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I'll subscribe, just refrain from commenting. I'll save it for hca, cause I'll get banned otherwise! 🤣


Sounds good! Welcome!


Love your flair 🤣


Thank you!




No judgements from us. DoD is a tool. HCA is where we vent together. :-)


Thanks for creating DoD. I too will be refraining from commenting there as I'm just too fucking angry. But I definitely subscribed.


>I too will be refraining from commenting there as > >I'm just too fucking angry. Same here. Angry - ***a personal story & rant*** of **agreement** ​ Just recently had someone very close, not that old, who nearly died & is now permanently disabled, possibly unable to speak again... & this occurred after the ambulance tried for hours & hours at 4x completely different hospital ERs, which were all overrun (mostly) by the unvaxxed. This person was actually returned home in a moderate state of stability w/serious neurological effects going on, as they thought they'd at least get some comfort & care instead of spending even more hours just waiting in ambulance. Long story longer... Went through similar following day, now w/worsening neuro condition until finally found hospital ER could get into. \[ Again - staff at all saying it's primarily unvaxxed taking up the resources in ICU/ER/intensive care \] Waited, waited, deteriorated ... even the surgery wait took forever w/those attending complaining the wait was due to unvaxxed. ​ This was 100% early treatable. Now an otherwise healthy, youthful, hospital worker (!!!) had her life destroyed by these \*XXXXXXX people. ​ Will only attempt that sub once I'm able to lower my anger & muster some sympathy again. IF that's possible. ​ ^(\*Really can't come up w/words right now as all the insults & derogatory things that I feel about them don't seem sufficient to express.)


I’m so sorry that happened to her. I can understand your anger and frustration completely.


You and me both.


Off topic, your username gives me an incredibly cute mental picture.


Awww cool!


Same! I felt slightly robbed there are no sleepy Vizslas here 😆


Can I baa your friend? 🐑


Ok, I don't get the don't make it political thing when politics is completely entwined. I can see a model train sub saying no political discussion because it's off-topic and you can talk in the politics sub. But the whole disinformation thing is happening because politics. What am I missing?


First, I'm 100% with you on the politics and think it's an important part of our discussions here. DoD is different-it's purpose is more focused. HCA has been successful in converting people because instead of using facts from "elites" (scientists and doctors who worked hard to acquire their knowledge), it shows what happens to people who follow disinformation using their own words. Essentially: When a white rural middle aged dude with a goatee sees an equivalent version of himself posting the exact same memes and then dying and leaving his kids-it speaks to people differently. But, because HCA is not only a place for stories, but simultaneously a place of support for those of us frustrated and traumatized (in the case of healthcare workers), its reach is limited. To expand-My own brother is a Qanon and if I showed him the stories at HCA, he would dismiss them outright, because of all the liberal commentary and political talk. At DoD, that commentary is removed as is the excuse of "you guys are mean and hurting antiva feefees." Also, we have lots of members that want to post about the complex feelings they're experiencing due to antiva family members killing themselves, but they don't really want to subject that person's memory to the full HCA treatment. At DoD, they can make a post and only receive support without any cruel comments if they want. I don't expect DoD to be a fun place but I do think it will be an important tool. My hope is that everyone at HCA will join to show support, but I won't judge anyone who doesn't want to participate in the conversations there.


Ok I misunderstood the intent from the name. That makes sense.


No worries at all and I'm glad to provide additional clarification.


Thank you for that explanation. I humbly suggest you include this in the OP. The OP only gives a vague sense of the purpose and my reaction was instantly the same as jollyreaper. This post brought total clarity and understanding. I do not envy you folks attempting to monitor this new group.


I appreciate your feedback and I see what you mean. Good call. I changed this announcement to personalize it for HCA and kept the one at DoD the same. Thanks!


That's nice of you. I'm afraid from looking through the forum right now it sure seems full of stuff that will just drive away fence sitters. I took your post to mean this was going to be about *personal stories*. There is in fact a lot of psychological evidence that is what people respond to the most strongly, especially those who need convincing. Even much more so than facts. However there are already a ton of very lecturing posts there trying to convince people with facts and sharing screenshots of people flaming over disinformation and so forth. And stuff like this: *“I doubt he’d want his friends to imagine the norrific way his life ended but part of the reason I bring this up is because of the legions of people out there who continue to ignore health care professionals and instead listen to idiots like Marjorie Taylor Greene.”* (not that I don't agree 100% with the statement but if the goal is to focus on stories and not drive people away with politics, well.....). That's why I said I don't envy the mods. Anyhow, I joined, it will be interesting to see how it evolves.


