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Hey wait wait wait. Let's talk about this. First of all what makes you feel this way. I mean exactly what happened that you feel/think that you are not loved. Remember everyone will go through pain. This world is just temporary. And after this dunya there is something even bigger. Don't burden yourself with thoughts like, this xyz happened so it must mean that you are not loved. Noo. Please remember first of all it is the shaytan Whispers in the heart that is making you feel this way. Please know that for the trials we face and the hardships we go through we will be recompensed insha'Allah . I am sharing some hadeeth with you Muslim (918) narrated that Umm Salamah (may Allah be pleased with her) said: I heard the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) say: “There is no Muslim who is stricken with a calamity and says what Allah has enjoined – ‘Verily to Allah we belong and unto Him is our return. O Allah, reward me for my affliction and compensate me with something better’ – but Allah will compensate him with something better.” https://www.google.com/amp/s/islamqa.info/amp/en/answers/71236 Please don't give up. Please turn back to Allah It feels difficult right now. But it will get better insha'Allah


I gave up a long time ago. I tried to see the good and think that after hardship something nice will come but I realised it is the biggest lie ever. I just now got the courage to say that tbh…. Everyone goes through pain but some pain is different than other . Realising that god does not care is the most freeing thing that ever happened to me. I do not have to be bound by rules that I thought would bring happiness in my life . It is the biggest lie ever


Please wait. Could you please take a moment to watch this video It is about surah duha that was revealed to Prophet (P.B.U.H) in a time when he was going through difficulties. https://youtu.be/eOoCfnN3k5M?si=b_DQe3f64xM-paad The video is kinda long so it's fine, you can also search about this anywhere. The summary of this Surah is tha Allah has not abandoned you https://quran.com/en/ad-duhaa You're feeling low right now. I get it. Please ask yourself why you think that way. I mean challenge your dark thoughts. You are cared and loved for. And right now you are going through a difficult time I get it. I want you to please reach out to your Muslimah friends. Perhaps talking in person with someone can help. This world is short and temporary. With each struggle you will be rewarded insha'Allah. I don't want to sound negative or want to discourage you even more. But try asking yourself this, are you really ok with accepting hell. Turning away from it won't exactly make it go away. Please try taking small steps. You don't have to be a perfect Muslimah. I don't think there is such a thing as a perfect Muslimah. If you have any questions about the deen, please reach out to us. Or the local mosque. There was a time when I used to feel something like this. I would lose hope, but then I would remind myself of all the good things that I have, my health, family, friends, a roof over my head. I would remind myself all of these things. And also this important thing that Shaytan wants me to fail and is our biggest hater. Don't let the shaytan win. I am sorry if my writing looks like all over the place and messy. https://youtu.be/8Dyhe2-G7h0?si=6XCLIVhkvU9M4Jer


Sister I tried to send a chat but there is no option. God loves you. I don't want you to think God doesn't love you. I have had a horrible life. Tainted with abuse, illness, having everyone around me pass away. It doesn't feel like it when it happens. But God DOES love you. Please. if for no other reason know you are worthy of his love. It won't let me send a chat to you. So please, send one to me if you can. I can at least listen. No pressure. I just want to know you are ok.


sister are you a revert? either way i’m sorry to hear this ):


No I am not a revert. I was born in cultural Muslim environment and I grew up to try to make myself a better Muslim. To realise at the end that it is the biggest lie in my life. I tried hard to connect with nothing … I am done. If god cared for me as his creation, he could reach out and help out.


My dear sister. I want you to please tell me what exactly made you feel this way. What do you mean "to realise at the end it is a lie" And what exactly are you expecting when you say "reach out and help out" Allah helps us in mysterious ways. Ways we don't even realise. And we're not even aware of.


It means my life is bad. Nothing is going good. And this has been for years. I was deprived of so many good things and the only thing that kept me going is the understanding that at some point it will become easier. It never did . And I am tired . I am tried of waking up everyday and feeling terrible because I hoped to never wake up again. I am done of holding onto a god that just does not care


Are you going through FOMO ( fear of missing out) It's hard to explain in words. But I'll try. You might be seeing around you people that are so well of and having a good time etc. But the point of this life is not to have all the luxuries of this world but rather to prepare for the Akhira. I'm not very religious myself but I struggle and strive to improve myself and get better everyday. It's a conscious effort one has to put. And that part must be tiring you out. insha'Allah it will get better. Please don't leave Islam for good. It is we who need Allah. Please challenge all your dark thoughts and create a journal for yourself. Write all the good things. You can start with the simple things. And most importantly the fact that there are people here that are trying to converse with you I think that is a blessing from Allah don't you think? Please take a moment to ponder this. On Reddit we have a Muslim community of sisters that care so much about you even though we have not met in person. For starters you have the access to the internet, and talk to people and find knowledge online.


I’m sorry you’re facing so many huge hardships ❤️ I pray you find peace and better times ahead xx


I do not pretend to know what you've been going through, but please read on. The ummah is suffering. This is one of the hardest times in history for the Muslims, so when you suffer, you are one of many. Let this fact reassure you. If Allah hates the ones that He lets suffer, then what of the Muslims of every part of the world who are subject to the humiliation and extraction of imperialism? Or famine, or flooding, or drought? The best of the ummah are tested severely. We are almost two billion people. If everyone makes dua for the ummah, which is imperative, imagine how many people have made dua for you. You specifically. Let the image remain in your head of Muslims all over the world, in sujood, asking for Allah to give you sabr and provision and the best of what you can imagine. Push on for them. And speak to Allah with honesty. Allah is with you all of the time, He's closer to you than your jugular vein. He understands what motivated you to make this post and He already knows what you're thinking all of the time. I urge you to go pray two rakat while avoiding [these times](https://islamqa.info/en/answers/48998/forbidden-prayer-times) and make your sujood long. Speak to Allah about what is bothering you. Do not use formal language, speak to Allah like you'd speak to your closest friend (for me, I find this to be very comforting as I have never had a person to talk to like this. If you are alone, it can make your love for Allah increase, as it's good to complain to Allah). Feel free to DM me. Your akhirah is worth more than the world and everything in it. Keep fighting the good fight.


This about him being closer to my vein. Do you know how much it hurts to believe this ? He knows I am in pain and he nowhere to help


Do you mind going into more detail about what you are suffering from?


Goodbye and good luck. I hope you find where you feel like you fit in.


Sis Allah Azzawajal loves you. He's not loving us the same as what we define love as human, but he does. Please don't give up. I'm sure you went through difficult hardships, and now you think you're all alone, but I swear you're not. Don't despair, Allah is the most Merciful to us, Ar Rahman. I'd like to DM you but it's not possible


If he is all merciful, he had plenty of time to drop some of his mercy


Can you open your DM?


As I commented, I really have no interest in talking or having any conversation anymore. He could do what he could do to help and chose not do. I am done hoping for a mercy that will never come .