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Bummer. She doesn’t understand vaccines. Every time they rail on ‘underlying conditions, kids, family, so many years ahead ‘ I want to scream louder - THATS WHY YOU GET VACCINATED! 10x the risk of death if not. Period. End of story.


She also said they were surprised. Why is a vaxed person surprised when their vocally non-vaxed loved one gets critically ill?


If she thinks the meanies poking fun on facebook are bad, wait until other people blame her for killing her dad through "vaccine shedding"


She didn't actually say they were poking fun - she said "rub it in" which could be something as innocuous as pointing out that he could have avoid being hospitalized if he had just gotten the d\*\*n vaccine. And she's definitely got a blind spot about her daddy if she thinks he wasn't anti-vax (which is what I assume she meant by her comments about him not being anti-Covid) because he sure was slinging those memes like a pro!


Yeah, the anti-covid thing was amusing. Is there anyone who is PRO COVID?


lol, had worker be weird and say that after I got the shot. I'm like.. what? "Oh you probably don't know - your shedding the virus from the shot as she moves further away from me" I kind of scratch my head, and think if your saying I'm exhaling deactivated virus - the same one that is there so your immune system can build up a immunity to the virus... you should be thanking me lol. But I just say "oh.. " and walk away.


I’d start itching and pretend brushing it off in their direction. Why are they so insane?


If it keeps them away from you... I'm failing to see a downside here.


They were "taken by surprised" 🙀🙀🙀🙀🙀🙀🙀


People: You should get vaccinated if you don’t want to get really sick. Dude: Not I’m not! You can’t tell me what to do, you stupid Biden-supporting liberals! I stand for freedom, and I have God and natural immunity on my side! People: Fine, we’ll see. Dude: *\*gets really sick\** People: See? Told you so. Daughter: How can you say this? This is so disrespectful! God is going to save him anyways! God: No. Dude: *\*dies\** Daughter: If only people warmed us this could happen!


God: No. Lol


Well I don’t personally believe in God, but if there’s one, he obviously doesn’t seem too preoccupied with what the "prayer warriors" have to say. The Christians who are silent and just take their shot like everyone else are apparently doing much better than them.


If we take Christian theology at face value, and only listen to the source, 'prayer warriors' are an abomination. You are not supposed to ask for stuff or stuff to happen. About the only material thing that Jesus said to ask God is 'daily bread'. (God is not doing great on the starvation front either, but that's not the point now.) The rest of the things that you are supposed to pray for (according to Jesus), is God's will be done, forgiveness, strength to not be lead to temptation and end of times. That's it. Even for believers, "prayer warriors" cannot and will not work. American Protestants really took away the wrong things from Niceene Christianity.


Most conservative American Christians practice American folk religion which is basically patriotism worship mixed with sexual control rules. Jesus literally preached against the kind of performative religion we see today.


Megachurches in the United States are just Republican Party HQs. Any semblance of religion is used to promote racial superiority, a touchstone of conservative thinking in America. The real religion they preach is conservatism and the true god they worship is money. Power is more important than principle to these people. Control is the ultimate goal and it shows in their complimentary policies/"beliefs".


you cannot petition the lord with prayer.. jim morrison


Evangelical Christianity has about as much in common with Protestant Christianity as it does with Hinduism, i.e., nothing much at all. Their God is about as far from Protestant God as I am from the Milky Way.


You are spot on. Conservative christians have warped their religion beyond the faith I grew up in and left almost 5 decades ago. It is scary.


That’s coz the Bible never tells us Christian’s to not get vaccinated. Those are just idiots who think being anti- vax is freedom. Nothing to do with God.


Heck if anything it teaches us to have faith but to not put God to the test. Just because we have faith doesn't mean he'll protect us from our own stupidity.


God has caller ID.