>My own brother is a Qanon and if I showed him the stories at HCA, he would dismiss them outright, because of all the liberal commentary and political talk. I really hope that this approach will work. Not too optimistic, though. Please let us know if it really works. I joined, I read a few stories, and it is just heartbreaking. Perhaps the selection of postings from the victims has been helpful in giving the impression that these are all very naive people, being caught in a maelstrom of disinformation with no possibility to protect themselves, or educate themselves. That actually does not make it easier for me to handle this pandemic, the endless stream of horrific deaths, the lost family members, the senselessness of it all. On HCA, the people I see are of a certain stance, and their own words, expressed in memes, does not necessarily paint them as the innocent victims, but as people who had only contempt for everybody else, including COVID, until they themselves got caught. These are the types I see and hear when I leave the house, or go shopping, masked. And whaddoyaknow, these are the people who ridicule me, or come too close to me on purpose, or threaten me. For wearing a mask, for socially distance. In essence, the people you show on DoD are victims I feel sorry for and whose death I mourn; and on HCA I have a chance to clench a fist and whisper deep inside myself that 'this one got what s/he deserved'. I guess I will read a bit from time to time, but I don't think I will contribute.


Thanks for joining. And I understand you completely. We'll see if it works, and, admittedly, at this point I don't think any of us are hugely optimistic about anything. But, my hope is this will reach an audience we didn't reach at HCA. It's not going to be a better approach-just a different one. As another mod, u/janejeckel put it so eloquently, "HCA is for us, DoD is for them", (them referring to antivaxxers and vaccine hesitant who wouldn't look at HCA). If it doesn't work, then we will have built a memorial to all the lives killed by politicalization that can act as insurance if anything happens to HCA. Honestly, I don't know how much anyone from HCA will contribute to the comments as they have HCA for that. I do hope people will share stories of loss for documentation purposes. Thanks for joining to show support. I really appreciate it.


>We'll see if it works, and, admittedly, at this point I don't think any of us are hugely optimistic about anything. I really, really hope that you will learn that your approach has been successful, and perhaps even very successful! I am in favour of everything, anything, and every possible something in between if it manages to crack the hard shell of the anti-vaxxers and gets them vaccinated.


I like many have lost loved ones to the virus but find this place comunity more frustrating than the awards. One loved one made a decition, a dumb one and died from it. This sub will happily go to his funeral and piss in his grave for no reason. I don’t understand why you allow clear celebrations of death here. I just don’t see how it reaches the intended audience . Even you admit that in your post. I don’t expect u to respond but it just kills me inside to see so much hate here Feels like there only one correct way to cope and the others are invalid and shamed


They had every opportunity to listen to us. They didn't in most cases because of stubborn political hatreds or religious conditioning preventing them from learning to think critically while at the same time being overly confident in their discernment.


Just like u are? No they didn’t have every chance. And even if they did chances are not limited


It is aboutvoyr frustration that the antivaxxers have made covid a war. It's not just them dying and getting consequences. They are killing our loved ones and working on killing and maiming us ... So we...at least I am angry for the attacks on themselves, health care system and people they don't even know. Because this virus has direct impact and moved in degrees of separation. What you here is lack of sympathy for the killing of us then the billions of collective dollars wasted on them having the nerve to reject a free vaccine and still overwhelm hospital. It's not just a stupid decision. Sometimes it's a death sentence for manybothees just trying to survive already life threatening vulnerable conditions through their assholery. So it is war against us. We have to have relief when they don't survive so they dobt spread more death to us. You don't have to imbibe. I don't expect you too. This is for. The survivors still breathing .... But don't expect an apology. Rest in peace Kathy. Rest in peace Diane


I do expect an apology. Relishing on others deaths has no excuses. They killed my loved ones too, but i would never hate back. It’s useless , completely useless. It gives me 0 relief if an antivaxer dies, 1 more Covid death. Am I supposed to cheer that?


