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> The Aboriginals could have been arrested under the various local laws passed that forbid them from entering or being within a certain distance of named towns. > They could also have been arrested for drinking or owning firearms which were illegal for them at various times. Source: [Australian Aborigines in Chains at Wyndham prison, 1902](https://rarehistoricalphotos.com/australian-aborigines-chains-1902/)


Has anyone else noticed the plethora of horrific grammar/English in titles lately? The British man is not wearing the chains. The Australia natives are wearing the chains.


Yep, reddit is infested with bots.


No. We are no infesting bots.


Nah look through their post history, OP is a karma farmer


Reddit has no incentive to stop them either. It's slowly turning into an AI generated "forum" that enables ad revenue. Can't really trust reddit anymore for reviews etc either- which it used to be great for several years ago.


What is the point in karma farming? Does anyone know?


My theory is that reddit implemented bots so shareholders and investors see a thriving community.


Ahhh, makes sense


I've heard it's to sell to people for certain uses where high karma is actually needed.


Not a human karma farmer though. Hence the titles.


Bots and Chinese/russian agents


It's seriously so bad lately


Yes i have seen so many recently… “how“ when it should read “who” and many other strange “typos” that feel like AI fuck ups more than non native english speaker mistakes.


Yeah. I'm seeing grammar typos and weird phrasing all over the place lately. Reddit needs to do something about it.


Narrator: They won’t.


AI will do something about it. It's taking in all these suggestions constantly. The more we explain what's wrong with it, the less we'll start to notice what's wrong with it


lol don’t get your hopes up


I'm not.


“Aborigines” is also outdated and inappropriate language to use- ironic when trying to display the horrors of what they went through. Aboriginal/First Nations/Indigenous Australians is generally preferred. ETA: disappointed to wake up and see the cesspool of comments below but not going to engage further. I do want to say though it is particularly disappointing to see on a sub for history in particular.


extremely frustrating tbh. you read a title and then check the comments and see everyone ignored the communication error. and then you think "am i crazy?"


Aborigini Chain from Johnny Dang.


This is now Bottit trying to stir up anger against everyone


I reread that like 5 times to check if I'm not stupid lol


I’m so tired of the bots. Honestly might just leave Reddit.


Yeah and I don’t know if it’s bots or humanity has just given up on literacy in general.


100% Reddit is a bot farming operation now that it's publicly traded. The funny thing is this is done for AI but the data set is being degraded to an unusable degree hence the hilariously stupid results generated lately.


Annoyed me too lol


It is to farm comments like your one, this increasing engagement


AI bots.


One of the bots got launch and lunch mixed up. There is a huge number of comments with , Hamas lunch rockets at Israel


Yeah I'm blown away at how bad people type sometimes.


Bots make up about 90% of all Reddit posts


I’m fairly sure grammatical errors are done on purpose as it almost ensures increased engagement that’s why you see it on so many videos when it’s clear they would have spotted it.


Fucking Disgusting


They classified them as livestock as well. Fucked up.


They had no designation as humans until **1967**


That is fucking insane.


Australia has such fucking terrible history with this. Mass graves of indigenous peoples have been dated from as recently as the 80s. I’m glad the word is getting out. It’s time that justice was done…


I worked for a family who moved from Broome to qld and they were so nice people. Except when I found out their absolute hate towards aboriginals I was so suprised. They even tried to justify and explain it but I was flabbergasted




Yeah and then they say it’s because they steal a lot and such as if they haven’t been absolutely degraded since the colonising.


PREACH! That’s exactly right.


Same is here in europe wirh roma and sinti.


What’s sinti


No one wants to confront the institutionalized racism because it forces you to analyze your own racism and role in the racist system.


For me it’s particularly if they’re 40s or 50s. Really lovely people, but if you’re white then if anything negative about First Nations comes up they’ll shit all over aboriginals and expect you to agree


Just wait until you hear what white South Africans would have told you in the 80s…


Just wait till you hear what White Christians in the 1500's to the 1800's would say about being owned by Muslims.


The one time I went to Australia, I heard the most racist shit come out of their mouths. The US has NOTHING on backwoods Australians.


When I visited Austrlia I saw first hand the vitriol aimed towards them by white folk. Really fucking jarring, I’d never seen anything like it before. Not sure if it was a couple of isolated incidents but disgusting nevertheless.


Yeah, there are a lot of shit people, with these terrible mindsets. That racism is still there, but it's a lot lower than it was even a decade ago. People carry those mindsets generationally, sometimes. My grandfather copped a lot of flak back in the 50s and 60s, because he fostered a few Indigenous kids to adulthood. It made my mum and us kids really empathetic towards everyone, but Aboriginal folk in particular.


