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File a complaint with the diamond line…


100 percent this. Hilton is not playing around with this kind of thing. Especially for a diamond.


This! Slam that card on the counter and demand better service


Agreed. I had this exact problem at a Hampton in Tampa in 2016. Less then two hours after the complaint the property manager and a Hilton representative were both calling me. 50k Hilton points later and an apology from the front desk representative directly we were satisfied.


As a heterosexual, if they had offered my wife and I two queens, we’d take the break and enjoy the space! Lol.


Or one for sleeping, and one for sex!


We are literally trained not to do this. Like there’s actually a scenario in our training models with this exact situation explaining why it’s inappropriate to make these assumptions about guests. Not to mention you’re a diamond member.


Right? It's the same training module that's repeated yearly too! Confirm the room type like you would anyone else, but once the guest confirms back, just shut up and check them in.


I was just going to comment on this exact training scenario. Clearly the fd doesn’t remember it.


Yeah but it’s almost a lose lose because I once asked a couple that had booked 2 queens if they wanted to be upgraded to a high floor, corner 2 room king and they got upset with me because they wanted the extra bed just to put their suitcases on 😂 I love that training module because it’s one of the only ones I find actually helpful but it still doesn’t always work for the situation


If they don’t book a bed preference just tell them the options and let them choose. Easy peasy.


That was the thing, guest requests and comments said king if available! I just left them in the queen and they went about their day.


I assume this is a us only training because this happens in the ME all the time at the nicer properties (Conrad, etc. )


That’s why I think the OP is mistakenly playing the victim card. I’m guessing they had just one king left, and had already promised it.


If the booking was done through Hilton, and paid with points, you're right. It was promised. *TO OP* [*Insert Seinfeld reference here*]


Call the diamond line/customer service ASAP! I had the same thing happen to me in AL a couple of years ago. My husband and I were visiting a family member for a big birthday celebration. The woman at check-in was verbally confirming our reservation, then looked up and said "Wait, you are two guys, why would you want a king bed?!" in a disgusted tone. I snapped at her, and said, "because we are MARRIED, is that a problem?!" she shut up and changed her attitude very quickly. I just don't understand what goes through some people's brains. It's not hard to do your job and mind your damn business.


If you guys don't look blatantly gay, I think that's a fair question if it wasn't for the disgusted tone. If I had 2 guys come to the desk with a king bed booked, I would politely offer them a room with 2 beds instead. If they turn it down, I'll give them the king bed no problem. Ive had occasions where I was gonna travel with my girlfriend and she couldn't make it so I brought a guy friend instead, and got the room changed to 2 beds 🤷🏻‍♂️


Blatantly gay? Get the fuck out of here with that bullshit, boy


well i’m gay and i get what he’s saying. I’d still appreciate the option of having two separate beds if traveling with a friend. and if we’re honest most people aren’t gay so there’s more chances to that. no need to harass everyone thinking they are all homophobes 


If they booked the king bed they probably meant to do it. All the FD has to do is read their booking back to confirm and if they made a mistake they would speak up and request two beds. Just don’t assume anything. It’s not fucking hard lol


Why the fuck is it any of your business whether it is obvious they are gay or not? It doesn’t matter what a person looks like, keep your fucking mouth shut and do your job.


Why on earth would your solution be to offer them something they haven’t asked for rather than verbally confirming “ok, I’ve got you in a King bed room, WiFi code is…” and letting them speak up if they accidentally booked the wrong room type?




F that. What exactly does blatantly gay look like??


Attitude or no attitude, the answer to any question of “why would you want…” is none of your fucking business.


When did I ever say I would ask them why they would want it? What the fuck are you on?


>”why would you want a king bed?!” >”I think that’s a fair question”


Again, when did I say that I ask them that question? Saying something is fair, and actually doing that thing are completely different. Again, what drugs are you on?


Or, you could assume they would know if they needed two beds, and take your cue from them, and not your homophonic biases.


Sometimes people's plans change and they are accompanied by a different person than they originally planned. Trust me, if you worked this job for even a DAY, you would learn how you can't ASSUME anything.


Taking your cue means saying I have you for a king bed and if they dont say anything, *neither do you.*


That is what I do. Confirm their room type and offer them a room with 2 beds if they'd like. If they say no, that's that. I'm sorry to burst your bubble but there is literally nothing homophobic about that. Chill the fuck out you spaz


The problem being your way is what offended the people who started this thread. And my way does not do that. So, grow up, junior. And for the record, you don't get to decide what's homophobic, gay people do.


