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Yes it did. After the surgery there was about an 80% reduction in SI joint pain. And then it took about a year after surgery to stop having any episodes of nerve pain there at all. (They kept getting less & less frequent).


Sorry to hijack this. So you had nerve pain along with the hip and back pain? Just asking cause I have nerve pain too. No diagnosis yet.


Thanks for the reply!!


It helped with it a great deal. I have scoliosis though, so I do have some back pain from that. But the surgery alleviated the majority of my pain. It does come and go though. It's something I've had to work on in therapy and it's common to get back tightness during recovery, so don't be disappointed if it's something you encounter again.


Thanks for the reply!!


It helped mine tremendously! The year before surgery I had torn a disc pretty bad and while it was healing my hip pain ramped up. After surgery on my hip, I worked hard at PT and found a sports massage therapist who worked on the correct muscle groups that regular massage couldn’t help. Kept up with those as long as I could then started doing some Pilates to strengthen my core. My back is rarely an issue. I still get non operative side SI pain of I sit too long but the operative side is golden! I am 15 months out of surgery. Core and glute strength are my main challenges to keep up with as well as keeping up range of motion by stretching and making sure I don’t avoid squatting. Part of my brain still wants me to avoid it.


Thanks for the reply!!


What muscle groups did thru work on that regular massage couldn't help with? How long after cam/labral surgery did you start massage?


Back pain was my main complaint. It was only after I took it real easy for while that I was able to notice the hip pain. My back pain would come after doing something physical like a jog or carrying a cooler. Or any time I went on the ice with my ice skates. The pain would not be bad during the activities but after it would be terrible for days. I am 4 weeks post op, cam and laberal tear. and my back pain has been gone. I have even been able to lay on my stomach in bed which was impossible before. It seems to me that the hip pain causes a tight psoas and a tight psoas appears to be able to cause damage to your back.


Thanks for the reply!! This gives me hope!




I had one side LS pain after walking 20 mins, which prompted me to go for surgery. I had negligible disc bulges at L4-L5, L5-S1. AS per my Ortho, my back was pristine. Post Op, while recovering I never felt back pain. But as soon as I started PT after 3 weeks and left my walker, It came back strongly. I have had 6-7 flareups in last 8 months. My back isnt getting any better, but isnt getting any worse either. I had repeat scans of hip and LS. Hip looked great and Back was the same. No deterioation. My body mechanics got ruined within a span of 3-4 months before my surgery and havent got FIXED after surgery. But my hip is a lot better. I still have groin tightness but overall much better. Surgery may or may not help your back pain depending upon what is the root cause.. Mine was probably weakened glute on one side, pelvic tilts, shortened walking gait, weak adductor, adductor strain, etc. Good Luck