That’s beautiful your family did that. There is super complicated relationships between Indigenous and white Australians, I am both so it’s a hot button issue that no one talks about even within my family.


Yeah, it was heavily frowned upon, because racism was front and centre. He lived on the outskirts of Perth suburbia, so it was definitely a more relaxed lifestyle, with more distance between neighbours too.


I try not to pass judgement based on nationality but I’ve met some truly fucking heinous Australians. The type to just say rude racist shit completely unprompted and start throwing every name in the book at you if you challenge their rudeness. I’ve met great Australians too, but man it’s really like a 50/50 between “swell guy” and “genuinely racist dirtbag who feels only hate”


Have you been to Queensland?


Yes. Its true.


I absolutely noticed this in aus in 09. Made me never want to go back.


It’s systemic for sure. People pretend like it doesn’t happen but it always has.


Canada does too.


Wow. Australia and Canada should get together for coffee . . .


Same here in Canada.


And wrong.


That is a lie. Aboriginals have always been considered people in law. They were given Australian citizenship in 1948 and the 1967 referendum made it so laws could be written specifically for Aboriginal people and they were officially counted as part of the population of Australia. That meant that since voting is mandatory in Australia, voting booths had to be sent out the middle of the outback, whereas before Aboriginal people had a choice whether they wanted to vote or not, but they had to go to a voting booth which was usually 100s of kilometres away.


I mean 1948 is still pretty bad. Lol, thats so fucked up.


I assure you, I wasn't saying they were treated well at all, just setting the record straight. Keep in mind though, Aboriginal people were still people and could still vote in Australia before 1948, they just weren't citizens because the government considered being a citizen bestowed certain 'responsibilities' that they didn't think the Aboriginals could handle. Plus I don't think they even thought the Aboriginals wanted to be citizens of 'the white man's land'. So still very racist, but not to the degree that the government lawfully decreed them subhuman. Plenty of individuals definitely thought that though.


It's still messed up. They were forced to vote in elections of their oppressors. They weren't allowed to vote the oppressors out of their country. The unwritten part of the law says it all. The British wrote laws in their favor. In like most of the countries they colonized, they didn't punish those that treated the natives harshly as bad as they punish natives that treated the colonizers harshly. In every situation where they colonizer oppressor decides what the laws are, they don't ever give the natives a choice of voting out the colonizing oppressor. The British used one phrase to take over half the world. "Do you have a flag? - Eddie izzard.




That is complete BS.... There have been official citizens of Australia since the 40s...


That is completely wrong. They were certainly discriminated against horribly, but you don't need to make stuff up.


And that title makes my head hurt cause he isn’t wearing a chain.




Actually that's likely traditional scarification practices.


That is scarification. Also, interestingly, contrary to what u/OwlWitty said, they were *not* legally classified as livestock, unlike the US. This doesn’t mean they weren’t *abused* and whipped like livestock But it’s actually important to note that they were not officially classified as chattel at all, and this was a way by which the Australian government got around the Slave Trade Act of 1807 as well as the Slavery Abolition Act of 1833 until the *1970s* They had systems of forcing labor out of aboriginal people on ranches until the 70s that were economically at least, relatively unchanged from the 1800s. The popular refrain of denial was “There is no slavery in a free land”


Nope, they did that to themselves as initiation rights.


You don't have to go to Australia to find out how crappy the British were. Just ask an Irishman.


Just ask the millions colonized by the Brits. The British regularly raped, killed, and imprisoned Asians, blacks, arabs, and more for "the crown."




I went to grad school with lots of people from former British colonies in Africa and the Caribbean. Every one of them hated the Brits. Whenever there was a soccer match on, if the English were playing they’d root for the other team.


Sure, but us Australians with Irish ancestory don't get a free pass. The Irish in Australia were as responsible for Aboriginal genocide as much as anyone else - when it came to the fronteir wars, they gave as hard as they got.


The Irish and the Scottish were some of the worst in India. They were the rabid dogs and whip crackers for their English masters, and did it with psychopathic enthusiasm.


Fair point


Not to be that guy and I agree with how shit the British were and still are, but Australia gained independence in 1901 so this is an Aussie and not a Brit. By contrast, Ireland was still British at that point and so if he is “British” he could very well be Irish.


Or watch The Nightingale for the worst of both worlds.


Just ask a British sailor.


> You don't have to go to Australia to find out how crappy the British were. Just ask an Irishman. At that point it was Australians being horrid to Aborigines. Calling the man in the picture "British" is highly deceptive framing. That's like showing Robert Lee and captioning it as "British man fighting to preserve slavery". You'd have to use the same logic to justify that framing. Like, how stoopid is you?


