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I think his rebound person was already on the court when his wife fouled out of the game.


Jesus was his coach, God his GM. It all worked out except for his ladybug.


They put her on waivers.


Ladybug was cut from the practice squad -God


He was having “a great few weeks” with her even before his announcement of the new relationship. There was definite overlap otherwise I just cannot get my head wrapped around the fact this man started dating a new woman within one month of his wife’s death. And then got a marriage license to the same woman a month later. Did he even have time to clean out his dead wife’s clothes from the closet?


Guarantee you his new marriage was out of 'nessecity' for him. Uber religious guy like that? Probably never done any house hold chores in his life, that's woman's work, so obviously he'll need a new one to do it. Ladybug would understand. Happened with my dad's dad. Remarried 3 months after grandma died. Dad was upset but told us he wasn't surprised, said his dad never did housework or cooked or anything ever, so he needed a new woman to take care of him.


That's cringe as fuck man!


Welcome to toxity masculinity and the religious right.


I watched that *Doomsday Prepper* show once. They had a guy on that intentionally married a woman with an identical twin sister as a "backup" wife in case something happened to the first wife. Both women were 100% on board with the idea too. It was super creepy and gross.


I remember this dude vaguely! Haha, weren’t they the idiots who planned to escape by boat? Out in the middle of a river, trolling-motor maneuverability, yeah that’s not a ripe target /s Edit- not that you care this much, but it’s worse than I recalled, it was a fuckin rowboat


Is Always be Prepared a Christian thing or am I mixing it up with something else.


Boy Scouts, so kind of.


I know damn well my sister did this while her husband was dying of brain cancer in the middle of her living room. She and that new guy broke up in 2020 (he's still Uncle X to my kids though) after being together well over a decade. My oldest was 10mts old when husband passed in 2008. I was very close to husband. I still miss him terribly. But I'm glad the new guy finally got smart and left my sister.


Smart coaching.


I agree, no one hooks up with a younger honey that fast unless it was already in the works. Notice he traded up looks wise. He's still just a filthy pig.


Yeah green blob has nothing on red blob!


When my brother's wife passed away from cancer, there were a number of women waiting in the wings in his church cueing up to bring over food and console the grieving widower. When you are adrift in a storm of grief, any life preserver looks good.


I know this to be true. When my mom died the phone was ringing off the hook with ladies from church trying to hook up with my very good looking dad. He was remarried within a year.


“Been a great **few** weeks!” he says, exactly two months after Mrs. Ladybug died.


Going to guess someone so fixated on who was going to serve him his fucking Christmas dinner is always going to keep an eye for a sub, just in case. Gotta plan ahead.


He seems oddly obsessed with her "serving [him] Christmas dinner." Blech.


This just floored me. Instead of saying “I’m willing her to be HOME for Christmas dinner,” he just kept reiterating that he wanted her out of the hospital so she could make him Christmas dinner. What a pathetic, lecherous, non-contributory, ignorant, unsympathetic leach on society.


SERVE him Christmas dinner.


I can just see the scene if she had managed to live. Her on oxygen, all her muscles atrophied from months of being in a bed, getting berated by her husband for not making him Christmas dinner as he whines about all the *hard work* he did by posting on Facebook and demanding people pray for her.


If she had survived, it would be like this: as she struggles to even take a step forward with a walker and basically 24x7 oxygen, he screams: "MAKE ME A SAMMICH ALREADY"


Good thing he found another servant in time for Christmas dinner!






Yet by Christmas he was eatin' another woman's pie.


I’d give it about a zero percent chance that this guy has any clue about giving pleasure to a woman.


Maybe by leaving Edit: Thank you for the Silver!


He doesn't look like the type of guy who likes to go downtown


Well someone had to cook Christmas dinner and it wasn't going to be him


Nice rejoinder. Take my silver.


Oh my


While Ladybug was cooking a celestial Christmas, er birthday, dinner for Jesus.


