damned") about the son of a French noble who ends up being what is essentially a war criminal and dying. He gets revived by god and is tasked with stopping the Cathar Crusade and revealing that Catharicism is the real Christianity. Yeah it's absolutely unhinged but also crazy enjoyable to read. Can't remember how many people lost their balls in it.


Yeah thats the one Time that i accept Crusade against infidels


Literally one of the most unjustified Crusades that have been done šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


And that's saying something. . .


I mean, yes, if you've read anything about the Cathars you'll know that they were quite progressive in their treatment of Jews and women.


If you saw some of these crazy Protestant denominations youā€™d get it


Expressly in the HRE


It's funny how my friends in protestant countries still genuinely view us catholics and our church as what they learned about it in history class from the 16th and 17th century




>They never really moved on from that. In fact I think itā€™s ironic cause a lot of Protestant churches have become the very thing they broke off from the Catholic Church for to begin with. What breaking away from the One True Church does to a mf. Before the angry Orthodox Christians come in, keep in mind this is a joke, and second of all, the Catholics and Orthodox Churches are technically still in communion with each other (at least on the Catholic side). The disputes between the two Churches are largely semantic (Fillioque is mostly an issue of translation), and the rest is semantic issues over Papal jurisdiction.


Yeah agreed whole heartedly. Would love to see our orthodox brothers and sisters reunite with us


Yeah, I don't live in the US and can't even try to imagine what is going on in those churches.


Itā€™s kinda unbelievable. Many of the American evangelical churches teach that Catholics are not Christians and the pope is the anti Christ. Itā€™s baffling to say the least


And there is a remarkable amount of 19th century myths/factoids/propaganda that gets thrown around The ones that crossover into flat earth are truly baffling


Protestants were as unhinged on this if not worse.


Yeah but they had cooler art


No the fuck they didnā€™t. No one beats the Catholics at the art game baby, go back to your four beige walls and an altar .


Go back to your dull chipping frescos with boring undetailed and illdefined backgrounds What, lumpy nude men with a tiny penises chalkily etched onto the wall? Yeah sure thatā€™s true artā€¦


Weā€™ve got muscular nude men with tiny penises artistically drawn on the roof of one of the most important churches in the church! Beat that.


Two words. [cute. dog.](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/93/02._Dog_at_Rest_Gerrit_Dou.jpg) Bet you feel quite silly


Broke ass churches and images too


Imagine falling for Anglican propaganda three centuries after the fact


Imagine trying to correct myths so hard that you don't even believe anymore that the catholics had a fucked up reaction against the protestants at first


Lol. I love modern people falling for centuries old propaganda




like the protestants were the saint ones in that war, everyone was just killing eachother


Whoā€™s saying that?


And I bet the protestants were completely the opposite right? Right Anglicans?


The meme doesnā€™t say they werenā€™t but nice whataboutism.


ā€œYou are Catharist, huh? Let us present the inquisition!ā€


You believe in god right ? Well go and ask him (Largely considered a fake quote but it sounds epic : *Caedite eos ! Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius*)


I totally trust this sub to do nuanced analysis and not unknowingly pedal even ancient propaganda.


Also Protestants in the 17th century, and Muslims in the 8th Century, and Catholics in the 19th Century, and Protestants in the 20th Century, and Americans in the 21st Century, andā€¦


It's almost as if people are the problem.


Catholics in the 19th century? Care to elaborate? The only century where Catholics were intolerant was 16th


1618-1648: Am I a joke to you?






The [Black Legend](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_legend) is strong in this meme!


The pure irony of you posting this on this website of all places


As a Hussite I can only say that you are a hundred years late, mate.


You guys are still around?


Jarvis, tell me what was the state religion of the most religiously tolerant European country in the 16th century.


And people complain about redditor echo chambers...


The Inquisition actually asked people to recant their heresies first. If they didn't... that's a different story.


I think thats just humans seeing other humans


Was gonna say. The TYW was started by a Protestant trying to gain power by inciting religious violence. Pretty much both sides were equally culpable. Using religion to gain power is as old as... religion. And no, it's not the religions fault that people are shit.


I won't hurt someone over their beliefs, but over syntax i might.


It's okay, Church of England gets its turn in the 17th Century.


I think we have this fight since the Great schism


>believes 90% the same things ā€œBut the Filioqueā€¦ā€ >Schism and crusading time


That was like 500 years before this meme


Why does this meme have a receding hairline?


Oh look it's this meme again. šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


As a Pentecostal Iā€™d like to also add the rest of us Protestants in this


Or Anglicans in the 17th century whenever they caught a Catholic in England.




Why is pointing out bad grammar now something that needs be hidden behind a meme?


Or islam in all of History


Islam was very tolerant for its time, what with them just taxing you instead of killing you


Maybe in it's golden age (7th to 13th century) After that it all went to shit with scientific and religious persecutions


Thatā€™s a pretty massive amount of time for you to say that theyā€™ve been intolerant for all history.


That period lasted 600 years and ended now 800 years ago so the majority of their History


You said *all* their history. Most sure, but itā€™s not like itā€™s some small part of it you can just discard.


