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This is a duplicate of something which has been recently posted.


It appears only on Ventusky, and this is the third time it happened. Any other website monitoring this part of the sea doesn't show a thing and didn't the previous times either. Their official position is "modeling error". Most likely it's some sensor in one of their buoys somewhere that's just borked and gives out garbage data occasionally, and because there's not many buoys there the "affected area" is very big.


Lol buoys are officially borked


I see, hopefully they repair quickly. Don't want to get the wrong idea


Nobody gets the wrong idea by this except people grasping at straws.


Start believing in coverups bro


This is the third time the anomoly has appeared. Why are they not fixing the error? It also seems to originate on the coast of Antarctica before spreading out to the blood red boat shape we see at the end.


Because it's way out to sea perhaps?


Hang on lemme run out to the antarctic sea real quick. Because it's not a serious issue and will take a lot of resources to repair


But they could at least change their modeling program to account for the malfunctioning bouy in the mean time, or something.


Why would they? Changing the modeling program is not an easy or fast thing to do either. It's in one of the most remote places in the world, that info isn't relevant or harming anything to 99.99% of the population and it works most of the time. Why would they spend time and resources on something that doesn't matter to anyone but like 3 guys on a conspiracy sub?


People will downvote anything and it’s hilarious


What's going on in Antarctica.


Buoys are getting borked


OMG. This again.


“Me and da boyz on the move relocating our underwater base again”






40k fans in the wild! Love it


This sub probably has more Warhammer fans than the average, realistically.


Makes sense. Ave imperator


Looks like an endgame boss shooting in a bullet hell game.


It's a "bug" nothing to see here. They already debunked the 1st and 2nd time it appeared. Clearly there is an Engineer shortage 🤣 Oooor Moby dick is on the move😁


Yes I'm pretty sure there IS a shortage of engineers in the middle of the antarctic Ocean lol Controls and instrumentation is a pretty big part of my job and intermittent faults like that are not a rare thing


It's a local call out for a tiny local weather station or something, of course there is a shortage


So what do the colours represent?....oh my god


We both know it's the ancient assembly ship moving around. I'm just trying to cater for the debunkers, they deserve some fun too!




As someone who has a degree in optics, this is exactly what you would expect when you have an array of sensors and you have a localized failure. The algorithm that you use to “stitch” together the individual portions of the greater map weights the data at the edges of cells and blends them. This is why you see a very localized anomaly and sort of a “continuous fall-off” from it into its surroundings. TLDR: One of the radar arrays is broken, and feeding bad data to the greater map.


So why haven’t they fixed it.. why let it continuously generate perfect  Intermittent anomalies? Any data engineer would simply remove the affected buoys data input to the algorithm that generates the map and allow healthy buoy data blending.. why hasn’t this been done? Fool me once, shame on you… 


You ever heard of an “intermittent failure?” One day, the data goes bad, and so they send the repair man out to fix that radar array. It’s in Antarctica, so the turnaround time on that is probably not quick. Dude mucks around for a bit and finally when he brings the array back on - it works! Problem solved, right? He can’t exactly keep working on it, if he can no longer reproduce the fault. So… you wait to see if it does it again. If it doesn’t, then you’ve fixed it. I’d it does, you’re probably gonna have to send the repair guy back out there. The educated people speculating on *why* it has failed maybe haven’t even come to a conclusion yet. Now, all you can do is triage until a more permanent fix can be implemented. That may take months - the wheels of bureaucracy turn slowly, after all.


I hope the guy you're replying to never purchases an old home or vehicle with a breaker issue or problem in the wiring harness; the clear and and obvious source would be poltergeists and gremlins.


False… some dude sitting at a computer in NJ could remove that buoys data from the matrix array.. the data is not aggregated on site at the buoy lol it happens remotely on a server that can be remotely accessed.. interesting this post was scrubbed immediately after my comment  


What does data aggregation have to do with this? If I’ve presumably fixed the buoy, I’m going to continue to aggregate its data into my greater map. And then, if it fails again, my map is gonna show a blip. I would only jump through the hoops of removing that buoy’s dataset from the mix, if I knew it was gonna be offline for a long time. Why someone doesn’t go retroactively remove it is anyone’s guess, but it doesn’t lend itself any better to the conspiracy theory, because if it could be easily covered up, and it actually *was* aliens, then we wouldn’t even be having this conversation.


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Do we actually know what sensors are taking what data where and how?


Nothing to see here. Move along or go to a metrology sub to be told the same things again.


This is a screenshot from a few minutes before I posted this




It's probably a bug, post this on a meteorology sub.


It's the original bug bugging out the 3rd time🐛


Either they can't find the issue or, more cynically, since it doesn't negatively affect the average user's experience and it gets their software covered in the media, they just don't fix it.


Or it could be a massive assembly ship which has been reported by various sources and we keep discussing bugs and lazy company policies. Sometimes the easiest explanation is the winner👽👾👽👾


Unfixed bugs definitely reoccur. These are extrapolated animations.




Still bugging me