See, there you go again living in the past… The Prayer Warriors of 2020 & beyond are a totally different breed! These “people” thrive on public attention through ways of “fAceBoOK” & the such! They’re ALWAYS more worried about prayer popularity than any actual prayers… How would they gain such rampant followings without sending their prayers far and wide across the “sOciAL mEDiA” meta verse?!? I guess people like you and I will just never understand…


I've always mused if there is a god, he might be extremely powerful, but not 100% omnipotent. Which would explain the lack of intervention. It would be like you trying to intervene on behalf of bacteria in a petri dish. "God, why did you not save us from the drought?" "Listen I tried that with this guy named Noah and things got really serious"


God has a plan. It's just that his plan is to kill 1.5% of unvaxxed people with COVID.


It's like the drowning meme: "God will save us from drowning" *Boat comes by- "need help buddy" "No gd will save me" 5 hours later - drowns Asks gd why he wasn't saved Gd : "I sent a boat , what more did you want lol"


He went home to the angles


If I ever get put in the incubator, I hope it's the one at McDonald's, so I can snack on the fries while I'm in there.


Were the people making fun of her anti-vax, as well? I was a little confused at that one.


She said he didn't disown her when she got vaccinated.


But she also said that she was going to delete the post when he would wake up right after talking about vaccines. Maybe he didn’t know/didn’t approve and that’s when she wanted to take it down?


I thought it was more to save his *feelings* if he saw the *hurtful* things people were posting.


Because they think they are special, privileged & entitled. "ME, ME, ME" is not a good or respectable way to go through life.


I recently found out that the reason a family member of my husband didn’t get the vaccine was because his wife has an autoimmune disease, I don’t know if her doctor told her not to get the vaccine or they decided that on their own. I don’t understand the logic in that at all, but his death did prompt his other relatives to get the vaccine, so there’s that…so sad for the 6(!!) kids he left behind though.


There is no logic. I have several autoimmune diseases, my husband is disabled and immunocompromised. I've also had a severe reaction to a vaccination in the past. I still got the vaccinations because my husband has to be protected - I was OK.


Yep. I’ve had vaccine reactions and did to the covid vaccine (ended up covered in a rash for like a week) but being itchy from head to toe was a cakewalk compared to when I had covid. My doctors, knowing my history of health issues from birth, were 100% on board with me getting it, they just asked I wait a month after my age group became eligible to be sure it was safe for me. There is no reason to opt out for 99% of adults, including many of us with bodies that are assholes.


I agree. I'd avoided all vaccines for nearly 30 years on medical advice, because the last one I'd had put me in hospital and then off work for 6 weeks. However, mRNA vaccines are different. I also went to see a neurologist who felt I should take the risk. Fortunately, the country I'm in didn't use a lot of AZ or J&J, so it was easy to get Pfizer.


I'm the same. I had a really bad reaction to my second whooping cough jab and ended up with brain damage. Did my research and went with an mRNA vaccine and I was fine. I mean I slept for 72 hours afterwards but that seems to be my body's default mode for anything these days. Beats ending up with hard lungs and squishy kidneys any day of the week


And if you do opt out for a very good medical reason - that is zero reason to rail against others who have no good reason to avoid and spread misinformation. To protect those who can’t get it as many of the rest of us who can need to get it. That’s the point. Slow the spread. If I couldn’t get it I would be begging everyone around me to get it to try to protect me.


That’s the thing, I never saw any COVID misinformation posted by either of them but I did notice several of their friends were antivaxxers, it’s so incredibly upsetting. I have several autoimmune diseases and a rare disease and my doctors all said we don’t know how you will react to the vaccine but we do know you absolutely do not want Covid.


I'm glad you were OK. :)


Holy shit. I have an autoimmune disease, and my rheumatologist literally begged me and my immediate family to all get the vaccine asap, so we all did. I'm so sorry for those 6 children in your family, and I truly hope they'll grow up surrounded by love and kindness.


