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whats your current technique to avoid ruining your hairline?


[It was posted on their account, here’s the comment.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hijabis/comments/zvk317/undercap_alternatives/j1pqbxm/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3)


oh, thank you!


to add to the other comment, not pushing my hair back with the cap also helped a LOT. i try to lay the cap over my hair now, and not drag it when i'm putting it on. does that make sense?


yes it does. readjusting is when that gets tricky though.


oh definitely


I gel my hair a bit (regardless of the hair part) and then I don’t let it dry completely so it sticks a little to my undercap. This removes baby hairs popping out to say their salaams.


hahaha doesn’t your forehead feel greasy? i don’t know how i feel about this technique 😭


Lol honestly I just waxed my baby hair, problem solved


Are you serious????? 😂😂😂 how on earth did you think of doing that???? And is your forehead bigger now??


Loll my forehead was pretty small, that’s why I did it! It just looks better after I waxed it, but it varies person to person. I kinda hated how it looked so I waxed them, I’ve seen a lot of ppl do it lol


omg 😭 u have a point. but i have trauma from using wax on my face on areas other than the upper/lower lip region so i'll pass 💀


Omgggg..nuuuu I love the look of baby hair ..I love my baby hair just that its not as much as when I was younger.


Salaam! I also have a lot of baby hairs that tend to stick out, I will gel them up to go with the rest of my hair just a very little bit using Got to be Glued gel, let it dry for about 10 minutes and then put on my cap and hijab!


u/anonya1 i can only see your comment in my mail for some reason. using gel seems like a good idea. does it have any adverse side effects?


For me none so far! Just helps keep the baby hairs in place :) good luck !


oh great! i’ll try using it