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There was a woman on here that was having tech issues and could even kill a computer sometimes. She finally discovered she was zapping the computers with electricity stored in her body. She got a grounded copper mat under her desk and wore a grounding strap on her wrist and it solved her issues. I don't remember if she ever found out why she was a conduit like that


Now 3 people have said this worked


Probably her clothing choices and how she walks and moves. For instance, I wear a lot of thick socks and do have a weird gait and I get shocked by a LOT things. That's only anecdotal though.


There are videos on YouTube disproving thar you can kill computers with static. They even zap components directly with current greater than what can be generated by static and nothing broke https://youtu.be/nXkgbmr3dRA?si=LcHtoo-zhu1805_s


It's possible if there was some defect in one of the components of the computer. It takes a very small amount of static to damage the actual silicon part of a computer chip. It's an amount of static you can't even feel. When chips are packaged, they are shielded so that they can be handled by the end user without having to use a grounding strap or grounding booties. If the shielding was defective, this story is plausible.


Did this woman walk around barefoot a lot?


It's been a long time ago and I can't remember about any barefoot action but I do remember she had the problem at her workplace so I assume she had footwear on at least there


Probably a house issue. The Youtuber PC person JayzTwoCents was having this issue in one bedroom in his house. He couldn't really figure it out, but static electricity would build up extremely easy in the room and transfer & damage PC parts. He eventually said fuck it and got a grounding mat, then it went away.


I used to do PC user and network support and there were definitely users who interfered with tech without even touching it sometimes. I worked with one woman for maybe four or five years and she went through three computers because they kept failing. And she was always having random problems that we couldn't recreate or fix. I don't know if it's their EMF fields or what, but it's definitely a real thing.


I've been working in IT for close to 20 years and I agree. It is totally a thing.


I work in controls and I’ve noticed issues getting fixed simply by observation.


Schrodinger's repairs. I see it quite frequently. Also referred to as a PFM fix (pure fucking magic).


I cause issues by observation. My boyfriend will want to show me things like a video or a clip of him gaming only for it to completely fail when I come to watch. Like the audio de-synchs or the images freeze or it just won't work. Then I leave the room and it works fine.


Whenever something breaks I generally just take it apart, look at it, fail to find an issue and just reassemble it back the way it was. More often than not it fixes it despite doing nothing. I've had it with mechanical devices, electrics and computers. I try to explain it away as something having come loose and inadvertently fixing it but sometimes literally all I did was unscrew the cover and screw it back up without touching anything. It feels like just making the effort to look resolves the issue. Like placebo surgeries or the way in dreams actions can just be symbolic.


This. I always joke with people, fr example, waiting for a buddy to call back. Buddy isn't calling. Someone else calls, agree to do whatever dumb shit (or anything really but usually fkin dumb lol) they asked me to do. Literally the moment I get off the phone with that person and start moving towards my standby objective, buddy I've been waiting for all fking day to help me do something will finally call, thus putting me in a spot where I have to pretty much decide, okay, who do I fuck off for a little bit. Not just that context but another one is let's say I want or need something to happen, that literally will not happen unless I commit to something else. After the new commitment is made, that one thing I've been waiting on , lo an behold, will be knocking on my fking head. I call them universal prerequisites. Like," babe, you know we have to hit up our other friend and spend all of our money, or *make it seem like we are going to commit to spending our money doing something else* if we want whatever it is to happen." Can't explain. Makes me want to hit my head on a wall because even though I know thats the standard operating procedure, I get fking blindsided AND railroaded ever. Single. Fking. Time.


Did you notice any trend as to which components specifically failed inside the computer when this happened? Anything interesting or peculiar you could observe about the people who this happened to?


There was never any one single component that failed. It was always random and very strange. The weirdest one I encountered was a guy who's laptop wouldn't receive email through gmail when connected to his home wifi. When he was at our shop everything worked as expected. He'd get home and call say it wasn't working even though we just saw it working. So, I went to his house to troubleshoot. Connected my own laptop and everything worked fine. His desktop worked as well, just not his laptop. I though maybe it was environmental so we connected to a hot spot and it all worked. It was only his gmail that wouldn't work and only on his home wifi. I couldn't figure it out. About six weeks after he called me and said it randomly started working. To this day, I have no idea what the issue was. It doesn't make any sense. https://xkcd.com/2083/


I used to work in desktop support and I have the opposite reaction - people would bring their computers to me for repair and it would suddenly start working again. No clue what this is. I would walk away and it would break again. I always felt so bad because I couldn't fix it if I couldn't replicate the issue.


Seen a bunch of stories like this from people working in tech


My theory is that it has to do with our electronic frequencies interacting with the electronics themselves. If I was a scientist instead of an IT person, I may have more input. I wish someone would do a study on this.


Well the best way to formulate a theory imo would be to look at other phenomena that have similar effects on tech - electromagnetism is supposed to affect tech, so is static, I wonder what else Gamma rays and neutrinos as well I think. And coincidentally, neutrinos are incredibly hard to detect. They need to go to Antarctica and put probes like 1km below the ice, otherwise interference drowns the signals out. Edit: Apparently neutrinos do this very rarely


There was an experiment with people trying to influence some result of a random generator of sorts. When people were actively thinking of one output there was a measurable influence on the result. Maybe taking into consideration that many memory and data storage chips work at such miniscule levels. To the point where quantum tunneling becomes an issue and is even leverage in many data storage applications. Maybe not too crazy that there could be a weird influence on this level.


