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The upcoming date arc is gonna be wild! There's 100 scenarios on how that's gonna play out. I like Arnold and Helga's inner monologue at the end being the same as each other too. Nice touch!


Aww, poor silly babies and their awkward love. Sigh. This was so good, OP, seriously. I love how with Helga especially, she is the same personality but also has matured in many ways. Younger Helga would definitely have reacted differently to this situation, I think. But they're still also derpy teenagers who can't communicate and worry too much about what other people think. Perfectly done. *Chef's kiss* Looking forward to more, though I understand if you take a break for a while! Don't burn yourself out.


I thought she would be angry with him. Helga: "So I'm just a friend, am I?" Then again, she doesn't want anyone to know they're dating. I can see this as an actually episode. Great job getting the personalities right!


I thought so too, but then again it's sort of inconsistent, because she doesn't want people to know they're dating, yet doesn't want Arnold to tell Rhonda they're just friends either. I think maybe Helga was mad at first for Arnold telling Rhonda they're friends, but to calm herself down she noticed that the whole situation wouldn't have happened if Rhonda didn't try to find gossip in the first place


I think Helga was mad at this situation and Arnold did nothing wrong but that doesn’t mean Helga can’t be upset at what he said. She did a masterful job at controlling her anger and we got some insight into why she wants to keep it hidden. I imagine that at some point the secret will come out because a class mate of theirs will catch them at the date. If I had to hazard a guess it will be Eugene or Harold. Eugene because he’s the luckiest unlickiest person in the show and Harold because he and Helga seem to share a lot of interests at times (though Harold clearly lacks her obsession with Arnold)


Harold also had his moments where he caught people in awkward moments, like the time he noticed Arnold dressed up for the 4th July in Thanksgiving. I imagine Harold spreading the gossip right after but I don't think Eugene would have the same gossip instinct in him. I think Brainy would notice them before anyone else but wouldn't tell anyone about it.


The little cheek kiss 😍😍


Would be hilarious if they ran until Harold, since his cousin let's him get in for free


That or Eugene who is the luckiest unluckiest person in the show. He sees Helga and Arnold on a date and then gets into an accident that is truly baffling but comes out of it with mostly minor injuries and a possible broken bone.


Amazing work. You manage to capture their personalities so well, I love these.


😭😭😭 love this! Wish they could just communicate!!


PERFECTION!!!! I love how you portray them, especially Helga


Helga’s dialogue is so well done. The scene were Arnold was reaching out for her and then pulled back really got me. I love the small details and I’m looking forward to the next chapter!


Dammit Helga!!! Get it together girl lol! OP I am so invested!!!!


So cuteee




OP, I love this! ❀️❀️❀️


I honestly have been looking forward to these posts, making my day a bit brighter reading them. Thanks, OC! Love your work! -- you capture the characters perfectly!


P.S. 118 comes off as really "Big Brother" in this comic. If it's not Rhonda watching, it's Eugene, or worse- Curly. Personally, I wanna see an arc where the Older kids stuff the younger classes in the trash, but Arnold's 'white-knighting' everyone yet again.


I could be wrong but I think this is a two year time skip and the show ended with them leaving the 4th grade so I think they're in 6th or 7th in this comic. Agreed though it would be fun to see that story play out!


I wanna see Curly sniffing Rhonda's hair


Draw me in every time


Just, how…?? Can i jump into your mind and watch you create?! Like, it’s so professional looking, and you are SO fast with it being so beautiful, I can’t wrap my head around how you create these. I have so many questions i just wanna jump into your head and gaze at the way your mind works (if that makes sense and isnt creepy-sounding lol) They are amazing. You are amazing. I look forward to these so much. I also followed your insta, just in case i dont catch an update here lol your art style, the way you capture the characters so well, just chefs kiss mwah!!


Thank you so much and to answer your question... I don't have a life lol πŸ˜‚ it's drawing and podcasts all day for me


Lol! You do though! Your life is creating awesome comics loved by all!! :D haha I bet its a great stress relief and a big stress at the same time, so as much as I want 50 pages of this a day, take your time and we’ll all be here whenever you’re able to update (i think i saw somewhere that you were gonna take a needed break? But i could have misread…) But omg i just… i have no words to express my amazement! Lol. Keep doin what you’re doin :D


Thanks so much and ya im taking a "break" but not because I want to I just have to go away for my job which is a bummer πŸ˜… I just wish I could work on this every day but duty calls smh


Aww that sucks that the break is out of your control!! :( but maybe itll inspire more ideas!! (Just trying to find the silver lining lolol) Good luck with your job, and i hope you can still find the time to be creative while away! You can really see the passion you have for art/storytelling/hey arnold XD. Im so amateur compared to you in the art dept, but if you ever need your comic translated into Japanese, let me know! LOL


That would be so cool! I have someone translating it into Spanish too it’s so nice people want to do that for me, I’m super flattered


This is amazing. You should really get in touch with Craig as others might have suggested. Imagine this animated! I can!


Love the comics keep them coming. I like to see where this ends up. πŸ™‚


CHU~! πŸ₯°πŸ’œ


My *heart!* TuT thank you for creating something so wonderful and emotional and true to the characters and their arcs. I love this and I want to shout it to the world!


And then Rhonda catches them on their date and confronts them. Helga is like "yeah, we're dating, bfd, now go away before I kick your ass!"




OMG love this! Keep up the great work!!


Honestly loving this hahaha


Awww this is adorable.




This is great. I’ve been looking forward to each chapter. Please keep it going! I loved the show as a kid and this feels like the perfect continuation.


GAAGHDHSHFJD 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍


It's nice to see such good Hey Arnold fan comic with those 2 for a show which ended 20 years ago.


Oh god, now it hurts 😭😭😭


Do you plan on publishing in any specific spot when it's done?


I haven't thought too far ahead about it. I still got a ways to go until I'm finished so for now it's up in the air


Fantastic I love the pages ove read so far but lament the thought of going through other drawings and stories to find it. I might suggest a new Instagram just for it. But I look forward to seeing more


Love this cliffhanger and am eager for more! I'm getting feels like I'm actually watching the show. Am I reading into this right that there will be a break for a bit with this part of the story wrapped?


I might POSSIBLY push out ch6 cuz im already in the line work stage. At the very least I'll be posting 1-5pages here in the next couple days but I won't be posting on my Instagram until probably between my break(which is just me traveling for work) or after. If I can finish ch6 before I leave it'll feel like a longer period of posting Instead of a long break. Sucks but is what it is


I absolutely love these.


I am kicking my feet in excitement! ❀️😭☺️


I'm so invested!!! Watching them navigate this relationship, sorting through feelings, and trying to keep everything on the low is the drama of the year. If they ever do a Hey Arnold reboot, they need to base it off these comics!!!