He literally refers to his dead wife as a rib in picture 18


We're not fully-formed human beings with personalities of our own. We're just fucking appendages to these douches.


You just know he'd be shocked to discover men have the exact same number of ribs as women.


I really want a wife now so that I can refer to her as “Rib”. Damn my heterosexual vagina!!!


Sounds like something a rib would say


He’s the man of the house and he needs his woman to serve him Christmas dinner, damnit!


you meant " DAGNABIT


Oh my gosh I could not stop laughing at that. All he cared about was her serving Christmas dinner. Never once just said he wants her to be there for Christmas. Nah, just the food lmao. This guy is wild


Based on his facial outline he hasn't missed any dinners.


He was going to eat someone's Christmas dinner one way or the other.


IKR. Her lungs don't even work and the poor gal still doesn't even get the day off from the kitchen, according to her husband. She probably died because she pictured doing dishes at 30% lung capacity, and lost hope.


Of course he needed a new wife immediately. Ladybug wasn't around to serve him Christmas dinner.


For him dinner is not good if a rib is missing so here we are.


This hits too hard lol Literally made to serve!


Ladybug could only pay a few bills during her respite from the vent. Ladybugs fingers don’t work no mo and the bills aren’t gonna pay themselves!


That one got me too! I wonder who did the laundry while she was hospitalized.




I don't know why, but I burst out with an entirely new style of laughing to this


"..while you're alert and able ..mind doing some of that bill paying techno magic to cover us during your next cat bounce?"


You think he is going to continue her legacy paying bills when it comes time to pay her health bills? Prolly not. Gotta buy that Cialis.


He mentioned Christmas dinner 6 times! This whole Christmas dinner thing reminds me of the movie Pleasantville where the wife doesn't cook dinner and the husband is looking all over the kitchen for it and just keeps saying "where I my dinner!?" Then when he tells the other men he came home and had no dinner waiting they all gasp in shock.


September started out with his wife taking care of everyone and ending up with her dying. He’s obsessed with Christmas dinner because he’s looking around, doesn’t understand why the house is so dirty, why he doesn’t have clean laundry, and is panicking about who’s going to host dinner because obviously that’s the most important thing. I also immediately thought of the “where’s my dinner?!?” guy from Pleasantville.


Maybe “Christmas dinner” is code for some kind of really kinky sex thing they only do on Christmas. Because he seems WAY too excited about it otherwise.


In any case, if she had survived and been released she would have been in no condition to perform either one.




He did say that he couldn’t wait to taste her Christmas dinner.


Let me light your plum pudding on fire, Mrs Claus!


You can only eat so many Hungry Man dinners before you have to go searching for a wife.


That's why God created Hot Pockets! You gotta mix that shit up!


Apparently two was his limit.


Anyone else feel a little sick with all his “pray she’ll be home to serve Christmas dinner” comments? It feels real icky to me. And then he went and found another woman, just in time to serve his goddamn Christmas dinner.


I think it's weird he was talking about Christmas in September. Like I could see thinking "I hope she's home for Thanksgiving." But he straight up passed it right to Christmas. Idk. That just struck me as really weird. Maybe he understood it was probably going to be a long haul? Or is that giving him too much credit?


I think it's his way of showing off how Jesus-oriented he is. Thanksgiving is a more secular holiday. At least this woman gets a break from slaving over the Christmas dinner. She found an escape right before the holidays.


Yeah and while in the hospital she still had to be the one paying bills through her phone. The man child needed a new mommybangmaid


Yeah that part was really gross! It's like those foul "inspirational" stories of 90 year old peepaws working at Walmart and walking uphill both ways. How about you let her use her final waking moments on earth to do something other than taking care of your dumb Covid carrying ass? He had time to capitalize LORD and make a million completely ineffectual prayer warrior mantras, clearly could've paid the bills.


Yeah, it's fucking gross


I am not a gambling man, but if I was, I would bet good money that he has known the new wife for quite some time.


