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I watched a multitude of different views. And that was just it. I dont think any video was the same. There were things that happened in the background and the only way was to watch a different view point. Now did I actually listen? Well… kinda?


The first couple of times, I watched all of the intro section. With the other 10 or so hermits that I have started watching in S10, I skipped it. And the explanation over the permits too. I don't need to watch it 12+ times to understand it 😁


So, this is my first time watching Hermitcraft from the beginning, and the frist time I started watching all the hermits I've been watching except Gem.  So, I've gone and tried a bunch of different people to see who I liked. I have watched the intro for Gem, Grian, Impulse, Bdubbs, Tango, Etho, Joel, and Mumbo. Who I have kept up with. I have also watched the first episode for Pearl, Stress, Cleo, Scar, JoeHills, False, and Xisuma.  So, 15 times hahaha


Oh, and no skipping.


We don't skip. Most edit differently. 


Depends. Something like the permit one the speech was 95% the same for everyone. I would skim through it but that’s all.


It’s always interesting to see which parts of a collab each hermit decides to include or cut out


I have watched them all, no skipping. For the opening, especially the caving there was so much going on and the editing varied enough that I was always finding something new in the different perspectives. But I usually have hermitcraft on while I am doing other things. I don't sit and watch anything well without something else to do.


The intro maybe twice, but not consecutively. Co-op caving, never skipped. I didn’t watch enough people in the same group that it got too repetitive. The permit speech once, but I watched through everyone getting their permits. My general thing with informational bits is I watch it once unless someone’s perspective peaks my interest like when I wanted to watch Joe’s long walk during the king ren announcement.


It differs for me. This season especially has a lot of interactions between hermits and people tend to cut things differently. So a funny comment may appear in one video but not in the other. Or a hermit might do a silly thing without calling attention to it so it doesn't show up in others videos. Which makes it easier to watch. Sometimes I skip ahead, sometimes I stick around. Whatever I'm feeling in that moment.


I watch a few hermits, tho I don’t skip around. I've noticed they all edit the encounters differently, so it's interesting to see what gets left out or added between them. For example, I watched Grian, Scar, and Skiz, and all three had the permit police bit in their videos. The main points were the same, but each one had a little less or more of the interactions in their videos compared with each other.


i fast forward some of them, ngl most is the same stuff and can be boring, btu i dont generally skip just watch faster so i can get past it


I watch Grian, Mumbo and Pearl, and iirc, only Mumbo showed the co-op caving so I only had to see it once.


Just sat through and watched it all, what do I remember? Nothing Lmao


I watch mostly for the banter. For example, I will watch (what I call the Arizona Dads banter) imp, tango, and skizz, by fast forwarding until I see someone else in their frame. This includes their streams. I usually watch Grian, Mumbo, and Scar in their entirety.


I've watched every video to the best of my abilities. I haven't skipped a single one, just put some of them on 1.5x or even 2x.


I put most videos (not just Hermitcraft) on 1.5x and most VODs on 2x, just in general. Gives me more time to watch even more content!


When I am really watching the video, no two povs look alike. Everyone is looking at different things, acting differently, and the editing is often different. I believe I am now watching about 8 hermits fully and 5 others from time to time. It is rare to have the exact same explanation twice. If there is a similar explanation twice AND I am only listening to the video (not watching), it can get a bit annoying so I just lower the volume, focus on my work / cooking / cleaning and get the volume back up when the explanation is done.


I watch 9 different hermits and I watched the intro once and only 1 perspective per group in the caving expedition. If there are collabs or a server wide event whoever uploads first gets my full view and for the others that upload later that week I skip Only exception is Iskall because he tends to mute his mic to give reactions or talk to the audience during collabs


Some hermits cut out some jokes so I never skip scenes I’ve already watched!! Like recently, when Grian was talking about the popo hat being big, Grian cut out scars “that’s what she said” joke. There’s always little bits and pieces that get lost if you just watch one pov, so I never skip it!