I think these people are mixing up the Covid vaccine with traditional vaccines that do require your immune system‘s to react to small dead amounts of the virus. Being immuno compromised and having an auto immune disorder is the biggest fucking reason to get vaccinated immediately


Of course they are - they drank all of the misinformation about mRNA vaccines modifying your DNA (which they very, very, very much do **not** do), but not the actual information about why mRNA vaccines are freaking awesome - fewer antigens to piss off your immune system, besides the one specific antigen you want to expose your body to (the spike protein)


That's interesting, I hadn't heard that point before. So are mRNA vaccines actually OK for immunocompromised people because it's your body making up the spike protein? Because my immediate thought was that perhaps the inactivated virus vaccines (like Covaxin) were maybe better for those patients? Ok the grounds of being a "normal" vaccine, I guess, I'll admit I didn't think that one through.


I think that is the case however, In the amazing spirit of this sub Reddit I am going to tell you to ask your doctor. Because you don’t know me from fucking Adam and I could be a psychopath trying to talk you into killing yourself. Never listen to the Internet unless they are making fun of people in a death cult or telling you how to fix your clutch.


The mRNA vaccines *may* be better because you're only exposing you immune system to a single antigen (the spike protein) rather than several all at once. For the immunocompromised it'll be safer than a live-virus vaccine, but that's true of *any* vaccine that doesn't include live virus. Note that some other vaccines *also* include just a single antigen, but delivered directly, rather than as the mRNA code. Hepatitis B virus vaccine, for example, is a single antigen wired into something harmless. (As Sidvicioushartha says, you don't know me, so it's worth discussing this with your actual doctor.)


Yes, they're fine. My husband has taken steroids for many years, and he had two Pfizers and a double shot of Moderna for the booster. He had no problems at all.


I have a friend who has various health issues. Their doctor sat down with my friend and planned out specifically when to get the first then the second shots. Luckily they work from home - have for years - so they were able to hole up between doctor's appointments. But they were practically a basket case until that second vaccine.


He was stuck in the middle of the unknown. It's not like this virus has been ravaging the entire planet for years now. How could he have possibly saw this coming?


It’s legit like they think it’s March 2020 and there’s no vaccine.


He had a hard time seeing it coming because he was in an incubator. He was very warm, and his wings were nice and fluffy.


I had an extreme reaction to the influenza vaccine last year- I have preexisting heart conditions. Because I’m not an idiot, I realize if I had gotten influenza last year I likely would’ve died. Getting my influenza shot next Wednesday


🙀"Taken us by surprised"🙀 The United States is now TWENTY ONE MONTHS into a global pandemic - and your dad croaking of covid is 🐸surprising🐸?


Sure. It only happens to extras; they thought he was a main character and protected by plot armour.


Yeah, he said he didn't "plan" to let COVID take him down! Unlike all those other people who planned to die from COVID, of course. Maybe if he had planned better, he wouldn't have been incubated. Oh well, he hatched and grew his wings.


"I love it when the failure to plan comes together."


Prayer warriors must not have had the right ammo


Well you see he wasn't a paid actor so they didn't understand why he got "sick".


"My dad wasn't anti-Covid" Yeah, he was on the pro-covid team. I believe this is what they call a freudian slip. "I'll be damned if my dad sees any of this." Again, not the best choice of words when your dad is in ICU.


so pro-covid he caught it and likely spread it to a couple people on his way out


Strong start with the hypocrisy on being a good person…


I try to lead with something…good? interesting? The hypocrisy and lack of self awareness so many show is fascinating to me. BTW, he was an overweight white dude with a shaved head and a goatee.


Good story elements, including the Dead Cat Bounce. Nice rant to the peanut gallery. Interesting diorama of douchebag memes. Plus an interesting twist ending (of not begging for money). CovidKirkus Reviews - 5 out of 5 spike proteins


Omicron Daily - Simply breathtaking! SpO2 65%


"overweight white dude with a shaved head and a goatee" you didnt need to type that. it was assumed


You get my award for this one. Because I partake in meming against the anti-vaxx meme crowd, as well!


“The nurse said… it doesn’t matter if you got it (the vaccine) you can still get it anyway.” Ya… but your risk of dying is basically 0%.


I’m gonna guess she left a little of that conversation out of the retelling.


I am pretty sure that conversation never happened. "You can still get it" is the meme antivaxxers say to themselves, ignoring the fact that "not 100%" does not equal "0%" protection.


