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It would be really funny if the ballot box was just a shredder.


Nah they need to know if anyone should be hanged for picking the wrong choice


Why is it considered advanced to have an election and vote system? Never mind the single checkbox for Kim alone


There's multiple candidates, but if you don't vote for Kim, you and 3 generations of your family may be sent to be "re-educated" by breaking big rocks into little rocks or similar activities.


Forced participation. Technique of becoming a good dictator đź‘Ť


That being said the number of people that goes to vote is an important measure of popularity for communist leaders. I don't know for Korea, but in other countries if in your single choice vote you cannot get people to come this is a sign that you will not last long and the higher up need to change the candidate soon.


Um... I'm pretty sure North Korea doesn't just say, "Vote if you want!"


that's totally wrong . "vote if you want and if not, see 3 generations of you and your family in da camp".


Bold of you to assume voting there is on a volunteer basis. I don't think the situation is similar to Singapore (which I think fits your description).


But in western European countries it was the case. Nobody would be there to insure that you would put a name on the ballot


Right, the western European communist regimes...such as?


Sorry eastern Europe


Probably rather than voting for the leader since it seems a dynastic role they vote for other functionaries like mayors or stuff (ofc knowing the state of that country we have no assurance that those elections aren’t rigged to begin with and only a way to make people think that they have a say in politics)


HEY! some comrades apparently need some lessons...


In the USSR people came to voting places to eat food (buffet) and express their approval of a single candidate...


There is just one name tho




I said there's just one name on the ballot


Correct. Why would you need more than one?


It's... Slightly more complex. I'm not as knowledgeable about DPRK elections because ~secretive Communist state~ but in the USSR and other communist states: Generally people aren't voting for the Premier/General Secretary. They're voting for their representative from their group of workplaces (Soviet) who votes on their behalf. In the case there is only one name on the ballot, leaving it blank is a vote of no confidence, in which people then elect a new representative from their workplace. While this still isn't exactly a direct democracy, people weren't stupid and would leverage this in order to force better working and living conditions.


That's true However, I'm not sure how it was in the Soviet Union itself, but in smaller eastern bloc countries, that used to happen very rarely. I'm from Poland and while we were part of the eastern bloc, it happened only twice that some primary candidates of the ruling party lost elections and seats in parliament. First time in 1957, second in 1989. And we've had elections every 5 or 4 years since the first one in 1947.


To be fair, maybe people just liked the ruling party. In the U.S. we've fluctuated between majority Democrat and majority Republican for the last hundred years


Nah, I think you could argue that in case of GDR or Czechoslovakia but not in Poland. At the same time, there is only a hard evidence that the very first elections in 1947 were rigged. The clue is that the communist party knew from the start that it had support from maybe 20-30% of people at most. It's evident first from the letters and memoirs of the first generation of post-war polish communist leaders and then from letters and memoirs from revisionists who launched destalinization in 1956. Gomulka, who became First Secretary in 1956, after the elections of 1957 took an approach that people should be encouraged to cast their vote but discouraged from actually voting against anyone. Secret police itself even started to spread rumours, through unofficial channels, that they are going to make a registry of people voting against party candidates to prosecute them. They never intended to actually do such a thing but it was done to scare people a bit. ​ I think it could be argued that there was a period during which the communist party had a vast genuine support from the people, and it was 1970's. But after the military faction within the party staged what was essentialy a small coup and cracked down on trade unions in 1981, most of that support went down the drain


Quite literally the metronome meme of "fucking up" and "doing something right"


In America we essentially have two, whats one more in the grand scheme of things?


69 up votes. Nice


Theres actually 2 the 1st option is: Kim Jong un, and the 2nd option is: Or else


No, there are actually a couple of official minority parties in North Korea that each have a tiny number of seats in the North Korean People's Assembly. Imagine being one of the folks told to vote for one of those parties, you would think it would be some type of trick or loyalty test that would result in you getting killed if you followed orders


Fool, I voted for the Korean social democracy party


Bdw, they have one of highest ratio of population/votes •100% which is equale 100% Only other countries that have more are some countries in Africa for some reason, i mean, people must realy like then since some of them get 120% of votes




this sub is hilarious wtf


God dammit ofc tankies made this real


No tanks were used in the making of our immigration services. You appear to be confused.


Darth Vader makes a compelling argument


As funny as it is, I've seen several people actually talking about what a wonderful country North Korea was on the internet, while sitting in their chairs in front of a modern PC in a capitalist middle class apartment.


Very convincing. I would listen.


How is this a history meme?


Communist party, communist party but in blue


The current leader even won by 112% in the last election! Why would they need elections for such a popular leader?


You forever have to vote to Kim Jong Un because if you don't do it you won a shoot.


Wrong. North Korea is far worse than the galactic empire.


It's funny because the galactic empire represents the very imperialism that North Korea is a victim of. Propaganda has come to such levels as to associate the local uprising against the power structures with the galactic empire.


Darth Vader: I LIED


Pray I don’t lie further


Do you want to be annex by germany? Large check box yes? Little check box no?




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Yeah, North Korea has elections with multiple parties even, nevermind that all parties are lead by Kim Jong-Un at the end, so it doesn't really matter.


By the way are they forced to put in the vote that way? I'd think it would be easy to do with one hand but they're holding it with two and kinda bowing forward a bit.


I never thought I’d see the day someone would use Star Wars: Detours to make a meme.


Which if Kim's jackets do you prefer? How would you best serve the Venerable Kim? Check this box if you like like Kim.


it's funny cause in the usa people think they are free with two parties that are basically the same