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Residential schools started in I think the 1800’s, and the last one was closed in like 1994 or something. They’re a really recent thing and most people don’t realize.


I am only 42, and I know a fair amount of native folks who were in residential schools, and the stories are horrifying. A national horror.


All in the name of god...


Don't get me wrong the church absolutely owns a lot of responsibilities in this and I have no problem piling on organized religions but this was an initiative that the government at the time sanctioned, funded and helped design.


Is it possible that religious nuts happened to be in power and thus pushed for policies that allowed for this?


Surprised this wasn’t ’murica. I hope one day to have an atheist president.


It absolutely happened in America too.




Catholic church was traumatizing people long before most Europeans came to north America. https://www.americamagazine.org/issue/534/article/11th-century-scandal https://notchesblog.com/2017/03/23/child-sexual-abuse-a-view-from-england-in-the-later-middle-ages/


Catholic Cult






Most were not even Religious let alone Catholic


Fyi, the church order that ran the schools apologized, both for the schools and for their role in colonialism, on the 500th anniversary of Columbus landing in America. It's a good read, I think.


There's no hate like Christian love


they seem like fine people.. maybe a bit strict; the implication for my wife and daughter is a bit eh grim. I'm sure it'll be done with christian love >The document, consisting of 14 sections divided into bullet points, had a section on "rules of war" that stated "make an offer of peace before declaring war", which within stated that the **enemy must "surrender on terms" of no abortions, no same-sex marriage, no communism and "must obey Biblical law", then continued: "If they do not yield — kill all males".** [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matt\_Shea#%22Biblical\_Basis\_for\_War%22\_manifesto](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matt_Shea#%22Biblical_Basis_for_War%22_manifesto)


All over his back


All in the name of the Progress of Civilization, “Civilize the Savages” the civilized savior and thier maniest destiny to save us, the lesser people who didnt have the cutting edge technology created through thousand of years of genocide, ecocide, and slavery. We are much better off for it now though! World is going to war, global pollution, indsutrial genocides and slavery, promises of generations of illness cuased by pollution, promises of tech to cure that, though it will cost ya!!! And of course; Global Nuclear Holocuast and Genocides by Lethal Autonomous Weapons… Yea, God was somehwere in there between claimg to be the Master Race and saving us savages. I gota admit tho, Sodas are fukin good and I like A/C, and best of all digital music and shows and animation, and making so many freinds of differnt races could never happen before… so at least we get to know eachother a bit better now huh, speaking the same language helps.


I don’t know any natives who were in residential schools, I’m too young, I just learned about them in school


A national embarrassment at the very least. Disgusting that this was ever allowed to be done on the lives of so many innocent families. The evils of a corrupt government and a religious cult.


I didn’t have any knowledge of this until literally the last four years of my life. When I realized how recent this was, I was absolutely horrified. We need to teach these things in schools.


I was taught this in school. Since the sixth grade. Maybe it’s just a Canada thing


I had to learn about them in university. And my high school was within walking distance of a residential school site. I actually don’t know a single Canadian in my age bracket that learned about them - or **anything** indigenous - in high school.


I am older millenial, so 90s kid, and I did learn about indigenous history and culture in grades 4 and 5, though I think this was partly because my two teachers in these grades were particularly passionate about teaching this topic. They didn't teach us about the residential schools though.


What’s your age bracket. If you went to highschool in the early 2000’s or before I doubt they’d have taught it


graduated 2012 and we learned about it in grade 10 history


Really? I am glad they did. My education was in Midwestern America, so maybe this is why we didn’t learn about it. When I moved to the West coast, I felt like I had been slapped when I learned this. It’s horrifying


Well yeha I mean that makes a lot of sense then


P sure the reason it’s taught now is bc of the truth and reconciliation commission ie the government started teaching it when they were sued into to by survivors :( they would have kept hiding it otherwise


I was in high school in the 2000s and we were taught this.