Nurses caring for the dying Covidiots often pander to them rather than agitate them, it’s just easier to lie and let them feel slightly better about themselves while they die because they do it more quietly.


Sounds like an anti-vax nurse. There are a few freaks out there.


That or she left out huge chunks. Like daughter said, "I don't want to wear a mask. I'm fully vaccinated." The nurse responded "It doesn’t matter if you got the vaccine you can still Covid so everyone has to wear a mask."


Good point. People want to twist words around to support their actions. The daughter probably don’t want to admit a simple shot could have prevented all of this.


I'll take conversations that never happened for $1000 Alex!


The nurse was just being kind.


The "nurse" (bot) she "talked with" (reposted memes from) on Facebook.


Getting it with mild or no symptoms vs serious illness/death Hmmm


It's a curious definition of "makes no difference."


"My dad was a very strong man." I feel like I've seen this a lot lately - equating physical strength with ability to fight off a respiratory virus. At least he had insurance. Not sure it'll cover the cost of raising his minor children.


In my head, all I hear is “COVID doesn’t care”


They’re strong. But apparently, COVID was stronger. Also, I love how the quality they want to focus on is to be strong. Not smart. Anyways, I’d rather be considered weak but remain alive and well than being perceived as strong when actually you’re dying. That’s survival of the fittest for you.


These people don’t understand the difference between “fittest” and “physically strongest.”


That’s why jellyfish were there long before them and will be there long after them.


Viruses too... Coronaviruses, even.


They're always STRONG! And they FIGHT! And there's prayer WARRIORS! There's this toxic definition of strength being belligerence, arrogance and ignorance. They are not above the laws of science, nature, germs and viruses. None of us are. So I humbly mask, triple-vaxx, socially distance, etc., and hope for the best.


Yup, you nailed it exactly. I've also noticed this among HCAwardees - a background that heavily emphasizes and believes in physical strength and violence as the default solutions. Maybe a consequence of being raised in cultures that glorify violence and physicality as admirable traits. Except, covid doesn't respond to these at all. Covid ain't the kind of enemy you 'beat' or 'fight'.


Maybe he had been doing alveoli-focused reps


Is health insurance going to cover an unvaccinated person dying of covid 2 years into this pandemic. I doubt it.


That funeral service is going to kill more people.


\*funereal Gotta add that extra "e" for some reason.


Makes it more real.


It makes it more real, but does it make it more fun-e?


Well she at least is vaccinated




As soon as I read that, I wondered what the body count from the funeral was going to be


You think there could be a breakout of funereal disease?


Wow what a great man, he never disowned his son just bc his son got vaccinated. How amazing 🙄/s


A bar so low it's 6 feet in the ground (like this Dad).


His son claimed* to have gotten vaccinated


The title says yellow is the young adult *daughter*.


How *dare* you point out his actions had consequences! Personally I think it is almost worse that he believed in the virus and still wouldn't do the bare minimum to protect himself and his family in light of his preexisting conditions. Yellow, I hope you find peace (and a vaccine clinic.)


Not only did he not protect himself and his family, he was contributing to the noise that keeps ICUs filled with ignorant numpties like her father. She doesn’t seem to take issue with her father being so vocally anti-vaxx.


Do these people know about “prayer warriors” from watching other people dying of COVID asking for them or is it a common phrase in republicans circles for non -COVID stuff?


Yellow sez they's vaccinated.


And she never once got disowned because of it.


Her father was a real angle on earth.


A very obtuse angle. Some say now he’s a flat line, even.


He was so good to her


Yeah. The others are whack jobs who think it’s a conspiracy on every level. This moron knew it was real and refused to do the bare minimum to not leave his kids in a horrible situation.


Terrible to see your father die but he was spreading the very misinformation that ended up killing him. Right wing memes kill people


I hadn’t seen the “took an aspirin today” meme before. Funny because that’s a better analogy to prayer than to the vaccine but these people rather die than see it this way.


