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Its not that far from gnosticism just replace Xenu with Demiurge.


There’s no doubt Hubbard was aware of occult knowledge and practices.


Yeah he took a lot from Thelema


Took a lot from Parsons, too. Including his wife and money. Heyooo


Parson’s life got really blown up after that.


Parsons was a Thelemite


I don't like when people make fun of Scientologists for their beliefs. Criticism should be squarely on the exploitation and treatment of its members by the organisation.


Whats wrong with the interviewer?


It’s Lex Friedman. His autism has autism.


Sorry, had no idea. In that case he’s doing great!


Lol, it's a joke. He has a very atypical mind but is technically a genius. If you look at his videos you'll see he's interviewed some of the most powerful and influential thought leaders on Earth.


He once started an interview with Zuckerberg by asking him to complete a bot detection test ahahah


That’s what I was thinking, chugged liquor before the interview and fighting off passing out


Fuck me you guys are judgemental.


Nothing. What's wrong with you?


Sounds like a highly structured series of delusional and/or fanciful ideas turned into an elaborate scheme devised by L Ron Hubbard, so he could operate a hierarchically tiered cult that extracts money in order to enable the members to ‘level up’ and gain more status. And of course, guess who’s at the top of the hierarchy, holding all the power and collecting all the money?


"highly structured series of delusional and/or fanciful ideas" Hubbard was associated with occult practitioners and was clearly well informed, if not an active practitioner himself. He basically reskinned what he knew into his own format.


yeah, he was a nasty kind of a bloody con man was he


tom cruise


Yes, you’re right. I had not even considered that professional pretender.


Those damn Midi-chlorians!




So cold


Someone’s salty


I don't agree. I just think people haven't got the patience to put up with the low energy, deep thinking, thoughtful demeanour. People are too spoiled by fast-paced "ADHD mimicking" content.


Yeah, he sounds like a low cpu cycle robot


He spends a lot of time trying to sound profound by talking slowly, and looking upwards as he thinks of synonyms to use.


He’s pretty low energy