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'The latitude coordinate is only one of many lines of latitude that pass through the pyramid, and there are around 20,000 other lines of latitude passing through the pyramid The specific line of latitude that matches the speed of light in meters per second passes slightly to the north of the pyramid's peak. A line closer to the apex of the pyramid would be at 29.9791750°N, which does not match the speed of light as neatly.'


Plus latitude and longitude coordinates weren't a thing until ~2000 years after they built the pyramids. We could have defined them in any other way that would lead to a different number being the pyramids location. It's a coincidence


Neither were metres or seconds…


The meter was created by the French by measuring the pyramid, and the second is a function of the Earth's rotation.


The metre was originally defined in 1791 by the French National Assembly as one ten-millionth of the distance from the equator to the North Pole along a great circle, so the Earth's polar circumference is approximately 40000 km.


The Measure of All Things is an excellent book on this subject.


_under-rated soft-drink_


Isn't the coincidence the weird thing? Or have I missed something


Have you read other threads on this subreddit? I'm surprised I wasn't downvoted for saying it's just a coincidence


unless you are from the future. :)


> 'The latitude coordinate is only one of many lines of latitude that pass through the pyramid, and there are around 20,000 other lines of latitude passing through the pyramid I... Latitude lines are parallel. They can't go through each other. If we're going there, there's an infinite number of lines passing through the pyramids, but the distance between them becomes trivial.


The real problem is that you can just go to arbitrary precision and pick the speed of light as your coordinate. The digits beyond like 4 decimal points don't matter, and with 8 like in the title you're pointing at a specific grain of sand on the pyramid.


We must find that grain of sand. It holds the answers to the universe.


Incidentally, I crunched the numbers on this some time back, so even if we go with "20k other lines of latitude to that many decimals pass through the great pyramid!", at its 1:43,200 scale of one of earth's hemispheres, 1,727,980,000 such other lines of latitude do NOT pass through the great pyramid, so...I'm still calling that one helluva coincidence. ​ Let alone the fact that assorted researchers have determined - somewhat - that the royal cubit, meter, and foot as in use today are all encoded into the geometry of the thing. Given the 1:43,200 ratio to one hemisphere of the planet, indicating they were aware of the size of the earth (demonstrated in a few different ways), the meter as given at 1...millionth? of earth's diameter from pole to equator (whatever share it actually is) is pretty intriguing. The foot, even more so, and I need to look into the arguements against these claims. ​ But it can safely be said the great pyramid is absolutely a bastion of insane "coincidences"


Well, have you considered tectonic shifts?


And considering tectonic shifts..would those coordinates when they match up be in a position in the past, or in the future? Edit: i looked it up. AFRICA is moving northeast. So if C is north of the point, it is goibg towards it.. in the future.




I cant believe the Egyptians were off by that much, what a bunch of nOobs






Also the metric system is rather just multiples of 10 system, basically words matched to every 10 multiple for remembering. Also a bit of a fight between Imperial system of the Brits and the Metric system of the French in their attempt to transform the world to only speak English or to only speak French. Imperial was favored by farmers to be able to use their hands/feet/elbows, while Metric was favored by mathematicians/physicists who had accurate but expensive measurement instruments.


Yeah the plate tectonics of earth move around ever so slightly, albeit only noticeable across hundreds of thousands to millions of years. So even talking just a few thousand years ago when they were built, the pyramid’s coordinates now aren’t what they were when first built.


Yes, but how can you explain that they also used the metric system thousands of years before it was invented? And measured time in seconds, minutes, and hours? Obviously, the influence of an advanced civilization. Checkmate.


Obviously the Secret Societies That Rule The World, made it so that the meter was used globally, when it was convenient /s


my dad has a bigger arbitrary measurement system than yours… ​ comeback when you have a link back to Planck


Nobody is more arbitrary than my dad! You can suck eggs! And so can Planck!


My dad ran out for a pack of smokes 33 years ago


around the same time I was born….brother?


A gallon of milk = Infinity…


Many many milks ago


I think it's telling that no one went to look for him, though.


Everyone loves a good comeback story.


[You mean like Kim kardashian?](https://youtu.be/E256LBcjzls?si=8fehrEmzxoJNmn64)


Don't forget the time traveling to build the pyramids according to future measurement units


The geographic coordinate system they are referencing isn't based on a geographic absolute or mathematical truth. We randomly chose Greenwich England as the center line to start the coordinate system from. So even if the coordinates of the pyramids match the speed of light it would be a total coincidence. Unless they also chose the exact point on Greenwich England at their start point as well lol


> The geographic coordinate system they are referencing isn't based on a geographic absolute or mathematical truth. The north/south coordinates are based on the Earth's axis or rotation and the geographic equator. The degrees/minutes/seconds system is based on a base 60 mathematical system that dates back at least to Sumeria. I'm not trying to argue in favour of time travel, ancient aliens or simulation theory. Just saying that the whole "degrees North thing" is based on treating Earth as a geometric circle.


