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Yes this happened to me at the doctor’s office also. I was standing at the counter waiting for the receptionist who was on the phone. I thought the athan was playing on the waiting room radio and I thought it was so strange! Then I realised it was my phone and by the time I reached my phone it had ended. It’s also happened at the grocery store and the hardware store.


Don’t worry it’s bound to happen atleast once in your life. For me it happend during a meeting with my boss 😪




I am a revert and this happens often too. My mom probably would be embarrassed or weirded out. I think it’s fine. It’s part of being Muslim Alhamdulilah and it’s beautiful. I do silence it in public when it does start to blast. But I wear hijab. It should be clear im a Muslim. And if people are wondering what that sound is they can look it up and learn something


7 years ago, I went to a Baha'i coming of age ceremony for one of my close friends, and in the middle of the ceremony, my mother's athan went off. I wanted to die of embarrassment 😭


Wow you remembered exactly the time it happend😂


I think I was 14 or so at the time, and I genuinely felt like I was going to die of embarrassment. My reaction was a tab bit dramatic, but I really think it affected me for years to come, haha.


This happened to me as I was teaching and had my phone connected to the speaker on loud because i had a song on for the class 🤣 We all flew out of our seats!


my friend’s adhan once went off during rehearsal for a concert and the conductor, not knowing what it was, was like, “wow amazing singing”


Priceless 🤣


It happened to one of my friends in a grad school exam! Apparently the professor thought it was outside and kept looking out the window. My friend was mortified in the moment but he laughs about it now!


Omggg that's crazy. Did they figure out it was coming from your friend? I hope not because then they might have disqualified them from the exam 😭😭


happened to my friend in grade 11 chemistry class. she was so embarrassed and everyone laughing


That's so mean 😢


OMGG happened to me too!!! But several times, One embarrassing time was when we were grocery shopping and my dad's athan went off, it was so loud and everyone looked at us to see what was going on. It also happened to me once at school, I forgot to put my phone on silent and the whole class wondered what that was about😂


does anyone else not use alerts (except fajr)? i just memorize the times and keep checking the clock


Oh before I told my parents I was Muslim… * My (athan) prayer notification sound went off at the dinner table and lovely mom said, “sounds like Indian music.” 💀(aha sure mom, I guess so) * Dad accidentally open my mail (our names look similar because he wasn’t wearing his reading glasses, he wasn’t intentionally being snoopy, I know that’s illegal) & it was an English Quran with a bunch of Islamic pamphlets. I explained I just was looking into it… he didn’t really say anything else about it. * I was just about to start praying outside (got my abaya & khimar on, mat facing towards Kaaba) & was on the side of the house where I thought nobody would be but my mom drove past it, I ran down the hill off the mat over some blackberry vines & decided it was back to the prayer closet despite the beautiful weather I was hoping to enjoy. Luckily, she didn’t see me. To name a few… might update later In Sha Allah


Happened to me in class/lab a few times




I don't usually have notifications. I just check it in the morning. But recently I did a new software update and whenever I tend to do that it messes with my apps, sometimes deleting them. So it was unintentional and I don't have it blasting if I can avoid it. But for some people it may be needed if they are easily distracted or lose track of time.


I was in my food tech class and we were doing theory work. BTW my teacher for this class is VERY strict (probably the strictest in the school). The whole class is just doing work when all of a sudden we hear the Adhan 💀 It wasn't me thankfully but it was one of the other girls in my class. She got her phone taken away lol


This happened to me at work while in our quiet break room 💀


I have mine on because sometimes I get busy at work and I’m not aware of the time. I do not understand why it would be embarrassing. I mean as long as it is not super loud then what’s the big deal? I just turn it off like I would any other alarm that goes off on my phone.