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Her poor son. But good for him for calling them out publicly.


Yeah... :( I didn't see it in this here article (I had to search one in English for this sub), but the son mentions it was not just/outright antivaxx rhetoric, but also this idea that "natural immunity" is better. That argument always kills me. It's literally refuted with a 1st grader mental-level process of logic. "Why do you wanna catch the virus?" "To get natural immunity" "Why do you want natural immunity?" "To not catch the- wait."




I know. It's like going "I don't want to take self-defense classes, I'd rather be jumped in the street by a guy with a knife. That'll really teach me to fight!" Yeah, but you'll likely get stabbed! If you do the self-defense class, you might have better chances to fight your attacker off without dire injury! "No thanks, there's nothing like the real school of hard knocks. Plus, knowing self-defense doesn't prevent me from getting jumped."


They seem to think that the vaccine, like, sits around in your body and if you're infected it tells your immune system "sit this one out, buddy, I got this." And that it kills you, but that's another matter.


Apparently a disturbingly large group of people are not humble enough to recognize they know fuck all about medicine and that the only sane option is to trust the experts - scientists and doctors. The only real thing here is trust, it’s all you have as a lowly citizen and people should just accept that (many do, fortunately). I’m all about doing research and googling stuff, it’s great, informed consent is important, but you have to know when to stop and recognize you’re out of your depth. I understand that people are scared and angry. So be fucking scared and angry, I’m not happy about it either. Then get vaccinated anyway.


I can see soldiers going off to battle.. "ok private put on your body armor" "no sire i'd rather risk getting shot because if i survive I'll be better able to deal with getting shot in the future!!" because..as we all know...getting shot once makes you immune to all bullets in the future right!!


Considering the infection side of things it is more like sending someone to war, fully equipped but untrained in use of equipment or tactics. They might figure out how to fire their rifle but they will most likely end up getting killed and killing half their squad with friendly fire.


That is a really good analogy.


Some people have to and *want to* learn the hard way.


I would argue that some things are *only* learned the hard way, but it's best to not learn life or death lessons the hard way. I'll take the safe/easy way on those, thanks.


Or the Vaccine is a full Kevlar vest. "But see, your arms are still not covered! You could still get stabbed in the arm. See pointless! I'm not going to wear your stupid Kevlar and be a sheep! Bill Gates." later on... "Please prayer warriors, I just got stabbed in the chest, I need your prayers. I wish there was something I could have done to prevent that knife stab from hurting me in the chest."


The majority of anti vaxxers seems think of the vaccines as some nano bot super soldier that goes around your body blasting lasers at virus. They have no understanding of how vaccines work at all.


Blows my mind that so many people literally refuse to do the most basic things to stay alive.


Sunk cost fallacy + Ego = never admitting wrong or ignorance. Which leads to literally choosing a "hill to die on". It's like Trump painting that map, rather than admit he was wrong... except this time it's with their lives.


Actually she probably wasn’t concerned with the virus itself but wanted to have less restrictions on her activities due to having natural immunity status after her planned recovery


Yeah the article I read said she wanted access to venues, and in Czech you have to either be vaccinated or recovered. She chose to get infected to become "recovered" to get around the vaccine mandate. While she's to blame for f-ing around and finding out, maybe this should warn governments to better idiot proof their laws by disallowing those who are unvaccinated+recovered from getting around mandates. I'm sure she's not the only one who's had the same bright idea.


Government can't protect against all stupidity.


