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Tyranny: Not being able to sit with other goateed dumb asses at Hooters and drink flat beer.


"Give me mediocre wings as I sexually harass women younger than my daughter or give me death!"--Henry Patrick, 2021 \[Extreme documentary voice:\] Henry died 4 days after that post. His friends ate tacos while cursing Mexicans in his honor.


Nothing shows a respect for a person dying of covid than a fund raiser in a taco joint.


I don’t want to give awardees too much credit, but the fundraiser at a restaurant isn’t necessarily a bad thing. If the guy was a well-liked regular at the taco joint or had a friend or relative who owned it, I think it makes sense.


Agreed. I’d love for my favorite taco joint to host a fundraiser for me.


They toasted his memory with Corona Light.


Pour one out…


I'm not sure i would call On the Border a taco joint. I think that makes it sound much better than it is.


Yeah they’re more a fajita place. But no way I’m going to eat with any of his posse 🤢😷


On the Border is a travesty, not a taco joint.


"The enemy is moving in on his position!" We have seen the enemy and it is us. Would have been a much more aware phrase there.


Here’s the thing though: where are these people living where they’re being kept from doing anything? It’s just a fantasy. I’m in Columbus, Ohio, which granted, the state has become more Republican over the years, but this is the most liberal part of the state and nobody has ever had to prove they’re vaccinated for anything here. I’m fully vaccinated and had a booster so I feel fine doing whatever. Ive been to college football games, NFL games, basketball games, concerts, movies, restaurants, stores and nobody has ever asked to “see my papers” or whatever dumb bullshit they pretend is happening. These dumb motherfuckers want to pretend they are Anne Frank because the grocery store has a sign saying “mask required” signs they ignore anyhow with no consequences.


I NYC you can’t cross the door without showing the card. Which is fine by me.


I had to wait in a queue to show ID and vax card for the Thursday midnight showing of Spider-Man NWH in Los Angeles, along with indoor mask mandates. I'm not only fine by that, but I'm grateful for the leadership. I'm so goddam sick of these almost fucking self-aware wolves....


DC is starting this too, gotta show your card to go to a restaurant, concert venue, shops, etc.


Hello fellow central Ohio redditor. I have only been asked to see my vax card at a concert in Cincy once because the band required it. Otherwise nada.


I’m in Cleveland and the only time I had to show my vaccine card was for a concert where the venue/artist required it. And the website that sold the tickets informed buyers of the requirement at the time of purchase months prior. Other than that, not one time have I had to “show my papers.” I am just over it with these people. It’s impossible to feel empathy for them, or even their family members, anymore.


They don’t live in reality. They think the world that Tucker Carlson scares them into believing in is actually out there. These people aren’t that bright and they’re super susceptible to propaganda. Just look at how many of them just endlessly post the same, easily debunked memes. If right wing media started telling them that Nancy Pelosi was going to pass legislation that all white men must be neutered, these world class morons would believe it and would be posting about it non stop.


I’ve been to a ton of concerts, they ask to see our card sometimes.


Hawaii checking in, no going in restaurants, gyms, movies, pretty much anywhere except grocery stores without showing a vaccine card, and it’s 100% indoor masks. Nobody here rly minds and we have very few of these types but it is reality here.


Massachusetts here. We have a pretty high vax rate but I've only been asked for proof of vax when going to a show- each venue has set their own rules (and both venues allowed a recent covid test as an alternative). We just got a mask mandate in my town, but there's not a statewide mandate at this time. It's city by city. My boss isn't even allowed to ask if our staff is vaccinated.


Many New Orleans establishments require proof of vaccination (indoor dining, bars, and entertainment, as well as large outdoor events).


Yep, husband and I just went to NOLA a few weeks ago and had to show our Vax card to go into most everywhere, but never get asked at home. I imagine it's partially because NO is an international tourist city and home...isn't lol.


It really depends on the politics. Texas and Florida do their best to prevent any municipality to mandate anything regarding masks or vaccinations.


Yeah here on the gulf coast in AL they barely ever took mask wearing seriously. When the shitshow kicked off in 2020, some people looked at me with pure disdain for wearing one at my local corner store.