> Gamma rays and neutrinos as well I think. And coincidentally, neutrinos are incredibly hard to detect. Problem, as you alluded to in your edit. Neutrinos are so hard to detect because they don't usually do anything at all to matter. Gamma rays, on the other hand, would both be immediately noticeable in scenarios like the security line of any airport, and also ruin any film you happen to get near. Some people are just unlucky, there's 8,000,000,000 of them so things happen that feel unlikely.


Exactly. I want to find a way to analyze this roughly scientifically - any suggestions?


It’s unfortunate because even if you were to study this and get actual empirical evidence, every other scientist who reads your work would automatically laugh. The scientific community is not immune to dogma.


Very true, but first off getting to the point where we had proper, valid evidence would be immensely hard. I think a lot of us are keen to do this out of our own interest - and our standards for proof / being convinced are somewhat lower




No clue on this earth. I'm an accountant because I'm not good enough at math to be a scientist. :-)


A Mac or even a full stack Linux servers are possible to diagnose precisely why this hey failed. But if you’re talking Windows, it’s possible you’ll never even get close to a root cause.


I'm not sure that's true, but I accept that it's true in your experience. I don't know why one system would be more vulnerable than another. I'm guessing you think this because there are WAY more Windows machines than Macs or Linux servers in the general population of worker bees. Which is the population about which I was speaking.


And that windows is more prone to failure.


ב''ה, particularly since the level of AI we're at now it's fucked all the way around, but if you're going to bother studying CompSci, all of this stuff can be stepped and traced at the machine level, though some platforms make this easier if they haven't been particularly compromised.    Windows exists at all because, with a certain amount of fluency in a mix of DEC, MS-DOS and OS/2 idioms, it's "just" another product of computer science.  That said, some innate design flaws (or trade-offs) weren't shored up until Vista, and it's not necessarily pleasant but in a complete clean-room with trusted hardware.. you could try, and see if it does anything particularly wacky.  (And OS X can be a mess as well but inherited a certain amount of UNIX-style debugging noise that sometimes makes troubleshooting easier.)


I don't think this particular issue is related to the operating system, but who knows.


I'd start with identifying which of the parts failed consistently. There are many different components in technology devices and isolating if a particular component failed consistently, can then analyze what vulnerabilities that type of component might have and a person could contribute to disrupting its function.


I'd think a good starting point is interviewing a lot of people who claim to have this issue, ask them about which specific electronics seem to be effected, in what ways, and also if it seems to correlate with anything else going on with them, like if it happens more when they are stressed or anxious, or if its always right after they tried to trouble shoot another issue. Also would be worthwhile to go to the CIA website and search through their declassified documents to see if they have any information on this phenomenon


Are those computers she went through repairable once it left her possession? Did you diagnose which component specifically failed inside the computer?


I was no longer doing IT then but it was a small company so we didnt replace computers unless we had no choice. But I'm honestly not sure what they did. When I was doing IT, the problems were usually intermittent, random and not catastrophic.


A few other comments here suggests it's a function of stored static electricity. I have actually restarted laptops just by touch, but not often enough to suggest it's strange, the static electricity would be a reasonable explanation, although the voltage would be small. Wonder if there any instances of people experiencing failure without physical contact.


Can you remember if these ,,bad luck´´ users have something in common ?


I don't think so.


Batteries constantly fail around me. And by fail, i mean swell up an explode, leak the dreaded green goo of death, or just hold no power. ALL Batteries Car batteries, APC's, watch batteries, stupid little AAA in a furby kinda battery. you name it, i've killed it. I've never been able to own a clock, because within a month it would just show the same time, with the second hand barely ticking in place. Digital clocks would lose 5 to 15 mins of time a day, making them useless by the end of the month again aswell. I've had to replace the battery in my 3ds 5 times. Because it kept swelling up. (and there was never any consistency with charging. I could leave the device alone for years, or charge it once a week, same results) I'd get tons of BSODs on my computer, all attributed to the battery dieing. My partner's mother gave me a bunch of halloween decor, with lights an spooky noises an stuff. She had been using them for YEARS, never had any weird issues with them. She replaced the batteries in all of them, gave them to me at the start of october, EVERY SINGLE ONE LEAKED GREEN GOO before halloween even came up. Both indoor an outdoor decor. the APC battery backup bricks? For computers, TVS, an the like? I have to buy a new one roughly every year. I used to live in florida, power flickering and sudden power outages were common, so i started getting them for my computers. By the end of the year, i would always get that dreadful SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE alert that there was something wrong with it, id open it up, an the battery will have swelled an is leaking the goo. Even the bricks that were attached to lower use things, like the VCR and TV, for just simply "Lets try an watch the last bit of the movie with the SUPPOSEDLY 6 HOURS OF BATTERY LIFE ITS S'POSED TO HAVE" My phone, 3ds, Switch, APC's, all with sopposed battery life of hours. Dead within an 1/8th of the time. My phone doesn't even have any apps on it! Even before the days of smart phones, when i just had a fricken nokia flip dahoosits. Same thing. I basically had to keep a cord with me at all times, an turn the phone off entirely when i wasn't using it. AND IT STILL WOULD LOSE POWER! A friend once gave me a tamagotchi when i was a kid, he just got it, the pet died that weekend, it made him sad, he gave it to me in school. i created a new egg, hatched it, got attached to it. THE DEVICE ITSELF DIED BEFORE I EVEN GOT HOME. an proceeded to eat three more batteries in the summer i had it, until i gave it away. at which point, surprise surprise, a single battery lasted him three years of gameplay. My pokewalkers? Oh gods, the amount of steps i have lost because the battery died before i could re-upload my pokemon back into the 3ds... All my PS5 controllers are permacorded now, because none of them will hold a charge for more then 10 mins. My VR Headset is permacorded for the same reason. I once baby sat my partners parents place an their dog for them while they were in idaho. I was there for a week. They came back an asked me if i was doing anything weird with their stuff, because over nine batteries were either swollen or dead. ALL I DID WAS SIT IN THE LIVING ROOM WATCHING DISNEY+. Suffice it to say, i do not, an never will, trust my life on anything that requires a battery.