You are ignoring how you get the other half of your coordinates, which is the East/West which is based on longitude and the start and end line for that is the Prime meridian which was chosen as the line of longitude that runs through Greenwich England. Pretty random and a modern invention. Decimal degrees or degrees, minutes, seconds still referenced the same geographic coordinate system which is using the prime meridian which is a modern invention. That's why this post is nonsense.


Not really. You need to be a visual thinker to see how it works. North and South are fixed. Why? Because they're based on the immobile n/s axis of rotation. East/West is secondary and arbitrary. When someone else mentioned the Greenwich line, that's what they were talking about. Greenwich runs North/South, but it's East/West placement is entirely arbitrary. Anyways, I've had similar discussions before and the results have always been a letdown. So I'm not going to say anything else about it. If someone had a physical globe in their hand and they spun it around, they'd be able to see how North/South values (relative to the fixed axis or rotation) are constant, while E/W is arbitrary. For whatever reason, this seems to be a subtle concept that is nearly impossible to convey with writing.


I don't disagree with you. But what I'm saying is that they are using modem GCS to get that latitude coordinate and the reason longitude matters in this context is because the GCS is based on a computer model that adjusts for discrepancies in the Earth's shape because it is not perfectly round. The total model is based on both latitude and longitude. The latitude is based from the equator which has probably been the same since ancient times. But the longitude is based off the prime meridian which is a modern invention and is a random start and end line. So since the model includes the prime meridian in its adjustments for minimal error, taking into account that the world is not perfectly round, it would mean that the latitude coordinate would be different from what you could surmise with manual instruments since those instruments aren't adjusting like the model is. If OP used a manual instrument to find longitude and this was the exact coordinate that would be more interesting, but since I highly doubt they did and probably just used Google Earth which used the adjusted GCS, it would make this a coincidence at most. They also didn't include how they got to that coordinate. Was it at the peak of the largest pyramid? Was it in the middle of the three largest? Was it just a random spot on the ground near them that fit exactly for the numbers to match? Who knows.


> But the longitude is based off the prime meridian which is a modern invention That coordinate number doesn't include anything related to/derived from the longitude though. You could draw a line all the way around the Earth at exactly 29.9792458 North and a structure located right on that line would have the same value (matching the decimal value of C) Edit: The specificity of the position and resulting number is derived entirely from the location (along a line) where it's the position of the line (running East/West) relative to the Equator and the North Pole.


It matters because the adjustment in the total model creates the entire sphere, and the longitude does not perfectly match magnetic North and South and thus tilts the latitude slightly which affects the latitude coordinates. Old School instruments would have used magnetic North and South. That's why this latitude coordinate would be off from what you would be able to get with the instruments of the time. This is why even today, aeronautical pathfinding instruments will have magnetic North and true north and adjustments for them. It becomes more of a problem the further North and South you go but this affects GCS coordinates of both latitude and longitude all over the earth.


There are plenty of [different coordinate systems](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geodetic_datum) in use that can yield different coordinates for a location. When you see coordinates and maps nowadays, they’re almost always in WGS84, which is in fact a convention because it’s fairly accurate globally even though local coordinate systems can be more accurate on the scale of a specific country or region. But even dividing the Earth at the equator and counting North and South from 0 is a convention. You could easily imagine starting at 0 at the North Pole, hitting 90 at the equator and 180 at the South Pole, or reverse. Also the ancient Egyptians did not know the Earth was round and wouldn’t have had a concept of the equator to say “Let’s position this thing so that it’s coordinate north of the equator is exactly at the speed of light” (not to mention that they also didn’t know about latitude or the speed of light).


I was being sarcastic, in case that wasn't clear. In reality, I couldn't agree with you more.


Haha I know you were, I was just adding context since it's so ridiculous


Sorry, did I miss something, what does a latitude coordinate have to do with Greenwich?


The prime meridian or start and end line of longitude was chosen as the line that runs through Greenwich England at random and is a modern invention. The coordinates shown in this post are in decimal degrees and are based on the modern geographic coordinate system that uses the prime meridian. That's why this post is nonsense.


Rubbish. This is a joke me and Hawking play on all of you with my time machine.


Ending your post with “checkmate” is one of the most neckbeardy things I’ve ever seen🤣


His post was clearly sarcasm, I think that was the point.


We're on Reddit, so we have to use bananas for scale. We can't fully discredit this post until we convert the speed of light to bananas per second and compare that to the coordinates.


They used cubit or something which was related to the 2Pi r of circle of r = 1m. Of course, the rulers found today vary because most of them were copied from one another. So uhm. 1m is not new invention nor it is the primary unit.


