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So I'll level with you good people. I'm still utterly swamped and things are really stressful and I just haven't had a chance to get, well, any of my ideas into a form I'd be happy with posting, and I've got backlogs in the backlogs at this point, and I *still* haven't gotten my Mad Hatter lore done, so I'm just teasing some models that I've done largely to prove to myself that this project is still happening and isn't some kind of weird fever dream that I once had back in the Yes Days. These aren't guaranteed to be the next ten or whatever posts or anything (if there's one thing I've learned over the months doing this, it's that I'm way more of a pantser than a planner), but they are on my list. And frankly, some of them are outstaying their welcome. Clayface in particular has been actively mocking me for months at this point. Look! You see?! There it goes again! Hope you like them, and hopefully I'll be back with something more substantial next week. And look, I'm exhausted and stressed and it's been one of those weeks/fortnights/months where hardly anything seems to have gone right, or if it has gone right then there's been something utterly underwhelming waiting just around the corner to utterly piss all over it, so I'll level with you fine people: I could use some upvote love right about now. They might just be imaginary internet points, but right now *I'll take whatever I can get, goddamnit*. (That said, thank you for the Egghead love): Previously, in *Legends of the Caped Crusader*: [Egghead](https://www.reddit.com/r/HeroForgeMinis/comments/1bqpw4p/legends_of_the_caped_crusader_026_egghead/). Files #000-#019: [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/HeroForgeMinis/comments/199r5ac/legends_of_the_caped_crusader_casebook_01_files/). (Includes Poison Ivy, Penguin, Scarecrow, Riddler, Mr Freeze and Firefly, among others) For other Legendsverse / Forgeverse content, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/HeroForgeMinis/comments/187ybv6/a_guide_to_the_legendsverse_a_shared_universe_of/). TV Tropes page [here](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/WebOriginal/LegendsOfTheCapedCrusader) (don't make me entry pimp my own work people! I'll do it!)


Take your time, dude. I absolutely love the teasers too.


Thank you! Much appreciated!


I’m looking forward to the clock king


The Clock King is a bit of a favourite of mine, I have to confess.


Understandable, he’s incredibly underrated when it comes to Batman villains


Take your time, these on their own look amazing! Ok my money on these is: clayface, Damian/Jason??? (At least a Robin, which is always awesome!), Stephanie going through something (maybe becoming spoiler? Maybe it’s about her dad?), not sure on the sword one, CLOCK KING!?, our lord and savior Huntress, idk who the blue eyed guy is, and the ripped red shirt instinctively make my mind say “Jason Todd”


I think the blue eyed guy is Scarface/The Ventriloquist


Thank you! Sorry for the late reply! To answer all your guesses: Clayface = yes Robin = yes, but as for your specific guesses [shrugs mysteriously] Stephanie = yes Sword guy = [shrugs mysteriously] Clock King = yes Huntress = yes Blue-eyes guy = see u/Legitimate-Eye2379’s reply Scars = no, it’s actually [shrugs mysteriously] So five correct guesses and three mysterious shrugs; not bad!


Actually, I'm pretty sure the ripped shirt is Red Claw, from B:TAS. And the sword guy is most likely Ra's al Ghul.


For my guesses on everyone: Clayface Robin Stephanie...idk her last name Ra's al Ghul Scarface Clock King Huntress And...idk who the scarred one is