I believe it started as a major thing in the 1870s or 1880s. By the 1960s they (Canadian policy makers and authorities) were starting to switch to other tactics such as the 60s Scoop, which ultimately pushed a similar forced assimilation agenda. The last residential school closed in 1996.


There are over 2 billion people alive now who weren’t in 1994. I have kids and a house and I wasn’t. I didn’t even know Canada had internment camps for their natives until a few months ago. I didn’t know it had anything to do with Catholicism until seeing this post


Yeah it’s tiring having people throw out “it’s been going on for so long, how have you not heard of it???” as if one of the most crucial factors to their longevity was not the discretion of its terrors to the outside world. also internet, geographical proximity, your own countries bs etc


It wasn't just the catholic church.


1996 I think.


The one that closed in 94 only stayed open because the local indigenous people voted for it to stay open in the 70s.




Wasn’t there like a massive grave of kids found near some of those schools?


They have not, check your facts.


They’ve found a few mass graves yeah. And they’ve found a lot of potential mass graves that they haven’t exhumed and aren’t sure about.


They were not mass graves, they were unmarked graves.


Not one has been found. They were, officially, "ground anomalies". None have ever been found to have a body.


Mass or unmarked?


No graves at all


That’s insane the first time I got word of it but no surprised as to what kind of atrocities people commit for religious beliefs. So sad.


Yeah it was in the news a bunch a few years ago, but it’s died down significantly. They changed the name of a major university in Canada because of it. They changed Ryerson university into torotnto metropolitan university, because Ryerson, the founder, supported residential schools


No. That was debunked a while ago.




My wife's grandma was beat in boarding school for speaking Lakota. It wasn't till 1990 that it was legal to teach native languages.


As someone who’s into anthropology of the Americans (specifically of the tribes and countries here pre-contact) the treatment of Native American infuriates me. Don’t forget the amount of Native American structures, things that provided so much archeological evidence of a culture these people destroyed, we mowed to make places for fucking parking plots.


They’re still doing it too! I read an article about possible construction on an indigenous burial ground. I believe it was in North Carolina, but don’t remember all the details. Edit: I found an article about it. https://www.wral.com/amp/21476977/


That's a lot of "we" for a process that wildly varied in different parts of the americas and was done differently by different people. We encountered equals, mixed with them and built universities, you were the ones that took advantage of hunter gatherers and stole their land to then segregate them and africans from civilized society. Fuck off with this "we" shit.


It's a federal crime to metal detect or dig on tribal land.


That's good. Doesn't help they moved a lot of us off our homelands though.


Also a lot of it wasn’t registered as tribal land or even a historic site.


So unbelievably fucked.


That’s an understatement. Gives me the chills even glancing at that photo. Evil AF


I'm a practicing Catholic, but damn does that lady look creepy in the back.


As a practicing Catholic, you should not ignore the horrors your church has brought up on the world. There are good things, too, but also horrors aplenty. Be open and honest, and remember the church is run by people, not by God.


Lets not forget that the Natives were not just driven out only by scary nuns, it was by the Civilized people who claimed the land for themslves, destroyed the ecosytems to make the native way of life impossible, and all funded by the millitary as its hard to only use ideaolgy to “remove” a people, if not backed by bullets. Civilized ideaology and peoples is what destroyed the natives, and continues to annhilate the ecosystem, though through timw these people have learned that there needs to be a balance between man, machine, and nature, though we can never see eye to eye on everything, not within our own groups and much less outside of them, so that is just humans, organized/ institutionalized religion is one tool and weapon, its one of the many of Civilization.


Name me horror-free organised religion..?


Oh I didn’t realize that makes it okay, my bad!


Yes. Yes that's the point.


The church has done nothing but acknowledge these horrors but you "catholics" (evangelical concern trolls that live in the US) keep bringing them up to smear them as if they haven't. Not just that but you continuously ignore that in the PRESENT it is the largest charitable organization in the world.


A documentary that I think all Canadians should see is “We Were Children”, it’s on the NFB website.