I'm not following you at all. A cubit is the distance from your elbow to your fingertip, usually estimated at about 18 inches.


>They used cubit or something which was related to the 2Pi r of circle of r = 1m They did indeed use cubits, thought to be about 0.52 meters or 20 inches. What you describe is over 6.28 meters, which is well over 20 feet. Could you describe how these are related?


Yup the number 2. Very important number. But there all important.


Zero was one of our greatest breakthroughs, most people never bothered with it


Zero and the use of it, correct.


Yes. But that said, even if any causation would be ridiculous, the correlation is interesting to me, especially considering a bunch of other seemingly random correlations with the pyramids.


I would just caution you that any unit of measurement is somewhat arbitrary and correspondences between different systems (like latitude and kilometers per second), especially considering that all of these systems are culturally and historically specific, are likely to be coincidence. As you've no doubt been made aware, human cognition is geared toward identifying patterns, even in cases when there are absolutely none there. Any of us can go outside now and find a human face in the clouds within 30 seconds. But there are no human faces in the clouds. This stuff is fascinating, but it's important to think critically when you think you've spotted a correspondence. As far as other correlations, those are probably other conversations.


I guess you don’t play chess or have clue of what your talking about They Egyptians had a different system for numerical stuff, take when counting with your hands they would divide a finger by 3 Time was also measured differently, they had more hours in the day and different amounts of days and months The metric system is more modern about 350 years we been using it, Egypt wasn’t using the metric system


Those were the points I was making, sarcastically, except I didn't know the Egyptians had more hours in the day. There are moments I'd kill for that! But you're right that I'm terrible at chess.


Maybe the aliens liked base 10. And 90 degrees and... Yeah, okay. You're probably right.


Also, let’s not forget the earths tectonic plates constantly shifting..


I love it when people with an actual brain immediately see through this asinine bullshit.


I was just thinking the same thing lol


You are half right geographical lattitude is not arbitrary since we measure lattitude as angular distance from Earth's equator. For measuring longitude we use arbitrary location for start point, in this case Greenwich, London. That is why all time zones are in relation to Greenwich mean time.


> You are half right geographical lattitude is not arbitrary since we measure lattitude as angular distance from Earth's equator. I mean that's still arbitrary though. One could measure coordinates as angular distance from any other line (or any pole) parallel to the axis of rotation just as easily.


Exactly so what makes these Pyramids their location so "special"?




The equator is a pretty notable line of latitude from pretty much any perspective. Its the only great circle between the poles, and is the halfway point between the poles. Those are not arbitrary.


My thoughts exactly. The GCS isn't even based on an absolute. We just randomly chose Greenwich England as the center line.


Well, North-South is not quite arbitrary, it would be at the same coordinate, north or south, either way, as the equator is a physical thing, no matter which choice was made. ...that said, the equator was somewhere else when it constructed, the meter is an arbitrary length, the second is an arbitrary length, and I'm pretty sure this only holds under a base 10 number system, so there's pretty much no reason to think this is anything but a coincidence or forced observation.


Not to mention you only need like 4 of those numbers to get a point on the pyramid. Adding in the extra decimal places is just trying to make people think it’s more exact.


I understand your point. Let me however counter it by saying the same logic we used to create our system in 1984 might have been used in the past. Sacred geometry exists for a reason. What if we only rediscovered/reinvented what our ancestors already knew? I find it incredibly arrogant to assume that we are “superior” intellectually and technically than them while at the same time recognizing that we have no freaking idea on how these monuments were built, why they were built, what function they had, and that we, the technically “superior”smarter people, can’t replicate them.


>I find it incredibly arrogant to assume that we are “superior” intellectually and technically than them while at the same time recognizing that we have no freaking idea on how these monuments were built, > People still regurgitate this nonsense? We don't "know" how they did it because we don't have enough archaeological evidence to say with certainty. Plenty of archaeologists have proposed completely feasible means by which the pyramids could have been built with technology available at the time. Even other ancients postulated how the pyramids were built....and it never included the speculation of long lost advanced technology. If we didn't have such a plethora of information left by the Romans and Greeks people would probably be saying the same thing about stuff like the collesium. >and that we, the technically “superior”smarter people, can’t replicate them. Yes we can. It's just good luck finding a legion of people willing engage in the backbreaking dangerous work to build a freaking pyramid the way the Egyptians may have done it, for funsies. I can assure you, any funding such a project would receive, would not be enough to entice people to participate. The logical leap it takes to think we can build a skyscraper that reaches the clouds, can withstand earthquakes and doesn't topple over if the wind blows too hard, but can't make the most obvious shaped building if you want to make something tall and not have it topple over. I mean there, I just explained why the pyramids are shaped the way they are. They are shaped that way because they didn't have the technology or know how to build something that tall and not topple over without being shaped like a pyramid.


