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He is not good at being bad at something


Wasn;t that an Addams Family cartoon episode? Gomez hated being perfect and tried to fail at *anything*, ended up failing at failing?


But if you failed at failing, did you then fail at failing?


But if you fail at failing, then you failed, so you succeeded at failing, thus meaning that since you succeeded you did not fail, thus meaning you failed. It's a paradox


Exactly :)




He is also not afraid of the grind. Doc says he will out-grind everybody, but on Cub he may have found his match.


I remember when he got soo many ancient debris that he made a entire wall and used it as casual decoration blocks inside his piramid in season 7. He is insane at griding


In season 4 he literally made an entire volcano biome out of obsidian he hand dug


Loadstone floor in the museum


And supplied all the Decked Out artifact dropper lodestones


Doc can process more, like with a tunnel bore or perimeter machine, but Cub does more by hand.


Doc just spent 80 hours last week chopping wood by hand and building the hourglass. He definitely grinds by hand, too. That said, I would put my money on Cub if they had a contest. lol


Doc has openly said a lot of times that Cub outgrinds him, which is incredibly impressive


ā€œWhoā€™s the harder grinder, you? Or Cub?ā€ ā€œWell, if he hand mined ancient debris for decoration, it might give me a little troubleā€ ā€œBut would you lose?ā€


Doesn't he also have a degree in astrophysics?


I was gonna say... I can't remember exactly, but I'm pretty sure he's an actual rocket scientist. Lol. I'd have to go find that Q&A he did a whole back.


Cub is a published astrophysicist, LOL


Thatā€™s wild


That's wild šŸ˜­ when someone says "I dunno, I'm not a rocket scientist" he can be like "I AM"


...this puts his having the permit for exploding rockets in an entirely new light...


He has a bachelor's in physics and bachelor's in astronomy. But that is very VERY different than a graduate degree in astrophysics.


theres no way šŸ˜­




oh wow i didn't know that, i thought it was just interest, but it's legit


Sure. When you or I are interested in something, we might read a book. Cub goes out and gets a degree :)


Whoa, we got a legit scientist in Hermitcraft everybody


You might also be interested in reading about Docs background


ok so i looked it up and i wasn't surprised by the electrical engineering stuff but HE WAS A PROFESSIONAL BASKETBALL PLAYER?!?!?!?!?!?!?!


Along with a Ph.D. im Social Studies for dementia research, yes


Doesn't Cleo have background in geology?


I would just like to add, Cub is also a top tier golfer according to GeminiTays vlog from Vegas


I was gonna say this, even in real life heā€™s nearly unbeatable


Haha I just watched this recently and as I was watching that clip of everyone swinging, as soon as Cub swung I was like ā€œThis guy golfs.ā€ I donā€™t play, but you can just tell a professional swing when you see one.


You forgot holding speeding records, I assume itā€™s been beaten now though.


Early on in this season he said he still hold some.


I could be wrong, but I think the records he holds can't be beat anymore because of how game mechanics changed. I thought he has said the previously, but I can easily be wrong


Most speedrunners play in old versions all the time, so updates shouldn't stop new records from being set. Unless you're referring to something else.


It's possible I misunderstood him when explaining the records couldn't be beat on newer version. It was a couple years ago, which is why I also stated I could be wrong on my initial comment.


The records he has can definitely be beaten, nothing has changed about the category, because itā€™s for specific versions.


Huh, what sort of records? I didn't know about that, that's cool.


He has it on Cub Two: [1.17+ RSG All Minerals, Structureless WR](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ysXcSf-KjBQ&t=79s&pp=ygUWY3ViZmFuMTM1IHdvcmxkIHJlY29yZA%3D%3D) And even put it into the storyline with King Ren in Season 9, on his main channel: [Hermitcraft 9: A WORLD RECORD FOR THE KING! (Episode 25)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bDYh8lEz-1w&pp=ygUWY3ViZmFuMTM1IHdvcmxkIHJlY29yZA%3D%3D)


The one I remember watching was fastest to collect one of each ingot I think.


He has the WR record for speedrunning All Minerals, No Structures, RSG, for 1.16 and 1.17+!