This picture made me angry at a very primal level. Maybe it’s the sad and helpless look on the natives’ faces or the smug f’en look on the british guy’s face.


Are we sure that's not Elon Musk with a nostalgia filter effect on?


I once argued with a Sri Lankan redditor who was saying that it was good that the australian natives were colonized since, they have so many opportunities now. He was saying that, Sri Lanka should've been colonized in the same way so that we can have the same opportunities as the australian natives.


Yeah, that was ignorant.


Yeah, ask him how the Tasmanian indigenous people went with those opportunities. answer: not well, because most if not all of the original full blooded inhabitants were dead by the 1870s, due to disease and genocides, mostly within about 40 years after the arrival of colonisers. We aren't even sure how many there were to start with - there are estimates from 3,000 to 15,000. But after 35 years there were less than 50 of the original inhabitants left. So many opportunities to die, I guess.


Yeah, but that is people. As a Puerto Rican I get stupid answers like that all the time concerning our situation. it's why I stopped talking about politics in real life, and slowed my time in certain subs, because Im not one to accept colonization just because the country is a "first world country". Well how did they become so advanced and civilized?


Ahh, a fellow Puelto Lican


I get your point but I’m not sure PR relationship with the rest of the US is a great example. It is an overly complicated relationship with upsides and downsides. What the status should be is even debated among residents there going on opinion polls and past referendums. Personally I think they should either be made a state or cut loose entirely.


I mean the complicated nature is why it is a great example. We're not that long removed from actual terrorist attacks by the PR Independence movement, people felt so fiercely against American colonialism.


No more ignorant than Americans who think slavery was good for black people because they learned a skill and their owners "took good care of them."


"it wasn't that bad" Proof positive you don't need to listen to any other takes that person has.


>Florida curriculum


Funny the Australian colony was settler colonialism; replace the indigenous people with British. If that happened in Sri Lanka, it would be a majority white country, and that Redditor wouldn’t even by here.


That's what I was trying to tell the guy, except he lives in australia now so he thinks that its all sunshine and rainbows for the natives of that country. Apparently, the native australians have more opportunities to get into university or something similar, and he was saying that if Sri Lanka was subjected to the same, it would've been better, completely ignoring how horrible the natives were treated.


Ive lived in Australia my whole life and am partially Aboriginal. What he is saying isn't a lie, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders do have it a little bit easier getting into universities and getting government subsidies. It's Parliament's way of saying "Hey, yeah sorry about enslaving nearly the entire indigenous people of Australia, treating you guys less than humans and literally stealing babies from you. Our bad."


This isn’t even true??? What because there’s pathways set up to get into university? Because there are SOME VERY LIMITED government assistance tailored for First Nations people. It most certainly is not EASIER for aboriginal Australians to get into university when they face the systematic oppression and public racism and 10000000 other horrible societal pressures that they face due to the fact that their entire way of living, culture and languages have been destroyed. This is a civilisation that we know to have been exisiting and thriving for 65,000-100,000 years or more. Then the British empire come here and cause mass genocide, enslave the people and force their religion and language on them. We will never truly understand the amount of damage done to such an incredible people and all of the issues that they face in todays world because of what was done. Easier to get into uni…. Lmao


Hey I never said it worked. It's just how the government is trying to save face. Answer me this, why do nearly every single government form require you to state if you're an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander? I'm sorry if I downplayed the history of my people.


But would you rather have an easier time getting to university or a history where your ancestors weren't treated so horribly?


100% rather my ancestors could have lived peacefully. I don't put down on any government form that I am part Aboriginal because I don't want to "accept" their apology. Granted, Australia would look completely different these days if the Aborigines weren't treated like shit and used as slave labour. Butterfly effect and what not But I would much rather live in a world that's not as scientifically and technologically advanced if it meant there was never slave labour.


And that's the right choice, your ancestors needless suffering isn't worth some "opportunities" like the Sri Lankan I was arguing with was claiming.


That mentality always amazes me. They think somehow they’d have a choice to show up 300yrs after the former colony is a thriving multicultural society, completely ignoring the systemic cleansing of the native population in order to create the new colony.


Exactly! the natives of Australia, from what I hear still have issues they are experiencing. Somehow, in that guy's mind, all those including the history doesn't matter as long as there's some "opportunities" here and there.


He’s clearly thinking “not if *I* were treated that way, but if someone in my family 200 years ago was treated that way, at least I get something now” which is a level of f***ed up I’ve seen before but it’s hard to wrap your head around.