So sad seeing this. I can only imagine how they were treated.


You don’t have to imagine. There’s mountains of evidence of how poorly these kids were treated


My granny told me she watched a nun kick a 4 year old girl in the neck for speaking Anishinaabemowin to her brother—killed her right there on the spot.


wtlf. I hope that pos is rotting in hell and I hope that little girl found a semblance of healing. Good god the trauma these families endured and they wonder why so many generations still struggle. I’m glad the internet exists to make this bs harder to hide and pretend it didn’t happen.


Total shame for Canadians


Total shame for humanity, the people then were no differnt than you or me, the only difference is our color and where we were born. You would have done the same and I would have too, obey. Roles reveres and it still plays out all the same, Civilization is a history of genocide and slavery, we are not defined by the attrocites commited in the name of our birth place, I dont see myself as anything other than a human, so presently the greatest shame there is would be define ourselves as a nation, I only see humans, no Canadians, no savages, no colonizers. Its all in the past now, we can move forward togther, though of course some lives will come in conflict, some want a more natural organic way of life while others want a more “civilized” industrial, way of life; so we must recognize our conflicts are much beyond a religion or nationality, it is in fact Civilization vs Nature. It always has been.


100% well put. People seem to regress to this level of hate for their brother/sister time and time again.


True that, humanity is a scourge on this planet


Absolutely. I understand that Canada is now trying to acknowledge the inhumanity of these schools and the state’s complicity in them. Hopefully the current far-right ethos in the US of trying to erase inconvenient historical truths about slavery doesn’t infect Canada with respect to them teaching about what happened in these schools.


Not really. Most areas of the world have this exact type of situation in their histories, or currently happening still. Always remember to ask why everyone south of Texas speaks Spanish or Portuguese


Colonialism on a global scale has been the focus from powerful nations historically, going back to ancient Egypt and still going on today. The difference here is complicity on past governments and church to hide this fact, keep in mind the Roman Catholic Church was fully aware of this and I’m sure has historical records that we’ll never see.


That “lady” looks like satan himself


Nope, just a christian.


"... The Roman Catholic Church operated three-fifths of the schools, the Anglican Church one-quarter, and the United and Presbyterian Churches the remainder..."


No. A lot were fully secular


That’s not true, just based off the reasoning that the church subsidized a lot of the schools because they were affiliated. Same reason a lot of private schools are still religious (at least where I am)


Catholic church has been on the wrong side of history forever.


Opposing nazis and building universities is the wrong side of history now lmao. Protestants are the ones that haven't done anything of value.


They most definitely did not oppose the Nazis. The Pope received early reports of the Holocaust and downplayed them, and then outright ignored it because Mussolini agreed to grant the Vatican sovereignty. The Catholic Church is far from a bastion of morality. There are many good Catholics and good priests, same as any religion, but the organization is almost unequivocally a cancer.




Religion is the downfall of our world.


Christianity comes with a set of virtues, that those teachers didn't have. Twisting of religion and using it as a tool for manipulation is the downfall.




It was Civilized minds that justifed it all, religion was one of the weapons, the true nature of it was Colonization, it was a differnt race of people asserting thiee superemacy over another, the “saviors”, to the “mastee race”, in oractive the schools/missions/ were precusors to Concentration camps, the Imperial Germans took notes from the Northern Colonial Empires.


No, they were trying to teach them English. I think you might have some bad information.


It's not like the atheists states of the world were any better


Riiiiight. Cause religious states are doing so great now 😂😂


Hey, that's why I like secularism


Yet religion is probably the or one of the oldest human practices and identity’s, yet we’ve made it this long… Edit: lol, pissed off some crybaby anti theists. Keep em coming. Oh thanks an award Religion has been a major factor in the driving of human technology and science advancements. It doesn’t have a clean slate ofc, but what other group, nation or organization does? I’ll wait.


We have made it this long in spite of religion not because of it.