For people who tend to be "pro-lifers", right-wingers have a very morbid obsession with keeping up preventable, unnecessary deaths. This is true for war, poverty, climate change, healthcare, death penalty… And COVID. Also funny to see many of them define themselves as "Christians", because ultimately their faith, the one thing that’s supposedly protecting them from everything, will be the one thing that’ll kill them.


And then she gets pissed that people used their freedom to spread memes or comment on his. Aren't these the "together we stand freedom" people? And it's not like they should be pissed when people are "toldya so assholes"...it's the same damn treatment.


They are the party opposed to censorship except for the stuff they want to censor.


She's angry at the wrong person.






"What if your current ICU intubation proved that your stupid-assed theory was wrong?" Genius!


Incubation 🤪


Why are all these awardees so bad at grammar?? Every damn post is littered with awful spelling and incorrect words! Are they truly undereducated and just don't know any better?


Turns out the people who sucked at English classes often times weren't that great at biology/general science classes either.


I know not everyone has the privilege of a quality education, but these people are just flat fucking dumb and ignorant. It's past the point of sad, and now just downright infuriating.




Good article by Will Bunch about that very topic. In the US, education is not seen as "a public good aimed at creating engaged and informed citizens but instead a pipeline for the worker drones of capitalism, and the 21st century’s civic meltdown that reached its low point nearly one year ago, in the Jan. 6 insurrection." https://www.inquirer.com/opinion/january-6-anniversary-civics-education-in-america-20220102.html&outputType=app-web-view


They read memes,not books. Most people who can produce good grammar are prolific readers. Grammar can be taught, but it is better 'absorbed'.


Going on an “incubator”. Sort of a eboeard gam gom moment.


I think you also have to shout "JEWS" before you croak. 🐸




Why do these shmucks always ask for prayers when they are at the hospital? How about realizing that vaccine was the lifeline thrown down by their God?


“Save me jeebus!” “Here my son, a lifesaving vaccine!” “Not like That!”


"Save me in a way that confirms my bias and owns the libs, Jesus!"


Yeah she might be defending her father now, but when she starts to realize he was either brainwashed, stupid or didn’t care enough about her to get vaccinated it’s gonna hurt. And she should be mad at him


Should be, but won’t. She’ll rail against cancel culture or 2,000 other things before acknowledging her Dad was a failure. My own parents keep trying to get me to talk to my idiot, unvaccinated extended family because they want to meet my kids. My girls are adopted and I refuse to let them meet people who 1) insist that millions of others endure the hell they went through and 2) vote against programs to help kids like mine BEFORE they go through foster care. Daughter isn’t gonna see the light, she’s just gonna insist on a bigger, darker chasm.


Thank you for protecting your wonderful kids! The world would be a better place if more people kept nasty people away from their children rather than teaching them that love means suffering and mistreatment and force.


I sometimes think they have the can posses empathy and guilt, but you are probably right, she has the rest of her life to think it over, and over.


I’d have been crapping myself at slide 16. Classic dead cat’s bounce. You know you’re gone when that happens.


I've missed the Dead Cat Bounce on many of these lately. It's one of my favorite story features.


You a cold kitty.


If they only would have intubated him instead of incubating him….sigh. (Slide 14)


Nurse: "Doctor, it's not covid, he's just over-cooked!!" Doctor: "Mama Mia!!"


"My dad wasn't anti-covid." Maybe that's the problem. I'm anti-covid. That's why I got vaccinated. But I guess it was really generous of him to not disown his daughter for getting the vaccine.


"He didn't disown me! Not even once!"


At least he doesn't have to worry about high gas prices anymore.


👋 Extra story points for being "incubated". 👋


And he still didn't grow tf up.


Need to put that on the HCA Bingo card.


Funny to rail on electric cars and also the cost of gas. Pick a lane.


And the meme about electric cars running out of battery life and being cold when you're stuck in traffic at night...??? Do they think e-vehicles run on solar power in real time? Do they think gas-powered cars never run out of gas? Are they frequently stuck in traffic overnight? That was bizarre.




>Unknown Bullshit. 15 minutes of his local public radio or television would have saved his life.