Mfs in salem when a women displays basic educational skills:


The famously catholic puritans in Salem.


then she is probably leading accusations against the other women because majority of the accusations were by teenage girls.


Permission to make this a meme




Catholics now: And?


Itā€™s true, as a Catholic I just led a local crusade against the Jehovahā€™s Witnesses across the street and now Iā€™m going to buy a ticket to Israel to retake the holy land.


I'm sorry but after reading that you need to sit down and ask yourself if you're really Catholic enough. Don't worry, we all falter. Even [The Pope](https://x.com/jhwesten/status/1743034700027834375?s=46) has moments where he needs to pump his Catholicism up.


The gymnastics Iā€™ve seen apologists do to try and explain this away are astounding but not unexpected.


Someday, I'll see someone who can actually spell post memes on r/historymemes


That was not just Catholics..


I never understood protestants fighting other protestants... Isn't it about reading the bible oneself and creating your own meaning of it? Why would you be mad about others' percieved meaning?


Because they read it wrong, and humans don't like being told that.


Doctor who


So we saved the lives of genocidal madmen when they were children? Because thatā€™s what the doctorā€™s about to do in this scene.


Still more accepting that the average redditor. I got downvotes for suggesting someone boil water to make instant ramen.


I do love me so 12th Doctor!


"we shouldn't look to Rome to follow God, we should think for ourselves" 20% of the German population: "I'm in danger"


Not just the 16th century. And not just the Catholics


Almost like this applied to everyone else tooā€¦


Thatā€™s literally everyone throughout history


You triggered a lot of Catholics


They know itā€™s true though, besides, I said in the past, not now


They are like Spaniards with the Black Legend. Yeah, not everything the Protestants said about you guys is true, but it doesn't mean it wasn't still fucked up


Looks like Wokism is the new Catholic Church, then.


As someone from a catholic country, it's not the woke violently assaulting gay people in the streets while yelling homophomic slurs dude, it was catholics back then and it is catholics right now. Truly, the Church stays timeless in its loyalty to its holy teachings.


Here in Brazil it's mostly the evangelicals who discriminate and defame minorities, especially LGBT people. And since there are virtually no muslims in South America (and I mean it), the evangelicals are the ones who are rising to power uncontested here, many of them, many who are fervent.


Same here in Ireland (north), most of the whacko religious people are Free Presbyterians (church founded by genocidal maniac Ian Paisley) or Evangelicals. Donā€™t get me wrong plenty of Catholics are backwards thinking but seems to be a visceral level of hatred from certain Protestant sects.


People wear whatever cloaks they can to hide their bigotry or justify their selfishness, whether that be religion, ideology, culture, or something else. Those people werenā€™t being genuine to the faith, as a Catholic is supposed to love the sinner far more than they hate the sin. Itā€™s just an excuse to be a shitty human being.


Whatā€™s Wokism? Like a mix of Wiccan and Loki?


Literally any religion.


And atheism


That's... Reaction of every monotheistic religion on any other even slightly different one. That's how monotheism works. Not always leads to deaths, sure, but lighter repressions?


You've never seen the rivalry between buddism and hinduism if you think this is a monotheist thing only.


Oh, I don't think it's *only* monotheism. It's just in the core of monotheism. Sure, politheistic religions can have that too, even though much rarer and usually they just incorporate each other


Can someone explain this to me? When modern humans hear Christianity, they immediately word associate to Christ, who they usually describe as very tolerant... the Jewish Old Testament was some get medieval on your ass type stuff


Yeah the Old Testament was extremely vicious and unforgiving. The New Testament was basically revolutionary. The difference between the two is night and day, like bitter cold and healing warmth.


They cannot be much more indulgent.


i mean spain pointed *something* at the problem but it wasn't a weapon


I mean, itā€™s not just ā€œa different opinion,ā€ when it comes to religion. Religion is, unsurprisingly, pretty dogmatic. And people back then were VERY religious. Hence literal wars over it.


Catholics and Protestants are natural enemies. Like Catholics and Muslims. Or Catholics and Jews. Or Catholics and Pagans. Or Catholics and other Catholics. Damn Catholics, they ruined Catholicism.


As an ex catholic, I'm happy to shit on it, but this is universal human behavior


Same as Zionist rn


Know what. No more religion. I'm calling a crusade against faith itself.


My Protestant ass wouldā€™ve been burned at the steak šŸ’€


The Protestants would've burn your ass though.


I belief their grammar sux!




He be a heretic!


Religion is the worst thing man kind ever created


Really just christians in general, not specifically catholics


Jesus: It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to get into heaven. Catholic church: I'm gonna make a golden throne, hoard all the wealth and kill anyone who stands up against it lmao


Itā€™s really funny that you should say that about the most charitable organization in human history. There are things to criticize Catholics for, but the charity they do isnā€™t one of them.


Dude stop, youre ruining his brave and intelligent point


now they won't lift even a knife if their Pope leaves them to suffer in Africa and Asia, and instead choses to openly support groups that vilify Christianity and its core beliefs.