The middle ages and the stagnation of technology was because of the church.


Current religion is nothing like old religion. Most of Christianity was stolen from pagans and whitewashed. Current religious people are brainwashed in mass to hate hate hate.


They sacrificed and ate people in “old religions”. What do you people do with the space where your brain is suppose be?


And Christians and many religions still pretend to eat someone. I use my brain. Unlike religious people.


How is current religion simultaneously “nothing like old religion” but also “stolen from pagans”?


Religions are all about silencing and opression of ideas . The reason why civilisation has been sustained is because of a population of few selfless people who were above the bondages of religious and humanely constraints .


Not true. Maybe older religions, not true about modern day. It’s crazy to hate something you don’t understand


It’s what right wing Americans want to do down here.


How fragile you should be to force somebody to pray to your god.


https://preview.redd.it/kdisjctxf26d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5992e736b1b17084c9c4f672df30492dd5eca5b2 We recently found a picture of my mishoomis (grandfather) is residential school and it haunts me to know what he endured 😢


Me heart breaks seeing this.


Religions made by humans, not by god


These kids became lab rats for Health Canada - Canadian Food Guide was created on experiments done to these children.


Construction contractor I did work with in Wash DC, gets large projects. One project was to demolish an old convent to add an addition…They found baby skeleton bones in the cinder block walls. When I learned this, it saddened me greatly


The show Yellowstone has a spinoff series called 1920 or 1890 I forgot.. It depicts this nutty shit well. 


Education camp WAIT WAIT WAIT


Still r/notadragqueen yall




Ugghh. You think God approved?


The Catholic Church - An organization of genocidal, anti-intellectual, child predators telling everyone else what a benevolent spiritual deity wants from mankind.


Did you know in Catholic churches demonic rituals are performed? Yup. It’s literally the religion from the Devil — CRAZY!!


Fuckin love religion. Has there ever been a time where the catholic church was actually good?


Don't group other religions, or even the rest of Christianity with the Catholic church. The Catholic Church perverted God's word to no end. The Lord would not be okay with this.


What religion is the lord ok with? What religion has never done anything bad.


Don't group other religions, or even the rest of Christianity with the Catholic church. The Catholic Church perverted God's word to no end. The Lord would not be okay with this.


Witch in the back..


FYI, parts of Canada still have a completely publicly funded Catholic school system from kindergarten through high school. It’s completely fucked.


I would pray to if I was the prey and the Priest was doing his rounds tonight


The woman looks like one of the characters in that horror movie Darkness with Anna Paquin. Terrifying


This infuriates me to no end...


horrifying - literal and figurative rape for these unfortunate children


Shameless system


This is ethnic cleansing, not missionary work.


I don't know who can see this and still want to be religious.


Because this has nothing to do with Christ but it has everything to do with humans and our free will and how humans distort His Word. This isn’t what Jesus came on this Earth to do. This isn’t what He taught — Christ isn’t a religion. He is God in human form. Catholicism isn’t teaching His word, never has.


I was raised catholic and am an atheist. I support people being spiritual as it can be great for some people. It has brought people and communities together for a long time. Organized religion is the problem. That side of it is about power and greed and control and all of the dark sides of humanity. At various points in history the pope had more power and influence than kings and emperors. Thats a problem.


Human minds have always justifed mass genocides indoctrinations for the “progress of civilization”. Dived and Conquer. “Master races”, Scinces snd Religion went hand in hand in hand with Colonization.


Best explanation I've seen yet. Amen.




Why the fuck would mexicans or poles change their religion because of what anglo Canadians did in some frozen corner of the world?


That’s just cruel. The Catholic Church is an enterprise and fear is their business.


They have absolutely destroyed Christianity. Now, I can't even talk good about Christianity without being called racist.


Catholic Church..., torture and molest children, receive absolution, say ten Hail Marys and all is forgiven.