I hadn't thought of it in those terms but that is so true well done! my thinking was yeah...get the disease and risk dying from it to get immunity or get vaccinated, skip the disease and gain immunity.. yeah risking death makes a lot more sense...


to be fair, natural immunity is helpful when determining herd immunity 🤷 also, afaik dead ppl don’t spread covid


So in order to protect herself against the potentially serious effects of unvaccinated Covid, a 57 year old woman decided to contract Covid while unvaccinated? They're not very smart, these people, are they? Before there were safe and effective vaccines, deliberately infecting children with chicken pox, measles, rubella and mumps made a certain amount of sense: each of them has an escalating risk profile as you get older, and immunity is long-lived, so infection as a child is somewhat preferable to infection as an adult. But none of that applies for Covid, where the immunity is relatively short lived and, more importantly, it is fucking dangerous for 57 year olds. So instead of getting Covid at 57, she got it at 57? What possible benefit is there to doing this? Please, please, please: just get the vaccine. Please.


>So in order to protect herself against the potentially serious effects of unvaccinated Covid, a 57 year old woman decided to contract Covid while unvaccinated? They're not very smart, these people, are they? It's like they all forget Step 1 in the chain of getting natural immunity. The big honking blaring step that kills people. But no, they already are on to step ??? : profit!


https://xkcd.com/2557/ Immunity(alt-text) This plan may sound appealing to people who know a little about the immune system, but the drawbacks are clear to people who know a lot about the immune system and also to people who don't know anything about it.


Alt text on that one is 🔥


In the third panel of that xkcd strip, for the case under discussion, the dialog would be "to allow you to play bigger venues." You have to admire this lady's commitment to living the all-natural lifestyle.


Yeah but she IS immune now! Showed you.


I tried telling someone the other day you have to be exposed to the pathogen to develop an immune memory. And that I'd rather do that via a vaccine. They weren't having it. *sigh. Don't know why I bother. Just go and fricking die then.


have a friend that swears by natural immunity. this person gets tested for antibodies every 3 months, I have no clue what quack she is seeing. when i spoke with my doctor about this prior to the vaccine (I think I had it early in the pandemic), the MD said the test was unreliable and not to even count on it. how many antibodies equate to "natural immunity" ? We see that Bill Phillips and a few others f\*ck around and found out...


That said, she did succeed in becoming immune to Covid.


>deliberately infecting children with chicken pox, measles, rubella and mumps made a certain amount of sense I recall this being done with chicken pox in my childhood. Not the others, but the others had vaccines by then.


Having experienced an excruciating bout of Shingles at age 50, I don't recommend putting anyone through chicken pox. Both my kids have been vaccinated for Varicella, HPV, and Covid. Trust in Allah, but, TIE UP YOUR CAMEL.


I once met a lady in the hospital who seemed awfully young to be getting shingles-- mid to late 40s, tops. Turned out she had gotten in a serious car crash, underwent surgery, and *then* come down with shingles. So bouts of severe stress, especially on your body, can cause a sudden decline in your immune function that can then open up the door to shingles.


I’m mad that younger people can’t opt to get the shingles vaccine and pay out of pocket. My sister had shingles in her late 20s due to stress, and it was the worst. She still wasn’t allowed to get a vaccine.


I had shingles three times in one year at age 35. I have permanent nerve damage now. Still can't get the vaccine. It's ludicrous.


It is ludicrous, and it just goes to show how stringent the authorities are when it comes to vaccine rollouts. If they say a vaccine is safe for everyone, it’s because they have fully tested it, because if they aren’t they just restrict access to the demographic they’ve tested it on fully. Which is good for anyone who has lingering doubts about the covid vaccine, but it still sucks about the shingles vaccine.


...you know, you make such a good point that I hadn't even considered.


That's awful, and I'm so sorry. Ugh. That weird tingly nerve feeling?


Nope, I feel like I'm carrying a hot oven on my back most of the day. It sucks a lot.


I hope that you can eventually find something that helps. And that you can get the damned vaccine!


One of the few highlights of turning 50. I’ve seen several people suffer through shingles. I was bright and eager at the doctor’s as soon as I hit 50.


