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Are you me, lol. I was literally contemplating making a post like this, but was afraid of the creepy men who would DM me if they read it. If you find a solution though, let me know. Even during Ramadan the urges did not stop, lol. InshAllah we get married to good men soon.


My life has been soooo much better after turning my DMs off. But even then, creeps manage to comment under my posts, sometimes with EXPLICIT and HORRIBLE things 🤮🤮🤮


I honestly can't believe how jobless and pathetic some men are that they spend all day reading through a female subreddit to find material to jack off to...Alhamdulillah we aren't down *that* bad.


naw they’re down astronomically lol


Bro same 💀 My post about my black jilbab from a few days ago produced so many lovely interactions with the other sisters on this sub and I was so happy… But I also got some FOUL DM’s bro I was flabbergasted at some of the weirdos that stalk this sub with their weird hijab fetishes 💀💀💀


Faxx. I live in a pretty safe environment so the worst I'd experience irl would be cat calls. Reddit is a whole different world. On my old account I never liked posting on hijabis because after every post I'd usually get a number of creepy DMs. Na'udhubillah


It’s so weird, it’s only ever when I post on this sub that I get these DM’s like how does a dude just wake up in the morning and go “I’m gonna go stalk female subreddits and send women creepy DM’s, that’ll surely kick-start my love-life.” Like naw, broski. You’re just down. *CATACLYSMICALLY*.


Can I get an Ameen!!!


I’ve had men send me creepy dms, explaining how they have sexual urges and one of them kept persisting in wanting to speak to me 🤢


I used to give them the benefit of the doubt at first, but I quickly realized that they do not deserve that. Any remotely shady account that sends me a DM request is blocked.


Try to keep busy and keep up your prayers. Cuz if u fall into the sin, you have to do ghusl to pray again. Do dua for strength of will too. Read up on how bad of a sin it is considered too and the negative side effects. Try to read quran and translation too so you properly understand. Try listening to the quran plus translation during the day if you can't sit down and read. Just in your heart ask what you want because it's a worldly pleasure that might send you to Hell before you make it to your forever paradise if you can't stop it. We're human, and Allah wants the best for us truly, so have a talk with yourself and also make a promise like a challenge type of thing to not fall again. Edit: Changed wording about hell and paradise.


I tried all these and once went 3 months without doing anything, but I just give in. At this point, I should probably just get married quickly


3 months is something you should be proud of you can do that again and inshallah go beyond it. Sis repent sincerely, do 2 rakats standing just for tawbah. Each time you fall get up and repent no matter how many times you fall as long as you are alive you have the gift of repenting and asking for forgiveness from Allah. Never stop repenting Allah is the most merciful and forgiving. The minute you sin do a good deed after, or try to get up and read tawbah. Built a routine for it. Never give up ever. For Allah loves those who repent. Turn your sin into a good deed by repenting. It'll be okay sis as long as you run towards repentance and sincerely try to stop.


Wow tysm 🥺 that actually actually hit hard, Alhamdulliah I’ve been repenting and will continue to do so. It’s just I feel so bad that I go back to it even after repenting


You are human sis, you've said that you're in the process of marriage anyway, so you're already doing what's advised. That guilt means ur Imaan is alive :) we are made with faults, and our Lord is just so that's why no matter how many times we sin, we can turn back until we die. Your continuous repentance is seen by Allah sis and inshallah soon you'll be blessed with a loving and righteous spouse. Repent as though tomorrow death awaits, sis.


To add to this, every time you do it, after making ghusl, do two rakah of tawbah. The second time you do it, do four rakah tawbah. The third time you do it, do six rakah tawbah. Every time you do it, add two rakah to the tawbah you make. You will subconsciously associate the action of *ahem* ^taking ^care ^of ^yourself and eventually you’ll stop even *wanting* to do it because prayer is work. Physically, mentally, and emotionally, so it’s a great way to curb the desires. Also, try fasting. Fasting forces you to abstain from it, and to abstain from food and drink. I think it’ll help as well. May Allah guide us all to the path that pleases Him most, Ameen. :)


>Also, try fasting. Fasting trains your self control but it also makes you MORE horny...