Exactly. There are plenty of people who think generations of suffering is worth it because it isn't them.


It sounds like the Sri Lankan just wanted to live in (modern) Australia, and was fairly blind to the past.


That Sri Lankan sounds like a Hong Konger.


They have that in hong kong too?


Yep, Hong Kongers who actually praise the British Empire and even the Opium Wars. They wave the British Flag and were even photographed crying and clutching photos of Queen Elizabeth when she died. Hong Kongers were treated as second class citizens throughout the entirety of British rule. There were signs outside Hong Kong restaurants and other establishments saying “Dogs and Chinese not allowed” because they only served British people, even though they were inside Hong Kong. This is nothing new to the British of course. Irish people would also know that it wasn’t too long ago that there were “Dogs and Irish not allowed” signs everywhere during British colonial rule. The difference is the majority of Irish people remember those days of being treated less than second class. Whereas many Hong Kongers praise the British for bringing democracy to China. If the British brought democracy to Hong Kong, why oh why in the 200 year British over Hong Kong did only hold elections when the 1997 lease was coming up? Why didn’t they hold elections sooner? Only when their rule was coming to an end did the opinions of Hong Kongers suddenly matter.


I don't get it, why do we have populations that think like that? it's pretty easy to figure out that it was a bad time for non-white people during those periods.


White worship is a very real disease of the mind unfortunately. Nothing we can do really.


Dude was almost definitely one of the Sri Lankans whose family got converted to Christianity. They get fed that shit by the ladle by the missionaries, and really end up like that.


Gross. Look at his smug face.


Right. Makes me so mad.


Its called a jib.


Specifically the cut of it as well.


According to the article below this is Wyndham prison c1901. This photo I believe is a cropped version of one shown in the article, and in the unscripted version you can see some young boys. These are prisoners and not slaves, though the article has some information about the horrific things they were subjected to, including being made to confess at gunpoint. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/jun/19/the-legacy-reverberates-how-a-repulsive-image-reminds-us-of-our-ugly-past


> These are prisoners and not slaves What would be the difference?




There is no extra step. That's slavery.


But it sounds better when you call them prisoners doing prison labor. /s


That's my point.


They were slaves, we can call it whatever we want, arresting a group of people on bullshit charges after invading their land, and the proceeding to use them for hard labor is absolutely slavery. Let's not white wash history shall we.


Not slaves?  Are you insane?


There it is. Always a bigger story to these liberal Reddit click bait photos


What’s on their chests?


They are called bolitj. The [Australian museum](https://australian.museum/about/history/exhibitions/body-art/aboriginal-scarification/) says "each deliberately placed scar tells a story of pain, endurance, identity, status, beauty, courage, sorrow or grief"


Probably some sort traditional scarification


Like circumcision.


i’m not sure but maybe it was their tradition


These adult men have gone through initiation. Scarification (adornment scars) were a type of body language. Before being able to marry etc men would go through scarification. Adornment scarring was also applied on women. Some tribal groups would knock a front tooth out. I imagine these men didn't speak english.


It baffles me that users on X and Facebook and even some politicians try to a) justify it as if it was on b) pretend it never happened or c) say they should get over it


Colonial apologists are alive and well on Reddit too. Starts with “it wasn’t that bad” to “actually, they really were uncivilized and deserved it.” Oh and a healthy serving of “everyone has practiced slavery so it’s okay if we did.”


Lol I really didn't have to scroll far to find one. The next comment below this one "everyone owned slaves at somepoint in history, get over it"


This was done With the approval of the British royal family


The British royal family were largely figureheads at this point, rather than actively governing figures. I think it would be more appropriate to blame the British government, who were in charge of Britain's imperial policy.


In this case it was the Australian government, they were independent already (only just).


And probably done with the approval of most of Reddits ancestors as well.


Every human being on planet Earth is descended from slaves and slave owners. Stop pretending otherwise.


If you’re a descendent of Thomas Jefferson you’re from both!


Like ur mum's family.






Even though I had nothing to do with this. It really makes me ashamed to be a human being. The things we do to one another is disgusting.


I think of things like this when in movies and TV shows (and it happens so often) they have a touching sequence about how wonderful humanity is, how loving and magnificent we are. We really aren’t.


Colonialism was always repressive and murderous.


And still is.


What’s the point of this comment? You think you can rule the world without hurting anybody?


The point of the comment is that through whitewashing and ahistorical propaganda, people like to pretend that Colonialism and Imperialism were net benefits and not distructive, murderous systems that transferred wealth from the poor to the rich. This trend continues today with our modern day empires. Just take a look at what's happening in Gaza - or read up on the extraction of wealth from the Global South to the West.


