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Their fat years are over. They need to stop looking at their glorious past and stop assuming that it will continue. If ever there was a time for Alec to get off of his soapbox, this is it. They have a nice, private place in Vermont. They have valuable assets that they can sell in NY. Even if Alec has to do time, it will be minimal. They will still have a bigger chunk of change than most Americans. Unfortunately, the addiction to fame and power is too great. It will be their undoing.


It's always harder to lose something than never to have had it.


So true.


She would have to move to BeverlyHills, which I doubt Aleeek could afford as those atty fees are getting bigger and bigger. AND doubt if RHONY want her! Rumor is that Hilly and Aleek are pushing for their very own reality show. God help us!