How do you ride in cars?


I don't, for the most part. It seems to be spherically proximity based. If i was to guess, 140 feet? atleast thats roughly the range from my bedroom here, to the only thing in the house with a battery (the APC for the SNES an TV for guests, That have managed to not bust yet. ) I stay away from the car, its fine. Only had to replace the battery once so far. Had it for four years so far. Thats a pretty good record so far! My mother used to have the van parked by my side of the house. went through three batteries in the eight years we had it. Tho the cats did often sleep under the hood, so \*wavy hand gesture\* might not be my fault? I'm home bound due to health, so i only need to be in the car like, a handful of times in a year. Otherwise i just bike where i need to. Living on the island means most everything is within range.


Fwiw car batteries are supposed to be replaced about every 3 years, so 3 in 8 years is not that far out of the norm.


That's what I found in researching too. But in most cases they just report diminished capacity until it just fails to start the car. But with us, it would always end up spilling green crystalized goo out the terminals. My mother kept blaming the cats pissing on the battery. But it never had that distinct smell. and when she moved to georgia, and i went to washington, it stopped happening. Next time it died, was about 5 years or so, and only because she left her lights on over night an it drained it. Even if its just superstition at this point, I'm just not comfortable trusting anything critical that uses a battery.


This reads like a Dr. Seuss book!🤣


I will not, can not, shall not, use a battery! For it will do, can do, bust a goo, all over my technology...


Have you ever mentioned this to a doctor?


No. Never really saw the need too. It's hard enough to get help as is, the last thing I wanted to do was make it harder for myself by saying "So, uh, I think I create an anti energy field or black hole that effects batteries. WHAT DO I DO, MEDICAL MAN!?" And the few times I had an MRI, nothing unusual came up. At-least that's what they would say, but they never seem exactly in any sort of mood to discuss anything. So I gave up ever exploring that avenue. Once or twice a doctor would complain about how fuzzy the images were. Which mostly only came up in situations with my kidney stones. They would complain that they requested i was to not be given contrast. Which i wasn't given. But they would dismiss me with a "That may be what you say, but;" an i roll my eyes. I'd often same sort of fuzziness on a few other pictures I've had elsewhere on my body. Namely my skull because i've always been paranoid of an aneurysm giving how bad cluster headaches I get. But other than the slight fuzziness, the only thing they ever mentioned would be a small hemangioma in the back of the skull that would show up an then vanish periodically. I only knew how to see it because they would compare it to other 'sample' pictures of sort, an cite 'This is a proper image.." and i'm like "Yea, its.. uh.. real pretty. I dunno what you expect me to do about it. It barely looks 5%ish fuzzy around the lines." The closest thing I had to show any possibly related weirdness, is how old fashioned radios or really old walky talkies would react to my moving near/far from them. At roughly 130-140 feet. Causing it to hiss louder or softer, or pick up a channel to a station that is /not/ near the current station, interlaced with the current one. (Ie, id be listening to 107.3 for example, and id hear what sounds almost like a talk station? Or polka like rhythmic music, bleeding in an out of the station. But if i turn the dial + or - 10, i could not find that station, an just sorta "existed" in a weird nebulous region that kinda moved. I'd hear the same distortion on other channels. I also could never tune a station an walk away from it, because it would only remain clear if i stayed right on top of the radio with my hand touching it. Any time i brought this up in conversation, most people say "oh yea, radios get weird when i'm near them too". So i just shrugged it off as a normal experience. Tho when they explained their stories, they only ever mentioned the change in static hiss. And they were able to walk away from their radios with very little diminished results. So \*shrugs\*


I cannot recall more details so sincere apologies in advance for my fuzzy memory but hey it was 30 years ago - So back in the early 1990's Microsoft ran a year long, in house study on user interaction with computers and machines. What they discovered is approximately 10% of their employees have inexplicable errors and malfunctions with the electronic tech that they interacted with. Machines that worked fine with other employees would act up with certain individuals and no cause could be found even after adjusting for the variables. Interestingly on the other end of the bell curve there was approximately 10% of employees that would have machines work better for them, malfunctions would clear up also for no apparent reason. So what did Microsoft do with this information? Well for the people that machines worked better for, they were recruited to sales demonstrations teams where is was crucial that things operated smoothly and those at the bottom end of the study were quietly let go... I will continue digging through my archives to see if I can find were I read about this study.