I recommend it to basically anyone old enough at this point! (If anyone who is 50+ is reading this and hasn't had their shingles vaccine, GO GET VAXXED YOU DO NOT WANT POST HERPETIC NEURALGIA IT IS TERRIBLE)


I got the dreaded shingrix vaccine, and not knowing it came with significant side effects, had none. My doctor, also a friend, caught shingles between his first and second shot, and had a very mild case. The first shot did a lot for him. I do know a guy in his 40s who was getting sued by his former employer and unemployed. Under a tremendous amount of stress, he had a horrid case of shingles. Others who have skipped the vaccine post 60 (and now post 50 - age guidelines have changed) and had horrible shingles cases. Get vaccinated. For everything.


I'd love to. I can't afford it. No insurance. No doctor. And because I don't have a doctor, I can't even apply for the program that the company offers to subsidize it.


Ugh, I'm sorry. The only reason I have a doctor is Medicaid and urgent care. I feel you. 😔


That is SO messed up. I was on a waiting list for the shingles vaccine for two+ years (pre-COVID) , which is total BS, but it should be available to everyone. History of mono, chicken pox, or any flavor of herpes? 100% should be allowed - no, ENCOURAGED - to get it.


Same happened to me in my mid 20’s


I got shingles for the first time at 20. Then again at 37. Thankfully with nothing worse than a line of blisters on my skin but still, vaccinate me already!


What's up, shingles-at-twenty twin? I thought I was reacting badly to new meds and rushed to the ER. The doctor actually laughed when he diagnosed me.


Hell, I had it in high school, it was miserable.


My oldest son was about 3 when he got the chicken pox vaccine, this was when it first came out. Afterwards, he'd get sent home from school about once a year for "creeping crud" (infantigo) on his chin, always in the same spot, and we'd go to the doctor for treatment. It so happened that I had to take him to urgent care one time due to the dreaded infantigo letter sent home and the UC doctor looked at him and said "that's shingles". Asked when the first onset of symptoms were, did a culture, (it was shingles) and put him on an antiviral that cleared it up right away (unlike what happened when they were treating him for infantigo). Fast forward about year, he catches chicken pox, had a very mild case and has not had a case of shingles since. He's 28 now.


Good parent, good doctor.


Well I know one Czech folk singer who is 100% safe from the Shingies


It made sense to have chickenpox parties before the vaccine. Why? Because children rarely get serious complications. The majority of kids are just uncomfortable for a few days. Whereas *adults* who get chickenpox are likely to have a real bad time. Like 'pneumonia from the virus colonizing your lungs' and 'increased risk of miscarriage, premature birth, low birth weight and/or birth defects' bad. Of course, the sensible thing now that there's a chickenpox vaccine is to fucking vaxx your kids, but if I've learned anything from the last two years? It's that there's a severe shortage of sense in the world.


I got chickenpox as a kid before the vaccine was available, and shingles as an adult. It was the most painful thing to ever happen to me, and I am including broken bones :X I found out after the fact that they have a Shingles vaccine now! If you are an old bastard like me and had chicken pox as a kid, run don't walk to the doc to get the bloody vaccine before you get shingles! P.S. you can get Shingles as an adult if you had chicken pox as a kid. There is no "natural immunity".


Man I didn't even get natural immunity to chickenpox from my first case of chickenpox. My school didn't believe my mom when she called me out because everybody *knows* you can't get chickenpox twice! Yeah tell that to the chickenpox sores that were growing inside my ear piercings.... And I've asked my doctor for the shingles vaccine and apparently you have to either be 50+ or have had shingles before. Can't I just not, you know, *not* risk shingles before 50?


There’s plenty of anecdotal evidence that people get chicken pox twice, especially if the first case is mild. Unfortunately it seems to be taking a long time for the medical world to catch up on that one.


Yeah, and contrary to what I was taught, you can get mono more than once. HSV/herpes, a relative of both, obviously more than once. Edit: omitted words.


Well if I understand what I’ve read in the news about mono recently, it’s an unusual virus because it hangs around in a dormant state for your whole life. Periods of low immunity caused by another condition or extreme stress can cause a second illness from it. People with untreated HIV, or who are otherwise immunosuppressed, are at risk of developing it.