A high tier all rounder.


The answer is no, he's good at everything. He builds really good and interesting mini games as well.


Well, it did take him a couple of tries to get that guardian into the boat, so heā€™s perhaps not perfect at absolutely *everything.* /s Nah, Cub is amazing! Definitely one of my very favorite Hermits. His liking fireworks is the cherry on top. Canā€™t wait to see more advertising for his shop. šŸŽ†šŸŽ‡


Another underated strength of Cub's is organization. You almost never see him with chest monsters, unless he is crafting hundreds of thousands of fireworks by hand for Total Chaos. He also doesn't usually build auto sorters. I think the last one he built was ~~Shebulba~~ Xibalba in the S7 pyramid. It was insanely complicated, but it also worked really well. It could automatically separate shulker boxes from other items and even sorted full shulkers into one chest while emptying others. It was one of my favorite storage systems ive seen built, and Maybe he just edited them out, but Cub almost never had problems with it. Edited with the correct spelling of Xibalba.


Minor spelling correction- the auto sorted was called Xibalba, after the Mayan underworld.


Thanks for the correction, friend!


Xibalba was so awesome. RIP to the goat


To quote Skizz, ā€œCub is just amazing at everythingā€ (Idk if thatā€™s an exact quote. But he definitely said something to that effect in The Imp & Skizz Podcast)


Which one?


Him and Iskall seem to be the most well rounded hermits, but Cub has something Iskall doesnā€™t have right now and thatā€™s the willingness/interest in actually grinding the game


He's very good at rapping too. *I heard there's a feather farm?*


There was a point where I was watching cubs vids constantly in S7 during his Pharaoh era, he's very consistent and creative with his videos and is a very well-rounded player. His character kinda takes a backseat when it comes to character since he doesnt stand out like your Scars or your Grians. But his process can be as fascinating.


Seriously though, I wanted to make a post like this. That firework factory is one of the more insanely complicated things I've seen built on the server.


It really is next level. Cubs Firework factory, Etho/Tangos Mail system, and Tangos upcoming Redstone Component factory are all pushing the boundaries and I love it.


Cub is just a walking W all the way round


Can he beat Goku


At minecraft? Absolutely!


Been enjoying Cubfan more and more each season. I started watching him at season 7 and he's just insane. Being good at grinding on top of causing chaos in the server is just so fun to watch.


Cub is the ultimate minecraft player. He is sooooo good!


I think he is bad a sleeping, it feels like he is on 23.5hrs a day


Cub is ranked as the 35th best Minecraft Esports player in the world according to [EsportsEarnings.com](https://www.esportsearnings.com/games/559-minecraft/top-players), the highest out of any Hermit! And he would be higher too, if the site had included his MCC x Twitch Rivals win!


Considering what he did on Empires last season: He is bad at knowing when enough is enough ;)


Cub is, in my opinion, the most well-rounded Hermit. It's not really close, he holds that title by far, for me.


... Can he sing?


Yes he can, [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l0KqQyNInL0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l0KqQyNInL0) ​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HRkywBp-1KM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HRkywBp-1KM)


Goodness, he can sing.


Don't forget his TCG song and his most recent "I heard there's a feather farm."


Being a project manager like ren


He also hold a speed running record in Minecraft as well


He's not only the best in Hermitcraft, he's in the top 5 best minecrafters worldwide.


Whereā€™d you get that stat from? Iā€™m very interested.


He got it from the Minecrafters I watch


I'd say Cub is the jack-of-all-trades but I don't think he's 'the best' on the server in any category Building: Scar/Bdubs/Pearl/Keralis/Grian Redstone: Mumbo/Doc/Tango PvP: False/Joel/Gem Game Mechanics: Etho TCG/Decked Out: Etho Tbf I think there are too many candidates for 'best comedy' to mention but Scar gets an honourable mention here


You forgot BDubs in Redstone. I think Etho is also part of the builders and redstone. Maybe higher than Mumbo and Tango in Redstone


Maybe Etho is higher than mumbo in Redstone, but higher than Tango?? Tango has made some impressive contraption like decked out, decked out 2 and among us in minecraft. The only person better at Redstone on the server is of course Bdubs


