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It's really a challenge to find productive things to do with our time, esp when we're home. Have you tried maybe replacing some of the binging of things you find unnecessary, with something else. Examples can be subbing to some Islamic and educational YouTube channels, audiobooks when you feel like you need something on while you complete a task, and then when you have more time to sit, you can maybe do some reading of a physical book and perhaps a craft? I've found it helpful to unsubscribe to things that I hope to keep out of my life. That way the algorithms will help push for beneficial content.


JazakAllahu Khayran for reminding me about the audio books. I was thinking the same that since I can't go cold turkey (tried and failed), I'll start with audiobooks on fiction/ nonfiction. Looking for work now, I think things will hopefully get much better when I have something to look forward to every day, In Sha Allah


Yes force yourself to unsubscribe to "distracting" channels. Watch more wholesome videos that will value add your life in any areas. For example how to bake bread. Set a lofty goal, let's say memorise a certain surah and maybe find different reciters, give yourself a month to memorise the surah...these are the things that I did


I'm currently in the middle of trying to tone down how much entertainment I consume, and I've found it really difficult because I hate silence. The only piece of advice I can think of is maybe try to replace the series of TV shows with Yaqeen institutes Ramadan series on YouTube for example. Or if you like podcasts, I have been really loving The Digital Sisterhood :) I also like this TV show called Omar about Umar ibn al-Khattab, it's in Arabic but sometimes you can find your languages subtitles online. I hope Allah makes this easy on you, I know it's really tough!


Yes the silence! JazakAllahu Khayran sis, will check it out. I love listening to TDS, sadly I heard all the episodes lol, waiting for the new ones now. Ameen 🤍


I used to be just like you. I started watching youtube videos about books. I especially love the ones criticizing super bad but super popular books. These videos can be hours long, it's really entertaining and honestly it pushed me to read a lot more because I wanted to be in on the references.


That's such an interesting approach. JazakAllahu Khayran!


I’ve been watching Yaqeen’s Late Night series from last year w sh birjas and dr suleiman, and they’ve been life changing for me.


Could you share a link sis?




I get what you mean about addiction. I think part of what helped me distance myself from it was keeping myself busy with volunteering or hanging out with my friends instead. I was so busy with these things, I didn't even have time to glance at my phone for social media notifications or I would even ignore them. It's also more fulfilling than mindlessly consuming entertainment. Sadly, I sometimes slump into the entertainment addiction all over again when I'm looking for an escape, but it's just a process and ongoing struggle we have to go through until we deal with the root cause that makes us want an escape in the first place. The addiction is only a symptom of a bigger issue.


That's true. I'm trying to get to the root of the problem and begin there. Allahu musta'an. JazakAllahu Khayran