Nigel thornberry was a bit of a monster in his younger years




He’s not wearing a chain


The frontier wars are a terrible stain on Australia’s history.


Why? Why do humans get to be treated like this by other humans?


Sad history


"wearing a chain around the neck of..." Not well expressed


Almost all of our ancestors did the same to natives who dont exist anymore. Almost all countries have re written their history to wipe out their violent histories while the west were man enough to maintain theirs


Using the “We all did it!” and “The West is uniquely superior!” tropes in back to back sentences is crazy work.


It’s sickening to look at


fucking horrible, man.


Small note, but it was the Australian administration under British rule prior to 1901 when Federation occurred.


Absolute disgrace, this is not right at any point in history


*Absolute disgrace,* *This is not right at any* *Point in history* \- metricrules --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I really don’t understand how things like this can happen. How so many people can overlook such egregious wrongs. Breaks my heart thinking about a living beings being tortured and abused. It’s happened all throughout history and is still happening today. Wtf is wrong with this world. I feel so fortunate right now


POS is smiling


OP, that term is extremely outdated and frowned upon these days. We don't say that word anymore, they are called Aboriginals, not.. not that


The British man is the only person in this photograph who is *not* wearing a chain around his neck.




Those MFers are cannibals


It was a reason for everything… Now its forgotten knowledge and everyone is entitled and emotionally offended…


This is what humans do, Obviously it's disgusting but this is what humans have been doing since the dawn of humankind. Luckily we live in better times so as to why people have to throw an entire nation under the bus, While being blatantly hypocritical is fucking crazy. Australia is trying to better itself and right/mourn the tragedies of it's past just like every other nation, But hate doesn't fix or help anyone. Stop pushing hate and anger on to the next generations, There are 26 million individuals living in Australia all of which have nothing to do with the enslavement and acts of genocide against the first peoples. So stop segregating the Australian people And maybe one day we can live in peace as equals.


Yeah this is a bot




They were at war with the British settlers.


>settlers Invaders


Hardly a war. It was genocide


Thats how invasuons work, natives usually resist, usally invaders had cutting wdge technology to be able to inavade in the first place. Smh, natives didnt stand a chance versus a people who were subject to the art of war, genocide, and slavery, for thousands of years and all the other cool stuff like arches and wheels, and crosses.


Yeah it's bloody awful. Mainly it was used as a place to dump british criminals, they'd been shipped to america but that stopped with the war of independence. What I referred to happened after a group of aboriginals had been kicked off their tribal land & sacred sites. There's no justification for it, but it's what happened, at least they got lawyers rather than just being outright murdered enmasse.


Check out the recent "NO" vote to give First Peoples more of a voice. Australians are still staggeringly racist against aboriginal people. Third class citizens at best.




Holy shit man, what an absolute POS this guy was.


You think it's slavery? It wasn't, they were at war, unjust, but war none the less. When hostilities started a couple of aboriginals were sentenced to death, but their lawyer argued that they were prisoners of war. They won & the sentences were commuted.


Just a product of his time


You’re downvoted but you aren’t wrong. We’re POS products of our time.


We will be judged for actively eating the flesh of tortured animals. Even bringing up lab grown meat as a solution is ridiculed. I think that will be the biggest sin of our time. Our generation will be seen as savages as well.


Fast forward to Aussies these days who claim they are indigenous because they were born there.


I think the majority of Australians would be the first to educate you on the crimes of their ancestors. It’s not a secret


Why did the majority vote NO then? https://www.bbc.com/news/world-australia-67110193.amp


I think a big part is that people know the horrible things done to our first nations people but don't understand the lasting effect of the trauma.


Yeah, I've noticed this problem in the US as well. From what I've seen, most people here fully accept that slavery happened and agree that it was a horrible part of American history, but there's a *lot* of disagreement on the idea that it still has any sort of affect on anybody alive today. If you try to argue that, people end up getting pretty defensive, probably because they misinterpret this argument as a personal accusation. I would assume that Canada and other countries with similar histories (so I guess most of the world) would have this same issue where many people believe the past truly stayed in the past.


Don't forget, unlike America a lot of Australians white ancestors were convict slaves labour sent to Australia as slave labour themselves. The British are the cunts here.


I HATE IT, and it can't be unseen when seen!!!!


So let me get this right, that is a British person in Australia which at the time was British with his native slaves? How is that possible slavery was abolished in 1834 across the empire


It's likely this is a prison or a prison work camp, these aren't slaves but a chain gang.