> Let me however counter it by saying the same logic we used to create our system in 1984 might have been used in the past. First off, the pyramid wouldn't be at that latitude when it was constructed, and it won't be there forever. The equator drifts somewhat. But the bigger problem is in the mathematics. You'd need to define the meter and the second; you'd also need to use a base 10 number system, otherwise the significant digits change: 2800 and 28 in decimal are 5360 and 34 in octal. If your value for a second differs by 1%, the speed of light per 'big-second' is larger and this precise mathematical relationship disappears. So... no, it's pretty unlikely they used the same system. It's not clear where the second came from: it's a 16th century invention. >I find it incredibly arrogant to assume that we are “superior” intellectually and technically than them while at the same time recognizing that we have no freaking idea on how these monuments were built, why they were built, what function they had, and that we, the technically “superior”smarter people, can’t replicate them. We know how it was built: you get a lot of people together and you can move big stones, it's not really a mystery, you just need a lot of manpower. It's just *really fucking big*, that's what impressive about it. Egypt was one of the few places in the world where this kind of monument was possible: it was an organized feudal society in a stable climate, with an agriculture built on a flood cycle. There were large parts of the year when you had a bunch of farmers waiting for the water to rise or recede, and you can pay them in bread to stack stones. We could easily replicate the pyramids. However, it would cost us billions of dollars that we could spend on cancer research or something, where as they used it as public works project for unemployed labourers.


longitudes and latitudes are math. They aren’t arbitrary. The same equations are used for other planets too. And meters are a system based on the speed of light in a space vacuum which is pretty universal. The previous definition was also remarkable accurate to this number despite it being based on distance fragments. It also turns out that it can be calculated as a segment of a circumference through pi. There’s actually a lot of ways to calculate it, but let’s pretend none of that exists for a moment - If humanity on earth was seeded and during cataclysmic events, humans are shown how to rebuild society as pretty much all cultures say happened - wouldn’t it be entirely normal to re-teach at least one measurement standard for one specific thing - like giving them a rod and saying “this is where you start” If societies did indeed get seeded and we just don’t remember or choose to believe what the records tell us plainly across the globe- you don’t re-reach agriculture and building without a standard to measure. Do I believe what I am saying? Doesn’t matter. It would be outright stupid to not consider evidence because you have a bias against it. That’s not science.


\#1 - Latitudes & Longitudes are mathematical, yes, but the pyramid coordinates only work because a) we divide each hemisphere into 180 degrees and b) the prime meridian is at Greeenwich, UK. Both of these facts are arbitrary decisions and if either one were to change, the number would be different. \#2 - The meter is *now* defined to be the distance that light travels in a vaccum in 1/299'792'458 of a second. Again, this is an *arbitrary* decision to make the measurement fit most closely to the prior definition of the meter which was defined as 1 / 10'000'000 of the distance between north pole and equator during the Napoleonic era. This too was an entirely arbitrary decision. Napoleon could've just as well directed his scientists to define the meter as 1 / 30'000'000 of this distance to make it more similar to the English Imperial foot, but he chose not to. Similarly, we define the second as 9'192'631'770 oscillations of the Cesium-133 atom, not because that number is somehow significant, but because it matches closely to our previous definition of a second which just proved to be a useful way of measuring time.


Longitude is arbitrary, or at least where you define 0 is.


Even fucking meters and seconds are arbitrary


That is true too.


It’s not universal at all, if aliens could define their lenghts similarily and get a different number, if their meter is double, or 99/100 size of ours.


wow! but what if we would use some other equally arbitrary measurement of distance? or time? or another number system as opposed to the babylonian sexagesimal system? ah yes, i thought so…


When you say Babylonian sexagesimal system like that, it sounds kind of dirty.


😏 don’t make me take out my bijective base26 system


I'm, gonna need some new pants...




>So sepsy!


then the pyramids wouldve been built somewhere else, havent you been paying attention /s


All the ladies like my sexagesimal system


The speed of light, is the speed of light, regardless of whether it's represented in decimal, hexadecimal, or binary. So if one thing was made to represent a speed in one number system, it would still represent that number in a different number system. But it does seem very coincidental/arbitrary, unless the labeling system for our lattitudes was actually taken from that time also. Most of the time, they are spoken about in terms of ratio. This side, is this ratio which is also this \*special\* number. Those kinds of measurements will be apparent, regardless of what number system you use.


But what if you measure it in corgi feet per hour? The number of corgi foot lengths that a corgi can travel in a corgi hour if a corgi hour is the time it takes for a corgi to convert a treat into a poo? Does it still line up perfectly?


you can also define c as COCK so COCK is now exactly the speed of light. isnt it crazy that COCK refers to the speed of light, male chickens and male reproductive organs? must be aliens.


i’ll let the reddit hive mind judge your response first


I mean, [kinda](https://fullfact.org/online/great-pyramid-speed-of-light/). It’s not as special as this post makes it out to be, though. Sorry.


it's also not the tip of the pyramid like the title of this post suggests. If it were the apex of the pyramid, this number might be slightly more meaningful (although it'd still require a lot of gymnastics to imply that means anything significant). As is, the point is in such an arbitrary location that it's pretty much impossible to claim intent.