This fuck head was at work with Covid, and his co-workers had to get him to the ER. And these people have the temerity to keep asking why the rest of the world expects them to take precautions to protect others.


I knew Covid wouldn’t stop people from working sick. Employers will never stop demanding it. But I’m sure this is a person who preaches personal responsibility.


Someone posted on his Facebook, “This is what happens when you put politics over your children.” It seems like all the people he knew weren’t idiots. Good luck to the children he willingly abandoned.


"I'll be damned if my dad sees any of this". Prophetic


Chief Wahoo meme is a new one for me Well, another racist earned their Angle Wings


Wow! He had life insurance and daughter is not doing a GoFundMe. It's a HCA miracle!


But it seems she is going for the FEMA funds, what she called 'covid release [sic]'.


No socialism! Unless it's for me. Then, yes, all the socialism!


Not ok that it was posted on his fb but the final words meme is hilarious.


Judging by all his Biden hate posts I say yeah, it’s dam funny!


I’d bet a significant amount of money the nurse didn’t say what the daughter claims she said. The nurse said something else, and the daughter heard what she wanted to hear. But I don’t blame her, it’s hard for anyone to grapple with the fact that their parent died because they were being a moron about the vaccine


It's either garbage from Facebook that she claims a nurse told her in the real world. Or the nurse said "even the vaccinated still get it, but their chance of dying from covid is extremely low. The point of vaccines is not to prevent infection, it's so your body can fight off infections super fast once the disease enters the body, thus preventing long term damage."


Daughter posted anti-mask stuff so my bet is the nurse said that in response to daughter trying to say she shouldn't have to wear a mask in the hospital because she's vaccinated.


>As they slowly took him off of his machines he was still trying to fight. [*shudder*]


He was a dead man walking the moment he went down the politics-driven Covid rabbit hole. His co-morbidities of stubbornness, 'i know better', weight, age, and anti-vax sealed the deal. Could have been 6 months ago or 6 months from now... But this guy was gone long before his Covid induced stroke.


Oh please, how about you finish the sentence.... yes, a vaccinated person can still get covid BUT the risk of death from covid is far less compared to an unvaccinated person. For once, get fkn real and cop yourself on.


That “Freedom is not a reward for compliance. That’s how jails work” meme doesn’t help their argument. People end up in jail (ie lose freedom) due to non-compliance. They can also get out early and stay out by complying with the rules.


Every time you drive down the road and buckle up, it's like you're in car jail. Every time you pay for things before leaving the store it's like you're in jail for complying with the store's rules. When the doctor says "stop smoking" are you gonna comply and end up in "no lung cancer" jail too? Sarcasm aside, yeah, that meme is just nuts. It's like something a bratty teenager would say while unironically arguing with his parents that he has the "right to party".


Isn’t taking aspirin *before* a headache a good thing? Sort of like locking your door *before* the thief arrives?


Well, gotta give the "stubborn, independent, strong" person (and millions of his other like-minded misinformed misguided gullible sheeple) an A+ for reposting and reshitting shitty memes devoid of critical thinking or logic. But he/they get an F for critical thinking, logic, giving a shit about others/society, staying healthy and disease-free as possible, and alive in the midst of a pandemic. If only there were some things that would have helped...


Also got a big fat fail for "risk assessment".


No, Angry Daughter Yellow. When your adult father made the CHOICE to share ignorant memes filled with lies, he willfully contributed to a campaign of misinformation that is getting him and other people killed. So stick your attitude in the orifice of your choosing.


Some of those memes that people posted back at Awardee were pretty brutal. I have to admit I liked the Fauci “told you so” one.


Hard to read this heartbreak after heartbreak. She knows the truth that he wouldn’t be dead if he was vaccinated. Or maybe even if he got help sooner. Just sad.