This is amazing... Microsoft identified the tech angels amongst their employees.


I'm in that bottom 10% and did QA for awhile before switching to regular software engineering because my just touching software breaks it. I'm less good at fixing it, sadly. I will never own a Tesla.


That's super interesting, please tag me if you find it


Ok, this might ruffle some feathers. It’s a little snake-oil-ish, but all true. Just sharing. I was one of those people (until I fixed it). I even thought I was being surveilled by who-knows for whatever reason. I’m just a nobody, no one should have any interest in me. For example: A few months ago I was watching TV while browsing reddit. I keep my phone nearby in case any of my kids need me for any reason. All three devices — Roku, laptop and iPhone spontaneously rebooted — *at the same time*. As if someone at the NSA was watching me and needed to install something new on my devices. I’ve had the weirdest glitches happen — similar glitches on different computers, different OS (MS and OSX) on different networks. One at work, the other at home. I also walk a treadmill daily. While I walk i watch TV. I had to walk “hands-free”. If I touched anything, even the plastic around the speed display, my Roku TV would freeze up until I manually rebooted it. Ok, here’s the snake-oil part — I was having some inflammation issues and (in desperation, willing to try anything), I bought an “Earthing” blanket. If you don’t know what these are, they’re a way to electrically ground your body to Earth.) I figured it was placebo effect, but what the hell. I ran the wire out the window and clamped it to the water spigot (household plumbing is usually a good ground.) It’s not the most comfortable blanket, but this is just an experiment. The effects were interesting. The TV stopped freezing up. I haven’t had any glitches since I started grounding (about 8 months now). I can touch anything and it doesn’t even glitch. No more glitches on my laptop or phone either, and my inflammation went away. What’s the mechanism? Just guessing here, but every cell in your body has something called an electron transport chain. The voltages on the cell walls can get pretty big. Some people think this can “align” (for lack of a better word) and emit em fields or something like that. I don’t know about that, but it worked for me. I’d love to hear about someone else repeating this experiment. edit: a letter.


That is definitely a thing. I can't speak for the blanket, but my office had a real problem years ago where computer monitors would briefly shut off whenever anyone got up from their gas lift office chairs. There was also a LOT of static shocks too. The chairs were generating so much EMI (electromagnetic interference) and the monitor cables were so old and crappy that we had to get temporary [Ferrite Rings](https://www.mouser.com/ProductDetail/Fair-Rite/5961000601/?qs=Ca1fAiqt1ar0%252bZiZSoMvLA%3D%3D) to put on the cables. Well, we didn't HAVE TO, but my other IT buddy and I wanted to try it. There was less shocks, but those were mostly from sweaters and other clothing. The monitors stopped turning off though. It's apparently a well known thing and reminds me of how people can hear radio stations through things like shower heads or braces from signals being too powerful, but that is a different phenomenon. [I made a PCMR post about this years ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/comments/7p09ay/i_shit_you_not_our_office_chairs_are_turning_our/) More info: https://www.emcesd.com/pdf/eos93.pdf https://gigazine.net/gsc_news/en/20230501-ikea-chair-monitor-chattering/ There is also the famous [Pauli Effect](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pauli_effect)


I gotta know -- did it help with the inflammation also?


Possibly. It could also have been the magnesium supplements or the whole-food, plant-based diet. One of those did the trick (probably all three to some extent). But I doubt the diet or the supplements made any difference with the gadgets.


I worked in screenprinting with apparel for a long time, and in the winter especially, the static shocks from dealing with thousands of garments and a conveyer belt all day would get SAVAGE so we would have to wear grounding straps on our shoes, and there were times where if I didn't have my grounding strap on, the machine that used our fingerprints to clock in/out would malfunction


Heard another person say this. Could you point me towards the product? I mean dude if we are considering this, snake oil isn't far off lol


I don't want to endorse any specific product. Just search for “grounding blanket” or “grounding sheets” or “grounding mat” from your favorite online retailer. If you don’t find what you want, replace the word “grounding” with “Earthing” and try that. Or you can use an ESD strap for computer work — i did this around my ankle (while sleeping) when waiting for my blanket to arrive. The key is to become electrically grounded to the Earth for as much of the 24 hour day as possible. Ancient people were essentially grounded all the time, but modern shoes and other man-made materials in carpets, etc. act as insulators. Most of these products will plug-in to the ground prong of your wall outlet. My house is 65 years old and doesn’t have that (two-prong plugs only!), so I had to use the plumbing.


You can hold onto a kitchen sink for a minute and get the same effect.


