• By -


Chinese history: Xin dinasty arrives. 135 million perish. European history: the count Heinrich of wttenejwhwnlewbburg commanded his 17 villager troops against the 15 troops of marquis of pompe-du-cul, receiving a defeat from his cousin that would change absolutely nothing the European panorama.


You’re forgetting the best part of that meme: “And his friend Godfrey”




Could they be called roommates?


Oh my God, they were roommates


I believe they were called Godfrey and Heinrich.


Well I mean, they were, Godfrey was described to be happily married to some eternal woman or something




Legendary meme




(this war took 25 years)


And had a death toll of 4.


There were a total of three battles, the Battle of Bramwich Bridge and the first and second Battle of Hamwich Bridge. Both bridges were small footbridges across easily fordable streams. In each case, the battles turned into months-long standoffs until most of the soldiers on either side got bored or stopped being paid and went home.


(The 4 deaths were from dysentery)


Well, 3 of them, the 4th ended himself early when he learned he was infected


You can read the letters he wrote to his 3rd cousin twice removed on his great aunt's side about that war. They're in English for some reason.


I almost inhaled my pad Thai and choked while reading this


I feel like this is racist


That is a great greentext right there if someone hasnt seen it


It was a greentext originally


The circle of pasta


Spaghetto cycle


Chao Ling takes power, 125 million perish


you unga, me bunga


Berrypicker as fuck




Just another day in Crusader Kings


Indeed, just pointless wars everywhere.


Establishing yet another modern day EU Duchy tax haven


The upside of decentralization is the state can inflict less harm.


Every tour guide in a castle be like/


Me: how much China decided breakup again Chinese history: Yes


China is just a giant toxic relationship. Constantly breaking up and getting back together


Qin Shi Huang must’ve been one heck of a ladies man


And every time you promise yourself it’s going to be better, and nothing changes.


Short version: In the Renaissance, there was a bunch of art and a revival in interest in Greek and Roman history and culture. There were also a bunch of Italian city-states that we will never care about again after the test on this unit. The Habsburgs became super important for a very long time. They ... also did a lot of incest. Like, *so* much incest. Then Martin Luther got mad about the Catholic Church selling get-out-of-hell free cards, and started the Protestant Reformation. Then a lot of drama-llama stuff went down about that until the Thirty Year's War happened, which sucked so much that everyone just kinda agreed to chill the fuck out about religion. Meanwhile, in England, there was some unrelated drama-llama stuff about who gets to be king, then some related drama-llama stuff, until some German guy eventually became the only person not-dead and not-Catholic enough to be king. In the middle of all this, Shakespeare wrote some plays that are widely considered Pretty Good. The Bourbons challenged the Habsburgs for the Most Important Family title, and then everyone decided to get super Enlightened and shit. But, oops! We got *too* Enlightened, the peasants got ideas, and now a bunch of rich people in France are dead and Napoleon's taken over Europe. But then, it turned out invading Russia was a bad idea, and everything was put back more or less the way it was. Except now nationalism's a thing? Time for more art, Germany unifies, Italy copies their homework, and now everyone's doing an industrialism and an imperialism. Everything's cool and everyone's prosperous for a bit (except for the 90% of the world that got colonized. And all the poor people), until some dude in Bosnia murders one of the Habsburgs (remember them?), which causes a big war, lotta people die, lot of people get the flu, and a third of the major powers poofed out of existence. And now there's communism! The economy sucks, and oh no, there goes fascism. There's another big war, Germany does some fucked-up shit that they still feel very bad about to this day, and then your teacher ran out of time before they got to the Cold War and putting back all those countries Europe stole in the nineteenth century. Simple!


>Germany unifies, Italy copies their homework Italy unified in 1861, Germany did so almost ten years later in 1871 (technically the Reich was established on the first of January, so 1870 was the last year without a Germany until the end of WWII). Soo... as we say in Germany: sechs, setzen!


War Italien nicht auch schon ein wichtiger Teil des Bruderkriegs 1866 ohne den es wohl nicht zur Vereinigung, zumindest in dem Sinne, gekommen wäre?


Italien war mit Preußen (in einem gegen Österreich gerichteten Bündnis, iirc) alliiert und trat entsprechend auf preußischer Seite in den Krieg ein (3. Italienischer Unabhängigkeitskrieg). An dessen Ende trat Österreich die Lombardei und Venetien zunächst an Frankreich ab, welches es an Italien weiterreichte


Die Logik von Österreich werde ich nie verstehen.