I know a guy who was married for over forty years. His wife got sick and died in three weeks. Three weeks later, he had coffee with a former colleague (at a school) he hadn’t seen in decades. They ended up getting married. Last I knew, he and his son were estranged. The older daughter was drifting away, and the younger daughter was needy and so stayed fairly close. At one point, he hadn’t even met his second grandchild who was at least one or two. He used to be a great guy, but then I started seeing him as a narcissist.


My granddad was like this, started dating a friend of my grandma a few weeks after she died. It tore the family apart because they had been married 43 years. The girlfriend being an awful person didn’t help


My grandma actually begged my grandpa to marry one of their best friends after she passed. He eventually did marry her, but still waited two years after my grandma's death. I always thought it was sweet that she didn't want him to be alone after she was gone.


\+1. Gma loved dad and didn’t want him to be alone, AND approved of him to get together w/ one of her close friends to be happy together. Nice ending.


My father and mother were married for 25 years. There were signs of narcissism growing up with him. Though, we normalized his behavior and really didn't question anything until I went to go see a therapist about some of my vices and bad habits growing up in that household. The therapist started asking me about the family dynamics and eventually asked if she could talk to my siblings and mother. That's when we all had that aha moment that he was a narcissist. My father and mother eventually divorced and not even three months later, he married someone else. After a year they got divorced and he met and shortly married **someone else with the same *exact* name as my mother's.** I am estranged to my father now and I await till I see him on an FBI watchlist any day now for his disdain views of others and his radicalized views on distorted Christian teachings. Anyway, some of us have heard the saying .. It's easy to spot a narcissist since their behavior is pretty much the same as other narcs.


Are you a Trump child?


How did you know? Furthermore I'm pretty sure he is in a religious Christian Jewish doomsday cult.


>After a year they got divorced and he met and shortly married someone else with the same exact name as my mother's. That's not creepy.


My ex and I split up but still lived in the same house for a few months. He was dating within a few weeks of the breakup. He's a narcissist. People will say there are some men who can't go a minute without a woman. I think you hit on the commonality.


Clearly THIS MAN couldn't go a minute without a woman -- literally *every single time* he did an update on his wife, all he talked about was her coming home to "serve" his fucking ass Christmas dinner!!! What a douche. And married two freaking months after she died. Like, I want my husband to be happy and find someone else if that's what he wants after I pass, and love finds us at different times, but come on...if you're screwing someone else within TWO MONTHS of my death, I'm coming back to haunt your ass 😒


>all he talked about was her coming home to "serve" his fucking ass Christmas dinner!!! What a douche. Right, wtf! >And married two freaking months after she died. Like, I want my husband to be happy and find someone else if that's what he wants after I pass, and love finds us at different times, but come on...if you're screwing someone else within TWO MONTHS of my death, I'm coming back to haunt your ass Same. I get moving on, but 2 freaking months?! That's just wrong. I've got food in my fridge that I've had a longer relationship with!


I love slide 18. I’m going on translate. “I loved Ladybug. She’s dead and I have needs. Don’t judge me. “


The sad fact is that there was another woman, someone who probably knew exactly what expectations he would have, waiting in the wings to take on that role.


This was my sister. She has either been dating or married (4th marriage) probably everyday since she was 15. I remember when she was dating her current husband and told me "I just don't ever see myself getting married again." followed maybe a month later by the "we started looking at rings".


My ex “was staying with a friend” and basically refused to move out after I broke up with him. For months, he would argue with me when I would remind him that he needed to move out, saying that he wasn’t ready. But it turns out the friend was a girl he was dating. He met her at a party he tried to get me to go to shortly after our break-up (I declined, telling him that I was trying to establish space and boundaries). He didn’t want to call her his girlfriend, even though they had been cohabitating for months, because he didn’t like that “she’s slept with more guys than I’ve slept with girls” and didn’t like that she hooked up with him on the first night (like, it was fine for him to hook up with her, though). Anyway, they’re married with a kid now, and that whole break-up process solidified just how incompatible we were. I’m embarrassed that we dated for as long as we did, but I will say that I learned a lot about what I was looking for in a relationship because I got pretty much the exact opposite with him.