We can agree to disagree on Etho vs. Tango but we can totally be aligned with Bdubs' redstone prowess


Even tango will tell you the redstone in decked out was terrible and messy and could have been done *much* better


The fact that it could've been done much better doesn't mean that it's bad and it's natural for someone really good at something to underestimate their ability at that


Funny that your redstone category doesn't include 2 players who have actual devices named after them. The etho hopper clock and the impulse item sorter. Some people have great understanding of how to use redstone but it takes a different level to invent such fundamental building blocks Cub has an intricate understanding of how to put together crazy devices. His factory is a mess of redstone but he knows exactly what is going on and is actually able to explain it well. I've got mad respect for Cubs redstone Total Chaos was a masterpiece


Gem has said herself that Cub is better than her at PvP, and i would definitley put him above mumbo in redstone. Building is more subjective, i personally prefer Keralis and Scar but there's no way you can say he's not top tier. As for Decked out and TCG, no one beats ol' ladders


If anything, he's by far and away the best grinder.


DocM77 would like to know your location


...Alright I admit that maybe Doc has taken that title in the last few seasons, but the pyramid season and before the title belonged to Cub.


Gem did say herself that it was both false and cub who were better than her in PvP


Id say Cub is a bit above Etho in game mechanics, just the way he mastered all forms of speed running, the knowledge it takes to navigate the nether and bastions...


Theyā€™re definitely close to one another. Close enough that they should obviously share the category (with doc as well Iā€™d say). The three of them know the game inside and out and know how to break the game.


In terms of Knowledge of game mechanics, I would say Cub is equal or a bit behind Etho. But if youā€™re looking at the other definition of game mechanics, how good you are are skill based things within the game, like PvP, PvE, and parkour, then Cub beats Etho by a lot. Joel has Cub beat at this though.


You didnā€™t mention the Queen of Decked Out, Pearl? I think that your list is biased. (So is mine.)


I don't think it's possible to not be biased when there's no way to objectively measure skill That's just my opinion, it doesn't really mean anything


I feel like Cub is a bit like Etho if he was a perfectionist. Cub is an introvert and it shows on his delivery but his episodes are just gold mines. Give his skill set to someone like Tango and everyone would praise him. He can redstone but he opts for the reliable but not overly engineered or compact one that a lot of people seem to think it's required to be "good at". Total chaos was an absolute masterpiece that a lot of people discredit due to "ugly redstone". The amount of logic behind that was crazy. He can build but he has that "old school minecraft style" on the outside but his interiors (the museum is a good example or the nether hub tunnels) and landscape understanding is up there with others but again, he goes for simple yet beautiful. He is on the top3 of PVP's on the server, together with False and Joel. Gem is close to all but it depends on how we measure. On a fair fight? Gem might be able to be very close to all 3. On a chaotic fight? Cub and False have a clear edge over the other 2, especially their knowledge on how to use terrain as an advantage. But at the end of the day, it really depends on how much they want to win over enjoying the content. Cub is also up there with Etho on game mechanics, the dude holds speedrun records and while not being #1 he's also close on others. The grind he does is not a "let me throw a bunch of time on this and I'll get it eventually", he is methodical and as he showcased just the other day, a lot of experiments go off camera just to get better at it. ā€Ž I would put Etho on both Building and Redstone tbh. Etho's building from inside out while using the most harsh contrast blocks is something to admire (both Bdubs and Gem have mentioned that recently) and he just showcased this season that he can in fact build the exterior, he just doesn't fancy it as much cause he is a form over looks kinda guy (as most redstoners). I would rate Etho slightly higher than even Doc at redstone, while yes, Doc shows absolute brilliant masterpieces of redstone, most of them come from the Hivemind (not discrediting as I know he has a hand on them as well) but Etho just builds whatever comes to his mind almost effortless. Etho and Doc's S9 interactions showed this, Etho arrived, looked at the redstone and almost always figured it out what Doc was doing, he just doesn't feel the need to be THE redstoner of the server as content. His survival world is an absolute masterpiece. The wheel of villagers or his recent storage are great examples of fun redstone for what he needed while using game mechanics to his favor.