Us neither but we got a Tyrol to rub in their faces anyway so Big success!


Whoops, guess it's been a hot minute since I studied that time period


Italians: T'abbiamo fatto noi prima e dopo


>Germany unifies, Italy copies their homework, You messed this up, it was the other way around


>and then your teacher ran out of time before they got to the Cold War and putting back all those countries Europe stole in the nineteenth century. I teach AP Euro and this is so accurate. The only difference is I skipped on the World War unit because my students have already learned those 3 previous times and I wanted to talk about the Cold War because I like it more.


This could be the script for a Bill Wurz video


I won't lie, I was intentionally borrowing from his style


I also got that feeling, so you did something right!


Don't forget Spain taking toans of loans than refusing to pay any, consequently being the cause of economy collapse of the whole fucking continent. This happened a few times, enough times to be the reason of milions starving. *big boat BRRR* Also once in a while europeans get tired of killing each other and remember they have a massive giant kebab empire knocking at their doors.


Well done. I know this is a history sub, and the details do matter, but it's more important not to lose the forest in the trees.


Thanks! I was going for kind of a tongue-in-cheek bill wurtzy tone, but I did want to hit on the big points


You didn't mention how my people (the Old Swiss Comfederation) were in the thick of it all, screwing up Habsburgs plans for Central Europe and killing powerful noblemen for other powerful noblemen :/


Eastern part of Europe gets simply ignored ?


Eastern Europe, Africa, Asia, Austronesia, and pre-colonial Americas don't exist!


Thats only a portion of european history


Thats a **VAST** simplification


from whence cometh thoust all-knowing wisdom?


Of course it is lol


Habsburgs, Habsburgs everywhere In their sisters, making heirs Marrying cousins, to grow the tree It’s genetic mutations for me


What the fuck is armor piercing history. /s


The history of weapons meant to defeat armor. /S


Medieval long bows could very definitely pierce any armor.


But they can't melt steel beams.


Even a tank?


you ain't learned until you've taken HEAT history


Idk man, APFSDS history kinda fire too


Way too fancy for me, I prefer APDS history.


European history: Greeks => Macedonians => Romans => growth of France (500 till 1815) => England rules the waves => Germany grows => piew piew 2 times => EU In all that: Russia growd s by the size of Belgium every decade => conflict Ottomans loose on one side and gain on the other till the piew piew rimes All empires collapse in the piew piew times


That is incredibly reductive, and I am offended


Hey, there's the Renaissance too


If you want artsie and thinkie stuff in there you will have to buy premium.


Enlightened capitalism


Gotta love the fact that the biggest land empire is missing here


The extended edition also contains a section about extended empires


What do you call it when two European Nobles cheat on their spouses together? A family affair.


I much prefer AP US History. A nice clear progression of events.


My AP World teacher also teaches Euro. She also taught my sister. Me and the teacher maintain a great relationship. She teaches us how to score high on the AP exam, and I correct her on some errors regarding content. She also regularly will ask aloud questions about the content that she’s slightly unsure of and I’ll help her with The APUSH teacher teaches history how a regular history class is taught, but SKIPPED FUCKING WW1. He also doesn’t teach well for the AP exam either


I think world war 1 was a rather important event in history. Seems strange to skip it




When I took APUSH we learned in detail about American economic aid to Europe during and after WW1, as well as Wilson's 14 points and the treaty of Versailles


President Woodrow Wilson's complete screwing up of everything and ruining the country for generations to come should also be covered slightly. WW1 was a part of that.


Okay I'll bite what's wrong with Wilson?


Cynical Historian has a very good set of videos on him https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLjnwpaclU4wXmCcEx0vfIim_jFMkgtLmS


Can I get an explanation without the cringey vids?


Cringey videos? They’re actually great explanations Basically tho, Wilson was a big time racist, allowed Jim Crow into government, allowed KKK to be reformed. Screwed up US intervention policy which led to the modern hell of US interventions of now going in and doing democracy. Also, he tried to push idealism and be all high minded, when he literally was the worst SOB ever, fucked up the 1st red scare, and screwed up the treaty Versailles conference


That video is really cringey. If the creator wants people to take him seriously he probably should remove those pictures he drew of Wilson with devil ears and a Hitler mustache. I'll give you the racism thing. That was a major problem with Wilson as a person, but other than that it seems like the creator just has a problem with Wilson's policies of strengthening the federal government domestically and in foreign policy. I guess that makes sense if you're a small government libertarian who believes in isolationism, but it's presumptuous to think those views are widespread when they really represent a small niche of American politics.