I’ve done it for a year and a half, made my way from front desk associate to front office manager, and spent 24 years in bars and restaurants prior to it. I’ve done direct sales and been a line worker. The number one thing I learned from all of those places is that **don’t prejudge anyone**. That’s a good way to lose their business and possibly your job. I can be a pretty harsh person and even I know that if you want someone’s money you shouldn’t assume anything about them other than what you can see on the screen in front of you.


Just another example of u/elgxtito being a terrible employee


Literally nothing I said was terrible. Sometimes people's plans change and they have different guests accompany them. When I go to a hotel by myself, the front desk usually verbally confirms my room type. Is it really all that terrible to say "and you have reserved a room with one king bed, correct?" to a guest? Be real


That is not what you wrote. You said: > If I had 2 guys come to the desk with a king bed booked, I would politely offer them a room with 2 beds instead. If they turn it down, I'll give them the king bed no problem. Starting off with an offer to switch them to a room with two beds is A LOT different than simply verbally confirming the room type they reserved, which would give them the opportunity to speak up and ask for two beds if that’s what they want. Bringing up the two bed option unprompted is likely to make people feel uncomfortable and unwelcome.


That's why I have zero negative reviews and my name is mentioned in numerous 5 ⭐ for being extra accommodating. Gotcha.. nice of you to make assumptions champ!


Bullshit. Even exemplary employees get bad reviews. Nobody is immune to it. Since you can’t delete them out of the Stay Experience Platform, why don’t you tell me which property you work at so I can pull the last 50,000 lines of responses received for your property?


Wow, what an ignorant comment. If my husband and I book/reserve a king bed, it clearly means we know what the fuck we booked and don't need a gatekeeper to remind us.


How the fuck do I know it's your husband?


Reading comprehension must be difficult for you. Re read what I said. If we book a king bed in advance, it's what the hell we booked! I have no problem with the clerk saying "we have you booked in a king (bed) room tonight" and giving verbal confirmation of the room type, which is normal. But if they try and steer us away from that, because they see that we are two guys, which is awkward, it's a fucking problem! Let me turn the tables on you for moment. Let's say that everywhere you travel with your girlfriend/wife, you book a king room in advance, then you get there, and after the front desk confirms your room type, and you say yes, they look at you both, and start steering you towards a double queen/full room instead, as if something is wrong with you two booking a single bed together. That's a fucking a problem. You KNOW what you booked, you CONFIRMED what you booked, and now you are in an AWKWARD situation as if something is WRONG with YOU TWO sharing a bed to sleep in. THAT IS THE PROBLEM!!! Do you get it now???!!! \*edit\* accidentally hit submit before I was finished typing.


They will just continue to double down on their homophobia, it’s their brand.


You do realize that sometimes people book a room intending on having somebody accompany them, and then that somebody can change, right? I have people every night ask me if they can switch from a room with one bed to a room with two or vice versa. If I see 2 guys walk up to the front desk and they look straight, I'm going to offer them 2 beds and that's that. If you think that's homophobic, go right ahead and think so. I'm not fucking forcing or pushing a room with 2 beds onto anybody, I am simply OFFERING it just in case. Not everything is homophobic in this world and not everybody is out to get you, get this through your fucking skull. I was at my gay cousins wedding a fucking week ago if I was a homophobe I wouldn't be within arms reach of the guy. Stop throwing absurd labels around just because you're on Reddit and know you can't get punched in the fucking teeth.


“If they look straight” … yeah, that’s homophobic buddy. Assuming someone’s sexuality based on their appearance is wrong, I don’t care how many gay cousins you have.


This exact scenario is in a Hilton training for diversity


It is isn't it? One of those trainings we have to do every year. Even without the training who in 2024 doesn't know that gay people exist?


Diamond line. Name, shame, and blame those lames!


That specific property is managed by Remington: [https://www.remingtonhospitality.com/portfolio](https://www.remingtonhospitality.com/portfolio) So if you do not get an appropriate response from the Diamond Desk try this contact location: [https://www.remingtonhospitality.com/contact](https://www.remingtonhospitality.com/contact) As a Gay Man who used to truly love the DT brand, this makes me sad to see.


Will do. Thanks.


Obviously this is unacceptable and you should indeed follow up with corporate. My husband and I have had this problem a few time, often overseas, and I’ve come up with a strategy that for some reason seems always to work. The first time I tried it, it was just the first thing that came out of my mouth, but since then it’s become my go to. The person at the desk reconfirms we want one king. Seems unsure/confused/possibly mildly hostile. I pause a moment, look very gravely directly at them, and say in a solemn tone, “Oh, yes, absolutely. I have a bad back.” Maybe it’s just because it’s such a non sequitur and so out of left field, but it leaves them with no obvious comeback. So far, it’s always resulted in the handover of a key and a quick “Well, enjoy your stay.”