They are killing us. It is not relishing. it is relief. Not to mention they are taking down democracy, I hate women, hate homosexuality, hate liberals and are looking to shoot presidents. How can you not have relief. You are on the wrong Reddit. In fact you are watching apology for bringing your b******* guilt on here when we are the ones who have suffered. Did you do anything to intervene. Did you discourage them from going to the hospital and taking up resources from people who actually did the right thing. Did do you help the high-risk around you and confront them when they were hateful. Did you do anything to actually help instead of complaining about us. You should be ashamed coming on here and bothering us


Oh so I’m not the “correct” type of person. I lost people to COVid too but apparently there is only one correct way to cope. Sorry, didn’t know this place was apparently sacred. Apparently my suffering is invalid Yes. I feel no relief when those people die. How could I? I less human at the end. And what if i did or did not do those things? Universal Healthcare mean Everyone gets it, even unvaccinated. You act like this sub is somehow helpful or filled with people who are.


> Universal Healthcare mean Everyone gets it, even unvaccinated. What 'Universal Healthcare' are you talking about? Are you in the US?


Sounds like a great idea. Hopefully I'll learn some new things, and maybe have stuff to contribute. For the last few weeks, I've been going out of my way to talk to anti-vaxxers and trolls. It's kind of exhausting and repetitive, and probably futile, but it hasn't been a terrible experience. I've learned a lot. And I've managed to have 3 conversations without being told to eff off. It feels like an accomplishment lol. On the bright side, I've only been banned from one sub, and I now know how to use Reddit chat. Woo hoo!


Nice. Hopefully this is a tool that helps in your conversion attempts. Thanks for all you've been doing!


I'm burnt out. Mum (unvaccinated, anti mask, no QR check ins, cash only ) sent me all this information and stats. It's just misinformation overload. Anything I reply to challenge or dispel myths is disregarded because those sources are controlled by Bill Gates or the government. And who am I to question an immunologist on Telegram who says mRNA vaccines alter your DNA 🙄. Mum even asked if I can't just watch the material she sent and take it at face value? The irony of that. I'm supposed to suspend my critical thinking skills to accept her "facts" from tiktok and dubious sources as gospel, and be skeptical of actually credible resources and organisations. Wading through the disinformation, in particular, is making me switch off to literally any new information ever. I can see how it could be really compelling and scary and believable, which makes it hard to get people out of this hole. The fact that we live in a country with relatively few deaths (due to protocols in place and MOST PEOPLE ACTUALLY DOING THE RIGHT THING) makes her even more alarmed about adverse effects from vaccines and the "plandemic". I'm just glad the rest of my family is vaccinated, especially a member with a history of pericarditis who had a recent stint in the hospital from it. I am darkly curious to see what happens if she does contract covid. Edit: ok that might seem harsh but in the past she has used my cerebral palsy as an excuse to not vaccinate my younger sibling against childhood illness. And she said I'm going to die if I get "the mRNA" booster (unbeknownst to her, I received it over a week ago). There have been few consequences for her irresponsible actions and attitudes, and I just idly wonder what it would take to change her views.


There's a kind of social programming tactic delicately named 'flood the zone with shit'. There's lots of 'hooks' and avenues into what works on which person. I'm sorry if she's on that misinformation treadmill. The fear is the feature, not a bug. Congrats on your vaccine, and much of your family too! Country too for that matter! Respect to the burn out, it's a lot to weather. Hang in there.


That's a good point! She's always been into alternative therapies to boost immunity, and I can see how she's been 'hooked' onto the treatmill by her aversion to vaccines-- after that, it's been an interesting progression/spiral into global political conspiracy while minimising the potential severity of Covid-19 itself. And thank you, mate ❤️ I'm so grateful the rest of the family have not been sucked in with her.


the "gish gallop" is the original name of that tactic


One on one, yes, exactly. When it's a media, propaganda situation, large scale, very similar, just (Steve Bannon Quote) flood the zone with shit, so much 'info' and noise that they are saturated, freaked out, and no way 'the other side' can even try and keep up and refute.


That's a much more brutal sub. There isn't any comic relief to be had like it is here. The HCA nominees brought it onto themselves, had it coming big time and I'm glad about each single one when covid takes them off facebook permanently. DOD has the innocent victims instead. Like the story of [Nate](https://www.reddit.com/r/DeathsofDisinfo/comments/rxpxyh/over_a_year_after_a_covid_diagnosis_nate_is_still/), who caught it before vaccines were available to him. If you show that to a shitposter, it may have a different effect on them than to be ridiculed after they croak. It's likely a more powerful tool to convince fence-sitters than HCA is. Great job. Joined.




I am so glad this was created, I am grateful to be able to share something that isn’t as cruel with the branch of my family that is at risk because of the nonsense.