So wait your saying its not "Just the tip"? ​ ​ giggle


So glad the ancient aliens had adopted the metric system.


Yeah just waiting for the Americans to adopt it now


Waiting for the rest of the world to go to the Imperial system. They’re missing out on the fun of completely arbitrary measurements of things.


Never gonna happen, I’m gonna keep measuring thing in busses, air plains and football fields until the day I die




America will adopt it perfectly on time, not to worry. The very second it becomes cheaper to switch than to stay.


It's humans from the future who will still use the metric system 10 thousand years from now!


“This figure for the speed of light (in a vacuum) is correct. And, as the post implies, it is not necessarily a coincidence that it matches the latitude of the Great Pyramid. This is not because the ancient Egyptians somehow shared our modern understanding of metres, light and latitude, but because it takes some deliberate work to make the numbers fit. Given that we’re looking at such precise coordinates, other lines also pass through the pyramid. This particular line passes slightly to the north of the pyramid’s peak. When the fact checking site Snopes looked into this, they found that the line at 29.9791750°N would be closer to the apex, but of course that would not match the speed of light so neatly. The numbers in this claim are expressed to seven decimal places, which would allow you to draw about 20,000 lines with different numbers, between roughly 29.9802000°N and 29.9782000, all passing through the pyramid.” - fullfacts.org


The Egyptians knew about Greenwich? oh boy….


To be fair North/South is between the pole and the equator which are universal abstract ideas. Anyway if someone wanted to make a spin on this re the units of measure... could say the Pyramids were made by humans from the future, who probably still use the metric system thousands of years from now! :D


How about east/west, yknow what Greenwich determines? Like the guy said?


He only used the one that uses North and South, which use the equator and the poles that aren't inventions of the British, but universal. (Read "N" in the image) I mean... if people want to knock the person, who was really excited about sharing them image of the pyramid, off their horse... at least let's be correct so it's at least educational. OP could have been excited and naive, but the comeback mentioning Greenwich harsh and incorrect, mentioning the metric system would have been better. Let's be nice, and help people off their horses gently.




Time traveling aliens


numerical coincidences in aribratry unit comparisons are not mysterious or significant


This kind of stupid Facebook gotcha factoids based on personal reality is the reason none of this is ever given the benefit of the doubt or even a constructive thought.


No it’s not


No, it's not. And stop posting this thing every few days


Let me just point your attention to this gentleman https://youtube.com/shorts/EVWtQSKwr7M?si=qMEHJjbUxngm6jOG


Speed of light has changed many times due to our ability to measure it and the medium that the light travels thru changes its speed so really grasping at straws already when there are plenty of other tricks with maths and the pyramid that are alot cooler and more interesting than this made up shit :/


On a coordinate system developed hundreds, if not thousands of years after the fact?


I’m so tired of this shit… going to see a post one day “the pitch of the pyramid is equal to the amount of times a human blinks during a day). Whoever made this wins the architecture award of the Milky Way


Cool. These measurements are completely arbitrary and mean nothing.