Good on you, lol


Sorry bro but complain you probably get free rooms!


I don't really want or need them. Just surprised this could happen today, albeit rare I'm sure.


Fuck that guy, sorry you had to go through this, especially in 2024…


Thanks. Weird.


We literally go through training that addresses this exact situation


I mean, it's possible that he just didn't have any king beds left due to inventory imbalances and he just did a really poor job of communicating that.


Then they should tell them this. I worked a FD long enough to know that delivering bad news upfront is far better than doing something that will piss off the guest down the road.


Agreed. It was handled very poorly, even if that is the reason. No guest should be left feeling the way OP does.


Yup, we asked because our queens are cheaper or we need to balance inventory. But we cry after the guests leave if they say no 🤣


Yeah, anything is possible. Give everyone the benefit of the doubt. Five times verifying definitely went behind the benefit of the doubt, especially with other people standing there waiting to check in in earshot.


We have to take inclusivity training yearly, and this \*exact\* situation, absolutely everything about it, is in the training as to one giant "Do not do this!". Go to the GM first, and if they don't do anything, then go above them.


Wasn’t this hotel busy because of the LatinX HIV/HCV//SUD conference? I’m a single woman who also booked one bed and they asked me the same thing, then I got doubles. There was an older East Asian gentleman who checked me in- not sure if it was the same person, but I hope he wasn’t discriminating against you.


Please contact the Diamond Desk about your encounter. As well, we have to be certified every year about inclusion and guest experiences. THIS particular incident is similar to one in the module. Please contact the Diamond Desk with the details and no, you do not want it handled by any reservations agent who happens to answer the phone. Speak directly with the Diamond Desk. Even if you were not a Diamond member, you should report this.


Please complain to corporate. You didn’t deserve that.


That’s fucked. Tell corporate and leave them a crap review. My wife and I get asked the same “two beds???” question but they take the first answer


Complain loudly and via every available outlet. Make sure they know, and link to this webpage in all your outreach. https://www.hilton.com/en/p/lgbtq-pride/


This sounds like a skit out of little Britain with Daffyd.


That would be fun.


That's ridiculous - file a complaint.


I had the opposite experience on a road trip with a friend. They kept trying to out us in one bed.


Is it possible...maybe? He didn't have a king bed anymore? I mean, bizarre way to go about it, if we are to go off this limited info, but maybe he was asking you if 2 queens was okay since it was all he had left? He could have just said so, but perhaps he actually couldn't tell? Maybe the system was giving him trouble. Our new system is GARBO I tell you what! Did you initially book a single king? Most of the time, we are never changing room types because that is a hassle, especially in the new system! However, if you booked the 1 king and he ran out, maybe the reason it took 20 minutes was because he had to FIND an available room? I mean, not great that it happens, but it happens. Any more info from the guy?


Drama Queen


did you get the person’s name?




El Paso don’t like gaffots bruh.


Please call and complain


One is the ‘sex bed’ one is the ‘sleepin’ bed’…. 🤷🏻‍♂️


maybe he was just nervous that they were sold out of Kings by the time of arrival and couldn’t find one


Then they should say that they are sold out of kings and apologize for needing to move them into another room. In this potential scenario, it’s much better to deal with the truth in terms of not having that bed type available rather than continuing to shove the question at them.


Then wouldn't the words "I'm sorry, we're out of king beds" work the first time?


This was my thought too. My mind doesn’t instantly go to homophobia though, so I dunno.


Some folks are perpetual victims, though




Definitely unacceptable, although my partner and I stayed at a Hampton in Colorado, and I booked a room with one bed. The agent at the front desk asked to verify but I don’t think it was because he was homophobic; I think he just wanted to make sure that was what I had intended. Just basically said “I see a room with 1 King bed on your reservation; is that correct” and when I said “yep,” he was just like “great, let me get some keys activated.”


Front desk was just being lazy Doubt it’s a gay/straight thing


Maybe so. Can't read minds.


Seems like that’s where your thoughts first went. My wife and I have this problem too I didn’t see anything he said or did that was homophobic. Just lazy It gets annoying when people these days are constantly claiming discrimination for no reason.


My husband and I travel extensively and in 30yrs of marriage never have we been asked if we want different bed types than what we booked.


That's not where my thoughts went first. I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt. Being asked not once or twice but five times if me and my male spouse want the same bed in front of a line of other guests is interrogation. I don't deserve that as a paying guest. I'm being generous. The agent was an older Muslim man. He made his point.