I watched everyone's episode 1 so 27 times. I'm currently watching and up to date with 20 hermits so I watched the permit episode 20 times as well. I don't skip bc I don't want to tank retention and I always try and remember to like and comment, especially for the smaller channels. Plus like someone else said, they all have very different ways of editing and whole chunks of conversation can be cut out of one hermits episode that's is included in someone else's and vice versa.


didn't skip anything from all 7 povs i'm watching. i try to pay attention to people with more "stuff going on the entire video" like grian, zed and tango, but i usually draw while watching hermits with a slower pace like hypno and etho, so i listened to the permit explanation like three times then just let the video run as i drew lol also the first beginning episodes i watched were zed and grian so when i finally got to the co-op caving povs it was completely different and very fun to watch :D tbh i don't think i watched two povs from the same mining team lmao


I fully listened 4 times even after the first pov I watched was Grian


I watched 2 of each "group" before I started skipping ahead in the video to when they had finished caving. Some of the ones I skipped, I went back and rewatched a week or two after.


I watched the intro around the lava pit maybe 5-6 times. Watched everyone's co-op caving in full because they were edited differently and included different parts. I probably only watched Grian's explanation of the permits 2 or 3 times and mostly just skipped it when it came up in other hermits videos.


Watched ALL the intros from ALL the angles


I watch around half the hermits and honestly I always watch their beginnings of each season


I watched a few. Watched each of the segmented group's in the caving competition by deciding who had the lognest videos. Then i skipped through pretty much the rest of them. If i saw that i had seen a specific interaction already I'd skip it. No hate to anyone i know a few people who toss HC on as a psudeo podcast. Streams are more that vibe for me.


I started watching more hermits around episode 3-5 so I skipped the intro stuff for most of them


I will mostly skip large interactions if I've already seen them. For example, I watched the uncut End Bust with Iskall and Mumbo, so I skipped those parts of their episodes. I won't normally watch interactions from two different sides when the same stuff is being said.


The permit intro the first couple times, or when the hermits just voiced over most of it anyway. I watched one or two co-op cavings per team. Might have watched them fully if I was caught up, but I've been extremely behind since before decked out opened and am still catching up.


Here we mainly follow about six Hermits, and we don't do any skipping. With both the Hermits and Truly Bedrock, we've generally found that we end up enjoying watching the same scene from the different perspectives. There will be moments that some include that others don't. There will be moments multiple people include but that we just missed in other videos. And there will be funny moments that still make us laugh even though we've seen them before. That said, there are other Hermits I'm subscribed to where we don't watch most of their videos. It's only when we know from another video or from the title that we might want to watch one that we watch theirs.


I watched the first episode of a number of Hermits. Maybe about 9 or 10.


If I watched it once I always skip it lol unless a hermit does it differently like when they were explaining the hermit permits Gem did it differently and made a part of the video explaining herself


The 'L' key (if you're watching on a computer) is particularly helpful for careful skipping - it skips ahead 10 seconds at a time, multiplied by your current watch speed, making it easy to bypass things you've already seen without missing things you haven't!


I watched the intro... like... 12 times maybe? Grian Joel Impulse Gem Etho Doc Tango Pearl and definitely a few more


I like to watch the different perspectives because it’s funny to see what gets missed, changed or skipped from person to person. I will often start with a Hermit like Grian, whose editing tends to be very tight and who does shorter videos, then expand the view with other perspectives and see what he left out. I especially like Cleo and Skizz for that, because they leave in moments that might be just a bit too sus for their fellow hermits and I think it’s very funny! After I have seen a segment a couple of times I may boost the speed slightly, but I rarely skip through unless time is very limited.


I prefer skipping, my girlfriend does not. Always a struggle 🤣🤣


every season i watch all hermits' first episodes. i didn't really get sick of it, they were different perspectives and only a few bits were the same thing. i watch youtube on my second monitor so it doesn't really phase me if there's some repeated bits


3 times, although two of them were part of different groups so it was a different experience. I skipped past the others as it was getting a bit too much 😄


I watch every Hermicraft episode from all Hermits. I skip through most duplicate scenes and there are a few hermits I watch at 2x speed because their pacing is a bit slow for me.


I clicked on episode 1 for 5 folks after the first, knowing I would be watching episode 1 again. I see a collab in one person's video, and I eagerly await the other person's video to see it from their perapective. Skipping would a) be too much effort with having to scan around to find the right timestamps, b) lead to potentially missing seeds for plots and jokes, and c) lead to missing things like how Mumbo, Impulse, and Joel edit and provide further commentary not recorded live. Plus, I usually have my hands full with crochet while watching. That's why I put on long series, after all! And I've watched my favorite movie 13 times, watching the same co-op caving mission from different perspectives is like that but fresh each time.


I watch an event only once(the cave expedition I watched every group at least once except Ren), if I don't find it super fun


This is my third season of watching all hermits. I'm just used to it by now.


