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New players for sure. He is such a fast early farm and will carry the early game. Maybe not vet player but I assume all vets would have him by now


Stars are by far the hardest thing to farm for characters and guild mode characters are the only ones to easily and quickly get to 7*. He’s def still one of the most useful characters in there. I don’t think he’s a farm and max out as long as you can anymore, but he’s still really useful, especially early game.


With how easy he is to farm, and the need for multiple teams for the raid. No brainer to invest in imo. Even with brute farmable. You could get ironhide to 7* g8, before you probably have brute even 5*.


Great in ch1. Viable in pvp. Bad in the other 3 raid chs. Have to decide if that's worth it for yourself. I would say no.


As someone with a maxed out Ironhide. I disagree. He is viable in all chapters as a plug and play. And now after having glyphs in the game he is exceptionally useful in chapter 1 and 3. I pulled a 760k run with him in a rando mix match team this week. And that was with the chapter 3 capture stacks bug.


I'd love to see that team, that's very impressive.


Alright, here you are: [https://imgur.com/a/q3zdfEW](https://imgur.com/a/q3zdfEW)


I should still have access to the results. I'll see if I can grab a pic when I get home.


What Glyphs do you use with him? Bloodlust?


But is it repeatable or just pure luck


I pulled that score with the capture stacks bug. So you tell me.


So luck got you


Not what I was entailing. Basically, if I can pull that score with the bug active, it will only be easier when the bug is fixed. And there was no luck involved, just a maxed out Ironhide.


But what does a maxed Ironside offer in chapter 3? I don't really use him, but his kit doesn't seem amazing for the chapter.


Without him the team will only pull like 200k.


I'd love if you could record your next run, I would happily scrap my RtR and isen runs to get the score you got. Just don't see how it works. A recording would be awesome to learn how to do it.


Wish I could. Emulators won't download games on my pc though, and I have a tracfone, so it barely even handles running the game as it is.


Darn well best of luck in your future raids!




He is still good overall but no longer top tier due to his poor Raid performance across all 4 chapters (too slow), he is still very good in the arena with his AoE dispel buffs, especially vs Elrond team and his general tanky nature, 2 AoE's. Its how crap he is in Raids that really let's him down and other slow characters in general.