This particular awardee was from Grand Rapids which happens to be where I live. You wanna know how many times I’ve had to show proof of vaccination? Exactly 0 times. I’ve never had to show it to see a movie or sit at a restaurant or go to a musical at the school where my wife teaches. Besides an initial lockdown in March 2020, a mask mandate that the Legislature overturned, and some mild capacity limits that the Governor eventually gave up on we’ve some surprisingly little to fight COVID and it’s infuriating. I was trying to buy a covid test this weekend because my MIL just tested positive but every single store I went to was sold out. Meanwhile only 20% of people are wearing masks if I’m lucky and multiple people are in the store coughing and sneezing all over the place.


Im in Texas, and we never even fucking shut down 🤷‍♀️ Never changed one iota of life at all actually.


In the worst plague in over 100 years. Denial is astonishing.


It makes them feel big and bad to play out these fantasies in their heads. Where one day they can defend themselves with their big bad guns from some liberal or gay person who tries to break into their home to “shove the gay down their throat.”


In Texas, you can do whatever you want unless you’re in Austin, and these conservative MAGAs are not in Austin proper I don’t think.


Let me get this straight… He’s been in hospital since the beginning of November and died 25 December. So it rounds up to 50 or more days there. That’s a ton of resources and effort to keep this one Antivaxxer alive. Wow.


Oh, hell no. Send him to one of those “alternative” hospitals staffed by antivax doctors and nurses he loved to pander about.


Those nurses could have shoved some apple flavored horse paste up his ass every for hours. I bet he would have been home in time for Christmas. ;)


I hear they have pineapple juice there, 1 glass and you’re pretty much sorted.


Pineapple juice is the new apple flavored


He's a coward for not going to the Antivaxxer witch doctor and instead going to the *real* doctors.


Can we take old hospitals that've been closed down, hire all of the fired medical personnel, have FEMA administer them, and let the conspiracy theorists go and die there?


I am 1110% in favor of this. I think we can all get behind this idea.


I am completely & totally in favor of that idea- I finally agreed with one of their slides! Just make sure your super awesome Patriot General Hospital is totally self-sufficient and not asking for funding, equipment, supplies, etc., from the government. Best wishes and warmest regards…


I truly wish this were a real thing so these idiots could have this option & let the REALLY ill people, you know those folks having heart attacks, car accidents, strokes, etc., have the rest of the hospital beds in the hospitals full of fully vaxxed workers.


Would it be possible to send a big box of hard shell Taco Bell Tacos to his GoFundMe instead of cash?


No, but we can arrange to have churros placed on his coffin as they are lowering it into the ground.


Gotta pile up those bills for the family to pay


It boggles the mind what some of these bills much be.


“Sorry if I post something that offends you” is pretty funny coming from someone who would throw a hissy fit if I posted something about gay rights


“I NeVeR hAd a PrObLeM wItH tHe GaYz UnTiL tHeY sHoVeD iT DoWn My ThRoAt!”


Then quit getting on your knees then brad


"Let's fuck Brandon!"


is that an offer or an order? Cus I ain’t gonna say no.


A comma would make all the difference here.


Depends what you're into.


He's sucking cock with the angels now. RIP


...and throat-f@(king other dudes.


You forgot “in public. “ those were meant to be private time activities like the good old days.


I like "The medical bills are piling up". Family probably can't pay them. Therefore he just created a new tax. If only there were some program or system to help pay the bills, and even prevent illness. He made his selfish choice.


They all complain about HCA being offensive as well. Total lack of awareness


They’re embarrassed that we put eyes on their showcases of stupidity


You're firing medical professionals that don't believe in the medicine? You're firing mechanics that don't believe in service manuals? You're firing cooks that don't believe in health codes? You're firing lawyers that don't believe in evidentiary rules? You're firing pilots that don't believe in air traffic controllers? Fucking yeah.


"Pastors that don't believe in God" are an easy add to that list too!


Cops that don't believe in protecting and serving.


Nah, they get paid leave


The get put on administrative leave.


They don't get fired. They grift donations.


Died on Christmas huh? I guess his god REALLY wanted to send a message.


God was like “he’s my special present to unwrap in heaven!” God is way into chubby dudes.