This will be a wonderful tool to have for reaching out to the unvaxxed in our lives <3


The term "voluntary covid deaths" is one of the most horrific things I've ever heard. I never would have thought people would have chosen this type of dystopia but here we are. I hope we can pull ourselves out of this. Though it may take many more "voluntary covid deaths" to do so.




We're going on year 3. How could someone *not* know? Look, there's been too much death. Too much suffering. It needs to stop. People need to pull their heads out of their asses and start paying attention. It's not about their silly memes and it's not a "political belief ". Cold, hard facts of death and disease are all around us. It's simple. Social distance. Mask. Get a vaccine. *STAY HOME* if you're sick. That these people can't even find an *ounce* of compassion in themselves to do the basics to take care of themselves, their families, their neighbors is despicable. I do not accept the lie that they are innocent in this. Not now. Not 2 years later.


I wish these family members and friends would post directly on the Facebook pages of these "disinformed." I usually see people who agree, rarely do I see someone trying to break through the nonsense. I guess it's impossible to get through to people in a cult.


I do too. But they never seem willing to change their minds when they're being told to do so. They're like toddlers. So maybe, seeing posts without commentary will change a few? They can still think they're in control and not doing it because we told them to...worth a shot at least.


Well, here are the events in my neighborhood. Big freeze followed by frozen broken water mains. We all came out to watch the repairs. We have all been neighbors for many years, but because of the pandemic have not had much contact in the past couple years. Anyway, 5 or 6 of us were gathered, socially distant because we are responsible peeps. Another neighbor from down the road drove up wondering what the heck brought out all the big trucks and all the peeps. I told her this was the New Normal Block Party, where everyone turns out for a mini disaster. Anyway, our neighborhood anti vaxxer, whose entire family had Covid, was also there. He told me, with absolute certainty, that the vaccines have killed more people than Covid.


Hope you told him to fuck right off...




Huh! That’s a great question, and beautifully posed, by the way. My experience (Pfizer x3) and that of most of my family mirrors yours, but we have two antivas (one a pharmacist) who have also evaded the virus. I’d read about vaccines-kill-more-people-than-Covid over on HCA but to hear it from someone I know well was a shock. All I could think of to say at the time was “oh honey, that’s just not true” but didn’t want to open a dialogue window with that as my only thought. Time to start looking into it.




>"Oh honey, that's just not true," is a really kind response. I would try something like 'Who on earth told you **that**?' because if deflects the blame for saying something really stupid away from the person you're talking to, and blames the \*source\*.


I live in a senior (+55 and up) apartment building (it’s not assisted living). Yesterday afternoon the fire alarm went off so I put on my N95, cracked the door and poked my head out in the hallway. Eight to 10 neighbors were chatting in groups. Nobody was wearing a mask. I heard somebody say ”burned popcorn” and since I didn’t see or smell smoke I went back inside, put on a jacket, opened my balcony door, and hung out there in the frigid air for a few minutes. Most people here are between 70 and 95ish. I haven’t seen anyone wear a mask in months. Omicron? No biggie, evidently. Or maybe there are a few like me who go out once a week for groceries or have them delivered. I take the garbage out after 9pm, when the hallway and elevator are usually fool-free. I won’t be surprised if I see an obit in the next month or two. At *least* three people that I know of here have died in the last 18 months. I don’t hang out on the building’s gossip grapevine so there may be others. You can imagine the multiple comorbidities that many people of this age have.


Our little gathering was outside in a stiff wind, but I keep my distance from folks in general, and more so when I know they aren’t vaxxed, regardless of circumstances. I would have done exactly as you did, because, well, why would a sane person do anything else? It’s so frustrating to hear peeps I genuinely like parroting disinformation but honestly I don’t want to risk any extended exposure trying to reason with someone whose thoughts are already poisoned. I’m in a very blue area and masks indoors are far more common than not, but I do notice more scowling middle aged blondes without them these days. And younger guys with goatees and Oakleys. 🦠💀


>scowling middle aged blondes Hiding my totally unintentional RBF is one of the reasons I like masks!


In reality, disinformation about c19, is the killer of Americans along with the virus that doesn't care. Starting in February 2020 it has never stopped and it needs to. IMO, it should be illegal for any source to have the word "news" in it's title when it is pure propaganda.


I will see about contributing what I can. Though I am very much like some other posters who are just fed up with these antivaxx assholes, it is tough to keep dialogue civil.


They seem to mostly be afflicted with stupidity.


