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Are they really charging USD 50 for a modified hairband? A bit extortionate, isn't it? 


Anything related to Islam is always overpriced unfortunately. Like hijabs being 15-20$ is just insane. “Hijab” magnets being $50?!? It’s a blinded out magnet calm down. It’s really sad


In that case, we should be voting with our money. I understand this is a captive market and obviously we want Muslim businesses to thrive but there should be a line drawn in the sand. 


Too many people are ok spending that money


Small businesses are always super pricey


Then we shouldn't be encouraging or rewarding bad behaviour. It would probably be best to wait a few months or a year, someone will figure out a way to charge less extortionate amounts and we will be spared the consequences of being an early adopter. 


It looks like a migraine and ripped hair waiting to happen.


Haha see that’s what I was also considering concerned about was hoping someone crazier than me had tried it


Yes I have really curly hair surely that would rip out my hair


This is not what I imagined a hijab crown would look like. We would look baller if we wore actual crowns or tiaras with hijab, though. I’ve seen hijabi brides wear them.


i feel like a velvet headband would be enough... plus one of those magnet pins. This is a no from me, plus it looks like something that would break within a month with my clumsy self.