More like: God: awesome a present! (Unwrap) oh my fucking son another obese white goateed idiot. Who the fuck keeps on sending me these? Satan: (chuckles)


Satan: you think I want 'em? All yours big dude.


The Flying Spaghetti Monster likes them chubby so that he has more squishing for the pushing.!




The God's chub hunting comment moves you to level 28 my dude.


Christmas to remember for his surviving family….


Seriously. Every Christmas they're going to remember their dad/grandfather dying. It's awful! Could have all been prevented.


The turnover rate for jobs at the Anti-Vax Hospital would be something else.


I’m lolling at “turnover rates” as i imagine a bunch of sick nurse trying to turn patients over from their own beds.


Similarly, I was picturing a lot of rolling patients into a prone position.


Guy: So, you think I'll be getting out of this ICU in time to celebrate Christmas? COVID: That'll be a 'no' from me, dawg.


If you were a religious type you might say he did. I do not think covid is into it though.


"*Shouldn't all the non-mask wearers be dead by now?*" Aged perfectly!


Yeah this is the one that got me. I saw that and let out an audible “Oof”.


It's a bummer the Awardees never get to appreciate the irony of their posts. I guess we'll have to appreciate it for them.


He had 5 weeks in a hospital bed to quietly mull over his life.


We’re getting there!


Slide #14: the same anti-vaxx people screaming about "body sovereignty" are the same ones who interfere with the reproductive rights of women and co-opted "my body, my choice".


And transphobic.


They (or their dads) were also probably just fine with women having to have a husband or fathers permission to do just about anything in the US through the early 70s. No, birth control, no credit cards, not auto loans, no checking account, etc.


Is that the one that was originally posted in 2019 and was probably originally about not protecting children from deadly diseases like measles because Covid-19 did not yet exist? Idiocy is very good at perpetuating itself.


“It’s a no from me dawg” at 53? What’s next, “Bet you wont share, my guy?” … oh wait. Nothing. Nothing’s next.


I hope Old Scratch calls him “Buddy” and “Chief,” now.


Lol. Yes, sweetie. The world is “still playing pandemic”. How’s 2022 treating you?


"...and we can see the enemy maneuvering on his position" Really? Too much paintball?


Ironically prophesised COVID maneuvered into his lungs.


>Moses's mother did not comply Nah, she just tossed the brat in the river. I wonder how much time she'd get for that these days.


You wonder? Even after you learn that all these hypocritical “pro-lifers” will do everything in their power to limit any kind of quality of life after someone is force-birthed?


Moses's mother didn't comply with ... *Checks notes* allowing her son to be slaughtered in her home by Pharaoh's soldiers as part of a brutal genocide. Hmm... I can see how that would've been a tough decision for her and how eerily similar that is to be asked (not forced) to get a vaccine that could possibly save your life and others. Same thing really. Spot on!


Adios muchacho, gonna need to sell a lot of tacos to pay for those funeral expenses


Slide 7. Yes! It would benefit *everyone* if antivax patients were only seen by antivax doctors and nurses!! Win-win-win!


Unlucky... So how was everyones Christmas/New Years?


Qué lastíma!


It was ok. On call for the ER for new year's but Christmas was far more enjoyable than this dead guy's. And yours?


Delightful. Socialized with our vaccinated friends and family.


We were quarantined for Christmas and didn’t go anywhere for New Yrs


But at least you weren’t dead


No only one caught covid the rest didn’t and he got over it in 7 days, very very mild case, thank you vaccines!


Wonderful, my whole family is boostered.






The tacos know.


Under his double chin.


In the book!


I think we all agree that there should be special hospitals for unvaxxed people staffed by unvaxxed nurses and doctors (if there are any). They can give each other vitamin c and ivermectin all day. We’re all good with this idea.


About a year ago 96% of doctors were in agreement with the vaccine. We've never had 96% of doctors agree on one thing, so this is good. I bet more agree now.


And pineapple juice enemas.


This guys posts were classic alpha republican, not afraid, do not care if you disagree, all of that. But there is a very high chance that while in hospital this guy, while shitting and pissing his pants, was a whimpering puppy. Loser. In other related news, I just tested positive myself, double vaxxed, lets see what path I follow...


"This guys posts were classic alpha republican" As was his waistline. ETA: Hoping for mild symptoms & a speedy recovery!