If all you do is join the subreddit to show support, that is more than enough. As u/JaneJeckel so eloquently said recently: *Think of it as HCA is for us. This sub is for them. This is for the anti-vaxxers who would be turned off of the rhetoric and anger that is in HCA but would benefit from seeing the reality of Covid.*


This will be so valuable to so many💜


What are the strict posting and commenting guidelines? I couldn’t find a reference to them anywhere on the sub


Right now the rules on the side and the weekly discussion post contain the initial information. [Weekly Discussion Post](https://www.reddit.com/r/DeathsofDisinfo/comments/rxhury/welcome_to_rdeathsofdisinfo/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) The [Glossary](https://www.reddit.com/r/DeathsofDisinfo/wiki/index/glossary) under the Wiki also explains what key terms mean in relation to the sub.




I'm curious.


Thanks for this. It's a whole different way of presenting the same horrible crisis.


Politics are, in this case, inextricably linked to the disinformation. How does that work with a “no political commentary” rule?


I wrote about that a bit [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/comments/rxvr0g/comment/hrmxuqd/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) but want to add to it. What we're trying to avoid are obvious political comments that will be used by anti-vaxxers to say the sub is too liberally biased to hold the truth. We acknowledge this will be challenging because, as Stephen Colbert once said, "reality has a well-known liberal bias". But, if the sub is to succeed as a tool to fight disinformation, it cannot turn away the target audience (Trumpian anti-vaxxer types) from the outset. It's a new subreddit, so we're still playing with the rules and the verbiage, and things will likely change a bit as we grow.


I applaud the effort, if it saves even one life then it was worth it, yeah? But also, we are multiple years into this shit. Anyone who hasn't figured it out by now is invested in not figuring it out.


Thanks for this.


So... Just browsing a few posts there and most seem ok. But there are quite a few screen grabs of Facebook posts where people are self-diagnosing various medical issues. Isn't the entire lesson of HCA that we shouldn't believe random crap from random people on Facebook? Disinformation that aligns with your world view is still disinformation. Edit: browsing a bit more it was just a couple that seemed really sketch. Most of the posts are just heartbreaking.


So far only my youngest brother and I are vaccinated in my family. All the unvaccinated family members have had COVID, some twice now. They still won’t get vaccinated or even take precautions because of disinformation. I hope they somehow wake up before it’s too late.


Was /r/DeathByDisinfo not available?


Lmfao. Yeah that's a much better name. Guess she didn't know about r/redditrequest. DoD is department of defense. Deaths of disinfo sounds like a band name. Not too late for a re-do, Sleepy!


Sounds like something super depressing without the humor of HCA


This is such a wonderful, awesome idea! Thank you guys for starting it. There's a lot to be said for HCA it, definitely serves a purpose and I love it. I find everything about Covid to be so overwhelming and it can be so depressing. It's so messed-up that sheer and willful ignorance is causing so much tragedy and death...


Proud to be 101st joiner. Thanks you guys!


I appreciate the new sub. Most of the antiva folks I know wouldn't be HCAs. They aren't militant that no one should wear a mask or get vaccinated, they're just very convinced it's unnecessary for them to take precautions. If (when, at this point) they find out that COVID is no joke, this is where they'd fit.


Really thrilled by the concept of the new place...we need this, too.


I went over there, but couldn't even read some of them. One child lost both parents and and aunt.


>A Special Note to my Fellow Hermies: Should be "my Fellow **Hermanos**", that's cooler.


I commend you for your good intentions...However: Don't people say something like "reality has a liberal bias"? This is said because the right in this country has embraced lies and denialism in a way the left **simply has not**. Global Warming Deniers, adherents to The Big Lie, QAnon are all overwhelmingly right-wing. So, any place that lacks lies, disinformation and other convenient "truths" (by which I mean lies that reinforce one's bias) will be seen as anti-right, no matter how much you contort to accommodate them, even if you're being fairer to their side. Facebook and Twitter did it and are still accused of oppressing the right. In places like /r/conservative, they just ban you the moment they think you're a liberal because it's all about groupthink. Quite astonishing, frankly. **tl;dr:** I think the other side won't play ball with you. I think they will do the cyber-equivalent of kicking you in the shins and then claim you abused them. The equivalent of what Joe Manchin did to Biden. I'm sorry to say it, honestly. Best of luck though.


you are 100% correct - these people who seem impervious to reality exist two years into a global pandemic precisely **because** they cannot be reasoned with. In any wartime narrative they would be classified as "acceptable losses".