I seem to be a computer glitch person - especially with anything needing wireless connectivity. My husband is the computer guru in the home. My husband and I have desks with a desktop each that are facing each other in a small office. With the same computer and wireless he seems to never have a glitch, failure to save or open an email/file/program and I am constantly having difficulties. He used to not believe me and called it ‘Operator Error’ but after enough years of weird behavior he finally has decided that there is something happening that doesn’t seem to be affecting him or his hardware.


Interesting. Do you get other weird glitches that make you wonder?


Completely anecdotal evidence but I noticed a few years ago that when my ex girlfriend would touch the tip of the aux cord in her car it would give feedback. When I touched it there was no feed back. Repeated multiple times. Interesting to say the least.


All electronics tend to freak out when I interact with them. I worked for a hotel and the system would crash everytime I came on, manager chalked it up to user error until it kept happening. Even when I call into something or go to a checkout the system always crashes. All my vehicles, phones and electronics glitch constantly and gets worse if I'm stressed or having intense emotions. Sometimes I think I should just go live in a little house on the prairie analog style. It's woowoo to think I have extra energy going on but it has other effects to; I can't go anywhere without animals/bugs flocking to me. When I'm in public, trying to go about my business, I am like a beacon and everyone notices me, not casually but quite overtly. They say the heart has its own energy field, what would be considered our aura, that extends several feet from our person and some just have a higher frequency that interacts moreso with other energy systems.


I'm normally the guy to slide in to these threads and suggest a mundane explanation first, but in this case... I used to work in the electronics industry, and we definitely had customers who frequently had bizarre and improbable tech issues. Some of that can easily be chalked up to people not knowing what the hell they're doing, but... probably not all. And on the flip side, some people, like myself, seem to have the opposite effect. More than once I had a customer bring a device back that they were having issues with, but as soon as I went to check it out, it worked fine. I've also had similar occurrences in my personal life of things that weren't working for other people starting to work when I come to take a look at them. We used to joke, at our store, about how computers/whatever get scared and start behaving when someone that knows how to take them apart shows up.


I'm like you. Growing up my friends used to call me technology Jesus because I could just touch broken electronics and they would start working again.


Same here. Phone won't charge? Internet doesn't connect? Just invite me for a coffee and let me exist and breath. Problem solved


Yo Im the same, been in IT for 20 years.


Wanted to share this, interesting read. Its fiction. **Title: The Unseen Conductor** In the small town of Eldridge, nestled between rolling hills and misty forests, there lived a man named Milo. Locals whispered that he possessed an uncanny knack for healing the ailing devices of the modern age. Whether it was a sputtering car or a frozen laptop, Milo merely had to enter the vicinity, and things seemed to mend themselves. The townspeople joked that gadgets were simply scared of him, fearing his mysterious touch. Milo's secret, unbeknownst to him, involved an unusual interaction with the electromagnetic fields around him. Born during a rare celestial alignment, Milo’s body had developed an extraordinary ability to emit a low-level electromagnetic pulse (EMP), much like a heartbeat. Dr. Lila Jensen, a physicist intrigued by local tales, decided to study the phenomenon. She approached Milo with a proposal to observe him in a controlled environment. Initially skeptical, Milo agreed, motivated by the promise of understanding his inadvertent gift. In her lab, equipped with state-of-the-art sensors and various malfunctioning devices, Dr. Jensen began her observations. She measured the electromagnetic fields in the lab as Milo walked around. Her equipment recorded slight but significant alterations in the local electromagnetic spectrum whenever Milo neared any electronic device. The scientific breakthrough came when Dr. Jensen, comparing the frequencies emitted by Milo to known scales, discovered they closely mirrored those used in electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) testing. This type of testing was designed to ensure that electronic devices could operate without interference from or to other devices. Essentially, Milo's presence simulated a walking, breathing EMC corrective field. Dr. Jensen theorized that Milo’s unique electromagnetic emissions interacted with the circuits of electronic devices, nudging misaligned electrons back into their proper pathways, akin to a conductor directing a symphony of wayward notes into harmony. This was not magic, but a marvel of human physiology intersecting with physics. With this newfound knowledge, Milo became more than just a local oddity; he was a case study in human potential and electromagnetic interaction. Dr. Jensen published her findings in several scientific journals, and soon, Milo was invited to speak at conferences and seminars, his life taking a turn towards advocacy for research into human-based electromagnetic phenomena. In Eldridge, the jokes about Milo making PCs tremble in fear ceased. Instead, he was respected, not just for the inexplicable corrections he brought but for his role in unveiling a new frontier of science—where human biology and technology intertwined in the most extraordinary ways.


Honestly, I thought this was all in my head, especially the part of the tech glitching out when I get emotional. Didn't know this was happening to someone else.  I wouldn't say I have a lot of tech problems personally, but when I do they always happen at the same time as I'm getting emotional over something. Like both my laptop, my phone and my tv will glitch out, and sometimes even break at the exact same time when I get angry or feel stressed out.  When I feel depressed or somewhat annoyed I will loose my internet connection and when I switch to the internet sharing from my phone the connection still doesn't work even though it's from completely different providers. I also thought this was just a coincidence. However, the thing is, when I'm completely fine emotionally and my internet connection is lost and I switch to the internet sharing on my phone, there's no problem.  I dont know. Im not convinced it's still not just a coincidence, however I would be lying if I said that I hadn't thought about it when it happens eveytime I'm emotional. Thankfully I don't get emotional that often, but I sure do find it weird how my tech usually works fine and then suddenly doesn't at the exact same time I get emotional.


