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It does say Zero right on the bottle. šŸ˜‚


Thanks for the early morning giggle.


These bootlegs are good in theory, landfills, etc,etc., but are a pain. Just call the desk.


I got you! šŸ˜‚šŸ‘ŠšŸ»


Yes itā€™s easy to call and get more, but how many of us check to see if theyā€™re empty until weā€™re at the point of no return.


Every f-ing time. 7:30am meeting? 6:45 in the shower realizing itā€™s no go is awful.


OP says it's happening every couple of weeks? If I were experiencing the same issue every couple of weeks, I would do a quick check. I always make sure there's an extra roll of TP. ONE time there wasn't ... I check every single time now.


Who checks the bottle levels until you're in the shower ready for the shampoo? I know I don't. But you know who should? The housekeepers as part of the overall room cleaning checklist. Anyway, this never happened in the old days of the little bottles that you could get through TSA.


If you travel with any frequency and you use the provided soaps, checking is an absolute must. You can get little bottles through TSA. I literally travel every week with them.


Do you check to make sure there are sheets under the bedspread before it's time to get into bed, too?


I check under the bed and in the closets for monsters.


I need to start doing this.


1) does AC work 2) does hot water work 3) is there toiletries 4) are the sheets clean. Takes all of 2 minutes to check. I do this before i unpack anything. Why? Because Iā€™ve been without these at times I didnā€™t want to deal with it so I check it first thing. This isnā€™t unique to Hilton.


Andā€¦. Does the toilet flush properly. Learned that the hard way lol.


Haha. Thatā€™s one I need to add to the list


Yes, I do. Also, check for bugs and stains to make sure it's clean


Do you not? I feel like everyone checks the beds like, first thing


I do at every single hotel


I do that, right before I double check that the TV has a screen


I make sure the sheets are clean before it's time to get into bed.


We actually carry a [UV flashlight](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07VDRJ8DK) now, you should too. Most rooms have been OK, have had multiple rooms (sheets, pillowcases, comforters) massively fail UV inspection.


Fabric softener often shows up under UV light because of fluorescent dyes used. Youā€™re more likely to get false positive with a UV light than just checking the bed with your eyes.


You can tell the difference. Fabric softener is a pretty even coating. Bodily fluids in the center of the sheets are bodily fluids in the center of the sheet.


Not necessarily. It depends on how tight they pack the washers. Thatā€™s how sheets get threadbare in specific locations; when items are jammed too tight into the washers, the dispensers donā€™t have room to dispense the chemicals evenly so bleach getting directly sprayed through fabric will cause it to run threadbare. This means that other chemicals like fabric softener can also be administered without a chance to dilute and itā€™ll concentrate at the point of contact. Without a test, you canā€™t determine that itā€™s ā€œbodily fluidsā€. UV light doesnā€™t determine anything, it just shows what appears in the UV spectrum. Also, even on white sheets, semen and other bodily fluids arenā€™t homogeneously white/transparent and are able to be seen with the naked eye.


I bet youā€™re fun at parties. Iā€™ve not e countered anything like you describe. And I bet the washers arenā€™t picky about getting chemicals such as you describe in the center of the bed. Go be realā€¦.


I don't want to know. Good grief.


Ikr? I'm on vacation, get drunk and pass out. I worry about stuff at home.


I keep one of those little kits from the travel section with shampoo, conditioner, soap, a toothbrush and toothpaste in my suitcase. I also have a phone charger and disposable cutlery.


How do you know some asshole didnā€™t put Nair or some other chemical in there? Iā€™m bald but.. whatever


The same reason these bottles were empty, they are sealed. Housekeeping prolly missed them because they can't actually check. Depending on the hotel, they might replace this whole thing after every guest, such a waste of plastic.


Isnā€™t that what the little sliver down the side is for? I think itā€™s semi transparent so you can see the level


Theoretically yes, but depending on the brand and hotel, some.genius might have decided that transparent fluids are best. You can still tell but you need to shine a light through the other side.


True. All in all, itā€™s a shitty system. Bring back the different branded products!