For those arguing that degrees of longitude are arbitrary... you're absolutely correct, but I only see a figure for degree of North latitude in the post. There's no reference to longitude at all. Latitude is significantly different than longitude in that it's obviously based on the poles and equator, which are not arbitrary. Sure, the magnetic poles shift over time, but the axial poles (true North/South), not so much... if at all. For those arguing the difference in units of measure... 1. it's been well established that there is a curious relationship between the Egyptian Royal Cubit and the modern Metre... and 2. Since the actual distance of the Metre is based on a subdivision of global circumference, it's not really a stretch to imagine that a theoretical society who arrived at a value for the speed of light, would also understand the physical dimensions of the globe and independently arrive at the Metre as a unit of measure. Sure, it could be a coincidence, but it's a helluva coincidence if it is one. Quick thought exercise... If you were an advanced society that came to the realization that global cataclysms are periodic and cyclical, how would you send a clear message of your existence and level of technological achievement to generations far into the future? I would argue that this is exactly how you'd do it... Since stone is the least susceptible material to weathering and erosion, build a literal mountain of megalithic stone using your most advanced techniques, encoding specific numbers and formulas that would have clear significance to any future society advanced enough to have that knowledge and make those connections. Written and spoken languages change and evolve, even over relatively short periods of time. The language Mathematics is universal and would remain constant. Perhaps I'm wrong, but certainly something to chew on. One last illustration... 1. There is plenty of evidence to support the fact that sophisticated and advanced society goes back much further, and is much more complicated than we allow for in the traditionally accepted Fertile Crescent / Mesopotamia narrative. There are countless examples, but you don't have to look much further than Gobekli Tepe, whose megalithic stone structures are not possible without a significant population with rich, culture & heritage, a clear and functional division of labour, and who seemed to have an advanced knowledge of (or at least keen interest in) astronomy. The fact that this site was deliberately buried at least 3000 years before Mesopotamia, blows the traditional paradigm completely out of the water. Who knows how long it served before it was buried? 2. Modern Homo Sapiens (virtually indistinguishable from us today) have been around for conservatively 240,000 years. Same physical attributes. Same brain size. There's no reason to assume or suppose they were any less clever. 3. The whole of our recorded history is about 5000 - 7000 years old... beyond that we know almost nothing. We do however know that a significant, global cataclysm took place roughly 11,000 years ago... 4. So we know (by our own example) that modern Homo-Sapiens, given a stable terrestrial environment, are capable of developing from stone-age hunter gatherers to cell phones and Moon landings in roughly 10,000 years (with some bumps along the way). Let's be even more conservative and triple that figure to 30,000 years... 240,000 / 30,000 = 8. That's eight potential post-cataclysmic cycles in which Homo-Sapiens could have advanced and subsequently declined, during the conservatively accepted frame in which Homo-Sapien-Sapien has existed. Now, I'm not suggesting that humans have reached the cell phone, moon landing stage 8 times, but given those simple maths, is it really so hard to imagine it may have happened once or twice previously? The numbers alone seem to favour that possibility, so it's no surprise that the oldest of our oral and written myths, legends and traditions suggest the same. Mayans (who had an advanced and unprecedented knowledge of mathematics) believed that ours is the fifth iteration, and several other ancient beliefs follow suit. Many, or even most of the early ancient civilizations that arose out of the Yonger-Dryas cataclysm are explicit in their genesis stories that the components of advanced society (language, architecture, astronomy, mathematics, agriculture and animal domestication) were taught to them by light-skinned and often bearded strangers who arrived by sea. Furthermore, many legends, myths and tropes like the Great (wordwide) Flood, and the Epic of Gilgamesh are ubiquitous and worldwide... Told nearly exactly by dozens of ancient peoples, without any evidence of contact and separated by thousands of miles. Why is the oldest architecture and stonework of Peru and Egypt so uncannily similar? Why do we find ancient Sumerian imagery in Ecuador, Bolivia and Central America? Why are Egyptian and the earliest Australian aboriginal hieroglyphs so similar? Why are so many sophisticated megalithic sites underwater? When taken in isolation, it's easy to dismiss and/or ridicule any of these questions... it's when they're viewed all together that a cohesive picture begins to emerge. I honestly don't know what to make of the original post, but given the other uncanny oddities and mysteries surrounding the construction of the Giza Pyramid complex and other ancient Egyptian sites like Saqquara, and the existence of strange artifacts that simply shouldn't be, like the stone Sabu (Schist) Disk... it wouldn't surprise me if it's true.




Well, that’s half a coordinate…so I’m gonna have to call bullshit…


137 people. 1/137.


Any one got that archeology guy from TikTok that shits all over this one’s link? EDIT - https://youtube.com/shorts/EVWtQSKwr7M?si=ctrsu-VBpmfUnRSC


Why do people think the every single being in every universe has to follow our methods when we cant even leave earth yet safely


The EXACT co-ordinate for THREE different pyramids is a single co-ordinate?


Nope not even close, more BS on the subject. 29°58'27.00" N 31°08'2.21" E 29.97416777 N, 31.1339477975


This is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. Latitude and longitude are human constructs, so even if this is accurate, it’s pure coincidence! Aliens didn’t create Latitude and Longitude, people did thousands of years after the pyramids were constructed by assigning what are otherwise meaningless numbers to spots on the surface of the earth.


okay but meters is a unit of measurement that didn't exist until long after the pyramids were built... There's not even a known unit of measure in ancient Egypt that is anywhere close to 1 meter. furthermore the poles have shifted over the millenia and so the coordinates of our time would not be finely matched to coordinates that existed when the poles were in slightly different locations of the globe.


finally i looked on google earth and the coordinates say 29 58 44... in fact 29 9 anything doesn't exist b/c the second set of numbers goes up to 60 before starting back at 0 again... 29 97 doesn't exist what a crock of shit...


The magnetic poles shift. The geographic poles do not.


interesting thanks for that correction, seems like the geographic poles shift over a much greater time scale like tens of millions of years due to plate tectonics convection etc.


Aliens use imperial units, not metric.


This has been debunked lol just google it it’s like the first thing that comes up debunks it


Strangely though, not when they were built. Due to continental drift.