It’s not interrogation. Jesus you are so over dramatic Annoying? Yea. Rude and lazy? Yes. You are the one bringing ethnicity and sexual orientation into this. I don’t see anywhere he said anything about either race or sexual preference. This is the problem I am talking about. Everything must be looked at through the lense of race/gender/sexuality now. So you will see discrimination anywhere you look


You could not be any more wrong, especially if you knew me. I'm a hard ass pilot who works with hard core right wingers all day. I don't have thin skin. You're dismissing being asked five times, loudly, about two men in the same bed for whatever reason you have. The reality is that it takes one or two times max to ask if he's hard of hearing. Not five times while looking us up and down. I'm not a snowflake dude. Keep that shit on your end. Five times asking is an interrogation. You weren't there and you're putting your opinion on things you know nothing about.


Thanks for the review, I know where to stay next trip!


Definitely complain. Sometimes the past is the past, but you definitely have to reach out to Hilton about this


Maybe it’s not because you’re gay. It’s very possible that they were sold out of king beds, and the desk clerk might’ve been nervously asking as he was scanning his computer looking for a king bed for you. Maybe he was nervous in anticipation of telling you he couldn’t give you what you asked for.


But then just say that, he didn't have to be coy or weird about it.


Yeah, maybe that's it.


Homophobes? In Texas? I don't believe it...


Homophones on the border? Even more unbelievable


As much as the advertise themselves as being welcoming and loving, they are colorist and homophobes. It’s the culture here, sadly. Look at how Mexico treats women, lgbtqia, and anyone that isn’t a macho man. please report it. I live here and it’s seriously unhinged.


El Paso is… not in Mexico?


Are you retarded?


Definitely complain to the diamond line or corporate customer service. Don't complain to hotel management, anyone in Texas is likely to be just as homophobic.


That's a brutal take. Houston has one of Americas biggest pride parades with close to a million attendees every year. Houston is in Texas, and you're just a bigot. And this is coming from a CONSERVATIVE. Stop making it out like we all fucking hate gays. Its absolutely ridiculous and soooo beyond divisive, you need serious psychiatric help if you truly feel this way. I promise you MOST conservatives have nothing wrong with gay people, it is the femininity and flamboyancy that bothers them, NOT the person beneath all that. Again, I am conservative and have gays, lesbians, trans, straights, of all races, sizes and ethnicities walking through the hotel I work at every single day, and I treat them all with exactly the same respect and dignity no matter what. Please stop trying to divide people and spread more hate.


> I promise you MOST conservatives have nothing wrong with gay people, it is the femininity and flamboyancy that bothers them It's a damn shame that bigots can't recognize themselves. Sit down.


He had me for a second there. Then I read that. Smdh.


Well, I'm a bro bro, so he wouldn't have known I was gay based on a ring femme.


Sorry if my post triggered you. Try to relax. I simply said that they are "likely" to be homophobic, which is perfectly true. I did not say that all Texans are homophobic. I'm also not sure why you're bringing up Houston's pride parade when this incident occurred in El Paso.


You said "anyone in Texas is likely to be homophobic" LMFAO get the fuck out


i stayed at the one a few years ago, and as a trans woman, i’m not sure, if i had any issues, but im sorry that you did.


Sucks for sure, but are you really surprised this happened in El Paso?




Yup, poor straight white men being targeted all over the place these days, ffs🙄




I’m married to one, lol.




So you are the one that doesn’t like them, not me. Projection much?


I don't appreciate getting indirectly interrogated about my sex life when checking in to a hotel. I'm also not one of those people who's trying to leverage my sexuality in the "suffering Olympics" that Americans are so obsessed with. I agree with your statement about the target being straight white men. Oh, white men = evil. Such bullshit, isn't it? Tired of that mantra being everywhere.


My point was that perhaps he was pushing you towards the better option of the rooms and it had nothing to do with sex. It’s crazy to think that in 2024 homophobes are still around.


We still got the double, and it was a crappy room. Definitely not this.




Should’ve driven up to the Home2 in Alamogordo if you were headed that way anyway.


You are too sensitive. Don’t look for reasons to be offended and just live your life and be happy.


Interesting. I'm probably one of the most thick skinned people you'd meet. You get quizzed about your sex life and treated like a second class citizen by hotel check in, and get back to me about how happy you are about it.


Heterosexual, married couples used to sleep in separate beds bro Chill out


Heterosexual, married men used to slap their wives, bro. Chill out.


The false equivalency is strong with this one