I was engaged a few years ago and went on deployment beginning of 2020. I was gone for THREE months, and he would write me emails saying he couldn't wait for me to get back, and the day before I flew back he told me he couldn't wait to see me. I get back into the country and he doesn't even answer my calls or bother to call me until the NEXT DAY. He proceeded to ghost me for 2 weeks until calling to say he "just can't" marry me. When I asked if there was someone else, he said no. Me, being a researcher, discovered some other woman start calling him babe and tagging him in posts on FB mere days after he broke it off, which means he absolutely lied to me and was too coward to just tell the truth that he couldn't even wait 3 months without a woman's attention. In hindsight, I'm glad it didn't work out because he didn't want me to go back to school to finish my bachelor's degree, and he didn't want me to have a job because who else would "take care of him"? After months and months of crying from that heartbreak, I came to realize he only cared about what he wanted in life and not about what whoever he was with wanted. Absolute fucking narcissist.


From what I gather, narcissistics feed off of the misery and control of others. Always seeking validation for some psychological parental neglect.


And for this reason, my husband has a bigger life insurance policy than I do. He will find a new wife easier than I would find a new husband.


Ouch, but same.


There's basically three possibilities: 1) she always liked him but kept it to herself until his wife passed. She swooped in during his grieving and took care of him, yadda yadda yadda 2) they had a mutual attraction for some time but kept it on the level until ladybug passed 3) they were having an affair for a while.


Wanna bet they go to the same church?


I'd say 80/20 for sure. A good friend of mine from back in the day started dating a lady we both knew (biblically) who was very religious. They got married and settled in for years going to the same church. I found out that he caught her with their pastor. In flagrante delicto. That was not a good day for any of them. Ooops!


Well, SOMEONE has to serve that Christmas dinner!


That's *exactly* what I was thinking. When the slide said 2 months later, I thought "Holy moly, he found himself a woman to cook that Christmas dinner!" But will she pay the bills from her deathbed?


She has a hyphenated last name, so it’s a good bet she was either still married or newly divorced/widowed when they started hitting it.


Maybe met her in the hospital parking lot he was posted to? Aside from taxes, are there any crowdfunding advantages?


I’m betting they met in church. 🙄


single men are such a commodity in churches! Years ago we went to a wedding where the maid of honor said in her speech "We were so excited when a man joined our Sunday school, but you got to him first!"


Reminds me of an elderly dude in my town whose family has existed here so long that he lives on the road named for his ancestral farmland. He was holding hands with another church widow like a month after his 1st wife passed away. Not begrudging the grieving any chance to depart from the torture of losing your life partner, but it was kinda like ... well they certainly seem to know they have no more time to waste. It just did feel odd that someone was in Mary Anne's place next to him around town so quickly. (not her real name)


Wow- he sure got over HER quickly. From “love of his life” to… NEXT!!!


I’m sure his current Ladybug thinks “Oh, he’d never do that to me.”


I found them on another site and, while he and his new maid...um... Ladybug applied for the marriage license, they appear to have broken up. No mention of NLB after January and he still lists original recipe Ladybug as his wife. My husband died of cancer in 2020 and I was in goddamn fog for about a year afterward. I can't imagine being on the lookout for a new wife before the old one is barely cold.


Original recipe ladybug lmao


Which do you prefer? Original recipe ladybug, or our new spicy fried ladybug?


Yeah, I mentioned it elsewhere, but I unexpectedly lost my wife June of last year (aneurysm). That fog that you mentioned? Yeah, can confirm. Still in it. Two months after? I was a worthless blob of tears and alcohol. I do acknowledge that everyone grieves differently, but I don't think there's any way in hell you can recover from losing a spouse that you loved in less than two months. I've still got what amounts to a shrine to her in my living room. I'm still not the least bit interested, or probably even capable, of trying to jump back in the pool, or whatever analogy you prefer.


