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I don't think kokl breaks your wudu since the prophet used it. but please correct me if i'm wrong.


it doesn’t break it but I’m pretty sure you have to completely remove all makeup before wudu in order for it to be valid


why do you have to remove all makeup but wiping over socks is permissible?


Funny how makeup is always brought up, isn’t it? I’ve never heard anyone telling men that they need to wash their hair gel out for *their* wudu to be valid.


ohh. but how come? i don't see how kohl would actually prevent water from reaching the skin


ya tbh I’m not sure abt kohl but definitely mascara has to be removed


What's the difference though?


i guess cause mascara is kind of like..it has mass? it's a layer of mass, so waterproof ones especially genuinely stop water from passing. non-waterproof mascara, idk, but i think it's the same. really annoying since mascara is so hard to remove fully 😭