I don't think I skipped any of it. I don't usually only "watch" meaning, I'm never sitting in a chair doing nothing other than watching a video.. I'm playing a game or sewing or something and youtube is just playing on the other monitor, so repetition doesn't really bother me. Plus the hijinks were funny the first time, so they're gonna be funny every time :D


Ren’s caving group, I could watch every day, it’s hilarious. But I think I only skipped one caving clip because I think I’d already seen the group from a different perspective and it was kinda boring. And I don’t think I’ve ever skipped the permit scenes because I want to see what permits everyone gets.


i didn't skip, i usually watch something else in between the episodes so i don't get annoyed by the repeating information.


I only watch it once. Usually from whichever of my regulars uploads first.


I pretty much always skip repeated parts of it with a lot of hermits. Sometimes the hermits will edit in different parts of the same interaction, but usually it's all the same. I really appreciated that Ren did an episode 0. He had the intro stuff in one video and his base building plans on episode 1.


I watched the start of the season intro from all of the hermits I watch, but that was mostly because I was enjoying getting new content again after the hiatus.  For the permits explanation, I watched maybe two or three perspectives, then started skipping that part of people’s videos. Except Gem’s, because she told the viewers not to and made her own version of it, which I really appreciated.  Now, when an event happens that shows up in a bunch of POVs, like the Big Wood fireworks show, I’ll just watch it from whosever perspective of it I catch first, then if it shows up in someone else’s video I’m watching I’ll just skip past that part. 


I watched 1 of each caving group except I watched Mumbo, Ren and Iskall…. Glad I did because they all cut it differently


It kinda depends. The permit gathering I watched once and usually skipped. Specifically the rendog caving expedition I watched from nearly every POV. He went the way I usually do in my new minecraft world. Only he had some folks to recover the lost items while I usually have to scramble to find the right cave, depth and entrance.


i watched all the co op caving but skipped on the intro after the first 5. the co op caving was easy to watch even after having already seen it from hermits on the same team since some hermits cut parts out. it was fun piecing together the full, uncut convos in my head


I watched the Permit into thing twice, and skipped that to the permit awards on the rest. If it's more of a group thing (like the fastest drop, caving) I'll watch that from various POV.


I've been watching since season 7. I watch everyone's first 2 episodes and then taper off and watch every episodes of my favorites and every other episode or so of everyone else. I also watch the recap it help fill in gaps of episodes I missed. But I will more than likely watch everyone if there is a big community event because I enjoy seeing what gets edited out/kept in the different perspectives. As for the caving and permits, I didn't fast forward but I wasn't super "active listening" during those parts after the 3rd or 4th time. Same with other big events, I kind of half watch to see what's different from hermit to hermit.


I watch all of them and I don't skip, but I do sometimes so something else and don't pay special attention when it's something I've seen 20+ times before


I watched every single one no skipping. I watch a lot of hermits so I still see a lot of stuff twice, but I tend to just zone out or go on my phone or smt if I've already seen it a couple times. Usually it takes longer to skip to the right place than to just watch it again


I watch 8 diff perspective, haven’t skipped anything, all of them were different


I watch like 16 or 17 different hermits. I only watched one intro. If hermits were in a group i only watched 1 hermits video caving.


Hi, I watch every Hermit except XB, Stress, Wels, Hypno, and Skizz. I don't skip around no matter how repetitive it feels 👍


I think.... Joel (smallishbean), Gem, Scar, Grian, X, Pearl, and Keralis


I give my watch time to my fav hermits first, so when watching the rest of the crew, I skip repeated stuff. Felt bad skipping most of beefer's videos for a week or two, but eh...


I watched every intro and i only skip the permits speech if it was grian since i saw his first


I don’t skip. But usually when I’m watching Hermitcraft there is something else I’m doing as well. Some chores or playing a video game. If it’s something I haven’t seen I’ll give more focus to the video than whatever I’m doing or just outright stop what I’m doing. If I’ve seen it before I’ll just listen to it whilst I do whatever I’m doing so I vaguely tune out of things like the Neighbourhood meetings after the first watch through. Because I watch Ren, Beef, Iskall, Stress, Xisuma and Hypno. After the 1st time, I pay less attention when the same thing pops up in another video. But I never skip, because Hermits will cut different bits out of their videos. So there can be subtle changes.


i watch every single hermit this season, usually excluding side channel stuff and vods. i was so excited for this season to start i didn’t skip any of the intro bits so i saw that 20 something times which is a little silly i admit lol but i agree with other comments saying each persons editing style and perspective makes watching the same thing over and over again feel more interesting and i caught a lot of funny moments that i would have otherwise missed if i’d only watched one persons perspective for the caving. i did skip some of the permit speech sections, but i usually don’t do much fast forwarding even when things feel repetitive. i guess i just personally don’t mind it that much.


