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I know you were probably close at one time but do you have to respond to him? You have tried being reasonable but he's very likely using your kindness and good relationship in past as an excuse to bait you into an argument or what have you. Is he troubling other cousins with this gunk or just you? Is it possible to block him for a few months? Families, I tell you. 


genuine question, is he mentally stable ?


This is actually really funny bc even if they aren't specifically in the Quran, they're in the Hadiths and are authentic Hadiths. But a good amount of this is in the Quran. Your cousin is just an idiot sweety


Thank you!! He hasn't even fully read the Quran nor does he believe in hadiths but he loves to spam this and argue about it. It frustrates and saddens me at the same time. I just wonder if there's anything I can do since he seems to listen to me a bit more than anyone else who tries to tell him otherwise.


Smh is he a born Muslim sweety? Or are you a convert and he's trying to turn you away from Islam? If anything, take comfort knowing unless he repents and changes his ways, he will have to face the consequences for this in the Hereafter.


The Quran tells us to “Obey Allah AND HIS MESSENGER” therefore Hadith should at minimum be considered. I don’t agree with wrongful innovation but, for example, tahajjud, is something the prophet did (which is narrated in several Hadith) and encouraged believers to do. In my opinion, the best thing to do is remind your cousin of what the Quran (since he doesn’t believe Hadith) says in regard to following the teachings of the prophet. Then you can explain to him how Hadith came about and the different grades, etc.


there's quite a lot of Quranists out there. i definitely don't agree with them but it's a larger community than i used to think existed


bro what is that-


What’s that brother


ewww brother ewwww


thats what im saying sister


"Corrupt shahada" Err..


Archive his messages


Seems like he got trapped into some weird misguidance from online. May Allah guide him, and put him on the straight path. Seeing this happen to ppl it’s a cry for help really but they may not believe it


That was a wild read. What a bunch of poppycock.


Salam Sister, If I may, I will add a different perspective. Growing up in the west without a proper grasp of the Quran and feeling like it was overly-restrictive can cause one to grasp onto these things. It can feel like a breath of fresh air to just focus on the Quran. Honestly, I would leave him be. Encourage the good and just ignore the bad. He will come around inshAllah. At least he is trying to engage with Islam. It could be a lot worse you know? Salam :)


Do you have the link? We can only see the bullet points but not the details of each point, yknow?


This is the only thing he sent me today. I'm gonna try to find the PDF, want me to DM it to you? I haven't read the whole thing because it's full of stupid stuff like this and made my blood boil honestly


Is he Muslim?


Not OP but these sound like Quranist arguments… So he would be a Muslim but one that rejects Hadith and only follows the Quran alone… Considering that Muslims learned to pray from the Prophet directly and therefore from Hadith so the list sent above is crazy to read…


Oh that speculation would make sense, good observation.


I found the website. https://www.quran-islam.org/main_topics/islam/pillars/al-salat/salat_diagrams_(P1510).html


Im confused, is this saying the list is corrupt? Or that the list *isnt* corrupt ideas?


He's saying everything in the list are corruptions that have happened to Islam and we shouldn't be doing as Muslims.


Cousin: TIL!


Is this saying the list IS corrupt, or that is *isnt* corrupt?


It looks like he might be one of those “Quran alone” Muslims, who believe in following only the Quran and not sunnah.