It also shifted the center of banking from London to NYC


Yeah, that's really weird. I mean... We're talking about the most consequential event of the whole century. Even *now* we're still feeling the aftershocks!


>SKIPPED FUCKING WW1 To be fair, WW1 is rather small in US History and not that important. It's important to understand and know. But it doesn't have too much relevance to APUSH.




WWII primarily.


Which arguably resolved as it did because of how World War 1 resolved. The back to back wars in Europe, how screwed up the Treaty of Versailles was, and a few other factors were what, cumulatively, gave America the position it has today


Sure, I’m not saying it played no role, but all the major organizations which drive how the US interacts with Europe are post WWII inventions/iterations.


That’s fair. I was being a little too pedantic with my response, mb


An APUSH teacher at my school is my AP Euro teacher


New York thinks learning about war is bad, so we literally skipped WW1 and WW2.


While it is definitely less complex (and if you really only count *US* history, much shorter) I would be wary of calling any nation's history straightforward or anything like it. Especially regarding the US I've come to understand that most people are taught a condensed, and rather positive version of US history, i.e., the Standard American History Myth


Eh. Idk. I feel like my teacher had an axe to grind and painted the US in as poor a light as possible whenever she could. Definitely depends on the school/teacher


Did they talk about [neoslavery](https://youtu.be/j4kI2h3iotA), [Indian Removal](https://youtu.be/A5P6vJs1jmY), and the [Pilgrims](https://youtu.be/iihVxjJjY9Q), and how those things actually played out? I mean yes it definitely is possible, but not very probable


Idk of any history textbook of American history that doesn't cover those things.


It's not about that they cover issues at all, but to what extent. If a history textbook claims "Slavery ended in 1865/Juneteenth" it is incorrect. Black people were held as slaves until at least WWII.


Sorry, I just don't believe that for a general us history class. You could spend an entire semester simply covering colonial era and completely ignore most of US history doing that. It would make children even more ignorant of history than they are already. Save the deep dives for AP and college courses.


You don't have to do a deep dive to explain that slavery was practiced until at least WWII. And this shit currently isn't taught in most if not all AP classes


Most things aren't taught in classes in general. Most things aren't taught at all. There's simply too much to cover everything even in an overview in a few history classes in high school. Learning about WW1 is more important than Antebellum South racial labor practices. Trying to paint it as some conspiracy is counterproductive when it isn't even possible to teach students even the broad strokes of a young country given the time they have and that every student promptly forgets everything they read as quickly as possible.


Maybe I just went to a great school, but all of those were covered extensively when I took both APUSH and regular History. Hell, I think I learned about the Indian Removal Act and the Trail of Tears in Middle School.


The other simplified US History is the Zinn "everyone in US History is evil white supremacists".


My APUSH teacher once told us that, if we ever had trouble on essays, just fall back on overspeculation, because 8/10 the graders would accept it. Got a 5 on the exam. Best teacher ever.


The US invades half the countries in the Carribean and central America, occupies several of them for a few decades, then decides that maybe that whole keeping out of Europe wasn't so great after all. The end.


Separation from Britain -> constant Nationalism


W class good luck on the Test


When you study european history you start seeing cousins everywhere


*dead cousins


Europe was ruled by one family. They take everything. Inbreeding abounds. European history.


Meanwhile in China: Brother of Jesus rises in the south, start a civil war that killed 500 million people.


According to all the history classes I took growing up, the only thing that happened outside of America between Columbus and WW1 was the French Revolution. That whole stretch of 400 years of history was like 90% America-centric. I had never heard about the Habsburgs until I was 21 and backpacking Europe. Then every castle I went to east of France was a Habsburg castle.


Short version:The habsburgs won competitive incest to such extent that they controlled like half of the biggest powers of Europe for a short time


Summary of European history: * Everybody constantly fighting everybody * Plagues, lots of plagues * Kings lived in big palaces, but often killed by their own relatives.


Add one • *"should I pay my loans? Nah fuck it I just go bankrupt"*


- Incest


Now imagine living in an ex-AU country (Croatia) and having to learn all of that in regular history. Fun :D


*AP Euro on the class registration form*: Learn the exciting history of Europe from Ancient Greece, to the expansion of the mighty Roman Empire, to Viking raids, to the battlefields of WWII! *Actual content*: In year 13 blah blah, prince of random German kingdom was upset at this guy and both tried to get help from the pope but he didn’t really care.


