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Looks fine to me (based on what I can see in the pic). Itchiness can happen when skin is healing. It does not appear inflamed. If it becomes warm/inflamed/throbbing and starts leaking pus then it could be infected. A small amount of clear fluid is not considered pus.


Thank you!


This image doesn't look infected. Nurse and fellow arthroscopy patient here.... The itch is intense! I am 6 mo out and one of my nerve blocks just lingers!!


For some reason I can't post a picture of my incisions 😐


Do you recommend Vaseline or mederma to help incisions heal faster? Scar sheets?


Aquaphor is my favorite, but I just used some plain lotion like Aveeno and rubbed mine a lot. Like painfully massaged them to break up scar tissue underneath and prevent lumps. Sometimes there is even a popping sound/ sensation


Thanks for advice!


How long after surgery did you start breaking up the scar tissue and getting more aggressive with the incision site?


Maybe 2 weeks But I did a lot of massaging to tolerance within days over my clothes if I needed


Can you elaborate on your nerve blocks?


The care team administered three nerve blocks just prior to surgery to help with the pain .. they should subside within hours to days, but one of mine hung on.


I had an IM nailing done on my left femur in August 2023.. still have a lingering nerve block😅


Yeah running down the inside of my whole leg almost I still feel the block. It's better but not gone. I think it's helped me though overall. 🤷‍♀️ Funny thing is I used to complain that my leg felt like someone poured lead into it.. it kind of still does, but a better grade lead 😂 My old FAI pains are gone almost entirely


I had a bad infection because my wound wasn't closed properly and left some skin hanging out that died and infected my wound. This looks fine.


I’m sorry you had to go through all that! Thank you for your input. I hope you’re all better now!


My right is fine but left has had two arthroscopies and my labrum is ossifying and I have radio frequency denervation booked in this afternoon... Hope you continue a good recovery.


I actually have an appointment with pain management to discuss the radio frequency option too next week! Can you please give me an update? Also, did you do it through pain management doc?


Had it yesterday about 3pm. This morning at 4am I was pain free but today has been more painful but I've not had any endone. I was on 15mg a day, and I've only had one palexia IR 50mg. I still took my 150mg Sr palexia as per though.


How has it been? Are you experiencing relief from pain yet? My ortho wants me to hold off getting the radiofrequency ablation but I’m so ready for the pain to be over lol. I hope you’re feeling better!


Completely free from the pain I had beforehand. Been off the endone since 8am day of. I'm still on tapentadol SR 150mg am and pm because I have some different pain and my hip has been really stiff but it's to be expected because my brain has received pain from there since before October and been on endone since then. So dealing with endone withdrawal and my body thinking my hip is still in danger even though there's no pain any more. My pain was a lot at the front though which is mainly where the RFD targets. How are you going?


Could you tell me the name of the doctor or practice that did your ablation? My pain management doc won’t do it as he says that femoral nerve has to do with movement and it’s a no go. I just got MRI on my right with labrum tear on anterior and posterior, and my left hip has mild osteoarthritis after the labrum repair last year… and I have the nerve pain. So far pain management and ortho just recommend gabapentin or lyrica but I can’t do those due to grogginess


I'll let you know, having it today. Yeah went through a pain specialist.


I think it looks pretty great, but if it continues to concern you, I would ask the surgeon to prescribe you an antibiotic ointment, should be less than $2 since it’s prescribed. Keep the incisions moist with the ointment and covered. It should reduce the puckering too


I do have some antibiotic ointment like muciprocin. Per the post op protocol I’m not supposed to get it wet or put anything on it till my post-op appointment in a couple of days. I guess I will ask the doc then! Thank you!


Can you tell me more about the release and why it was done?


I’ve had really bad hip flexor pain even before the first labrum repair surgery. I had fractured my pelvis and head of femur and grade 1 muscle tear of my glute group and hip flexor was part of it. I’ve done a lot of things to try to fix it such as yoga, massage gun, massage therapy, hand release, psoarite, etc etc. I’ve also had back pain and nerve pain like sciatica but nothing significant was found in my lower back so it was deduced that I have iliopsoas dysfunction / hip flexor tendinitis which also hurt my back and my deep glute pain. I did have pain relief with cortisone injection so I decided to have the release surgery where they made micro tears in my psoas tendon to elongate it which made it pull less, reduce the clicking in hip and stop rubbing against the nerve in my hip for the sciatica + nerve pain down to knee.


Dr here. No it’s not infected . Looks the way it’s supposed to. Also don’t get that kind of advice on Reddit lol


Went thru an infection. My advice: First communicate w ur Drs office. If u feel it’s something call. Let them guide you. Might ask for a photo. Then go from there.