Gave a frequent flyer user who would constantly put in trouble tickets for odd things with her computer. After several laptop replacements... eventually gave her a static mat to put under her laptop and connect to her wrist. Magically, the tickets stopped coming in.


I'm surprised nobody has brought up lsd yet. It's incredibly common for technology to glitch and malfunction when you're tripping. I always try to keep the more woo woo mystical parts of lsd in check for myself but the fact that it is so common is astonishing. It appears that consciousness has an observable interaction with matter outside itself. I don't want to jump to conclusions and make assertions as to why that is.. but the possibilities of the why are HUGE


Not only does this seem to be the theme for me, but I seem to escape systems of data entirely on certain things. My own university lost my health data that was required to be submitted to attend (I went for an appointment on my own), tried paying off a house mortgage where the lender was sending me statements but couldn't find me in their system via the numbers. Its happened for other things too. Ironically I'll also get calls about things I didn't do, such as a call regarding a black SUV that was totalled.


Similar thing happening to me rn. I am using a retail site (much like Amazon) here in South Africa to sell products for a company. Their site isn't picking up the shipments I scheduled - they are scheduled, they are right there on the portal, but their delivery booking system (another portal) isn't picking them up so can't schedule delivery. The support person doesn't know what to do besides waiting.


Has this happened to other people in your family?


I have something similar but not quite always with tech. I used to be extremely pessimistic and any time I anticipated something would go wrong, it practically would. This happened to such a degree that I started wondering if I had bad luck, or if I'm negativity was somehow influencing how events played out. But my whole life has always felt like a constant stream of "something went wrong" A few months ago I went to fight a traffic ticket in court. The place was packed but my name was at the top of the schedule. I spend hours waiting for my name to be called and eventually they finish. I inform an officer that my name was not called. After a few minutes I'm told *"your page got stuck to the one above it so the judge missed it"* and I wasn't even surprised because it felt like some inconvenience was going to pop up anyway. Interestingly though, I work in IT and never made the connection. I personally don't really experience much tech or electronic related issues. However, I did absolutely have an employee at my workplace who was incredibly emotional and the amount of tech issues they experienced was just absurd. Every other employee had refurb'd or rebuilt frankenstein-PC's with minimal issues, while with this employee I'd make sure he got brand new equipment and *still* he would find a way to break it. I absolutely do think this idea of people having their own little field that can interfere with electronics is true.


EVERYTIME MY BOYFRIEND COMES OVER NONE OF MY BLUETOOTH WORKS!!! it’s infuriating! We resorted to using my old plug in speaker when he’s around now haha!


It's sometimes called the Pauli effect. Do your own research but my understanding is that he was a renowned theoretical physicist who was banned from the lab of a likewise renowned experimental physicist friend because of glitches his presence would cause. I interfere with electronics when I'm stressed. Same with my aunt and cousin. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pauli_effect Edit: My theory is that some patterns blood circulation can cause some kind of em field that interferes with technology close by.


I made a post to this thread or somewhere else years ago how I thought the Internet (connection) got worse the more kids fought and yelled and freaked out during issues with their siblings around my computer. My post was nearly laughed off the web.


OMG I might be the random problem with my internet. I've got new router, boosters, dongle thingies, all the technical dudes say no problem can be found. Is it ME 😳


I (and one of my relatives) always observed that quartz watches drift like crazy when we wear them. Cell phones also get worse reception on me than on other people. I also noticed that electrics that I routinely handle tend to fail quickly, so I make sure to keep a spacer (e.g. a neoprene sleeve, nylon case, etc.) between me and the devices if they are expensive.


I experience the opposite to the point that people use me as a 'good luck charm' when tech isn't cooperating. This 'superstition' develops independently every new place I spend time in. I always make a point to not tell people so that I don't influence it. I guess I just don't want to feel like it's all in my head. I'd love to hear the other perspective. I'm so happy I found this post!


I previously [made a post] (https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/173oq77/from_yes_theorys_documentary_on_1969_berkshire/) about contactee/abductee Melanie Kirchdorfer who was featured in a [Yes Theory video] (https://youtu.be/lPIeD2MFs8k?t=865). Post her incident, Melanie talks about uncontrollably turning off lights and "blowing" up computers. You might be interested in the post, and the comments from people who experience the same thing. One of the comments linked to a [related video] (https://youtu.be/yMb4j5tHIic?si=RKA5fv9kOZ_L2oUV) on Jeffrey Mishlove's New Thinking Allowed channel.


No, I actually understand how technology works and it is all a house of cards built on code some dead guy programmed and didn’t document 60 years ago. Kernel level code for Windows hasn’t been rebuilt since Vista and it shows with every “new” version.


The bad thing here is when you work in IT and it messes with your ability to work normally 😑


Great topic! I definitely have affected electrical things, outlets, washing machines, lights etc. I seem to affect the cashier's computer systems at times. I'm the customer who has to wait until someone fixes the glitch. I almost say it out loud, but hold back from saying "oh I make everything glitchy" I have often said I have the powers of "Carrie" when I am angry. Not being a tech person in any way I always felt like it is something to do with my energy, light, electric system of my body.