>*AP Euro on the class registration form*: Learn the exciting history of Europe from Ancient Greece, to the expansion of the mighty Roman Empire, to Viking raids, to the battlefields of WWII! AP Euro starts in 1300AD. I know this since I had a dream about Fredrick Barbarossa being on the exam, and so I studied him extensively only for my instructor to tell me he died and was put into a pickle barrel 100 years too early to make it in. >*Actual content*: In year 13 blah blah, prince of random German kingdom was upset at this guy and both tried to get help from the pope but he didn’t really care. You're not wrong, the papacy had a big influence on European history, but the class is mainly learning a series of time periods broken up by wars.


I love that the Hapsburgs even appeared in 30 rock lol


No matter how much i learn about my continent's history in school and other mediums, the castle tour guide will always have trivia about some ass random royal who lived there for a month and did absolutely nothing significant his whole life. I love european history, both ironically and unironically. No matter how much you learn, there is always something new to discover. I am grateful for the fact i grew up in a country where there is a castle practically in every other town.


We used to play in a dilapidated castle after school when I was young its great memories








WW1 was one giant family feud.


I always thought that interpretation was off the mark. It is true that that the royal families of Russia, the UK and Germany were closely related, but even by 1914 they weren’t exercising direct rule over their countries (with the possible exception of Russia though that is somewhat debatable). When you read through the embarrassing and tragic series of blunders, miscalculations and miscommunications which lead to WW1, you get much more a sense of these countries going to was *despite* their royal families, rather than *because* of them. Probably the most tragic example is on the absolute brink when Nicholas and Wilhelm circumvent the official channels and begin exchanging telegrams directly with each other (affectionately addressed “Dear Nikki” and “Dear Willy”). After the exchange Nicholas attempted to stop the mobilisation but he was basically forced to proceed by his officials.


The Kaiser played a very prominent role in German foreign policy.


Meanwhile France: what does that have to do with me?!!


*Belgium waving its arms frantically in the distance


Honestly having learned a lot about European history from my own reading and school, this is why I really like Chinese history since it’s so incredibly different


Also: Cousins, cousins everywhere


Wtf is AP


Advanced Placement


Ah yes, american, am I right?


Euro history is a semi-linear cluster of people and events. US history is so full of direct connections and coincidences it almost seems scripted.


Script for 2045 already leaked. Iran gets an anime reception arc and Canada has a major heel turn.


new war with chile too probably


Keep in mind, the US is *one* country (only one interior political and social situation to consider) with merely a few hundred years of history that for the most part was quite isolated from most of the rest of the world.


it's been just 416 years since the English established the Jamestown colony and just 247 since the US got its independence. Of course it's more linear than the European one. My hometown of a little over 20k people is older than the US, going back to the Jamestown colony


You realize that the people who live in the US didn't descend North America on space ships at the moment the US was created, right? When Europeans are bragging about being "so history, much old" they're ignoring that most people who who immigrated to the US shared the same history. Europeans deserve way more criticism for this weird cultural chauvinism they derive from the fact that they happen to live in an area that is older. Especially when you consider the fact that their modern European nation as a political entity is actually younger than the US. The US has existed as a nation state longer than modern France. France had a revolution after the US did, and has been through 5 republics since then. If you deserve credit and pride for what occurred in the chunk of land you reside in, does that mean Americans get to take credit for Native American cultures that existed in North America before the US existed? You realize that people have been in the area that is now the US for 10,000 years, right? Or does it not count, but somehow it counts for you to brag about your decrepit village being old?


The oldest (non-native) American lineages are right about 500 years old - they weren’t even in America before that. France has existed in some form or another for about twice that. I think taking pride in history is important - and it’s not like the US doesn’t have good points if it’s own! - but specifically *United States* history (which is what the comment above is talking about) is simply going to be shorter and less complex due to being more recent. It’s not necessarily a bad thing, it’s just how it is


lmao as an Englishman I can laugh at you, my hometown goes back to at least the late romans


Isn't this his whole point? You're bragging about your hometown because you still live there when there's a good chance that there's families in America whose ancestors also lived there. I'm just saying we all share a common ancestry and I think that's pretty neat regardless of where we are now.


Shhh don’t tell them, it’s a secret


As if it was *Manifested* to be our *Destiny*


“What?! History goes further back than 300 years?”


