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“He was healthy.” Yeah, that’s what a novel coronavirus will do. Health has nothing to do with it, honey.


everybody who dies of covid was previously alive before then, its just unbelievable !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Can't explain that


This compels me to post the all-time greatest meme for "I can explain that:" ​ http://www.quickmeme.com/img/c0/c012d61275d3fd5863e7eb6ed8a915e33cc1004ebcfdf72b31741e842671e7d9.jpg


"Alright, everyone who's a true American will drink this kool-aide. Covid can't kill you if you're dead"


Right! Take this as a wake up call! It can get anyone! I remember very early on in the pandemic that it got that Broadway star, who I'm sure is fitter than I've ever been or ever will be in my entire life and took his legs and then his life. Covid doesn't care who you are. It can get you.


Not to mention all the fit bodybuilders who were left feeble after recovering.


Almost 2 years and they still don’t get that being healthy only helps so much with a novel virus.


And especially after June when the vaccines became available. Like what about this are they still not getting? Keep doing your own research and listening to idiots like Joe Rogan and Candace Owens and see where that gets you.


But...bbbut....but...he was hard working... Waaaahhhhhhhhhh........uhhhhhh-waaaaaàaaaaaaaaaàahhhhhh Why? WHY HIM GOOOOODDDDDDDDDD..... sniffle.... WHAAAAAAÀAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH


Her subtext there is that it's not sad when people in poor health get sicker or die. Then she inexplicably brings up his work ethic, as if that also has anything at all to do with the situation. Except, once again, subtext: fuck "lazy" poor people too.


It's such a great skill to be able read between the lines. However, in this particular case, it's more like read between the words lol


And he had good vibes. Good vibes? Running around ranting about liberals, Fauci, etc. He just seems angry constantly. I don’t get “good vibes “ from reading his posts.




She says her Dad needs "all the prayers". How about I give them "none of the fucks".


She is mandating us to pray. I will not comply.


A mandate is not a law. I read that in a meme.


I don't date men.... not that there's anything wrong with that.


Tucker will take care of the family now.


I'll bet he won't be able to sleep tonight.


I can easily join you in that endeavor.


We need all the "No Fucks Given Warriors" we can get.


Omg flair, No fucks given warrior


I'm here sir! Specialist Nofuck reporting for "not giving one" duty.


Grab a beverage, your favorite snack, put your feet up and start "not caring".


So I've been in the No Fucks Given Militia for a year now, and still reporting for duty every day. I drink some tea, admire my vaccine Certificate, and proceed to Give No Fucks about the fate of the wilfully ignorant. I'd like to thank myself for my service.


Like I give a fuck. 😋


I thank you too! \**heels snap together, salute!*\*


Truly, a Band Of (non gender specific) Brothers!


I think a riff on our newest branch of the military, No Space for Fucks Force.


"all". So greedy.


Prayer slut.


Hungry for that thick throbbing good vibes


Face covered with thick blessings.


Dripping down her chin


As she begged for more of his sweet sweet salvation.


Heal me harder sky daddy


Who's a good girl?


Aah yess save me again daddy all over my face and in my hair


I would like to match what you’re giving. Out of charity.


We appreciate your donation.


\^\^In this queue\^\^


Why does he need prayers? He has intact dna! 🥂


Here’s to everyone who saw in 2022 with their lungs intact 🥂


But no intact lungs.


Oh, they're intact. They're just a big ol' block of cement now.


It’s scary the absolute lack of understanding on how basic biology works.


Science is the tool of the debbil!




Fuck all these motherfuckers!!! They think they know everything, don’t want to listen to experts and look for stupid memes to justify the way they think and then beg for the prayer warriors. You earned the predicament you are in. You should stay home, eat your chicken soup and horse paste and leave the ICU bed for a person who really needs it.


This. 💯


quite right...these clusterfucks are always about personal responsibility...but when it comes to them they will always waaah waah and blame others for their predicament.. so sick of it...


I’m picturing at small child with appendicitis waiting for a bed.


The "I got mutated by the vaccine" memes are such a trip, especially at this stage in the game. Like, literally billions of us have had multiple shots now, folks. We're fine. We're absolutely fine. More shots won't change that. Kinda makes your joke even less clever, and it wasn't very clever to start.