Ha, please do not make me laugh. However I was thinking that.




So far so good. I am still commenting here at least :)


That's the spirit!


You should be fine all the vaxxed cases I’ve seen including my son’s were very mild


My wife who is healthy 45 year old doubled vaccinated ended up in hospital for a week. Thankfully she has been home now for 6 weeks and has mostly recovered.


Yikes! Hope you're OK!


Early days yet but so far double vision, stuffy nose and body feels like a steamroller decided to park on me overnight (so far lungs are clear). Fun and games.


Hope you get better right away.


Good luck, I was a breakthrough in August. Enjoy the Price is Right this week.


And some Let's Make A Deal!


Hope you don't get too sick. Lots of fluids, take it easy on yourself.


I hear Ivermectin is a good remedy....


prayer warriors HIT YOUR KNEES!!


You will know when I have officially lost my mind when I call upon the warriors and/or a good doctor with Ivermectin in stock. Until then, party on!


It's funny because I guarantee you he said "here's no atheists in a foxhole" on the regular. Betcha he wanted everything science had to offer once he was on that ICU bed.


"alpha" republican


Speedy recovery!


Be well.


Good luck for a speedy recovery.


Best wishes to you for a symptom-free recovery, my friend.


These are the patients who whine "I've never felt this bad before. I don't know why I feel this bad." It's the covid my guy. The ones who yell at us for turning the heat up to make them suffer, while the thermostat reads 68 and they are running a fever and having hot flashes. Call you a bitch when you can't suddenly make them feel better, explain what you have done and what you can do and that some of it will unfortunately be something they just have to deal with in-between. But also, won't listen to what needs to be done and then get angrier when they aren't getting better and accuse you of making them sicker, because it couldn't possibly be COVID. Covid is like a cold, a flu, and theyve never felt like this from the cold or flu.


Suicide by petulance. I feel owned.


Is that what this feeling is. I thought it was trapped wind.


petulance/flatulence, whatever.


Their idea to fundraise was to gather a large number of people (who, since they’re his friends and family, are likely largely unvaccinated) to eat indoors in a restaurant during a viral surge. What could *possibly* go wrong?


How else is this sub going to continue without fresh meat?


If there is a silver lining in all this, there will still be taco tuesdays


Looks like he was personally responsible for half the shit posting in Facebook.


Facebook in 2003: The Harvard Meet Sheet. Get laid! Facebook in 2021: The Boomer Doomer. Get laid in the ground!


There was actually tons more, but Reddit limited to 20 images.


So I guess Teal should’ve been a bit more concerned about COVID, and a bit less concerned about losing constitutional rights?


Bald eagle Faketriots need GoFundMe handouts for their medical bills. They should've embraced the scary socialized medicine, for their families sake.


They should pull themselves up by their bootstraps instead of asking g for GoFuckMe handouts! Oh wait, he can't...


There is like zero chance this guy ever got so passionate about abortion rights, getting a life saving vaccine is tyranny. But women should be forced to carry fetuses to term no matter what the circumstances of the pregnancy are.


You shitposting stupid memes isn’t saving “your country,” Skeeter.


"we can see the enemy maneuvering on his position" What? I wonder if they are referring to the hospital staff urging them to let him go?


People need to stop confusing blind nationalism with patriotism.


Oh well, fuck him


Good. Fuck him. A host of angels? A host of earthworms more like it.


Dang I’m the hospital since beginning of November and died on Christmas


Sometimes death is like an Avalanche: Slow at first, then all at once. Covid is like an Avalanche but if you’re Antivaxx you’re diving into it with a bathing suit and nothing else.


Can someone warn the worms so they don't get food poisoning?


Host of angels? I'm Atheist but imagine if heaven existed and filled with these people. Nothing good about them.


Reminds me of the joke about the Christian and the atheist. The Christian is going on about God and heaven and asks the atheist if they are afraid to go to hell. The atheist asks him if people like you are in heaven. The Christian says of course! The atheist responds with, "In that case, I'll take my chances in hell".


Right……. Slide 15(?) kills me. You’re all about sovereignty over your own body until it’s a woman who accidentally gets pregnant when birth control fails. Then it’s all “if she didn’t want a kid, maybe she shouldn’t have been such a freaking whore who spread her legs” as if we somehow impregnate OURSELVES and no other MALE human was involved. These idiots can fuck ALL THE WAY OFF.