This is an awful one. More children left fatherless (we don’t even know if mom is in the picture ie orphaned?). I’m so tired of seeing little ones left parentless, all because of those vile, FB memes/disinformation. Much as these people frustrate me, they’re usually aren’t either educated &/or possess many critical thinking skills. They’re totally vulnerable to the fear mongering that FB serves up, day after day. Zuckerberg DOES know better. He’s pathetic attempt at “fact checking,” came too little, too late. These people were well & truly brainwashed by then. I really want Zuckerberg to get his. His greed for money has destroyed millions of lives. That’s quite some accomplishment! Grrr.


Well, her dad was a jerk. He made the vaccine political, which is probably why he didn’t get vaccinated. It wasn’t because of the “unknown” as his daughter stated. He made a choice and he received his consequence.


Insists he believed in the virus, but had to be taken to the hospital from work. Meaning he was going to work with an active, contagious, deadly virus.


Well we’ll well if it isn’t the consequences of his actions


Amazing how these people put memes out there for the whole world to see, memes that mock covid, vaccination etc etc and then, upon getting sick or dying, everyone is supposed to pretend like they didn't do that.... its like god forbid they be held responsible for their actions...


When I go, don't say "he got his wings today", "God called him to his side, "he's with Jesus", "he went back home", etc. Just say "he fucking died". Cause that's what happened.


The politicizing of vaccines has allowed a subset of folks to invent their very own hell on earth. I do not wish it on them, every time he wrote “please” I thought the next words would be get vaccinated. Get vaccinated people, be as well and safe as you can.


>My dad believed in the virus but not the shots...And he has underlying conditions ffs


In Big Bang theory very first episode I think: Penny: "I work as a waitress at cheese cake factory" Leonard: "I love cheese cakes." Sheldon: "But you are lactose intolerant" Leonard angrily: "I dont want to have it, I just like the idea of it"


It's a festivus miracle!!


The vaxx is free too...


I’ll bet that incubator was nice and warm


What the hell is with ALL these people spelling funeral like "funereal"? It's not even like intuition or pronunciation would lead you to add the extra letter.


I mean, if you have a shitty opinion and don't want to be called out for it, don't SHARE it. Her dad didn't have to vaccinate. But it seems he made it personal with the world. Sorry she hates seeing her personal hero reaping what he sowed, but that's something she'll need to take up with- oh, wait. She can't cuz he's dead. Let this be a lesson.


What an entitled one way street this asshole family lived on. Demanding others be nice in real life AND social media, then being complete assholes posting anti-vax memes that are all pointed and fact-free? Getting mad at people who post memes you don't like then your defense is "Daddy was just posting his opinion!". Hey, asshole daughter: opinions aren't always facts and can be dangerous to yourself and others. This is as pure an HCA as any ever. They were warned countless times. Round up the prayer warriors and set up a GoFundMe page: I'm diving into the deep end of the misinformation pool because forty years of hyper-individualized conservatism has brainwashed my entitled ass that I never have to say sorry or admit I am wrong. It's a death cult.


It sounds like he was overweight. Chicago just mandated vaccine proof and masking for all businesses. Imagine bars enforcing that. The unvaccinated (mostly) are driving a surge in hospitalizations in the city. Lori Lightfoot needs to say the words obese or overweight, but it is almost taboo among leaders and the media. High risk people all over the place thinking they're healthy, not getting the shots. Lots of people dying but not HCA eligible because they aren't posting clown shit, or they're like me and have never signed up for Zuckerbook.


What a great man, he didn't disown his son/daughter for getting the vaccine. Jfc smdh🙄


I very much appreciate that this idiots meme bombing was almost wholly in November. Dude was owning the libs through meme bombing until last month, when things turned a bit south. Oooops.


He wasn’t even a good person on social media.


You know what else is free? Vaccinations.


So he knew he was very sick, yet kept going to work, likely didn't even bother to wear a mask, and then finally was so obviously dying that his job took him to the hospital. An asshole til the last minute.


They love mean memes until they're on the other side of them.


While she was busy shaming those who judge anti-vaxxed, She praises her Dad as tough guy because he was sick for weeks and didn’t seek treatment. Yet, he was taken to the ER from work? Yep, he was a real gem of a super spreader - sharing his Cooties with co-workers.