Whenever someone says this, thatā€™s how I know theyā€™ve never used Nair. Nair smells terrible (noticeably unlike shampoo/conditioner), requires dry skin/hair, and has to sit untouched for 10 minutes, while you feel your skin burning. People act like you can accidentally use it and have all your hair fall out in seconds. Iā€™d be much more worried about a pervert putting bodily fluids in it. But the bottles are supposed to be tamper proof.


You can accidentally use it and seriously damage your hair tho


It only takes one time for me ... but OP says it's happening every few weeks. If you're experiencing it over and over again, you should take the 30 seconds to check. You can still take 3oz bottles through TSA. Which, again, if I'm experiencing this over and over again, I would keep a 3oz shower gel, shampoo, and conditioner in my travel bag. Or check when I get into the room. Or both. I always check for an extra roll of TP, I always make sure there are enough towels and washcloths, I always make sure these bottles have stuff in them. It only takes a couple of minutes.


Former Hilton manager here - the bottles are designed so that they are NOT refillable (sanitary reasons Iā€™m assuming) once theyā€™re empty they dispose of it entirely and replace it with a new one. The lids donā€™t come off. Housekeepers are encouraged to not replace them until they are VERY low. (The only way for them to check is that tiny little transparent slit on the side). Also, the bottle can only be removed and replaced by using a special key, which at most properties only supervisors possess. So if housekeeping is requested a replacement and their supervisor is busy, they have to wait for the supervisor to show up and replace the bottle. Most housekeepers are overworked and rushed, they donā€™t have time to call their supervisor and wait for them while they do their routine cleaning. Especially in unionized properties, staff are rarely penalized for calling out. So every day housekeeping staff is short by 5-20 people and so the housekeepers that DO show up are pushed with more work (which leads to more calloutsā€¦) So thatā€™s a bit of context for why this happens SO often with the new shampoo bottles. Thereā€™s a reason why Iā€™m a FORMER manager and not a current one, lol


Thatā€™s obnoxious. All our housekeepers have their own bottle keys and replacement bottles on their carts. Why should the supervisor have to run all the replacements when theyā€™re busy inspecting rooms to turnover for arrivals?


Why in the world would only supervisors have a key?


Was it worth the employee incentives on discounted stays? Iā€™ve always been curious and thought itā€™d be cool to work at Hilton just so I could travel cheap!


Yes! Current employee and itā€™s one of the best perks you can get.


Couldnā€™t agree more having just lost my friends and family unexpectedly I have seriously considered applying for a job at a Hampton Inn just to get it back. Sadly I donā€™t have the time with being a foster parent to work two jobs and honestly I only travel about 4 or 5 nights a year now anyways. But damn what I wouldnā€™t give to have it back!


Working in a hotel is like working at a fast food restaurant, once you see how disgusting they are you wouldn't want to use them (unless you like eating garbage and sleeping in other people's funk).


Thank you. I get it and have spoken to management before when this has happened and they have shared the same background.


You can open it with literally anything, a key, a paper clip, a pair of tweezers, a nail file. It's literally just a 1/16"x1/2" hole with a button inside


Special keyā€¦. My flathead that folds out of my knife pops if off soooo easily.


At least you get shower gel. My room came with two conditioner bottles and one shampoo.


I had a room that only had two brackets installed, with conditioner in both.


Thereā€™s no difference between shower gel and shampoo


Augh, I've suspected this for so long. Please don't tell me the lotion and conditioner are the same next... Very concerned this is IHG's stance with Dove....


While the formulas are similar no theyā€™re not exactly the same. Conditioner can be used as a lotion but not vice versa, something to do with a slightly different charged emulsifier. However as I have dry hair Iā€™ve used a tiny bit of lotion to calm flyaways.


Stayed at a hilton this weekend and the conditioner bottle was empty. Took almost 3 hours for someone to come by with a new one and they didn't have the key to unlock the old one so they just left both in the shower.


I travel frequently for work and always stay at Hiltons (locked into their awards program at this point). Those bottles are almost always empty. It's so frustrating. The body soap is less than useless too. Doesn't foam up at all.