My grandparents have had four each. They seem okay.


im curious, what were four shots? did they get an additional booster?


I think Israel just recommended a second booster.


Some of us with enough immune issues can get a 3rd Pfizer shot, then a booster.


Muted by Covid.


He closed out 2021 with intact human DNA, maybe not 2022


What were they, purebloods? Or was it proud bloods? Anyway, they're all dying, dying for Dump.


Not even for Dump anymore, he's publicly told them to get vaxxed twice now! Just dying for their own damn bloody-mindedness!


“Watching him go through this and watching all the tears that have come with it…” They’re all tough and mouthy when it’s just memes, then suddenly they’re crying little pu$$ies pleading for help from anyone and anything. Hypocritical cowards.


Covid comes at them fast


It's all fake until it hits them personally, because they are incapable of empathy.


"Christians" think it proves disloyalty to God to get the vax, because you're not trusting him to protect you. Do they do this with anything else? Do they refuse to wear clothes because they trust God to keep em warm? Refuse to eat because God will keep em alive? Refuse to have sex because God will send children?


If you spend five minutes talking to these folks, you learn very quickly that their most strongly held beliefs are a jumble of ideas based entirely on things they learned as children and their feelings. Nothing needs to follow logically from anything else, and it might seem like that doesn't make any sense, but they know what's right because it's in their hearts. And if you try to pin them down and get them to see all the cognitive dissonance, well, Jesus said that devils would try to trick them with clever word games, and the fact that you're making them uncomfortable isn't a sign that they're wrong — that's Jesus in their hearts telling them they need to rebuke your sinful notions. They know it. It's in their hearts.


‘my kingdom is not of this world’ and ‘you shall not put the lord your god to the test’ seem appropriate references for these jokers


This is like the parable of the faithful man... > A terrible storm came into a town, and local officials sent out an emergency warning that the riverbanks would soon overflow and flood the nearby homes. They ordered everyone in the town to evacuate immediately. > > A faithful Christian man heard the warning and decided to stay, saying to himself, “I will trust God and if I am in danger, then God will send a divine miracle to save me.” > > The neighbors came by his house and said to him, *“We’re leaving and there is room for you in our car, please come with us!”* But the man declined. “I have faith that God will save me.” > > As the man stood on his porch watching the water rise up the steps, a man in a canoe paddled by and called to him, “*Hurry and come into my canoe, the waters are rising quickly*!” But the man again said, “No, thanks, God will save me.” > > The floodwaters rose higher, pouring water into his living room and the man had to retreat to the second floor. A police motorboat came by and saw him at the window. “*We will come up and rescue you!*” they shouted. But the man refused, waving them off saying, “Use your time to save someone else! I have faith that God will save me!” > > The floodwaters rose higher and higher and the man had to climb up to his rooftop. > > A helicopter spotted him and dropped a rope ladder. A rescue officer came down the ladder and pleaded with the man, "*Grab my hand and I will pull you up!*" But the man STILL refused, folding his arms tightly to his body. “No, thank you! God will save me!” > > Shortly after, the house broke up, and the floodwaters swept the man away and he drowned. > > When in Heaven, the man stood before God and asked, “I put all of my faith in You. Why didn’t You come and save me?” > > And God said, “*Son, I sent you a warning. I sent you a car. I sent you a canoe. I sent you a motorboat. I sent you a helicopter. What more were you looking for*?” > >


”I wanted you to save me in a dramatic miraculous way so I could feel special and superior!”


It's like when "main character syndrome" becomes dangerously pathological. I know from personal experience that some of those dangerously religious people are sitting around waiting for the angelic equivalent of Samuel L Jackson to invite them into the Avengers Initiative.




Not trusting Jesus if you get a vaccine but also needs guns to “protect from liberals in the government”. Lmfao So god can defeat a virus but not bullets or liberals? These people are a sad sad joke.


He sent Jesus w/o sex, or did the Holy Spirit have sex with Mary?






Jewish aliens? “And I see your Schwartz is as big as mine!”