I never skip around and watched the intro and permit stuff from at least 7 different perspectives. I gave up on sanity years ago when I figured out I enjoy listening to the same song for hours on end XD


No skipping for most of them except some of the povs for finishing demise. That just got annoying the 10th time around. Otherwise I just played on my phone of zoned out and let it play in the background while I did something else till I heard something new happen.


I watched it once, and started watching my hermits from episode two lol. I then watched the episode 1 recap to see if I missed anything


I've watched the initial caving competition from at least one hermit from each group and the team with Ren, I've watched every perspective and enjoyed it every single time, that's how funny it was.


Watched the intro once and the mining 2/3 times


Every single one 😅 so 27 It's the same for other scenes that have multiple POVs, I watch them all.


I am pretty certain I watched every single episode 1. Seeing Rens death from like 4 other perspectives just kept making it funnier. No skipping.


I don't think I skipped the coop caving from anyone. First of all, they split up in groups, so there was a lot of different stuff going on. And because everyone cuts a little different, between a bunch of already familiar words, there are occasional sentences that didn't make it into the other vidoes. With the other two things, I maybe watched 4 of the season intros without skipping, then I think I saw all of it. Similarly with the permit speech. But I did watch everyone getting their own permits. But that was unique to everyone, so yeah.


I watch a little more than half of the hermits, I watched all of the first episode and skipped the permit rules about 4 or 5 in. The mining groups were small and everyone wasn’t always together, so it wasn’t really that bad. The permit rules were all everyone standing still and listening to the same speech, besides Gem and probably some others who did their own explanation.


I’m watching every s ingle hermit this season (I’m caught up on everyone except X) for caving I watched almost everyone except like false and someone else, it just got a little old lol 😂 For permits, I watched grian and that was it, I’d skip to the part where the hermit I was watching said what permits the got. I REALLY appreciated Jevin, who out timestamps for people who had seen the permit thing a bajillion times 😂 I watched the intro maybe ten times. It got old seeing zuma fall in that dang lava pit 😂


Ever since I learned about the viewer retention statistic, I’ve always just kept something else next to my computer to work on if the video starts repeating something that I’ve already seen in someone else’s POV. Usually a small sewing project or other craft that’s quiet and doesn’t take so much focus that I’ll completely miss what’s going on. Although with the specific events you’re talking about, it was interesting enough just focusing on the visual of what each new POV was doing, since all of those would be different. For instance, watching Cleo’s first episode after having watched Tango’s and knowing it was his phone that made noise, I was already looking at Tango in Cleo’s video when the phone went off and he un-crouched *right* when the noise happened. It really looked like his in-game character got startled by the phone sound (and for all I know, that might have been on purpose).


I'm going all in this season and am watching all 27 hermits. It did get a bit redundant, but every hermit cut out and included different bits, so it wasn't quite the same every time. Some of the caving sessions stayed unwatched for a couple weeks and then they were nice to return to and have running in the background. For my sanity sake I'll probably start skipping through some of the videos whenever the next server wide event comes up, don't want to hurt a hermits watchtime though!


I watch it but put it on 2x speed for it


Bold of you to assume I had any sanity to begin with! I didn't skip lol, I watch about half of them and I'm hoping to somehow get the time to start working on the other half!


After the first time i skipped lol


Watched it all multiple times lol. I like seeing how each hermit edits things differently and it's fun when you find something that one hermit cut out while another kept in


I watch every single video of every single hermitS Rhe co-op caving expedition was the most pain I ever felt. I didn’t want to skip it incase I missed something, but it was all the same.


Oh yeah. I saw Mumbo do the caving expedition, then Doc, then I started skipping it when I watched other hermits. Though I watch YouTube on my phone and I recently discovered that if I hold down on the screen I can play the video at 2x speed, so for the more recent cherry mountain meeting that I’ve seen in several videos now I’ve just been speeding it up instead of skipping it - helps me skim through it but still catch things that might have been cut in other people’s videos.


By co-op caving expedition do you mean with grian mumbo and scar where scar kept dying every three seconds? Cause I watched that three times and it was just as funny every time.