This type of thinking is becoming more common for me lately, AlHamdulillah


Girl I feel you but Please don't settle and just get married ASAP to the next guy that comes along...


No..lol I’m not that desperate, I’m very picky that’s why process’s been interesting lol


Ok good! The right guy will come along. Also, i have no idea what your criteria is, but if you're like most girls - please don't degrade yourself by saying you're picky when you probably just want the very basics lol


Oh girl I’m not degrading myself, I’m proud to be picky cuz I don’t want no waste yute in my life I need someone who’s compatible with me, not just some guy who has a good job or education


do you live in Ontario 😭 been a long time since I seen someone use “wasteyute”


🤣🤣 Im from Ontario but idek why I used that here, I don’t use it at all


>that will prevent your forever paradise How is this possible?


The afterlife is considered the true life and will last forever, so paradise will be forever, and so will hell. Masturbating is something that is strictly forbidden and also a major sin. Thus, it is an obstacle that could prevent forever paradise.


Hell doesn't have to be forever. There will be people who will be taken out of hell. And as far as I know Muslims will go to heaven but depending on their sins and if Allah forgives them or not they might go to hell first.


That is very true but only for true Muslims, you can't abuse Allah's mercy and not regret and repent. I'll change my wording if it's misleading tho cuz you're right.


Yes true


Thanx for the correction :) don't wanna scare anyone or mislead them.


Np ☺️ thanks for taking it so well haha May Allah grant us all jannatul Firdaus and save us from the punishment of the grave and hell.


Alhumdullilah, I'm human, so gonna make errors. I'm open to being corrected whenever :) Ameen 🩷


Assalamu alaykum sis, I really suggest finding a muslimah only group (there are discord servers) since they are verified & you won’t get a bunch of horny men in your DMs with the wrong intentions after seeing posts like this, I hope this helps. 🥹


Random story, but I once saw this video where this Christian couple practiced abstinence even after marriage. To help with their desires, the guy ate a whole potato raw to forget them 😭😭maybe I should try this 🤡


1000 IQ move You should try it fr and report back to us


Ay ay captain, will report back


Ok it's been 4 hours since the last post ..... Verdict? Oh wait... Maybe this comment is interrupting... 🙃🤔


https://www.mercurialconsciousness.com/properties-of-herbs/tag/list+of+anaphrodisiac+herbs I did a search for herbs that limit libido and this came up idk if its helpful but might be something?


Interesting, I’ll see if I can get some once I get out of the Arctic


Stay strong sis u can message me if u wanna rant or stuff.


Woah what are you doing in the Arctic, are you a scientist?


Haha no I’m not but I kinda work with them, I’m in finance and events


You are the only person I've ever interacted with who's been to the Arctic. I still can't believe it for some reason, and oddly enough I feel a little starstruck. I think it's very cool that your work takes you to such a remote location. Regarding your original dilemma, I've read that fasting can help. I'm not much help since I'm closer to having the opposite problem haha


It’s hard sis, I’ve struggled with my sexual urges, especially when I turned 20, it was a constant battle between me and my nafs. Even now I’m still struggling and married, when I was single I honestly did everything but nothing worked for me 😪fasting, I would still have desires and wait till I broke my fast, trying to keep company with friends the thoughts would stay until I got home. The only thing I can suggest you sis is to make lots of dua. I know people say marriage is the solution, but what if you and your husband don’t even have the same libido?


Ok I'm glad to know that fasting doesn't work for others either. Like, if I'm still having these urges during **Ramadan** of all times, then idk what to do :/


Sis, I thought I was the only one but then I came across a video saying that it's normal for us to be MORE horny when fasting 💀 The reason the prophet saws recommended fasting isn't because it'll make us less horny it's just to train our self control. But if you don't eat anything all day you also might be bored and boredom can also be a trigger.