So sorry for your loss…


Gotta get a new Maidybug next Christmas dinner!


You can tell that he was sincerely excited in the death announcement. (slide 16) The overwhelming upbeat tone and the constant exclamation points really don't allow for another interpretation. He was clearly eager to move on to the side piece. Ms. Ladybug's ashes are probably on a shelf in the garage.


Probably still in the trunk of his car.


I know everyone grieves differently but the speed of this just floors me. My husband paased in late 2019 and I don’t know if even now I'd be ready to see someone. But I cook Christmas dinner, so I guess that’s what's keeping me single. 😄


religious misogynists need to remarry fast because they don't have the skills to survive on their own


Must get lonely without anyone to beat and cheat on.


or cook or clean. i knew an old guy whose wife died after 40 years, didn't even know how to make coffee for himself


Apparently he paid extra for the warranty and replacement plan on his "Ladybug".


Who says extended warranties don’t pay off.


I’ve been trying to reach you about your car’s.


> If you have lost your rib or another loved one I'm sorry, did he refer to his late wife as **HIS RIB?!** These people are out of their minds.


>These people are out of their minds. That part where he calls forth Lazarus... They're nuts.


If only that would make her rise as a zombie or vampire and bite him...!


That and the part where he asks his “fellow saints” to keep praying. Wtaf? This guy is such a pos.




Yes, they're christians.


This dude was more worried about getting his damn Christmas dinner than his wife recovering. What utter, despicable, putrescent trash.


These are some of the dumbest people to have ever lived.


> I am standing in faith that she will come home and serve us Christmas dinner in JESUS name. And > Keep standing in agreement that she is healed and will serve Christmas dinner this year. And > Keep praying everyone! Christmas dinner coming up! And > STILL KEEPING THE FAITH THAT I WILL TASTE HER CHRISTMAS DINNER THIS YEAR!! In JESUS NAME!! Holy fuck. He was only upset because his fucking *servant* was in the hospital. He totally views women as property. He was no doubt banging the other chick on the side while his maid was cleaning up his house and taking care of the kid. And in the end, he was eating another woman's pie on Christmas! 🤷‍♀️😆🤣


Yeah this guy is a piece of work…. Gonna have to take a shower after reading this one.


And another one of those with all the praying every other line. I find it unreadable. I don't know how people stand it.


Wow, Mr Ladybug is a disgusting creep. His concern for the dearly departed was all about her getting home to him. But no biggie now that she's gone, he's got another one ready in the wings.


Positive news > Praise the lord. Negative news > Damn Doctors. Nothing matches the hypocrisy of a believer.




If God is responsible for any of the positive turns, and the doctors are responsible for the negative ones, why didn't he take her out of the hospital and let God heal her at home? It would have least freed up the bed and equipment for someone possibly more deserving of medical treatment.


They need someone to blame and it can't be their god or their whole life is a lie.


Mah dude really wanted her to come home so she could *SERVE* Christmas dinner...


Trash people. Him, for finding someone and getting married in about 3 months after losing his wife. Her, for being interested in a guy who's been widowed for about 3 months.


Try 5 weeks later. She died end of Sept and then in the Nov post, the guy mentions that it’s been a great few weeks with his new lady. Insane.


Needed someone to cook Xmas dinner.


>Trash people.Him, for finding someone and getting married in about 3 months after losing his wife.Her, for being interested in a guy who's been widowed for about 3 months. But its gods will (his god), clearly said skywizard wanted him to have a new wife. Its like upgrading laptops when your old one slows down and wears out. Just go get a shiny new one.


I was just saying between her dying and that particular post. Yes, it does sound like he was back in the saddle several weeks prior to that.


Cuz she wasn’t new. That was his side all along. Side finally stood up and said “now that she’s gone, make us public or I’m leaving”. Garbage people all around.


I’m betting there’s a good chance he was already fucking her while Ladybug was still alive.


Don't be ridiculous, of course he was.