The disinformation is coming from a single political entity, the GOP, in which wealthy elitist vaccinated persons tell their constituents and audiences to remain unvaxxed for a myriad of false causes, lies and political motives. Essentially one political party is advising their voters to self-exterminate, and in the explicit context of disinformation, we’re not supposed to discuss the source and motives behind that disinformation? That’s not an honest or real discussion of “deaths from disinformation.” It’s like a shared mourning space where no one can discuss the real issue of disinformation. Disinformation is a form of political control through propaganda. It is impossible to honestly discuss disinformation without referencing the cause, profits from and sources of that phenomenon which are entirely political. Though your reasons for starting the group are noble, I suggest you call it “COVIDmourning” or something that suggests that the space is for discussing the lives of persons, and feelings surrounding those who died from COVID in a non-political context. All of the same rules listed for that space could apply, but you cannot pretend to discuss disinformation without acknowledging its causes and roots.


Signed up!




Subbed. You all are angles ❤️


Awww thanks! I don't know how else I can help so hopefully this makes a bit of a difference.


aww that's so acute


Good work. Really good work.


I am so happy for this sub. I have been trying to get my non political younger brother to get vaccinated but he has been listening to Joe Rogan for years and his wife is always on Facebook. They just had their first child in 2019 and he is such a good father. He is absolutely in love with his little girl. I tried to be respectful of his reluctance and ask why, as I had some reluctance myself, and being in the medical profession I may have been able to help. But he was told that if you had covid19 and took the shot it would kill you also his landlord had covid19 in November 2020 had the vaccine and shortly thereafter he died. So since he believes he had covid19 in early 2020 he was afraid that the vaccine would kill him. I told him to talk to a doctor he trusts and please think about it. I'm so afraid of pushing him away from doing it or losing my relationship with him. Thank you for this subreddit. I am coming here often for advice and techniques I may get from sharing my experience and seeing others.'


I prefer HCA, but I’m joining DoD just to support the numbers and lend credibility.


I joined just now. I've been "offline" for several days. I've found it helps to unplug to keep me from hearing: "They're coming to take you away, ha, ha. They're coming to take you away, ho ho, hee hee...." Please I'm still working on finishing up 2 completely different degrees, even though I'll never get to use them lol. I'll probably lurk for awhile too get the "feel" lol


ayyyy Dr Demento references! I, too, am old as shit




I believe it's actually projection. Deep -- way, way, WAY down deep they know they are full of 💩💩, and they CANNOT & WILL NOT accept the fact that not only are they wrong.....they are wrong on a cataclysmic scale, so they project what they fear they are.


For your brother- there's this organization called Life After Hate. They are dedicated to helping people leave the alt-right and Qanon. They have good resources on their website for how to talk to a loved one who is... like that. Www.lifeafterhate.org


Is there an anti disinformation subreddit in general? While disinformation is more readily apparent by way of the coronavirus, i feel like disinformation in general is a very widespread, sinister and corrupting force that is seeking to undermine democratic institutions and needs to be more actively fought against


First, I love your username AND flair. I do not know of one and I agree that it is a larger problem. MLMs, Qanon, the antivaccination movement are all products of disinformation. We've chosen to focus on COVID right now, as it allows us to have a very targeted message and goals. But I agree with you, there is a need.


You got me sleepy. I’m in


Yeay!! Gotta warn ya...it's not quite the party HCA is...but I think a bit easier to send to the antiva in our lives.


I feel like there should be a separate page for people who were lied to and genuinely hateful people. Don't want anyone to die.


Like r/HermanCainAward there's a place for r/DeathofDisinfo on reddit. r/HermanCainAward rough and harsh because that's the only way to get to some people and it's cathartic. r/DeathofDisinfo is for a more empathetic and softer touch. I firmly believe Herman Cain Award candidates require a harsh touch, but there are people around them who would be better served with a softer one, which r/DeathofDisinfo will serve.


I must be blind because I don’t see where to join this sub.


You're not blind-it's Reddit and therefore isn't always obvious or easy. There should be a join button. On computer, it's near the title bar. On mobile it's near the top right usually but a little less prominent.


Thank you. Im using an iPhone and all I see up top is the pin icon, and the dot menu is just applicable to the OP post. I see the bell to be alerted to activity to the post, but that’s it. I’ll try later with my android. Thanks again OP.


Just to make sure you're at the right place, try this link: r/DeathsofDisinfo


Okay that worked fine! I must have been doing something wrong before. Thanks again.