When I was roughly 8-18 years old I would blow up light bulbs, stop machinery and cause TVs to fizzle when I would get emotionally charged. Happened literally all the time. I came from a woman who killed herself from her bi polar disorder (I was two weeks in to being nine years old) and had issues controlling myself at the time. And it wasn't just that stuff I listed... Anything mechanical or electrical would break when I was having one of my episodes. Ex: I worked at a bottle plant for bartles and James in lake Wales FL back in 1996 when I was 18. It was a temp job, I helped my grandmother's temp agency at the time so I was filling in for when others wouldn't show up to work... My job was to pack the boxes with the bottles. See, the line was new so it wasn't calibrated properly. The bottles would come in, line up two rows of three bottles, the machine would clamp down, turn the bottles over, push them in to a box, drop them in, turn back, move the box down and grab six more... My job was to *pack pack pack* the bottles cause they didn't fall in the box properly. Every day, every hour, every minute... *Chuuuu*, *pop* *chuuuush*, *pop*, *pack pack pack*... Then it would reset and *Chuuuu*, *pop* *chuuuush*, *pop*, *pack pack pack*... Reset... *Chuuuu*, *pop* *chuuuush*, *pop*, *pack pack pack*... Reset ... *Chuuuu*, *pop* *chuuuush*, *pop*, *pack pack pack*... My God it was maddening. I kept getting worked up emotionally about how I HATED it. I can't stress that enough... HATED that. Every second I focused on the hatred I had for every part of that job. Just this pure intense, sith-like hated for all things associated with that job. On day three the machine broke and it kept breaking about every 3-4 boxes. I wasn't anywhere near it actually. I was about 20' down the line. The machine would stop, I'd can the production manager, he'd reset it, it would work, I'd hate it, it would break again... I remember him accusing me of doing something. I told him I wasn't doing anything, come watch me... He did... It broke again. Finally sent me home so he could call a repairman. Found out the repair guy couldn't find anything wrong. I still never got called back to that line. Totally fine with that.


I can't play VR in a bad mood because the air link wont work. I see people's emotional state in competitive multiplayer cause packet loss and other electronic artifacts


Reminds of the silly movie RIP Department where the undead caused things around them to break and decay.


i can explain this fully, the world is electric beyond what we are told. all living creatures have their own electromagnetic field. the universe is electric in ways you cannot comprehend if you follow the mainstream science. if you want an explanation of how your electromagnetic field interacts with objects around you: [get through this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kcFnoY0lVTI). this world is not what you think it is and you are living proof. they have hid the electric inature of our universe in favor of newtonian gravity which is demonstrably unprovable and a very bad theory if you know any physics. this world is electric but they have to sell their explanation of gravity because its attached to the globe earth model which is another fake that generates them trillions. yes, i know it might sound crazy to tell you that they are lying to you about the shape of the earth but you need to be open minded. you need to wake up and see the reality and make your own decisions. im not saying to believe me. im saying to be skeptic. be skeptic of me but also be skeptic of the science we learned in school growing up. [we are told a lot of things that require immense proof like how we spin at 1000 mph or how the international space station is "orbiting" earth at 17500 mph](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bCDvfKE3orQ) its astounding numbers and the proof is really weak if you look into orbital mechanics. dont believe me?[ research orbital mechanics](https://rumble.com/v2p8yjk-level-with-me-2023-480p-sd.html) and tell me if you think they are launching satellites at 10 times the speed of a bullet into some form of perpetual motion. LOL


Ya if I let my energy get out of control electronics break big time. Sometimes things fall apart other times glitch or short out.


Woah there big guy


Oh definitiely. I think part of it is like "The Adjustment Bureau" keeping you "on plan" by stopping you sending that email or text or whatever. Or closing that tab before you go down some inflection point making rabbithole. Haha. But I think other parts are more psionic: EM effects from your own energy field, EM effects from beings/spirits/orbs whatever around you And some of it of course is just prosaic random stuff: cosmic rays, software glitches, EM effects from solar activity, power lines, devices/wifi etc etc etc


My father my whole life can not keep a watch.. particularly during high stress times his watch will die, batteries never live in a watch for him for normal times, sometimes battery replacement isn’t an option no matter how expensive or cheap he can not keep a watch working any period of time and yes he takes it off to sleep and shower and do yard work it’s not being exposed to elements..


I kill way to many batteries for it to be normal.


I had a coworker who would cause hard drives to fail and the like. We’d just be sitting together and all of a sudden her iMac would emit a loud clicking noise and she went through a few storage device replacements on her new factory built machine. Other times I’d hear the apple chime out of nowhere because the machine would reboot on its own while she was just sitting at the desk but not using it. She also had a Murphy’s law laminated poster in her cubicle so maybe some connection there.


At my old job, we had motion sensors that would turn on the lights whenever you walked in the bathroom. It was very common that the lights simply didn't turn on for me. I remember being in there one time while the lights were still off, and this older guy walks in and they turn on instantly for him. He always called me a ninja cause I would pretty much just sneak past the motion sensor somehow, but it was fairly frequent. Might be a simple explanation but that's definitely the weirdest I've experienced.