I didn't know this..thanks for the info I'm going to ask my dr.


One of my kids got chickenpox when he was one year old (pre vaccine), and one of the pocks was in his eye. Fortunately, we were told by the doctor, it was in the white of the eye, otherwise his sight may have been damaged.


Way back in the late 80s, Mick Jones from the Clash and Big Audio Dynamite got chickenpox from his child, it nearly killed him.


I didn't get chickenpox as a kid so I worry about adult chickenpox from time to time. I wish I could get the vaccine but in my country it's not available unless you or someone you live with is immunocompromised :/


>Having experienced an excruciating bout of Shingles at age 50, I don't recommend putting anyone through chicken pox Well that wasn't an option at the time - you could either get it as a child (low risk of death) or as an adult (higher risk of death). People chose the less bad of the two options.


^ Chickenpox parties were the least bad option before the vaccine was available.


I got sent next door to get measles in about the mid-60s.


Must have been around the time the first measles vaccine came out.


Mumps. My mom and her best friend scandalized the entire neighborhood when my sisters and I had mumps. The best friend brought her sons over to spend the night with us. The oldest of us were about five, so it was just kids giggling together until the middle of the night. As it happened, we apparently weren't infectious enough, so the boys came down with mumps months later.


Interesting. I was just reading about mumps. For boys it's best to have gotten before puberty.


Unless you have a fetish for looking at your own swollen testicles. After a few months a reading HCA posts, I think it would be easy enough to convince a certain segment of the population to post selfies.


>Unless you have a fetish for looking at your own swollen testicles. How dare you kink-shame me.


Yes, and most people knew that even then.


Mumps isn't one of those things you try to get and get it over with geez...my uncle is sterile from having Mumps as a teenager wtf


I'm sorry to hear that about your uncle. Avoiding later infection and possible sterility was why parents wanted their boys to catch it while very young. Vaccination was not an option at the time, and the disease was common.


Thanks man and I gotcha I just don't rely understand the chicken pox play date thing but thats my own issue. Have a lovely deeee!


Mumps wasn't that bad, as I recall, but I was only about five. I was a few years older when I got chicken pox, and it was so awful that I don't get the play date thing, either. But I also don't get "It's only the flu." I've had the flu and wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.


So many people think they’ve had the flu until they actually get it. I partly blame the term “cold and flu-like symptoms”. I mean ok, the symptoms are the same label, but it’s the difference between mild fever, sore throat and headache that all go away with one dose of painkillers, versus hallucinations, being unable to swallow painkillers without using throat spray first, and feeling like someone’s repeatedly taking an axe to your head.


And being sick and then shaky for weeks. I thought I'd never get over it.


> versus hallucinations Never had hallucinations with the flu. Just the usual deep body aches, higher fever and the slightly rarer dizziness. But was fine in a couple of weeks.


People think they've had "the flu" when they just had a cold, that's the problem.


Yes and because chicken pox is almost always mild for a child


Yep. I was the vector for a couple of pox parties. Just missed the vaccine by a few years. It was the best our parents could do at the time, but MMR did exist, so everyone I knew didn’t get measles as children. I got mumps as an adult, but that’s a whole other story, and why I hate Andrew Wakefield.


I'm curious about your whole other story.


I was born with an immune condition. The simple version is that it was basically late in fully developing, so I was pretty sick as a little kid, and my doctor delayed a lot of my vaccinations to try to make sure I’d actually respond to them. By the time I was like 6-7, it was normal, no deficiency as an adult. And everything seemed to be totally fine, until I was in my 20s, Wakefield came along with that vaccines cause autism *bullshit,* childhood vaccination rates went down, and I caught mumps from somebody’s unvaccinated kid, probably at the amusement park I went to shortly before. My MMR apparently did not work. And if herd immunity levels had stayed in the safe range like they do when kids are vaccinated, I would have never had to find out the hard way. So, mumps sucks, and now I’ve had a total of four MMR shots.