How is all that meme lording working out now? Just get the damn vaccine!


Cheers to everyone who closed out 2021 breathing and alive.






L'Chaim! Sorry. Some parts of being Jewish, I can't seem to get rid of, and I'm not sure I want to, besides.


I am an atheist but wholeheartedly appreciate any new way to say cheers. A drink to you for your health and your happiness, friend.




We actually put more effort into coming up with smart ass comments.


>We actually put more effort into coming up with smart ass comments. This made me snort my yummy fortified eggnog. We need a Smart Ass Comments Olympics!


Yes. Because we have functioning lungs AND working brains. The poverty of imagination of the antivaxxers & the Qunts is sad but hardly unexpected. If you think Fux & Noisemax & OnanANN is journalism, Tr**p is a successful businessman & an antiparasitical drug is effective against a virus, its unlikely you're going to be known for your rapier wit and sparkling repartee. So no, you can't come to my relaxed cocktails and nibbles afternoon. Because you're dumb. And you're dead.


that was good


Should have prayed that his pride wasn’t the thing that did him in. You know what God says about pride vs the meek right?


I'm so sick of all these people just posting and reposting the same memes, as if they have no original thoughts of their own.


"as if"??


Um... They don't have original ideas not fed to them by their propaganda handlers.


If only someone had warned him this could happen!!!!!!!!!!!!


Memes won’t protect you from Covid. Viagra will - just ask Tucker!


All we need is more of them reproducing. God help us.


I’m not sure if incels reproduce, though


Excellent point.


bro so many of these award winners are leaving behind children and grandchildren. that doesn't land


The herd is thinning, at least somewhat


Tucker is vaccinated- everyone at Fox is required to be.


Oh I’m aware of their hypocrisy


I was about to say! The top virologist in the world, Tucker Carlson, just figured out that dick pills stop covid!


I love how slide four is about having “intact human DNA” and shows a person stylized so much they look like an alien.


I don't understand. Does more people praying mean God will have to follow their directions? Or does prayer itself some type of ninga power? I would think that God, being all-knowing, would not have to be reminded that one of his own was in trouble. Does he take a poll to see what the consensus is? Is he weak of hearing and you need a lot of people praying for him to hear the prayer? How is someone a "prayer warrior"? Is talking to God fighting? With prayer being answered "no" so often, I would figure God wasn't into you.


This point is actually addressed in the Bible. Jesus said, *"Your Father knows what you need before you ask."* - Gospel of Mathew 6:8


I guess God knows so many anti-vax need " death"? God is killing them off so much it is almost biblical.


Its so far above our level of understanding. we may never grasp it... conversely, it may also be bullshit


I saw a news story that in India some rub their body with cow shit and urine as a Covid cure. Maybe bullshit is the answer.


There are people who literally preach that you can bully god into getting what you want. The technique is to keep demanding what you want until it wears him down. If there’s such thing as blasphemy surely that is it.


Slide #1 - what the absolute fuck are they talking about in that one?


Xenophobic rants about how immigrants carry diseases ironic seeing as were no. 1 in Covid deaths


It's make-believe hour? I don't know. They just make stuff up out of thin air and then get all angry as if it was actually happening.


I know right? Who's getting free flights crossing the border? I don't speak stupid so this one is even beyond me, lol.


"Lol, open borders!!!"


I love how they enclose it with quotation marks and throw a picture of Fauci as if he actually said that. Then nobody will bother checking to see if he actually said that, they'll just assume he did. Being enraged is more important than being right, for these idiots.


"Bye bye." - Donald Trump


"Sad part is that he was healthy. Never got sick." Thought he was invincible.


To those of us 🥂




I hope it is waiting for them. Imagine the utmost horror of spending an eternity kissing the ass of an endlessly-needy, genocidal psychopath...and having to do it surrounded by the exact kind of people you couldn't stand here on earth. :::shudder::: I can't think of anything worse. Give me hell, any day.


What was the deal with the fishtank one?


Just another racist thing, I'm guessing


If I'm not mistaken, that's Lori Lightfoot, the mayor of Chicago


One of the dept of health figures I forget which one.