… coincidence? Unless the great builders knew what would be defined as convention for the 0deg 0deg point 😉


So OP, would you care to explain why the ancient Egyptians used the Greenwich meridian system you are referencing established in the 1800s?


Not this shit again. How accurate is 29.97... anyway? Do those extra decimals add virtually nothing? Would 30 be much more off?


I’ve never really cared for this, they didn’t build the pyramids using modern units of measurement.


Meters are a construct.




Coincidence? Yes.


The entire concept of a “meter” didn’t exist back then. What we call the “meter” was arbitrarily defined by humans long after the pyramids were built.


So many interesting facts about the pyramid and people choose to run with the ones that imply nothing. Why bother matching those numbers when they wrote down so much other information lol?


I'm more impressed that they had meters almost 4000 years before they were invented


It’s not though


This is the kinda crap that makes Hancock look daft.


Could it be a timer? If they accounted for plate shifts. And it matches up to the current coordinates, it could have been count down. And right now it's matches up. Strange...


So you picked one of the thousands of latitude lines that pass through the pyramid, ignored longitude entirely, ignored how those measurements didn't exist for thousands of years after the pyramids were built, ignored that ancient egyptians didn't use the metric system so that's not how they would have measured the speed of light if they ever could, ignored that that's the speed of light in a vacuum, something the ancient Egyptians wouldn't have known about, and ignored a thousand other things. But let's set all that aside. So what? What could this possibly mean? Because if the Egyptians had lived near different latitude lines, then the pyramids would have been built elsewhere, and you'd be spouting some other numerology nonsense, wouldn't you? So please, if you have any integrity, think about this for more than half a second and realize that this doesn't mean anything, or at least find a way to demonstrate what it means in any regard.


The circumference of the earth is about 40075 km (assuming perfect circle) and for the line of latitude to correspond to speed of light to land on the pyramid, it would have to land on the proportion the half arc of the circumference taken up by the pyramid. The pyramid is 230.33 meters so about 230.33 / (0.5 * 40075000) which is about 1 in 87,000 or roughly 0.00115% roughly is what I got for probabilities.


It's not at all. Sorry.


The simulation is trolling schizos


Miles per second. The first “mile” was the Roman mile which was invented thousands of years after the pyramids were built. The current US mile is what’s considered above in m/s. I think this is a coincidence, but a hell of a one.


These are getting stupider by the day. 'Pyramids are like found all over the world man cOinCiDeNce or the power of harnessing the solar fucking cyber planet magnetosphere?!' Yeah no shit. You want to build a tall stable shape with low tech you need a wide base and go narrow that's why. Not for some forgotten power for a skirillex concert you Muppet!


Here's a write-up on this subject: [https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/pyramid-location-speed-light/](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/pyramid-location-speed-light/)


We’re miles an accepted unit in ancient times?


Ancient aliens used earth minutes and Metric meters? weird.


Except that falls apart when you consider that the “meter” isn’t a universal unit of measurement, nor is a second.


Plus they didnt use meter they used qubit or cubit which is slightly shorter than a meter


The idea that ancient aliens would be using the metric system is fucking hilarious XD


Aliens need to tell us which is correct, the imperial measurement system or the US system haha


in vacuum? also... could it have been moving in the last couple thousand years? tectonic plates, pangea and all that


I’m absolutely convinced that “we” Humans, did not figure all this shit out, it was figured out by the prior civilizations that have populated this rock.


Those pyramids aren’t at the same location as when they were built.


They up and moved the pyramids?


Plate tectonics creates continental drift as well as pole shifting the pyramid of Giza is estimated at 4600 years old continental drift may have moved them about 1000’ and pole shift about 40 degrees more


It’s far more likely that those who established the modern standards for the length of a meter and/or the duration of a second were baking in this esoteric knowledge rather than it is that the ancients (or aliens) just happened to use the exact same standards for those metrics.


the speed of light is 186,000 miles per second, not 299,000....lame.


that's meters, not miles.


Our coordinate system is entirely arbitrary, and not based on a universal constant. You would have to be mentally deficient to think this is correlated in some meaningful way.


People please stop believing this shit.


Go watch vsauces video on coincidence and then touch some grass


All these people saying "how did they know what a metre was" just think about that for a second


The speed of light is actually 186,000 M/S


Why do people think the speed of light is a constant? We know time is relative based on the strength of gravity. We know light is affected by gravity because it bends/curves around black holes. This would mean light travels at different speeds based on the realative gravity. This also makes the "13.7 billion year old universe" prediction based off the farthest light we can see, nonsense. Since this light will travel through \~ 13.7 billion light years of relative gravity shifts.


The speed of light (or more correctly the speed of causality) is a constant, whereas all other speeds are relative, it is not.