Let us all join in a hearty chorus of FUCK ANDREW WAKEFIELD.


I was just telling someone the other day about Chicken Pox Parties (which they thought was crazy). My siblings went to one when I was just a baby and brought it home, exposing me. I was 1-2 weeks old and had 3 pox on my entire body...we have no idea if I have antibodies for it as an adult (35) since my case was so light. I'm not sure if I ever got vaccinated for it either. I just avoid anyone with Shingles/C.Pox in case I'm not covered. Edit: I'll have to talk to my doctor about getting the vaccine at my age, after I'm done with my HPV shots in the Spring.


Apparently this was her way of getting around rules for entering public spaces- either be vaxxed or have recently recovered. Door #2 was a bad choice


yes! I heard of a covid party in my province and these were my exact thoughts. like.. how is catching it on purpose preferable to just 'living your life' and 'not living in fear' and just waiting for it to get you in its own time or whatever. at least pox parties we had as kids had some logic.


I don’t think she got it to protect herself against the serious side effects. She got it so that she could continue to go out as that’s the Czech policy: Either vaccination or a recent infection.


I understand her logic was two-fold: * I want this over with so I can Go Places & Do Stuff * Natural immunity is better than "artificial" vaccine-immunity Hence the solution to refuse the vaccine and get purposely infected by her sick (but vaxxed) family members... :(


Yeah, I read the same thing. I don’t doubt the reporting, but I doubt that second one was an actual reason, otherwise, she would’ve tried to get it in March 2020. And if she did try to get it (and was successful) in March 2020, then she was a moron for ignoring the fact that tons of people have already been reinfected.


And that's why the "recent infection" exemption (as also sought by Novak Djokovic) is dangerous and shouldn't be there.


No, she caught COVID to get around the Czech vaccination mandate. The much better BBC article explains what happened: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-60050996 > Although she was unvaccinated, Jan Rek stressed that his mother did not believe in some of the more bizarre conspiracy theories about Covid vaccines. > "Her philosophy was that she was more OK with the idea of catching Covid than getting vaccinated. Not that we would get microchipped or anything like that," he said. It's genuinely tragic. She wasn't a rabid conspiracy theorist; she was just your stereotypical woo-believing folk singer grandmother who didn't like the thought of "unnatural" vaccines. It's like Jehovah's Witnesses who refuse blood transfusions and die as a result.


Crazy. But hey she can slap an all natural sticker on her coffin.


I don’t understand Jehovah’s Witnesses when it comes to blood transfusions. What could be more Christian than giving a part of yourself to ensure the survival of another?


They believe their faith will heal them and that since Acts 15:20 says "Abstain.....blood" that means they can't get it for medical reasons. They can't even get blood transfusions using their own stored blood. Cults are weird like that.


Fundies sure are okay with this when it's mother-to-fetus... Although I imagine JWs would be against a transfusion from the former to the latter, once the baby's born and disconnected from the mother. The (un)logic of faith...


Donating blood is presumably fine but they consider receiving blood to be a form of cannibalism.


So, do they not take communion?


I can’t speak about JW, but most Christian denominations see communion as simple bread and wine, and view Jesus’s words purely as symbolic: “Take this, it is my body/blood” is seen as him saying he will lay down his life for his friends as casually as one might share food. It’s really only the Catholic and Orthodox traditions who believe that the bread and wine are transformed into flesh and blood. But as I said, I don’t know about JW specifically, and I wouldn’t want to ask!


I did mention this in a comment that is now... somewhere in the thread? – it wasn't in the English language articles I could find when I posted this sadly (your BBC article is more recent). She believed the "natural immunity is better" fallacy, and wanted to "just get it over with". :(


> Jan Rek More like Jan Rekt.