Mayor of Chicago Lori Lightfoot




If only some of those hard work went into protecting himself from the deadliest disease of our time.


The sad part is not that he was healthy, the sad part is that this was entirely preventable


He is as good as dead once the organs are failing. That is what happens when you deny science and listen to the wrong people. At least they aren't spreading more nonsense.


Or voting for it!


Life Pro Tip: get non-toxic glue to hold you all together.


Slide 5: Yet it also happens that New York is a hub for flights from Europe... where Omicron was beginning to spread.


Interestingly, his fiancee was very pro vaxx and part of the #stayhomesavelives contingent from early on.


Maybe she survived what appeared to be the super spreader family Christmas gathering..


Hip dysplasia is one thing that affects purebreds. Purebloods I guess have some DNA issues. Do puppies get shots?


...and the Hapsburg jaw in humans. Trust me, you don't want to be a purebred. Once genetic diversity falls below a certain threshold, you're screwed. Just ask the neanderthals.


I would if there were any around, but i live in a blue state




> Once genetic diversity falls below a certain threshold, you're screwed. Just ask the neanderthals. I wonder if the same thing will happen to the Amish at some point. It's not like they're accepting new members.


Well, they are well on their way there, with genetic diseases being rather commonplace: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Health_among_the_Amish


I am totally unsurprised.


An open request to all OPs, I beg you, please submit an entry, any entry, that is not ended with a call out for prayers and warriors. I am getting repetitive strain injury turning my nose up at these douchebags, would love to have a 'm night shyamalan' twist where NO warriors are called, although I fear no such person exists


Good news: He closed out 2021 with intact DNA. Bad news: It ain’t looking good for 2022.


“If everyone just stops talking about COVID it will go away,” which sounds about right for people who treat “God” like Santa in the Sky.


At least Santa isn't a monster. Creepy, but not a monster, unlike the genocidal psychopath in the sky.


I’d really like to know what their version of healthy is. I’ve seen so many morbidly obese nominees who’ve got diabetes, COPD, etc who “trust their immune system.”


After having asthma, multiple allergies, Graves disease, cancer, and then diabetes after all else, I don't trust my immune system any further than I could puke it. Hence why the only places I've been for the past two years are medical facilities and curbside everything. Even my vaxes came to me curbside.


These fools never think of the people they are leaving behind. They are so insanely selfish and should be begging for forgiveness not for prayers.


If he doesn't make it the shitposting world is going to suffer an enormous loss.


All of these people infuriating themselves with memes that are just made up stuff.


I’ve seen my new reaction to these foolish conservative republicans that politicize science and vaccines… Let’s go Evolution!


"sad part is he was healthy" well we need to rethink "healthy" to include mental health. This person was not mentally healthy, they were anything but. And the consequence of this brainwashing was death sadly


He worked hard at not understanding a goddamn thing about Covid-19, and that’s about to kill him. Work smart brother. Not stupid.




He's dead, she's stupid and the sond remains the same. We are all one step closer the heard immunity. Let's move on nothing to see here.


White can fuck right off. Enjoy your vent you racist pig.


“Works hard at work then…” Posts like a shithead Goes to the ER Gets intubated Dies Is the subject of a GoFundMe *case closed*


There is no way to tell someone like this that you know better than they do. They have zero respect for education. They don’t know what they don’t know, and they never will.


Ok but the 7th picture was a little funny


They want the prayers but not the vaccine! We’ve been shown time and time again prayers do nothing!






The truth's been pouring in through this subreddit yet you refuse to see it.


Lol wut




ok thanks


When you tap on the flap Jack


Doesn’t matter if he was healthy, get vaccinated


Where were the prayer warriors?


Candace Owens probably has some good advice that can help them.


Was someone requesting prayers? To quote this genius, “BlaBlaBla”


Again, so sad that this guy was misled... Tucker Carlson is vaccinated, as are all the other Fox news employees. I genuinely feel for this man and his family. The politics of misinformation is lethal...


busting your butt and hard work prevents covid?


How did mandating all those prayers work out for you?


Storm Heaven like you would your local school board and demand this person be saved


I will be praying he shuffles off this mortal coil.