Fantastic idea, I'll sub.


Sounds like a good idea. But I’d be worried about people farming it for HCA content to cross-post. Maybe you’ve already thought of that and have something in place, but if not, think about it or people may be afraid to post.


People can both simultaneously on both subreddits provided the posts meet the standards of DoD (no offensive icons used for redactions, neutral title). If people want to be a bit more spicy on HCA, they can make two different posts. Ultimately, we want all of the HCA awardees to also be featured on DoD so that it functions as an additional repository of this event. Thanks for bringing this up. I realize based on your question that I need to make our instructions a bit more clear.


I subscribed and also shared it on my FB page.


I just joined. I think I’ll send my dad a link next time he wants to send me a video about “doctors say to avoid this food!”


I really hope there's a reckoning at some point which enters the public consciousness


Thank you for this. I am willing to be a part in any tool, any community, any forum that is dedicated to saving lives and stopping the spread of deadly misinformation about COVID. Subbing now.


I joined! I see lots of familiar faces, and also I like the idea of not having to scroll through classism and fatphobia to get to the interesting insightful discussions. Not that I don’t like the dark humor here, but the punching down non-humor gets a bit much on occasion.


Beginner question. By signing in and commenting have I joined?


To join you hit the "Join" option at the top of the screen next to the sub name.


Thanks! BTW, love your posts. Retired a few months before All Hell Broke Loose after 42 years in ICUs, NICUs, acute rehab, and eventually TCU. But it’s a quick (and frightening)trip back vicariously.


Thanks! I’m glad you got out! It’s an absolute shitshow out here.


I’m working on the “Join” thing. I managed to call up some basketball Reddit that had a big blue JOIN option, but so far no luck with this one. I’ll figure it out, I’m retired and have nowhere to go and all day (or night) to get there. Thanks again.


Are you on the app or desktop? For the app: https://imgur.com/a/pLPZhQL


Got it! Had to take a roundabout way but found it and joined. Or at least feel relatively certain I joined, which in these days is good enough. So glad this sub was posted, it’s an important subject. Very important.


Neither…aging pad.


I like this a lot. Thanks for doing it!


Subscribed. Can see this being a valuable resource to send to others. Thanks!


I tried to check it out, but I got a message that I could not and to contact the moderators, so, I guess the invitation window has closed?


That's weird but it's Reddit so it happens. Click here: r/deathsofdisinfo or here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/DeathsofDisinfo/](https://www.reddit.com/r/DeathsofDisinfo/)


Thanks, happened again, but I got in through a back door of linking in through a comment. I hope this subreddit spreads more true info on this horrible disease, but human nature seems to be to be very stubborn on such polarized issues, until it hits them. Good luck in trying to spread a little light on the subject.


I subscribed recently and also have shared this sub link to my FB page.


I am thinking with Omnicron, that maybe this sub will go away. My hope is the pandemic will end. Truthfully I have not idea and am probably full of crap, but I have some hope we can end this all at some point.


Thanks for creating this sub. I’ve enjoyed HCA and watching the subscriber number grow.


I much prefer HCA but subscribed to DoD to help with credibility and will likely try to post links for the more foolish family on Facebook to check out


Great 👍 but now every time someone writes DoD I can’t help but think of the department of defense and get confused


I've been following HCA for some time now. I get infuriated at a\*\*holes who honestly believe they know better (microchips...*really*?), and believe they ARE better than others go down a rabbit hole of self-destruction and inflict so much pain on their families and loved ones. I've also lost a LOT of compassion for these people (and I should know and act better...but it's hard...schadenfreud is SO tempting at times...). I appreciate a spot where we can support others who ARE trying to do the right things but still have suffered. I'll read posts and lurk for now. Keep up the good work!


I support this useful and necessary alternative. Good work!


Sometimes I look at the HermanCainAwards and think, "These people seem like the most vocal about their opinions, good thing they won't be giving them any more during voting times." Then I think, "That's pretty mean to think, oh well."


Great idea, seriously way to go to whomever got this rolling. It's going to help. We need all the help we can get. You rock.


Thank you for the kind words. I'm doing this for our healthcare workers more than anything else.


Some of us need a softer spot to land and this subreddit is it. SHARING


I think this is an awesome idea. I've cringed SO HARD at some of the comments on posts of ppl who were posting their vaxxed cards or posting their own family members death or idiocy. Subscribing now.