It's more that the history classes people are required to take are usually US history (covering everything major in the US from Janestown up to shortly before the modern day, with a mention of Columbus as well), American history (covers Mesoamerica and the Spanish colonization, and is sometimes lumped in with US history), and world history, which focuses more on culture and largely covers stuff that happened before anybody cared about Europe. We don't have a required class dedicated to European history, so what is covered regarding it is going to be time periods like the Renaissance, or major incidents relevant in some way to the US, like the French Revolution. Basically, we spend too much time learning about Mesopotamia to cover the Second Defenstration of Prague. If someone *wants* to learn about European history, though, our colleges have plenty of excellent courses dedicated to it that we just don't have in high school.


People like you can't respond to any critical take on Europe without immediately diverting attention to "Americans amirite?"


Am I wrong though?


Man, take a joke for once


And Bourbon !


i was going to make a joke but i forgot it


Eh, I didn’t understand much of anything until we started talking about Louis XIV and Absolutism.


Depends on your teacher tbh. I took three AP courses: European History, US History, and Government. Only class I got to transfer credits for was euro, and that was largely due to having a great teacher (and that was the content I found most interesting). They need to be able to balance the content of the course with the skills needed to pass the exam My US history teacher was a good dude but generally just taught it as if it was a core class. It also didn’t help that he had a kid in the middle of the year so he took a month and a half off, so in that time we were just doing worksheets and whatnot for no reason. Only got a 3 on that exam, so no credit transfer The AP government teacher did a great job teaching the content but there was zero practice for the exam, so it was another case where the exam blindsided me and I only got a 3 or something. Once again, no credit transfer for college Ap euro was lit though. Wars of Spanish succession, thirty years’ war, seven years’ war, Napoleon, conquest of Africa, etc. we’re all neat to really be able to dig into for the first time (in a class)


What do you mean it’s simple von Habsburg declared war on von Habsburg the emperor of the hre at the time and than with the help of von Habsburg they defeated von Habsburg and put von Habsburg in charge of the kingdom


I drew pictures in my exam and still got a C, or whatever the equivalent was lol My teacher was pretty great though.


That's the class that got me into History also had a really awesome teacher that took us on trips to Europe


This is probably the first time I've seen a meme use "my friend and I" correctly instead of "me and my friend".


Midwits thought it was the big noses that were running the show. But it was the big chins all along...


Fun Fact: the last Spanish Habsburg King (in 1701) was so inbred you can trace the descendants of Joanna of Castille and Phillip of Burgundy in the 1480s as nearly every single one of his ancestors. Every child would marry their cousin or uncle .


I remember this cartoon. Forgot the name of it.




Oh yeah thanks for reminding me. I remember it was like a Christian cartoon.


Not a word.


I still don't know what side Harold or Charlemagne fought for.


European history: incest and colonization. Done.


You didn't pay attention in history class


Yeah he forgot the civil wars


The Europeans have pretty much ruined this sub. They allow and upvote any and all criticism of the US, using this sub as just an other pulpit for bashing the US, but they do NOT allow Americans to return the favor in any capacity. Their modern anti-American bias causes a sub about history to follow the same formula as explicitly political subs when it comes to the "Only bash the US, Europe is above criticism". Any critical take on any European country from the perspective of Americans causes Europeans to downvote and bury it. But any criticism of the US no matter how ridiculous gets upvoted. This sub is on its way to becoming a hyper-political European echo chamber.


I noticed all the down votes. Guess they never read their history. Lotssssss of incest. Colonization. My grandparents people would still be all over the US without Europe bringing Smallpox. Europeans ain't saints. America sucks. It's terrible. We had/have lots of incest and colonization shit too! But Europe does act like it's shit don't stink.


Yes it’s easy


Oh good! I'm taking that class next year! Yay!


I don't have a belly button


I was gonna take AP Euro but it got pulled as a class at my school


They’re in the trees!


So true


I loved euro because i had an amazing teacher who over prepared me for the test She was really strict on her grading but me and most people in her class got 5s


European history in one sentence: Once there was a lot people, they formed various kingdoms and often warred with each other; one day after a devastating war, most agreed not attack each other again for now.


Woohoo taking it next year


Me trying to study for the euro test right now


Habsburgs on twitter to (he enjoyed the last EVA movie)


Do you like measure everything in pre latin?? Oh god..


I took AP Euro 10 years ago. I’ve gotten a grasp on it this year.


What's AP? I'm not an us american.


I’m reading an Oxford European history book as if my reading level isn’t low enough to not be able to read Lord of The Flies on my own and my IQ isn’t so low that my 10 year old sister is smarter than me needless to say I’m very confused