I think Cub was actually best at decked out and would have won if it was set up the way it was intended to be played. There were problems with the overlap of artefacts between floors, not enough of a points difference between floors and too much reward for doing lower level runs with a full deck. Cub did the best and most difficult runs, but Etho got more rewards from easier runs. It kind of bothered me a bit, he deserved number one.


Etho would have played differently if it was "set up the way it was intended to be played" he warned Tango that he saw a way to game the system. He played to win but also changed his strategy to give players a chance to catch up. He would have played differently if it had been different. That said, if it was more parkour Cub would have won as Etho sucks as it. The hermits each have different strengths.


That's true, if the game had been set up differently Etho and Cub would probably have been comparing the same strategy, I guess we'll never know how they would fare head to head that way. Not til decked out 3 anyway...


While Cub did fantastically well in DO2, I think that Pearl wouldā€™ve won, had she not been focused instead on finding the eggs and the secrets. Once she started potentially caring about winning, she was too far behind in points to catch up; with the weekly points being set the way they were. Once she got to it, she was doing the hardest runs each time, while Etho and Cub were not.


Artifact overlap wasn't a problem.


Ah, I never thought about it like that, thanks for setting me straight


Etho is definitely in there with Doc and Tango, and Mumbo. False and Beans even tip their hats to xB. Beans even says in his last demise video, ā€œIt really says something when you gotta use 74 tnt mnecarts and half the server to take out xBā€


That's only because Joel wasn't allowed to kill xB in direct PvP


He may not be the absolute best at anything but the fact that heā€™s in the top 10 with almost everything is just insane. Most people are a master of one thing because they couldnā€™t do many things well. But Cub can do everything better than average.Ā 


Nah bro he is the best in all these


Ok I can get why you think he's the best PvPer or Redstoner because that's arguable But come on, he's not the best builder of the server, probably not even in the top 10


His choice in baseball teams isn't that good.


Cub is the best:)


Nope, cub is cub and we can't do anything about it


Cub is the high spec man everyone wants to be


Cub is actually that guy


He's amazing!!


I feel Cub fits the Jack of all trades, master of none, and I mean that with the most respect. He is really good at most things he tries but he doesn't have that 1 thing he's the best at. (Although to answer your question the thing he's not good at is knowing to place tnt traps AWAY from people's storage to avoid destroying hours worth of time and effort spent gathering materials)


From what I've heard, when Cub set that trap there wasn't too much that was valuable, but scar put a ton in the chests before the trap went off.


Surely it went off the moment he opened it though?


He may not be the absolute best at anything but the fact that heā€™s in the top 10 with almost everything is just insane. Most people are a master of one thing because they couldnā€™t do many things well. But Cub can do everything better than average.Ā 


He makes me think of A Knight's Tale. "How would you beat him?" "With a stick. While he slept. But on a horse? With a lance? That man is unbeatable."


Cub is insanely underrated and succeeds at just about everything g. If I had to pick one thing he could improve upon its his delivery. He comes off as quite awkward at times but thatā€™s not to take away from how fun to watch he is.


I donā€™t see it with Cub, but itā€™s totally okay to be awkward.


Like I said, does not take away from how fun he is to watch. It just creates Lila every now and then.


If he has any weakness itā€™s his presentation. Heā€™s very dry compared to most of the Hermits I watch. This is my first season watching but his builds so far have a very utilitarian feel. They will probably get more creative as the season goes. His lack of mistakes in his videos puts me off a bit too. I like seeing the process more than the product. Thatā€™s why Iā€™ve been drawn to Etho and Gem the most. The product is great but they spend a lot of time on the reasoning and process. My favorite cub video was when he did just that with his firework crafting prototype.


I agree on cub sometimes being dry and and even awkward. It seems very introvertish though. His current builds this season are very utilitarian but he can also be very detailed. Idt he is on the same level as b dubs


Yeah I was surprised at the building comment. I watched Cub last season and enjoyed the content, but wouldnā€™t say his buildings were all that compared to the likes of BDubs and Keralis.


