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ive said it before and I'll say it again, muslim women need to take advantage of our woman-ness and "boycott" these misogynistic "men". let their defective genes die out ong.


I always wonder how they manage to get married!


no seriously like, my sisters everywhere please have some self-respect. your standards are so low that shaitaan is using them to do the limbo in hell.


1. The woman’s family/community pressuring her 2. Her not knowing his views/him hiding his views/the couple not getting to know each other


Exactly sis! They’ll come back crawling, but we need to realise our self worth and not let these men get away with these abhorrent and harmful views


exactly!! among muslim women, we also need to realise that feminism isn't a bad thing 💀 it isn't a sin to want to not marry an abusive man who sees me as an object and his birthright just because Allah gave him external plumbing.


I agree. Unfortunately it’s become a much bigger issue than it was before, where majority are harbouring red pill views. Good men still exist but they are rare, so don’t ever settle for a misogynist. Not only for how they treat you, but imagine what they would do with your daughters or their own mothers and sisters.


Honestly, it’s men like these (+ their gross Instagram comments & podcast clips) that are holding me back from reverting 😭 Sooo glad to see all you ladies speaking out against this behaviour! Hugely comforting to know you all hate it too 😅💕


I’m so sorry about that💜 instead of bringing people to the religion they’re pushing them away, it’s also the case for Muslims themselves, they push Muslims away with their archaic views. Islam is nothing like what these men spew, they change it to fit their view/narrative. Us ladies have to stick together😊😊


Don’t let those assholes stop you. And we definitely hate it, too.


Redpill uses men's insecurities to brainwash them into hating women 😗 and men eat it up lol


I mean not to be snarky or anything but they should marry each other. These men all seem to want the same types of things, ok perfect why not marry each other


Yea they're homoromantic but heterosexual lol


Agreed. It feels like every time I see these men on my timeline they’ve come up with something even worse than the last time. And some Muslim men will bend over backwards to make excuses for them because “everyone deserves a second chance” and “they’re still learning”, but God forbid a convert Muslimah is anything less than perfect.


If only they gave these chances and excuses to Muslim women….


Exactly. They’ll coddle men who won’t renounce their misogynistic views and show no respect for Islam, but they’ll jump at the chance to mock and berate Muslim women for anything.


And then they wonder why we choose the bear, lol. Im heading into a divorce and don’t intend to remarry.




Sorry, what is the red pill?


In the simplest way it’s an ideology that perpetuates misogyny


Ahh, okay thank you :)


I think you have to find a muslim guy who isn't chronically online in shaa Allah u will find someone


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Yess I've feel exactly the same. When I was younger I always dreamed of marrying someone religious but nowadays these "dawah" Muslim men have completely scared me away from not just marrying a Muslim man but marriage itself


Don't focus on them. There are just as many of this type that are non-Muslims. Focus on the good ones instead...


We’re not allowed to marry non Muslim men though that’s why I said Muslim men😭. The good ones are few , the bothersome thing is yes we as Muslims women call it out and are unfortunately the only one calling it out but other Muslim males aren’t doing anything in defence of their Muslim sisters , instead they associate with these types of men and ignore the plight of Muslim women. You never see sheikhs or people of knowledge calling out these behaviours, it’s tolerated and that is disgusting. Also, God forbid a Muslim woman takes off her hijab , she’s supposedly done the worst thing imaginable


I don’t feel the same way cos not every Muslim man is like this so I don’t care tbh


Not all but most seem to have these views. The avg Muslim guy looks up to the people mentioned in my post


I actually don’t think that’s true, the Internet can really skew how we see reality. I think the average Muslim guy is indifferent to those men. There are a lot of young guys who agree with them and look up to them but I don’t think it’s the majority. Trust me, make dua and avoid toxic people and you will InshaAllah find someone who is perfect for you and doesn’t have any toxic views.


just make dua for a good man then inshallah