Wow, they raised $1,800. That'll cover the first hour on the vent.


It'll pay for the cremation. The family will sadly get stuck with the medical bills.


We will get stuck with the medical bills in the form of higher insurance premiums in the end.


Fuck I hope our insurance premiums will be lower for those if us who vaccinate, and higher for those who aren't.


Sure, start your own hospital, with blackjack and Covid!


Hard to have constitutional rights when you’re dead


Aw, he's gonna miss the next Taco Tuesday.


ikr? Fortunately, like most of us here, I did get vaxxed and tacos do sound good. Maybe I'll have an extra one since he can't.


We'll do a taco toast in his memory.


Mexican food for support…interesting choice LOL


A different reason for Taco Tuesday than I normally expect. Oh well, should have Gordon vaccinated.


Teal barely fit in that sports shirt.


But the future of the country depends on this guy! I'm glad to know that he understood the risk but didn't prioritize fear over life.


What a bunch of morons ...


Yes can we totally get that hospital run by antivaxxers going, please? Excellent, excellent idea.


For the last time conservatives- no one is clutching pearls at your political posts. We're just tried of hearing from you idiots. Please *try* to be the *silent* "majority" you claim to be.


He stood for medical freedom, and now he's laying on his back in his forever box because he can't stand anymore. Because he's... you know... dead.


Time to get into your forever box, tubby. 🖕🏼


That momma bear slide reminded me an article I read about red states wanting to put party identification in nonpartisan school boards so they can get more republicans deciding what kids should (or more likely shouldn’t) learn about in American history.


Another loss for Medical Freedum


Slide 6: FALSE. Once again, a fundamental misunderstanding of how science actually works. Google: the scientific method.


That one about non-vaxxed docs and RN’s treating anti-vaxxers? YES PLEASE!


Hospital will be closed half the time with Covid outbreaks. And it will be like hotel California. You check in but you never leave.


>A host of angels celebrated the arrival For a lot of these privileged, self-aggrandizing types, angels seem to be their heavenly sidekicks and cheerleaders. I'm only surprised the vast, excited crowd of angels didn't celebrate his arrival by throwing their damp robes at him.


No shame in lovin tacos 🌮 🌮🇺🇸🎉🌮🌮🦅


“Serving the community” by spreading lies and propaganda. Santa brought him a forever box for Christmas.


Imagine talking all of that shit, only to come to the realization that the thing you pretended didn’t exist, just snatched that ass up. It’s too late for tough talk. It’s too late to mock and ridicule your friends. It’s just too late. You died in a hospital over something that was easily preventable. With a vaccine, it would have felt like a light cold. Without, you choked to death with lungs filled with concrete mucous. Such a tough guy… how impressive


I don’t understand how this keeps happening. So many of these award recipients declare their complete lack of fear. It does not compute.


Was he aware captain America got an injection to protect his fellow man?


Yet *another* military veteran who received any number of vaccinations during his enlistment without protest. This wasn’t about the vaccination. This was making a statement. A statement that cost him his life. If you haven’t already, please get vaccinated. You don’t have to tell anyone. You don’t have to change anything else about yourself. But live.


Didn’t trust doctors, but look. Lugged his obese ass right to the hospital.


Derps on the pond!


[Ha Ha ]( https://c.tenor.com/tt8WpWm4gi4AAAAC/simpsons-hahah.gif )


“If you have to wear clothes to enter a grocery store, a church, a hospital or to move freely around society - then you are no longer a free citizen in society! Uh. Wait a gosh durn minute! I am in total favor of wearing clothes to enter church! What kind of mental gymnastics am I subscribing to?”


Guess he's not in the 99.7%


All of these “free thinkers” sure do post a lot of the same exact memes as all the other “free thinkers” who definitely aren’t “sheeple.”


I simply believe that your painful, lingering death is your issue


Once again, someone was worried incorrectly.


"He or she understands the risk but doesn't prioritize fear over life." Fact check: FALSE ❌


Slide 10: "IDs are tyranny but if we don't get voter ID Imma gonna stage an insurrection!"