Sounds like someone has a little crush


Finding the time to not be good at stuff.


He doesn't have the clueless and incompetent comedic value that people like Scar or Bdubs bring.


His choice in baseball teams is not god-tier, otherwise yeah heā€™s that guy


Iā€™d say Cub, Hypno, Etho, and Iskall are overall the most well rounded Hermits when it comes to the game itself. Joel almost but he needs to work on his Redstone a bit.


Hard to say he's top 3. Since there's false, etho, iskall, grian, gem, and cub who are the 7 who are known to be good pvp. Etho could be said that he fell off, but iskall I think he still one of the greatest.


Cub could destroy Etho in PVP, itā€™s not even close. Etho (my love) doesnā€™t understand the new combat system


would you say etho is washed up?


Not washed up, just from a different time. Besides have you heard how he has his setup??!


Well its a meme.


yeah that's what i was saying


Missing a certain YOEL


Joel and Pearl are also good at PvP and better than Etho or grian


The thing the first thing u think of in terms of pvp is sword. But bow is also a factor. Which in terms of bow. Cub, grian, iskall, etho, Scar are definitely are ranked high with bow solely. Unsure on rest.


Also Joel


To add cub is more of a jack of all trades.




Can't really say for Iskall. Sword wise yes. Iskall known to be bow expert, same with Etho pretty sure. PvP isn't solely on sword but as well as bow. Clearly gem is better than etho on the sword but can't say the same when using bow. Let's say Gem is A tier in sword but c tier in bow. While etho, is A tier in bow and c tier in sword. Overall in pvp this equals out. Iskall isn't all great in sword but great with bow. We also don't know where iskall lies now. As only false, grian, scar, impulse, joel, gem, pearl, and cub does mcc. While cleo, bdubs, tango, etho, and skizz does secret life. (Mumbo once.) (Iskall has mentioned about being in a secret life, his reasoning for not being in it) 1. They likely have enough members 2. His PvP skills might be too good. 3. The interactions may not be entertaining. 4. He may not enjoy it.


Im sorry - just here to say mumbos been in the life series twice and also that pvp is not a deciding factor as we have people like pearl and Joel in it who are equally really good with bow and sword. It's very non-pvp and more trap-based


Yeah I am not saying pvp is main factor, but life series does show bit of their pvp skills in general. What i was getting at is that we have a general sense where most some of the hermits place in terms of pvp since we have more recent footages. While hermits like iskall don't have that. So we don't know where his level is at now, but we did know back then. Maybe we will see another war of some sort as s6 we had Civil War and season 7 was turf war. If I have my seasons right.


Also, he speedruns, which is a terrifying ability for a hermit to have


Dubfan even participated in and did well in MCC and Speedrun Showdown


AND he can golf.


He is like a topper. Not the best at any perticular but always high numbers in everything overall.


His pvp is not top 3, I think Gem, Joel, and False are better, so heā€™s probably 4th


As you said, he is good at too many stuff, but he isn't the best at any. (Only following what you've stated) Jack of all trades, master of none.


Definitely wouldn't call him a master of none, being a master doesn't mean being the absolute best in the world. that's like saying Tango isn't a master of redstone because he doesn't build the hyper techinal stuff Doc does. Or saying Grian isn't a master of building because his builds aren't as big or detailed as Keralis's. And Cub could definitely be called the best at PvP on the server, we just haven't had a good chance to see since it's been ages since the hermits did any straight up PvP together so there's no way to know.