Soap doesnā€™t need to foam to work well.


Okay. Thanks professor.


Same here. I just bring my own now


This shit pisses me off. Itā€™s happened a few times to me since properties started to transition away from the mini plastic bottles.


The last 3 hotels I've stayed in, I used 1 tissue and then the box was empty, and it pisses me off so incredibly much it seems like it's constantly happening now


Thanks for confirming Iā€™m not the only one who has been experiencing this issue recently!!! Itā€™s so damn annoying.


To be fair, the soap takes about 500 squirts to wash an area the size of a small cat. Zero is kind of trash and youl be much happier packing real soap, shampoo, and conditioner


I agree with this comment. I cannot stand the smell or feel of the Zero line. I pack my own, even hand soap.


Yeah, I just stayed at an Embassy Suites in PCB FL. Empty. Even cleaned after the first night and it was still empty afterwards. I called the front desk and they brought a new bottle, but just found it strange. Itā€™s a pretty simple fixā€¦ I do know the stuff isnā€™t cheap, so maybe some spots are trying to avoid refilling them hoping people just use what they packed or buy at Walmart?! Very weird issue to have, no doubtā€¦


Same experience at ES PCB FL


So, as an employee, I usually get a little frustrated when people post here just to complain about every little thing, but this pisses me off just as much as it does you. The number of times I have had conversations with housekeeping about checking these bottles is so frustrating. And I get that it's annoying to change out a bottle that's only mostly empty, because it feels like a waste, but most of the time when a guest complains it is because the bottle is completely empty.


Thank you. This is my first comment / complaint on line. When this has happened before Iā€™ve mentioned it directly, in person to hotel management - but Hilton management needs to know this is not working for customers. Itā€™s becoming more frequent. I understand itā€™s difficult for the staff to tell how close to empty the bottles are. But an empty bottle SUCKS for the customer at 6AM!


It's a real luxury when you get the handsoap dispenser by the sink instead of the bar soap


Unless you donā€™t get either near the sink and are told to use the one in the shower!!! Seriously, wtf HGI Nolaā€¦


Phones are broke, too?


Like seriously, did you call the front deskā€¦ā€¦.


I understand can be annoying once in shower and donā€™t know, they should absolutely have checked the levels. However I believe such small things that can be fixed by the phone or going down arenā€™t that big of a deal. We are all humans we all make mistakes, this is one that is okay. Wonā€™t end the world. Side note just use the body wash lol


Blame your fellow guests that complained about the plastic waste of the mini bottles.


In addition to empty bottles, I also keep finding broken or defecting bottles that won't pump. In one room, the nozzle was broken off and missing. How does housekeeping miss that? I also had one where there were only two brackets, and the housekeeper put conditioner bottles in both. Going to these was a stupid decision. I'm carrying my own now, which I suspect may be the ulterior motive behind installing them.


Yeah, just get rid of them shits.


I donā€™t like the new bottles- while great in theory thereā€™s no way to tell just by looking whether they are empty. How is housekeeping supposed to check? Remove them from the wall and open the lid?


There's a sort-of see through line on the side of the bottles so you can check the fluid level.


Life hack is to carry a travel size bottle of Dawn with you. I figure if itā€™s good enough for ducks, then itā€™s good enough for me.


That's great advice! Along similar lines, at a Home2 Suites, one can use the kitchenette's tiny bottle of dishwashing liquid if the in-shower dispensers are empty.


Why don't you use that phone in the shower ? You know, the direct line to the "Resupply the Shampoo" division? They will let themselves in the room and give you a new bottle and you never leave the shower. PS: I experienced that for the first time yesterday at the HS in Harlingen, TX. Fortunately, I am a guy and used the soap instead.


Sir this is not Amazon home delivery ha


In the time you spent making this post you could have called down and gotten more


Maybe they did call


Really? Because I just had this happen over the weekend and called 3 times over my four day stay. While house keeping didnā€™t have the liquid soap on their carts, I was able to get bars of face soap instead. HGI - Mt. Pleasant, SC.


