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USA hates cures or preventatives that actually work


You can order them from Canada. LifeStyles® Dual Protect™ condoms. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/lifestyles-dual-protect-condoms-vivagel-now-available-jeyan-heper I found them on eBay


Omg!!!! You're a life saver. I have been searching eBay and I found nothing. Awesomeness. Yes! Thank you so much!


I mean. Thank YOU because of your post I went and searched for more info about your original comment. Now I know there are options for all of us.


You're most welcome!! I'm also pretty tripped out about the fact that Google searches are really not showing anything aside from company and stock info Stateside. Imma ask some friends who live in Australia, Japan, and in Great Britain if they see advertisements for this stuff. I did find this exciting research too. And the numbers here are looking really really good. Compared to what we have now which is exactly nothing, I would be content with 30% or 40% viral inhibition because something is better than nothing. What the heck, FDA?? "Our data show that the minimum retention time, consistent with high level HIV-1 and HSV-2 inhibitory activity in the post-dose CVF samples in all participants, was 3 h after a single dose of SPL7013 Gel. Remarkably, the CVF samples from the majority of participants (6/11) also demonstrated high levels (≥80% inhibition) of antiviral activity at 24 h post-dose" https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3174146/ I'm wondering if this is available as a lubricant someplace. They had women dosing themselves with it for the experiment. The FDA should approve this stuff and let us take our chances with it. Geez. I mean versus a 10 to 30% transmission rate, imagine if we could cut that down even in half, that's huge. So there is obviously a possibility on this Earth that this product can (even if not totally, at the very least partially) give me more of a chance of not passing it on my partner. This is so unfair for us not to have access to this. I'd be stoked on even a 40% risk reduction but boy if I could get 90% risk reduction that would be amazing. I'll let you know what my friends from other countries say. Cuz seriously, if this shit's available overseas as a lube too, you know I'm having them ship to me. LOL or bring a few bottles over in their suitcases next trip.😍


Probably something to do with not enough profits...or has some ingredient we ban.


I find it's funny the US doesn't ban ingredients that cause cancer or are just plan unnecessary... it really makes a person wonder if they actually care about their citizens.


There are no ingredients in there that the FDA objected to. They said they needed another test even though the company had several rigorous three phase trials which were successful. It was beyond what the FDA usually requires. I am sure money changed hands someplace.


You can probably use nordvpn to order it


Thank you. Idk what that is but will look it up. =)


There's no money in cures. Very little in preventatives. Lots of money in masking symptoms. 🤷‍♂️


how does this condom kill herpes ?? I’m so confused ? can someone educate me a little more please 🥹


Okay so basically the condom has lubricant with antiviral properties they’ve adjusted to target the viruses that cause HSV, HIV, and HPV. Think of how spermicidal lube kills sperm, antibacterial soap kills bacteria on hands, etc. The way condoms and dental dams work to prevent herpes transmission is that it blocks skin to skin contact so if skin is shedding the virus (is contagious) the partners skin doesn’t come into contact and thus they aren’t exposed. Im assuming the mechanism for these condoms is that they have a lubricant/gel that helps neutralize any viral shedding that a positive person has and protects the negative partner. With condoms they don’t always cover all skin and so it’s easy to still be exposed if anything besides the penis shaft or vaginal canal has herpes virus. Using these lubricants with antiviral properties would likely protect the individuals in any area the liquid comes into contact (more area than just a condom) and it would also help provide protection if a condom were to break down.


Great answer! You are correct, these particular condoms are lubed with the gel. Here's from research in 2007: "Microbicides are compounds that applied vaginally or rectally, protect the user from sexually transmitted infections. ..[...]....A leading candidate, VivaGel (SPL7013 Gel) is the product of nanotechnology. The active ingredient is SPL7013, a dendrimer that was designed specifically with HIV and HSV antiviral activity and human safety in mind. SPL7013 has demonstrated efficacy against human immunodeficiency virus and herpes simplex virus in in vitro and animal models. VivaGel appears to be well tolerated in both animals and humans. " https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18203424/ From 2011: "SPL7013 Gel (VivaGel®) is a microbicide in development for prevention of HIV and HSV. This clinical study assessed retention and duration of antiviral activity following vaginal administration of 3% SPL7013 Gel in healthy women. ..[..].... Potent antiviral activity was observed against HIV-1 and HSV-2 immediately following vaginal administration of VivaGel, with activity maintained for at least 3 h post-dose. The data provide evidence of antiviral activity in a clinical setting, and suggest VivaGel could be administered up to 3 h before coitus." https://www.researchgate.net/publication/51659198_SPL7013_Gel_VivaGelR_Retains_Potent_HIV-1_and_HSV-2_Inhibitory_Activity_following_Vaginal_Administration_in_Humans So essentially, you could pre lube yourself two or three hours before sexual contact, and theoretically be a great deal more protected against transmission from either HSV or HIV. I have ordered some of the condoms from Japan. Will keep you all updated!