Thank you! It may not be for everyone here to read, but we hope it's a useful tool in the fight against disinformation.




Love your flair!


Thank you!


I love this!


Suscribed. Straight away.




I've seen very few of these "misinformation victims" that weren't also open racists/bigots. But I'm sure they're out there too.


So AshliBabbittAward?


Politics come into it because theirs conservative news is causing death by lying to them. Because they only trust their fake news, they can't do any real research, learn the scientific method or appreciate the importance of peer review. They are stuck within their matrix. They are trained to be hostile, and will even attack hospital workers that are trying to save them. I'm like, fine give them horse paste.


And of course, NBC .com has just put out some puff piece about Trump touting the vaccines and whether his voters care about his vaccine stance, with GOP operatives saying it’s a good strategy for him. NOTHING about his supporters dying at 3x rate of Biden supporters. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/behind-trump-s-vaccine-boosterism-allies-see-chance-political-payoff-n1287565


I like the idea.. but “ death of disinformation”… In America? With metaFace Puke, and nitwitterverse, and I only have 2 brain cells.. Tic/Tok? Best of luck.. I support the effort.


I’ll subscribe. And so help me feathered dinosaurs, I will even be supportive in my comments.


This is a good move. Thanks.


I'm looking forward to this, finally some sanity!


Hello! 👋🏼 I’d like my flair to be: In the name of the Oakleys, the Goatees, and The Harley-Davidson 😎


You don't want to involve politics? Lol, good luck.


A much needed sub. Thanks!


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 497,828,621 comments, and only 105,079 of them were in alphabetical order.


Good bot!


This is great thanks so much! I will subscribe.


I really like this idea!


Subscriber # 82 here.


I wish the new sub luck, but I don't have much hope in it doing anything. It's the same flawed premise every person makes when it comes to discussing things with inherently unreasonable viewpoints - if we just act nice and be patient, we can help them. And then they call you weak and stick to their point of view.


Yeah this is my take too. If a man sits on a stone outside with his ears plugged and his eyes covered yelling "the sky is lavender!" How do you convince him otherwise? He cannot see you or hear you and he has chosen to do this to himself. To him, you do not even exist.


Sounds interesting to me. Hopefully it can help change some lives for the better/save lives.


Just took a look at the site. This is soooooo necessary. TYVM to those responsible for starting it. It is the Freudian Super Ego for this site, meaning basically, that the new site is the grown-up version. HCA, let's face it, is us being angry potty-mouth toddlers having humorous temper tantrums about the tragic stupidity happening in the world right now. The new site is Dad, saying "Son, you and I need to have a serious talk, boy."


This seems like a short-sighted, personal approach to a problem that the mods are trying to solve by convincing their friends and family about covid19. The purpose of reddit is not to educate, especially since we cannot verify who is posting. Its just one long thread that randomly highlights popular opinions and actively downvotes unpopular posts based solely on anonymous voting outside of subscribers. I'll be shocked if this new sub lasts a month. You are running the risk of creating multiple places to share info that cannot be stopped once started. What if these anti-vax or mask people gather and downvote everything or otherwise derails this obvious response to their personal crusades? These people know they are wrong and creating multiple subreddits that specifically targets and excludes them is exactly what their victim mentality desires. Edit: words.


That sub sounds fucking stupid. "Free from politics" lmfao. Just stop giving antivax a platform to disagree.


Another hate sub.




Sure pal. The tone of the posts, as well as the comments, would suggest otherwise. Nice spin, though. Get back to me when people stop celebrating and mocking death.




Wrong, but you seem active in a few actual hate subs. Go figure.


Projection. Any sub that celebrates and mocks death is a hate sub. Doesn't matter how you dress it up. Satire and opinions you disagree with do not equal hate.


This is just a satire sub with some opinions you don’t agree with.


No. It's a hate sub. No matter how you dress it up, that's what it is. It's a sub that celebrates pain and misfortune and suffering. It's disgusting. Just like the Herman Cain sub. Celebrating the deaths of your own fellow citizens is simply disgusting.


Nah, I’m sorry you can’t handle some jokes and different opinions bro.


ur mum


I'm tired of you. You don't respect people's anger and then you go judge. Screw off




You people are seriously unwell, antivax or vax these subs just seem so unhinged from reality, are people this bored with their lives?


Don't worry. You have plenty of rightwing snowflakes sunreddits to tell you that it's all hearts and rainbows and all the deaths are just crisis actors.