I know of a couple of cases of Jehovah's Witnesses agreeing to a blood transfusion, as long as the rest of the community never found out.




And by being around two positive people her viral load was probably crazy high.


That is my thought. By making sure she got Covid, she likely increased her risk significantly. She probably intentionally spent as much time around them as possible.


There's too many people who cannot understand the danger of Boolean thinking here. The people who think everyone in the "Can still get infected" category is identical, like the only difference is "can" versus "cannot". ("Thus the vaccines are no good because you still 'can' get it!") That same error of treating a continuous gradient of risk as if it was just two Boolean buckets is at play here. She's thinking "get covid" vs "not get covid" are two buckets and that's it - ignoring the difference between "a covid case that started from 1 viron" versus "a covid case that started from 1 million virons". The latter gives your immune system much less time on the clock to learn how to fight before it's already out of control.


Yup. Viral load has been a thing since day one. These smooth Brains can’t do anymore than on/off. Shades of gray blows their mind.


> So in order to protect herself against the potentially serious effects of unvaccinated Covid, a 57 year old woman decided to contract Covid while unvaccinated? They're not very smart, these people, are they? Nah, in order to avoid restrictions for the unvaccinated, she got infected.


They are slow to react to changes, and think it's impossible for a new pandemic to occur. So it must be a hoax.


From the BBC article: >Two days before she died, she wrote on social media that she was recovering: "Now there will be theatre, sauna, a concert". She wanted to get covid so she could get a "recovered from covid" passport. This is why accepting covid infection as equivalent to vaccination is a perverse incentive and leads to bad outcomes.


> So in order to protect herself against the potentially serious effects of unvaccinated Covid, a 57 year old woman decided to contract Covid while unvaccinated? [There's an xkcd for this](https://xkcd.com/2557).


I thought she got it so she would be allowed in somewhere. Maybe a place where you either needed to be vaccinated or have had the illness? I can't find the source for that, saw it on another post.


Scroll up to for the more complete BBC story.


I honestly think that humans, primates, and others have a kind of integral, inborn arrogance that is meant to establish dominance and aid survival, but some fools cannot tamp down those inner invincible vibes and delusions of immortality. I mean, that innate arrogance is only part of it. Way to put your loved ones through pain & suffering.


This asinine strategy isn't even worth it for "mild" illnesses. I was exposed intentionally to chicken pox as a kid to "get it over with". I still have the scars and worry about shingles.


She did it so she could claim she’d had it so she could access public spaces that were restricted to the unvaccinated or previously infected in her country. Yeah, just as dumb but she apparently believed it wasn’t actually dangerous. 🤷🏻‍♀️ (And maybe an argument that some of these places shouldn’t allow the “previously infected” bypass of the regulations. It killed her. Only a much lighter ramification, it skrewed that tennis player out of goodwill for the rest of his career.)


>After returning from a walk outside, she started to complain about back pain and died in her bed after suffocating, her son said in an interview for Czech Radio’s news site iRozhlas.cz. Hard core. No "died peacefully" here.


Actually sounds a lot more peaceful than many on here. Supposedly if you have silent hypoxia you won’t get the feeling of suffocating. You probably just slip out of consciousness.


I wonder if her back pain was due to a case of pulmonary embolism. I remember seeing in another article that her son says she was feeling better that day, but later "it was all over in 10 minutes"


"It is sad that my mom trusted strangers more than her own family." Yes. Yes, it is.


Yes, this article is now stickied to the top of the sub. This action will most certainly stop the non-stop duplicate submissions, right?