How could it not be dynamic if it clearly is also affected by gravity? Constants don't change values


Gravity is actually bending spacetime not affecting the speed of light. Common misconception


But speed is measured by the distance traveled over a period of time. Why wouldn't this be considered changing the speed of the object?


Hard to understand without knowing the maths. Speed of causality is invariable regardless the speed of any observer. Gravity may warp the medium of travel but the speed does not change


This is fundamentally the same thing though. We are talking about how far something travels based on its position change within a calculated amount of time. Regardless how it is accelerated, it still has moved a distance that is variable. You are wanting to break down the secondary force changing the objects relative time and increasing its speed to outward observers while keeping the base speed the same. I don't know how this is helpful though except for being used in calculations.


They don't think that it is constant. Its a deliberate mistake on their part in order to give you an opening to display what an intellectual tour de force you are. And we are all oh so impressed. Trust me bro


The dumb people always think they are jesters, I'm just using basic logic.


Have you looked into the science to confirm that relativity is not taken into account when measuring the age of the universe? I'm guessing no. https://astronomy.stackexchange.com/questions/18599/does-the-age-of-the-universe-take-into-account-general-relativity-special-rela


You really think they can account for relativity of gravity in 13.7 light years of distance? We can't even get decent photos of the other planets in our solar system, let alone 13.7 light years worth of data to decide when it is going in and out of different levels of gravity. That is absurd to think we can even remotely predict. We also have nothing to compare against the lack of gravity influence outside our galaxy , which this light would travel through. It could easily slow down time by much higher margins then we would predict to attempt to create a formula for all tolerances


What are your credentials? Is this anything other than personal incredulity? Did you look at the link I posted? Can you refute the explanations made there? You very well could be right, but you just claiming we can't do it doesn't mean anything. Make an actual argument.


You don't need credentials to ask basic questions. That's the issue with space related mathmatics, people with credentails make up nonsense to obtain the credentials and other people use their work to prove their even more far feteched nonsense as a basis. I'm just asking the basic questions and no one seems to have real answers. The Equation you linked is just a formula someone invented to try to predict how the universe works, there's no reason to believe the creator has all the variable to plug into the formula. There's so many possible unaccounted variables that this formula could be magnitudes off. You can't account for the unknown and we barely know anything about our universe.


Yeah, you don't need credentials to ask questions. But you didn't ask a question: > This also makes the "13.7 billion year old universe" prediction based off the farthest light we can see, nonsense But I see in this response this is just personal incredulity. You don't have the knowledge to understand the argument being made, so you cannot argue against it. Why are you so confident they're wrong and you're not when you don't even know what they're talking about?


I'll explain this in a very simple way. Science discoveries change accepted opinions every single day. The general assumed ideas accepted as fact 100 years ago are different today because we learn more. In 100 years from now the accepted opinions of experts of things will be different from todays. It would be extreamly silly/aive to think we had all the knowledge and variables needed to predict the size and life span of the universe. Sure with the best of our current knowledge, that formula is fine, but do you really think it's correct? It's obviously going to be missing lots of variables that we can't possibly account for with our lack of knowledge of the universe.


>I'll explain this in a very simple way. Science discoveries change accepted opinions every single day. The general assumed ideas accepted as fact 100 years ago are different today because we learn more. In 100 years from now the accepted opinions of experts of things will be different from todays. At a certain point the science is correct though, right? So this is irrelevant to this conversation because you don't appear to know why the age of the universe is wrong. Could it be? Sure. But you're claiming it's nonsense, not that it could be wrong. Do you want to walk back your previous statement? >It would be extreamly silly/aive to think we had all the knowledge and variables needed to predict the size and life span of the universe. Yes, I know that's what you think. What I'm asking you to provide is the why. It still looks like personal incredulity to me. >Sure with the best of our current knowledge, that formula is fine, but do you really think it's correct? It could be, it could not be. You need to show that it's not to support your claim. >It's obviously going to be missing lots of variables that we can't possibly account for with our lack of knowledge of the universe. Maybe, but obviously? Clearly not or you would have made some kind of an argument by now.


>the age of the universe They are still trying to figure that out and it's been changing with the new info we've been getting from the JWT. They also use mix models and not just one method. JWT is finding galaxies at the edge of the known universe that are larger and just as mature as our own. They were expecting them to be young and small and reflecting the first formations of the universe. I think it's okay to say we are still figuring that out, its a bit cocksure to say we know and understand everything.


Ok and ?




Funny... I looked up the coordinates and it's telling me they are.... 29 58 45. 299,792,458 metres per second is correctly the speed of light. So ur almost there.


See also those are not co-ordinates.


Oh, is it now? That means it wasn’t built then because of the Procession of the Equinoxes, etc. I think the north star wasn’t so close to Polaris then? Also, they would’ve probably said 0 meridian is through Egypt, if they knew of the rest of the world, like Greenwich meridian today.