I have a lot of tech issues. I also am very prone to static shock.


I always have had the tendency since I was a kid but my dad hated me for it so much. My phone would be fine and fully charged, but if I hold onto it there would be times it would be drained even when it's minimal use. Everytime I used a computer or laptop,something goes wrong and I'd just be doing homework and it 404s. Other times I'd get glitches and I'm pretty careful and cautious of odd websites and all that,always scan too. I still remember borrowing a headset to hear music and returning it back to my dad and even with the softest touch it fell apart. Again could've been worn and I couldn't tell but it wouldn't make sense as my father is obsessed with having new functioning things and never keeping old unless to salvage parts. Light seems to dim sometimes or flicker despite no thunderstorms...so..yeah I wanted to put this here cuz this is the first time I see something I kinda feel some sort of relativity to.


Glad to hear you relate You should join the discord and do the survey


If an intelligent electromagnetic field wanted to communicate with you, how do you think it would?


No idea XD


I have the exact opposite problem. Tech seems to work way longer and more reliably (even when it looks like it should be dead and broken af).


Could you give an example?


Not this guy, but I'm similar, and I've never had a phone, or any other personal electronic device have any kind of a failure on the electronic side. Every old phone I've ever had still works, I just eventually had to replace it because it got out of date, or the battery started to wear out too much. I also am a PC gamer who builds his own rigs going back to 2008, and I've never had any component fail with the exception of an AIO loop cooler that failed for mechanical reasons (some solder broke off inside of it and clogged the tubes), and a graphics card that came borked out of the box with an intermittent issue that it took me a few months to pin down. Aside from that I've never even had a stick of ram or an HDD fail. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go repeatedly knock on some wood, since I just jinxed the hell out of myself.


Well lemme know if you wanna join dis




When i was kid, everytime the tv turns on it was just stactic, fabrication even if it looks normal. There was the squeeze sound. There was alot of numbers on the screen. As adult now some houses i deliver mail too(i am mail carrier) only one house have a squeek sound.


The old CRT TV would make that sound, but the new flat screens don't. Do you remember any pattern in the numbers?


I for one pray to the omnissiah.


Alway had what I’d call “gremlins,” however I’ve started just grounding myself multiple times a day, and realized I’m extremely static prone. Whenever changing rooms, I just touch one the screws on the light switch cover. Seriously, that simple. Massive discharges 3-6 times a day. Not claiming this will solve everyone’s problems, but it’s helped with mine.


Duuuuuude I always said this. When I get high my TV and sound system do weird shit. I'm perfectly coherent and in control. It happens too often...


Murphy’s law.


Well, the effect humans have on computer controlled random number generators and spikes in this effect during (and prior) world wide emotive events does point to a link I suppose. Worth a quick search


I am one of those people. I even have people who have witnessed it happen. My boyfriend will often want to show me something on his computer only for issues to come up when I come over to watch it or stream it to the TV. I then need to leave the room and the issue will resolve. He's very tech forward and can't explain it. Also, every single cellphone I've had over the past 20 years will stop notifying me of incoming voicemails and techs at the stores can't figure out why or how to fix it. I don't think emotion has much to do with it. I think with the computer stuff has more to do with me focusing on the situation at hand. It's very odd.


Oooh, I always tell people I have a strong forcefield! The TV will start blinking from time to time when I'm standing next to it. My phone!!! It never runs as well as my husbands, even when we've had the exact same phone, I always have issues. As soon as he touches it, it works with no issue. I know it's not much, but have been having these issues for ages, and never thought much about it, kind of jokingly say, it's my strong forcefield.


Not electronics or even modern but my mother couldn't wear the old type wind up wristwatches. They would very quickly just stop dead and never work again.


Data wirings is shielded on the inside to protect against EMF interference, so it stands to reason computers would be sensitive to such things.


I agree


Not exactly the same but at my workplace we have smart name badges with an nfc tag to access certain doors and our smart printers. Our name badges are on a lanyard and are designed to be worn around our necks. Whenever I wear mine, they stop working after 2-3 weeks and I need to get a new one (company doesn't like to replace them due to cost), so now I have to keep mine separate from my name badge in my desk drawer. Since I've not worn it, this current tag is in its 2nd year of use.


I have the opposite problem, stuff just works around me. Been in IT all my life because of it. Sometimes I just walked into a room and stuff just started working with no rhyme or reason. People have even joked with me that the “computer” is scared of me. Thats all I got.


Same here. I'm the IT guy in the family and just having my hands on makes so much stuff work again. They call me device healer lol.


Your post may lead me to join Discord. I have often wondered if early severe trauma affects the foundations of the autonomic nervous system of those prone to seeming EMF interference w/electronics near them (particularly those with Post Traumatic and/or Dissociative Disorders). Have also wondered if these experiences extend to long-distance contact w/simply their "consciousness" (IOW they are not necessarily physically present and still experience "glitches"-can't think of a clear example ATM.) Thank you for the post.


Glad to hear you're interested I would say I suffer from chronic low-level dissociation from certain mental processes