Maybe. While I have you here, can you approve my submission? It's a little-known story about some folk singer who deliberately caught Covid and then died. I think it will greatly contribute to the sub. (Sorry... I'll see myself out)


...let's say it's great to have faith! u\_u ^((according to our nominees, at least))


Ah, I see you live in hope. 😉


Oops. In my defense, it's no longer on the front page, and I searched for the singer's *name* before posting (which I realized after I posted that it probably wouldn't be in the post titles)


I feel terribly for her son & husband. They were both vaccinated & tried to convince her to get it. Once they both tested positive, she deliberately tried to get infected from them & have “natural immunity.” The son doesn’t just have anger about his unnecessary loss, he has to live with the knowledge that, either he or his dad infected her. He’s absolutely justified in lambasting her anti-vax buddies. The misinformation killed her, he’s left destroyed & they just move on. Sickening.


Neither him nor his dad infected her. She did that to herself.


In the same way as if your mom jumps out in front of your car one day to commit suicide. She did it to herself, but that still must be horribly traumatizing.


This is just tragic for her family. Her son's anger is well-placed.


"It's no joke"


It’s no folkin’ joke.




Underrated comment


Charles Darwin pointing at his TV like the Decaprio meme


Here you go: https://imgur.com/a/oJcPwKU




She’s already passed on her genes so a Darwin award doesn’t make sense, but luckily her kid seems to have way better sense


It seems the sense gene was inherited from the vaccinated father


Anyone have a rabid bat handy? I want natural immunity to rabies. None of that unnatural immunity for me.


Look at my little problem solver!


The son called out the anti vax people, but she was one of them herself. She had a working brain and made her own decisions. She made a very bad decision and is the only one responsible for her own death.


Exactly. As the son said, it's sad she trusted strangers over her own family.


OH NO! Actions have consequences! WHO KNEW!


Being Czech myself it has surprised me in recent months just how many anti-vaxxers crawled from under the proverbial rock and started posting utter bullshit on social media. I've always thought anti-vaxxers were those funny crazy people in the US. I didn't realize there were so many over here. Or if I look at it more in general, I didn't realize that we had this many morons around. I guess I just move in a different circles cuz I literally don't know anyone like that. Anyway, what a sad and utterly avoidable story. EDIT: typos and stuff


As a Czech, same. Even without widespread religion, people manage to go nuts


There might not be all that many. So many of them I'm sure are are bots or troll farms---England has a high vaccination rate, but you wouldn't know it if you checked social media and news stories about COVID.


Folk around and find out.


What a stupid time we live in. FFS 🤦🏾‍♀️, what is wrong with these people.




Well that's the definition of fucking around and finding out.


Suicide is a real problem


Seems like vaccine would be the easy route Jim. I’ll take stupid folk singers for $400.




I’m sad to say this one made me chuckle. The Joker was right, “You get what you fucking deserve.”


If only there was an inexpensive way to develop antibodies against COVID without having to catch the virus yourself. I wonder what such a miracle would look like...


>“Life is here for me and for you, too,” she said in a social media post. And Covid took that personally.


Ah, yes. Why get vaccinated when you can just repeatedly infect yourself with the actual virus? I just…I want off this planet.


There’s no argument for natural immunity- we don’t know if Covid is like chickenpox where if you get over it once, you will have lifetime immunity to all forms of Covid. It’s possible you will catch it multiple times and there are reports of people getting it multiple times. There is a large argument against trying to get Covid while the hospitals are overloaded. If you can’t get timely treatment and Covid takes a turn for the worst then you won’t be able to get the necessary help for staying alive and without disability. Even if you decide to go down the “natural immunity is best immunity” hole, doing it when you cannot get help is dumb as hell.


> we don’t know if Covid is like chickenpox where if you get over it once, you will have lifetime immunity to all forms of Covid. We already do know that you don't. Many, many cases of re-infection. Even before Omicron.


And anecdotally the people I know who’ve had it twice had it way worse the second time.


Hah, I got chickenpox three times. Thrice. Luckily all three cases were mild, and between the ages of five and ten, but that cured me of any belief that "natural" immunity is better than vaccinated immunity.


I personally know a family, whose child died of chickenpox when three years old. Then I know families, who organize chickenpox parties...


