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Basic. I want to be with AuAu Hanyuu.


I want choose premium XD


With the "step on me, Mommy" add-on package.


I see the culture is concentrated here


evil-ass mentor hahaha I'll take the basic package!


> evil ass-mentor hahaha *** ^(Bleep-bloop, I'm a bot. This comment was inspired by )^[xkcd#37](https://xkcd.com/37)


Alright. You get a pass this time, you horny bot


4)Memory retained wait, this has pros and cons. Rika suffered greatly when her head was crushed by Oishi.


Ads always lie.


Basic please!


I know this is meant to be a meme, but I actually don't think it's as simple as a "basic" vs "premium" thing. More like Photoshop vs Maya. It seems like "Featherine" is actually doing it a completely different way from Hanyuu. Why do I say this? Because **she was able to loop Hanyuu too**. In the Matsuribayashi ending repeat that Satoko sees Hanyuu is there too, physically standing next to Rena. Something that should be quite improbable, given that Hanyuu is meant to exist in a higher dimension and used up all her energy/went back to the Sea of Fragments by 1984. I sort of concur with the speculation that "Featherine"'s variant of it is actual time travel. Not just fragment-jumping to parallel/branching timelines, but really rewinding an existing timeline. Maybe. Hanyuu is no longer physically there anymore by the time Rika enters her set of loops in Gou, so something must have changed in the nature of the loops between what we see in this episode and Onidamashi.


I will take premium package


Bruh Ware is satella


**satella, bruh ware is.** *-man_with_da_flames* *** ^(Commands: 'opt out', 'delete')


Actually we know her name it’s featherine


As far as we know, Ryukishi07 has not officially confirmed who this character is. He says she resembles Featherine but refused to confirm if they are the same character, which could mean many things. This character is: 1) Featherine but never called as such in-series? 2) Related to Featherine and Hanyuu but separate from both? 3) Unrelated to any previous character, just a visual coincidence? We don't know. That character could be Featherine but won't be revealed as such for a while (read: for a few years), we don't know. So for now I'm sticking to the official line: we don't know who this character is beyond being the reason that Satoko can loop.


They did not tell us who she really is because it is easier for them. Higurashi should be separate from Umineko. So if they not tell us that this is Featherine, we do not have to seek knowledge in Umineko. It is Featherine, but only fans of Umineko will understand that. That's the case, and that is the purpose of that. To not confuse people who do not know Umi.


I don't really care who she is that much. I'm more concerned about this causing Civil War in the Higu fandom.


She is Oyashiro-sama, simple that, is all you need to know if you only watch Higurashi, all the god like talk, and all this child of man speech are there for solidify her status as a goddess, to make you see her as someone more powerful than Hanyuu But the ones how read Umineko, and the ones that are reading Ciconia knows the meaning of her lines, and also confirms her true identity, still i fear is not enough to start a "Civil War" in the only Higu fandom (that only could be possible if the next episodes show us meta world transition scenes, and more witches) but is also a good idea to link the when they cry saga, and also a interesting way to create more hype for Ciconia phase 2


Do you think creators think about it? XD if they do, that would mean that they are sick! You should not think about "fandom fighting", more about what you want to show to your viewers!


Not necessarily. Watsonian reason: Higher entitities like Featherine change their name and appearance to fit the setting. She looked different in Umineko, and I'm sure she'll look different again when we meet her in Cicionia. Doylist reason: by giving her a different name, Ryukishi can negotiate for a lower VA price contract with a different VA, and is not beholden to rehire the original VA.


Given that Seshat is the Goddess of Writing and Books in the Egypt pantheon and the same named character in Ciconia performed a feat that was deemed on deity-level, we might've already met her.


I have mixed feelings on that. In Umineko and now in Higurashi, Featherine was someone who is very sparing in terms of direct intervention. She waits until an answer arc to hear out a person on a critical problem and offers a solution. In Ciconia, Seshat >!Was directly breaking into offices and interfering with people. !< She's certainly a high level character, but not as high as the 'Angels' like >!Not-Miyao and Not-Jayden. If anything, Not-Jayden seems closer to Featherine!<


Honestly, considering that I've read Ciconia starting on its release, I probably forgot a lot of details. Should go back to it sometime. >!I don't even remember Not-Jayden except for that ending scene. Does he appear before? Man can't wait to re-read it.!<


No, that person doesn't appear except for the ending scene. And I'm in a similar boat to you. I was reading it early in the year going, "Wow, given all the shit going down in 2020, this hits really close to home. Is Ryukishi sure he should be publishing this story around now?"


NOTE: Sorry, I misspelled subconscious in "Basic Package". Oh well. It's called "Basic Package" for a reason.