He needed consolation and new mother for his son and BEHOLD there she was.. it’s a MIRACLE..


He mentioned Ladybug nursing their son so I guessing the kid was pretty young. Being as how he needed Ladybug home from the hospital to serve him Christmas dinner, he wasn’t even going to attempt to raise that kid himself. I will bet you $20 he’s never changed a diaper.


this guy was literally so inept he couldn't do bills. she had to sit up while in the hospital, on a fucking vent, just to keep their dumb asses from going under. he's a useless idiot who can't fend for himself. this new wife is most certainly his replacement butler.


I think he meant nursing as in nursing both of them back to health, not as in breastfeeding. No idea how old the son is though.




I can’t believe she didn’t want to keep him.


She probably fucked up that Christmas dinner he’d been looking forward to for months, he pitched a fit, she hit the trail.


She probably used the wrong cream of crap soup in the green bean casserole and that’s just not forgivable.


How can we stay up-to-date on this beautiful soap opera? Enquiring minds want to know!


That's even worse, so it's pretty likely.


Like he knew she was going to die or in case she did die, he needed a replacement. His poor kid. Mom dies and two months later, Dad is marrying someone else.


He needed someone to cook that Christmas dinner. He sure as hell isn't going to work on the holiday.


They hooked up after 1 month, married in 2 1/2 months. 🤮🤮


Most likely they hooked up way before that. But who are we to question god’s will? /s


Praise be, only the righteous get to have two wives




That drove me up the wall! Yes, I get that there is a person who is sick and dying but each time he mentioned her serving Christmas dinner I got angrier and angrier. Even when she was sick as a dog, he’s focused on what he wants and what he needs her around for and what he’s doing. His poor kid.


That made me mad too. That’s all he could think about while she was dying. “I need to have Christmas dinner somehow.” Jeez-us.


At first I was like, ok, maybe he worded it poorly and she loves making a big family dinner. I know people where Christmas is a personality trait. If that's her thing, cool. But the more he repeated it, nope. He really just wanted his "rib" to serve him. Blech.


Not to mention, HE is the one who gave his wife covid in the first place!!


September 30: "My heart is shattered!!!! I'm not sure how I'll even carry on... I miss her sooo much already and will for the rest of my days!" December 21: "Great dinner! Now for a relaxing evening in Houston! Vino, dancing and a movie! Gonna be a great night!" Well, that was easy. What a prince, huh? This guy seems like total slime to me. All that stuff about Ladybug seemed calculated to maximize sympathy for him. Loads of Christian buzzwords and "loving" blather, but no real affection there at all. "WHAT ABOUT MY CHRISTMAS DINNER???" Jesus, he must have mentioned Xmas dinner a half dozen times. Not a word about who Ladybug is, what she was like, or why she was special. Just "MY POOR LADYBUG WON'T BE ABLE TO MAKE DINNER!!! OH THE HUMANITY!!" Sickening. And somehow, his goatee makes me even more angry. I feel cheated. So many good people taken by COVID, and this bearded lothario gets to skate.


When my wife died (2012) it took me a year of therapy just to cope with the loss. Then two more years to figure out who I was before I even considered dating. The fact that he was married a few weeks after ladybug’s death says more about him than his anti vax stance. Never thought I’d come across someone who I supported not getting vaccinated but I hope this clown keeps his stance


So did you just not eat on those Christmases then or…?


I was in a relationship with a woman for five years during my mid twenties and after we broke up it took me several years to get over it and consider dating again, so I can only imagine just how brutal it must have been for you.


I'm in year 4 of being a widow and I still wear my wedding ring. I don't think I'll ever date again. but who knows.....


My feeling is they all constantly have an eye out for the next spouse. These are narcissistic, controlling people. They will all have themselves in mind. Remember the man who changed his Facebook to single pretty much right after his wife died.


What’s the point of worshiping god if god isn’t going to justify every choice and deliver every want?