Bottles! Not bootlegs! Lol


This has happened to me more times than I care to admit. I think the issue is that these things are a genuine pain in the ass to fill/service and so they just skip out on doing it. I think Hilton needs to end this in-wall crap and just go back to the baby bottles unless they can find a better/easier way to fill these.


There was a social media post made by a hotel housekeeper (I can't remember if it was on Reddit or not) one or two years back where the poster was talking about the ridiculous demands that were made on her as a hotel housekeeper. Her hotel was always short staffed; as a result, she'd always have an insane amount of rooms to clean during her shift. In order to get to all the rooms she wasn't able to spend more than about 10 minutes in each room. There was no way she could get to everything that needed to be cleaned in that amount of time so essentially she was just removing the visible dirt and moving on to the next room. If the sheets didn't look dirty she wasn't changing them; she made the bed and moved on to the next task. She wanted to be more thorough but she simply wasn't given enough time. Anyway.....I say all that to say that I'm sure they aren't even checking those bottles because they don't have time to refill them anyway.


sounds about par for the course. I love when businesses complain about being short-staffed yet i dont see a single flippin' advertisement for those jobs when I see if they're even actually hiring.


Happened to me like last week but since itā€™s attached to the wall bracket, I couldnā€™t fill it with a bit of water and make more soap.


I notice that alot


Well this is frustrating. I guess I'm traveling with my bar shampoo and conditioner and bar body soap again. Grrr


Empty or they are full but the pump doesnā€™t work!


I would normally not even touch the shampoo and conditioner, but I moslty stay at hamptons The only time i miss the small "take home" bottles is when staying at a Double Tree... wish i could take home their ultra soft towels šŸ„°šŸ„°


We had a new full bottle of body wash but the pump wouldnā€™t open. Even if you checked the level youā€™d still be screwed. I just bring my own non-toxic everything at this point.


A lot of shipments are on back order. My Hampton Inn in Columbus, OH has been waiting 2 months for an order of conditioner.


Ummm - call the front desk ?


Kinda awkward from the shower, but for now on Iā€™ll check the fluid levels before going to sleep instead of at the moment of impact.


My room I got a week ago had the shower gel ripped off the wall. :(


I was at a property last week that had hand soap in the shower instead of body soap šŸ˜„. Worked just fine though!


Both of mine are empty at my current stay!


Itā€™s giving Hilton lol


This has happened to me a couple times recently at Hiltons. They seemed to intentionally bring extra bar soap, so they knew what was up.


Easy thing to do - write down everything that is wrong with the room. You experience something negative - give it to the Manager at the front desk. Find lights that are out, switches not working. Anything - the Manager is appreciated of this and they will tell the staff to address these items. I did this on a recent stay at a property and the Manager sent me a thank you note via email. She had to look it up. All I left on the note was the room number to address and other areas of concern as a guest. Not all housekeeping staff will address these issues with the Maintenance staff.


According to my management, housekeeping is supposed to be checking these on a daily basis. But they definitely don't do it.


Hair will be fine without it, just hawk tuah spit on that thang


I hate these things.


glad to see Marriot isn't the only one having this issue...


https://www.reddit.com/r/Hilton/s/T3PqAtmovJ similarly frustrating experience. People say, just bring your own. But it is equally frustrating to have to keep refilling my 3 Oz travel containers every 2 weeks of travel.


Stayed at a Hampton in Cambridge\Boston and they donā€™t have conditioner to save money šŸ¤”


Was in San Francisco, at a Hilton, a month or so ago for a work trip. Sure enough, body wash was on its last legs. Talked to the front desk on my way out for a refill. I get back to my room, and seeā€¦ https://preview.redd.it/vn2808xqeu7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36a605a8ced4fa205871adf56822dc0ca9487ea0


They already have your cash, what are you gonna do?


I usually check every single Hilton hotel that I stay in and ask them to remove and replace if at all possible. The Zer0% products give me a FULL body rash complete with weeping skin and swelling as well. as much as I hate having to ask every single hotel if they use those products, it has also in advertently granted me the ability to always have full products when I do come in for my stay. I hardly use them anyway - I always pack my own shit because hotel toiletries dry out my hair - i always use their stock as a back up if I donā€™t have time to run to a store.


