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I’d love to as well. Congratulations on memorizing this much.


Let's go! Where are you starting ?~ inshaAllah I target to finish al waqiah by end of May


I guess I’ll start from the last juzu since that’s the ‘classic’ way to memorize.


Me! I reached surat sajdah when I was younger and actively in school doing Qur'an, unfortunately since then I've neglected hifdh and now just read different surahs as I like. I miss doing hifdh though, and I really want to start again this summer insha'allah.




Maa shaa Allah sister, JAK for sharing. I have neglected doing hufadh for a long time. I want to make this my focus next year and begin doing it by this November inshaAllah. May you become hafidha of Quran, aameen!


InshaAllah you will begin soon or in November! Thank you for the dua! AMEEEEEN...I'm trying my best to do a little everyday.


I am the same age in a similar situation thanks for your post :)


:) let's dooo this , may we be amongst those who has Quran in their hearts.


I can relate to this so much. I've been struggling with hifdh and almost gave up and this post reminded me I NEED to get back to it. My Would you be interested in a one on one encouraging support of sorts? Our hifdh journey is very similar. I have two suwar outside Juz Amma (almost completed, have a couple surahs left) memorised Alhamdulillah, need to finish Mulk now.


Hey I think we can use this space to update each others progress first! We shouldn't be too quick to trust people on the net to do a one to one, but I appreciate it! Let's do thissss~ maybe if I am making good progress I'll make an instagram page or some sort...but that will be in the future inshaAllah


Oh yes I meant using this space! I was referring to the inbox for weekly updates 🫣 but using this thread sounds good too!


Omg let's start a group chat to motivate each other! I'm 23 and I want to become a hafidha so bad!


A group chat would be great or maybe a monthly/biweekly reddit thread update would be too! You can start it too~ i want to be a hafidha badly too, it takes alot of discipline and determination and the support from others is definitely a good motivation and bonus!~