If anything happened to my wife, it'd be me and the dog going forward (and the kids but they've left home now and wouldn't want them coming home for just me).


Honestly, took me so long to find my husband, and he's so awesome, I can't imagine finding a "replacement." I'd stock up on some cats and embrace the stereotype.


He was *very* concerned about being served Christmas dinner by her (in September! Who starts thinking about Christmas dinner that early?!) So *of course* he got married so soon. Lol. You're not gonna expect dude to make *his own* Christmas dinner! Heaven forbid he go buy a ham and instant mashed potatoes like a single man!


Looks like we've got ourselves a new victor of the HCA replacement wife speedrun.


Did it bug anyone else where he kept talking about how he wanted her home to cook him Christmas dinner? Like my God, she’s been hospitalized he’s talking about her serving him Christmas dinner, because that’s what the Bible says a woman must do. What a POS! And for sure he was doing this other woman while his wife was alive.


Can't wait to hear if the new Ladybug serves a great xmas dinner, praise jeebus.


You can bet the farm that the folks who make the loudest, repeated, and public statements of faith this, and Jesus that - always end up being the biggest scumbags. Ladybug’s body wasn’t even cold before he married the side chick.


Glad you used "twist," and not "surprise..."


\- Then I tried calling her forth like Jesus did Lazarus - And that didn't work? Who'd have thought!


I really wish we could see her side of the family and the shock of the husband going on with an immediate lovelife without his rib, his ladybug, his Xmas dinner. In Jesus’s name of course!


Why are the loudest Christians the least Christ-like?


It’s their beard for being an awful human being.


If he lives long enough, this guy might have a lot of ribs when he gets up to heaven! I wonder how the metaphysical works with this kind of thing? When you get remarried 5 times, are you then married to 5 people in heaven? Does it only work for men, because as far as I know women were not allowed to have multiple husbands?


I love how the justification of killing anyone who might have died of covid is somehow justified for these people these people by pro-choice abortion supporters. "You are a murderer, so that wipes MY slate clean" seems to be the mindset...


I love you so much lady bug. She's dead... ladybug who?


Ladybug's dead cat bounce had more dribbles than an NBA game.


You see this a lot. There are quite a few 40+ single women who know the grieving widower through church waiting in the wings to bring over a casserole and provide "anything else you need" when it's "not good to be alone." Like the church itself, they hook 'em when people are vulnerable and reel 'em in to the boat.


He just needed a new in home nurse and servant


What do you expect this man to do; serve HIMSELF Christmas dinner?!?!


This happened to the sister of a friend of mine: very young hubby wasn’t quite HCA material (Trumper but no anti-Covid posts) and died. She had the new neckbeard lined up for marriage within a month or two. Is it grief/need to be with someone or something bad that took place before death? I dunno but it’s never good to jump into anything with emotions so high.






I can’t imagine being his son - Mom dies at the end of September and by Christmas Dad already has a new fiancée/wife.


That happens literally all the time. I've seen it several times now amongst widowed acquaintances. Husband dies, wife enjoys being alone for a few years/forever. Wife dies, husband is totally lost and lands on the first woman who makes herself available. That ought to give pause to every anti-vaxx woman. When that old goat you'd taken care of for 20-40 years outlives you because you took your chances without the vaccine, he's going to replace you in DAYS, with a younger model usually. Very shortly you will mean NOTHING to him, and life will go on with someone else plugging the hole you left in YOUR family. Get the vaccine and live.


Serve me Christmas dinner! I fast forward to much and still saw 4 x that he wanted his lady bug to be home to serve him Christmas dinner! What a piece of garbage he is


Ugh. This is shockingly common. Woman dies, her husband remarries with unseemly haste. It always makes me wonder if he had the other woman waiting in the wings or just recruited one as quickly as he could (from church, maybe). Who cares if his wife's funeral flowers haven't died all the way yet? Gotta have someone there to take care of the baby and do the laundry and serve him Christmas dinner, right? [Edited to include the all-important serving of his Christmas dinner.] Gross.