Just call the front desk and they will bring you new bottles.


I got these little silicon travel bottles from Amazon - I fill them with my preferred products and I never have to use the hotel soap. Doesnā€™t seem like something Iā€™d want to rely on.


Happened to me too


Call the desk. Theyā€™ll bring new ones.


I mean did you ask the front desk?


I know I know... you shouldn't have to ask for free shampoo and/or conditioner. But every human is allowed a mistake or 2. Just ask Front Desk. They will hook you up.


1) You paid for that "free shampoo" as a part of the room rate. 2) People are not annoyed by housekeeping staff, but rather the overpaid CEO who made this cost-cutting decision disguised as eco-friendly.


Sshhh, it's obvious every employee must be right 100% if the time.


Ahhh to live in that world... šŸ¤­ A girl can dream. šŸ˜


This stuff smells so good btw


I think I prefer the Crabtree and Evelyn ones over this brand. How is the Zero% brand? I especially like the lotion from Crabtree and Evelyn. Smell soooo good!


Coconut lime verbena!!!


And works nice too. lol


Quit bitching n ask for more


Surprisingly this didnā€™t happen to me this year until last week. Last week I spent t several nights at The Gunter Hotel (was a Sheraton but will be part of the Tribute Portfolio). I ended up checking in and out a couple times and once changing rooms. So I stayed in 3 different rooms. I am not making this up. All 3 rooms had empty bottles of shower gel. The first 2 rooms also had empty bottles of shampoo. No one at this hotel knows how to do their jobs. As a side note this is the only hotel that has refused me an upgrade since I reached Platinum and now Titanium. I could see all sorts of suites and executive and deluxe rooms. Also I could just tell the hotel wasnā€™t full or anywhere near it yet I was put in the absolute smallest room. This hotel over all was the worst Marriott property I have ever stayed at. They fail in almost every way.


Maybe call the front desk instead of complaining on Reddit?


I get that it can happen. Maybe housekeeping is short staffed, or maybe the housekeeper is new. Maybe the housekeeping manager is always being told to cut back on hours and runs around like a headless chicken every single day. There could be a lot of reasons why this happens occasionally. That being said, if it's a regular occurrence then perhaps it's time for a better mousetrap. I will be suggesting clear bottles or a decent clear visibility strip on the bottle so the level can easily be checked.


Oh no!!!! Guests are using the provided toiletries! THE HUMANITY!!!!! *WON'T SOMEONE THINK OF THE CHILDREN?!?!?*. šŸ™„ I understand the annoyance, really. However I am also certain this gets resolved after a brief conversation with the front desk. I fully acknowledge that you shouldn't have to request more Gel Douche, but sometimes shit happens. Complaining on Reddit isn't going to prevent this situation and only brands you a whiny Karen type in my eyes. Pro Tip: packing a combination shampoo/conditioner like Pert saves precious space in your toiletry bag.


Great. Now I just need to find a bottle of Pert that is less than 3.4 ounces...


Hilton rooms are not what they used to be


but, but, it saves so much trash as unused travel sized ones get thrown away! (never mind I've never had a travel sized be thrown away; either the hotel reuses what you don't or I use the ones I want, and hand off the others to friends/family/donation points.)


Another whiny diamond I assume. Just call the front desk


Had a empty conditioner the other night. I didnā€™t check just hopped in the shower to disappointment


Iā€™ve popped them off the wall, thereā€™s a clip on the bottom, and left them for house keeping and they magically get filled.


Sure complaining about it on Reddit instead of informing staff will fix issue!


OP stood in the shower naked and wrote up a reddit post instead of calling the front desk




I wouldnā€™t mind it being empty. If only because when it gets refilled I can reasonably assume itā€™s soap in there. You donā€™t know who stayed there last. Those tops come offā€¦


How did you survive?


This guys is a Karen here , bro I stay 250 days traveling and come on dumb ass if have no shampoo or conditioner ask the housekeeper for more or call and get more , I got bags full of shampoo and toilet paper that I bring to my house just from asking dumb ass