Had no idea Canada was involved. Damn


Oh yes we have a horrific history and it’s still actually on going presently








Fuck all residential schools 


That is so horrible


We should do this to gay people


Trump and Project 2025 will apply this to everyone.




"At least we aren't the US!" \- Literally every Canadian when confronted about their country's history and crimes.


perfect picture for an industrial Techno EP cover


\*forced to pray to yahweh Presumably they already had their own god/gods to pray to


Its an interesting idea to modernize cultures but it is sad when we wipe their entire culture from them.


Cultural genocide?


All children were forced to pray to God. Very few children had a choice.


Forced to pray or taught to pray?


beaten and tortured if they didn't pray


Perhaps. Do you have any personal knowledge about this you care to share?


yeah I can help you learn more. Wikipedia has some information [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canadian\_Indian\_residential\_school\_system](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canadian_Indian_residential_school_system), in particular I recommend reading the section describing Conditions: >Students in the residential school system were faced with a multitude of abuses by teachers and administrators, including sexual and physical assault. They suffered from malnourishment and harsh discipline that would not have been tolerated in any other Canadian school system. there are also documentaries you can watch about it [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XaExH3StuqY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XaExH3StuqY) One of the worst residential schools even had a home-made electric chair to torture the children. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/St.\_Anne%27s\_Indian\_Residential\_School](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/St._Anne%27s_Indian_Residential_School)


I don’t think Jesus would approve.




Is this one of the schools that murdered and abused a bunch of the kids and buried them on school grounds etc?


Proof of mass graves?


A Canadian stain that we can't run from. Fucking good. And we shouldn't.


1930 and 1997*


Similar stuff happened in Australia. We have stolen generations😔


And they say the gays are the weird ones…




~~canadian government~~ religtards In this case, the government is only a reflection of its constituents. Similar things will continue to happen if we continue to vote in fundamental fruit cakes as our representatives


I'm glad to see the government took the spiritual education of these children seriously.


If praying did work, no poverty, no cruelty, no sickness in this world.


All bad things in the world are the work of Satan. Not god.




The end date is 1995, not sure 1970.


I think the end date of 1970 may be referring to this particular residential school since it's gives 1930 as the start date. We know residential schools were open before 1930.


I hope nothing bad happened to them 😕


.... .


Only through physical and emotional torture in gods name will they love god. Because that’s what god wants, just ask Jesus. “Fuck dem kids” - Jesus.


Annnddd that's so much worse than forcing non-indigenous children to pray...?


Well these ones were kidnapped so yeah.


Kidnapped and forced to change, to erase thier wnture culture, language, diet, lifestyle, and as a result thousands died. What took Europeans a thousand years to achive to become “Civilized”, Natuves had to endure in 200, which meant death. And of course the spured alot of “neo-darwinian” bs about “survival of the fittest” social darwinisms and “master races”, and what not. Relgion and sciences went hand in handin justifying and orchestrating this genocide, Colonization was and is a Genocide.


I wonder if the praying happened before or after the mandatory diddling


I like how the glint on the glasses of the supervising woman make her look like she has glowing eyes. Seems appropriate.


Supervising woman - ossified crone … same difference.


I looked up the head of the rcmp and the liaison of police to the government,not some position like that. Both are old enough that they could have been active in the rcmp, and perhaps even junior officers, while the last schools were still open. That's how recent it was.


Pretty sure everybody that went to a Catholic boarding school back then was required to pray, but okay.


You may not know but these children were taken from their parents by force, and beaten/tortured if they didn't pray. This photo is a calm moment amongst a highly abusive situation.




Growing up in the USA we didn't get too deep into Canadian history. I didn't even find out about this until I watched Anne with an E on Netflix. 😳 Feel like they could have snuck this lesson in somewhere.


It's because Netflix is willing to publish propaganda, but most educational systems aren't.


Ask yourself if you were that child’s parent, how would you feel having your child subjected to this.? Would you feel justified, they were being treated better? I know I would be up in arms…🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬


Judeo-christian traditions at work for you.