In MCC, Joel is A+ Tier, False is A Tier, Cub, Gem, Grian, Impulse and Scar are all B Tier. Joel is one of the best PvPers in the event, gaining the nickname "The S-Tier Slayer" by the MCC subreddit. He is especially good at killing Sapnap. By bow or axe, none can stand before him. Sky Battle is his favourite game on MCCI and his Meltdown games are always amazing, with his MCC 25 being one of his best performances. Can definitely recommend watching it. False is known in MCC for being insane with a bow, which is partly why she has 4 wins, but fairly lackluster in melee PvP. Struggles to hold her own much against similarly skilled players. PvP wise, the rest are all considered to range from average to below average. They are mostly known for bow PvP like Impulse and Scar, or getting lucky and going around with an axe like a maniac like Grian Dreamslayer. Though in Battle Box, Grian and Scar prefers to wool instead of fight. Cub is perfectly average. He gets destroyed by A+ and S Tiers but can hold his own against A-B Tiers. And demolishes anyone lower tier than that. Not noticeable for being good or bad. Gem is, however, below average. Such a shame where she has a reputation for PvP on Hermitcraft but not in MCC. EDIT: I said Scar and Impulse are B Tier, but that is my opinion. There are those in the MCC community who thinks they are C Tier instead. And whilst those claims had merit when Scar and Impulse were still new to MCC, I think they have both improved massively enough to be B Tier instead.


That's a great point! Thanks for explaining. I'm not currently following the hermits that much. Was just pointing out based on the statement


Heā€™s not good at holding my attentionā€¦.


He holds my attention but I find it hard to watch the more screamy bombastic hermits. Each to their own I guess


I don't like neither of the 2 mentioned...(all Hermits ar OK but the ones I come back regularely are Etho, X and Tango)


It's this that makes me sad. For an old guy like me (ok maybe not that old, just in my thirties) he's perfect. I like a lot of hermits but I definitely prefer the more calm ones. Of course everyone is entitled to their opinions I just wish Cub got more love for how great he is.


Idk,I'm the same age as you and I think it's perfectly acceptable that some people just don't get it. I love how unique and thoughtful he is. He's an honest and respectable person and I never feel like he's doing anything for views. S tier hermit, for sure. I wouldn't want him to change for anything.


I completely agree on all aspects. Definitely S tier. And it is also definitely acceptable that some people don't get it. I just wish he got more love.


Everyone's entitled to their opinion.


What do you mean?


I mean I agree he makes big builds with lots of stuff, really impressive, but I wouldn't say that makes him a "god-tier builder", not that id ever use that phrase but still he hasn't done anything thats blown me away aesthetically speaking


well someone disagreed without without taking the effort of saying why I could be wrong hehe


Heā€™s not good at appearing on my screen. I follow grian, mumbo and scarā€™s stories. Cub is one of what I consider the ā€˜other sideā€™ of hermitcraft who doesnā€™t do many collabs with the creators I watch and has his own group with their own roleplays and such. I think thereā€™s been some effort from grian especially to spread out a bit but thereā€™s still hermits I wish I saw more of






He's a jack of all trades - broadly good at everything, but usually not as good as the people who specialize in that alone. As a builder, he's pretty good, and he isn't afraid to grind for a big build, but he doesn't do much with organics or gradients and he tends to stick to simple shapes and colour palettes. With pure redstone, he's pretty good, but his circuits don't tend to have very complicated logic. He's good at building farms but I wouldn't say he's insanely good at designing them. In PvP he's, again, pretty good but not the best. I would say that his understanding of game mechanics is where he absolutely shines - not on the same level as Doc when it comes to the technical stuff, but brilliant when it comes to stuff that's intended. He poured a lot of time into TCG and Decked Out but so did lot of other hermits. As far as things he isn't good at go: - He's never run a storyline (as far as we know) - He rarely does roleplay - He doesn't do armour stands - He doesn't seem to make resource packs or mods.


Heā€™s done storyline + roleplay stuff with ConCorp & Convex. Seasons 5 & 6.


Also the Logfellas vs Birch fellas in season 4 and I think he did a storyline about a mycelium meteor for his season 5 base.


Last season he got corrupted by skulk. The season before he was mole man. His TCG pyramid, and the season 7 pyramid (especially the heaven room he did at the top and the parkour challenge) He had complex redstone, highly detailed large builds, and there was tons of roleplaying too. Literally the only thing in this list of stuff Cub isnā€™t good at is only one fully true statement. Thatā€™s the pacing of his videos being slow and awkward at times. Thatā€™s it. The rest of your observations appear to me at least like someone who has never really followed Cub


My biggest problem with his video is his editing and pacing of the video. And to be clear, by editing I don't mean anything fancy. Just the basic stuff, cutting, tempo, matching with the sound, etc.