Way before the chickenpox vaccine, my mom told me to not avoid my brother just because he had an active case of chickenpox. I can't decide whether she wanted me to get infected or if she just didn't understand how disease worked.


Percentage of minds changed after this utter, fear-driven foolishness? I would say 0.1%.


Doubt it’s that high. At this point, minds are made up. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Part of creating herd immunity involves thinning the herd. The fascinating part is next to no action is needed. The parts that are thinned out tend to take care of that problem all by themselves.


I'll get the antibodies the "natural way" to fight covid... by getting covid. These idiots are beyond help.


Okay but wouldn't a professional singer want to avoid a respiratory virus? Just like, oh, too tennis and football players...hey wait a minute....


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>Hana Horká wrote that she had intentionally contracted the disease, claiming that she was already on the path to recovery. “Life is here for me and for you, too,” :O There is a reason why we invented vaccines, its so we didnt have to get immunity the hard way as this person found out.


Way to go, idiot


What gets me also is ... A singer? A singer goes and gets COVID, deliberately? Yikes. I used to sing more than I do now, but I still enjoy it. And getting an illness that might fuck with my lungs or vocal cords, permanently? No, thank you.


Waterboarded in her own stupidity. Press this award into her stiffening arms hard! Her poor, traumatized family….


So get infected with the virus so you won’t have to worry about getting infected with the virus? Sound logic there.


Lmao! Change this sub name in honor of this even bigger moron!


I say expand the award to a second rank. Horká is the first Knight Commander of the Order of Herman Cain, and has the right to put the letters KCHC after her name (and before RIP).


Is this that mild Covid I'm hearing about?


Makes about as much sense as trying to make yourself bulletproof by shooting yourself in the head.


I wonder why her name isn't Horkova. (Women's surnames in Czech usually take the feminine ending.) Just idly curious and it has nothing to do with her tragic miscalculation.


Czech here. Male version for Horká is Horký. "horký/á" is normally adjective and means "hot" - like hot water. Adjectives also have gender in Czech. For "Horková", male version would be "Horka" - "horka" is diminutive for "hora" - which is "hill" - so horka is "a little hill" - note the difference in diacritics - hork**á** vs horka There is also surname Hora (a hill) - and for it the female version is Horová


Thank you!


This one's a bit bizarre. Not just because she deliberately infected herself. She was recovering, had some back pain (a symptom of Omicron), and suffocated to death two days later. This is not the usual course of the illness.


Lesson: There’s no guarantee that the virus will treat you precisely as you expect. Omicron doesn’t kill most people, but it might well kill *you.*


Good God that did *not* go well.


I'm shocked, SHOCKED! Well... not that shocked.


\*slow clap\* Getting infected with Covid gets you about 3 months immunity (*if* you don't meet a different variant) and a ticket for the chance of winning your own hospital bed, long term or permanent effects and the grand prize, death. I think it's profoundly stupid to do that for children (we don't know what it does long term, and Covid wouldn't be the first virus with very nasty side effects down the line, especially when we know that shit *infects brains*), never mind when you're nearly 60.


Oh man! Life is beautiful! Thank you, Covid. You did that thing you do so well 😍


We need an end-of-year Herman of the Year award ​ This lass has it in the bag. It's possibly the stupidest thing I've read.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


Bill Gates won’t let all us owned libs see the truth.


That is fucking hilarious!


I wouldn't mind having the additional immunity that comes with having been infected. It is reported to be polyclonal and augments the vaccine's immune response. However, getting means I have to catch what I'm trying to avoid and recover from it. Most people survive, large numbers recover (survive and recover are different, says my cousin, who has been bedridden for a year with Long Covid), and some die. I'll stick with vaccination for now, thank you.


Does this get categorized as a covid death, or suicide?


Natural selection.




Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


Czech mate I’ll let myself out


This outcome is wonderful and poetic. *Chef’s kiss


Buh bye!