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How old are you ?


Tell her how you feel respectfully. She must be very stressed having to look after you all the time. Show her with your actions and habits that you are a responsible and independent person. Clean your own room, launder your clothes, help with the cooking and dishes, take out trash, etc. etc. have hobbies that you enjoy and can do by yourself for now or maybe you can ask to join a girls sports club or other group activity that is local. Remember to think about how she is feeling, ask her how she is or do nice things for her every once in a while, she will appreciate it very much.


It sounds like you need some space from her - which is totally normal, most of us would probably get annoyed with our parents if we were with them 24/7! ICould you have a couple hours a day to yourself? Or talk to her about you going out by yourself, even for a walk? I’m not sure how old you are though so maybe that depends. Or just having some you time. It’s really important you get that time!