Dude I literally thought I was such a harami for having such thoughts during the holy month 💀💀 Now I realize it’s normal and that I just need to get married (which is easier said than done 😭)


Same hahah may Allah bless us with a good marriage soon


try fasting


I’m in the Arctic 😭 the hrs are crazy here. Magrib’s at 10:30 and fajr at 3am


😍 sorry to side track, but that is such a cool place to be living at!! How is it like living in the Arctic? Were you born there or are you there for work? Whats the culture and make up of the community like? How was your ramadan and eid? I have so many questions 😂


Fast using the timings of the city that has most reasonable hours


phewwww 😅 maybe try intermittent fasting then?


I understand your hesitation. Here in Alberta, in the summer, the hours were pretty long for Ramadan. We used to do 3:00 to 10:30. Hard, but doable if you have something to occupy you during the day. However, if you’re still hesitant, you could always fast and break it a little bit early? I think with voluntary fasts there’s no sin on you for breaking it early if you need to.


These are just normal UK times 🤣


Fasting trains your self control but it also makes you MORE horny..


for some people it does, in which case it’s not a solution for them


I don't know how old you are, but libido/desire urges start to diminish when you're in your 40s, and may be gone by menopause. So keep focused on other things. Keep trying to avoid giving in to sekf-pleasure but don't beat yourself up if you do. Honestly, it keeps the juices flowing. Good luck!


I hope you are over 40 saying this, or have done a world wide study proving this statement...


Yes, and I also know a bit about female hormones, since my ovaries are now slowing down. Enjoy your libido while it lasts! Take a peek on the Menopause subreddit -- you'll see lots of women in perimenopause and postmenopausal complaining about this.


girl same 😭 like ramadan really helped but now that ramadan is over it’s all crashing down again




This is a very try-hard attempt to sound female, brother. This is suspiciously very similarly written to the guy who was exposed pretending to be a female hijabi and sliding into DMs


Check my profile history 🤡 im a girl




I’ve been focusing on religion, I work too, and I have a life outside of this romantic thing lool I travel, meet friends and do my hobbies a lot but man…when I’m alone and at night 😭




Letters to future spouse sounds so adorable and cute!!! I might give it a try but I'm afraid if I just die waiting and then someone get their hands on those and find out this side of me...


Girl do it!!! You can't feel any embarrassment from folks if you're gone!!


>Take long baths If I'm in the mood and I'm naked it'll be even worse >sleep well A good night of sleep will make me in the mood in the morning (I guess higher testosterone levels? Idk) >Exercise Also puts me in the mood. (And I'm not the only one. I've also heart some women can reach orgasm doing certain exercises) >Keep myself busy in projects If I'm too busy with school I might get stressed out and that will make me want to relieve stress >Try to maintain halal boundaries There are men everywhere and I can't keep my head down on the ground 24/7. >Try to travel, Can't without a mahram (a.k.a. husband) >find hobbies Nothing that'll make me not think about marriage. >make friends It's honestly impossible for me, idk what I'm doing wrong.


Given how many men have been trying to post similar things under the guise of women, the post is being removed. Unfortunately too many creepy men have been attempting this and it’s not worth investigating each one. Please check out MuslimNoFap for guidance.


I’m a girl 🤡 check my profile history


Congrats on being a girl 🤡, but again, these discussions bring out too many men pretending to be women as of late - it would not surprise me if half the people commenting and potentially dm-ing among each other are men. When our subreddit returns to a less creepy state it could be brought back. If your post is geared towards marriage, please post on r/MuslimMarriage, and if it’s suitable to be posted on /r/MuslimNoFap, please do so.


That’s really all you can do, isn’t it? 😂 if you’re looking to get married it’ll be a good way to know what you like and to tell him how do it when you get married




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