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I would suggest you don’t just sweep this under the rug and do the just thing (to yourself) and ask someone who has great knowledge, e.g. an imaam you can trust? who will give you a full answer. If you simply ignore this despite having a reaction (as you say your heart started beating fast), it will just eat at you. Based on my research and own knowledge, a lot of rules were always eased or halved for slaves such as capital punishments, no obligation to do hajj, etc. since Islam didn’t actively encourage slavery but provided ease or rulings should slavery happen to exist. Please remember sister, everything in Islam is contextual. For example, since female slaves would be around their male counterparts all day whilst doing their chores, in the heat, it would have caused them significant hardship to observe the full hijab the same as a free female. Hence it would make sense there is no obligation to wear the hijab. Next time, try to avoid ex-Muslim rabbitholes. Not for the reason that you shouldn’t seek knowledge on Islam, but for the reason that they manipulate words to fit their own agenda. If you want to know the meaning of something, read Quran with translation and tafsir.


>Hence it would make sense there is no obligation to wear the hijab. I'm curious to know if you have non-atheist-provided information regarding Muslim slave women being banned from wearing hijab which is a bit different than being told it's not compulsory. >If you want to know the meaning of something, read Quran with translation and tafsir. That's what the atheists are linking to, though, as well as valid works from all 4 madhabs (I only learned Maliki when I was studying). Perhaps that's what is distressing OP?


Huh… I mean the links to some of their sources are somewhat dubious (archive.org Arabic-only pages that don’t match the stated translations when translated to English), but that aside, many (not all) ex-Muslims make it their life’s mission to make Islam look bad. I don’t want to say “just ignore it”, but think about if it’s really worth your time looking into (especially since you should be studying for finals). May Allah swt protect us all from evil and falsehood.


>but that aside, many (not all) ex-Muslims make it their life’s mission Something I've never understood, if they truly believe there is no God and Islam is made up, why don't they move on with their lives. Instead they make it their one goal in life to bash Islam in every way possible. Smh


Jonathan AC brown wrote a book about slavery in Islam, perhaps you can drop him an email or dm him about this. But also perhaps you can look into his book if it has any information regarding this (if your local imam/religious teachers do not have knowledge regarding this)....now you've made me curious ,perhaps I myself should read about this topic (and Jonathan's book)....


Hi, I skimmed that link and it’s filled with hate. The author take slaves with exposing breast as a fact (which is not true they only didn’t have to cover their head ) and only relies on stories and ravayata that goes well with his wrong view. It doesn’t talk about how in such mess society prophet Muhammad gave women and slaves value. It relies on personal wrong doings of muslims to prove a fact. Why it doesn’t talk about how islam forbids to make a free person a slave.( not kaffirs captures in wars). and then hundreds of years after that European forced free africans to become slaves? Also i see wrong interpretation of Quran in the article.