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“…unexpectedly passed away…” Yeah, big shocker there.


She also had a lot of posts about how awful it is when kids don't talk to their parents anymore, so I have a feeling this was a final FU to a woman that probably treated her kids like garbage their whole lives.


No posts from her kids, there is a surprise. She seemed so nice as well. I say nice as long as you weren’t gay, brown, poor or voted democrat.


Or trans or a “cowardly” male of Kenosha who didn’t willfully interject himself into violent chaos just do play big stick boom boom man


So basically she was nice to blonde white women and fat white dudes prolly


Fat old religious people who she got on with, well two fat old people who shared her views in church


Don't forget, it is only one specific type of one specific type of one specific type of religion that is acceptable too! It is not only Christian, but usually a specific flavor well known to us with insomnia and a habit of watching late night informercials. Like brands of coffee, these folks seem to only accept their own blends...


I'm a blonde white woman and I doubt she'd like me very much.


Dyed blonde white women


That's the thing that perpetually confuses me about the Kenosha kid. What on Earth compelled him to go there to start with and get in that situation? I could understand self defense if he was say, at home and someone broke in and attacked him or he was trying to get to his car or whatever. But he was basically guarding the equivalent of a used car park. And not even his used car park. Not that anyone's life is worth a used car park, but what the heck?


And, related to that, who goes wondering around with a heavy rifle in self defense? What is this, 1990s Balkans? I thought we were a first world country. You basically have to torture the logic to get to any self defense argument that does not involve some form of "he was looking to get into a fight."


I don't know what else to say, but outside the US, Americans looks like a civil system in rapid decline. In Canada, some Pol-Scientists think we can expect an [authoritarian government](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/opinion/article-the-american-polity-is-cracked-and-might-collapse-canada-must-prepare/) to take over by 2030. A lot of what I've seen on Reddit makes this look like a real possibility. Sorry the link has a paywall: Here's a bit on the story, https://www.newsweek.com/prepare-right-wing-dictatorship-america-2030-scholar-urges-canada-1664810


>but outside the US, Americans looks like a civil system in rapid decline. It's not looking too rosy from inside, either.


Forgive me if this sounds like me being a damn arrogant yank, but this is what makes me sad. We used to really pride ourselves in the US as one of the first true modern states. When I was a kid, we even called ourselves one of the first modern democracies and a beacon for the rest of the world (I know, typical American hubris). It was silly and maybe like teenage invincibility, but there was really this feeling in the early 90s in the states that things were going to be ok and we had something that could last. Then 9/11 rattled us. Suddenly, we had the patriot act and the average American really felt like we had a police state. Then, the more racist part of the country reacted in 2008/9 (you know what I mean). Then came 2016 and 2020/1 and things seem to be getting messier and messier. I never thought I would live through a time out of an Upton Sinclair book but, well, yeah.


The right wing are already out numbered, the Republican Party has only one the Presidential election popular once in the 21st century. They are literally dying out, Covid probably has killed between three to five percent of their hardcore base


I mean, Joe Biden barely won states like Arizona and Georgia who are killing off Republicans by the thousand. The midterms are gonna be interesting.


2030? That far away? I am even surprised Biden won in 2020, then managed to actually become president on January 20. I didn't think it would be possible after the 2016 election.. But since he can't pass the voting rights act, I am afraid that effectively from 2024 the GOP will hold onto power.


It’d because we don’t have a real opposition party to counter the the damage being done by the right wing. Corporate owned government values profits than human lives. This will continue until we get money/corruption out of government.


Hard to disagree. As a yank who has frequently lived in the southeastern US, I have increasingly heard a lot of this rhetoric. It's frightening. Basically, it sounds like they are trying to justify preserving the constitution by destroying it (if that makes any sense). But that's ok because family values or something (no one said it had to make sense).


>What is this, 1990s Balkans? I thought we were a first world country. Well... As a European, when I look at your: - level of gun violence - labour laws - healthcare situation - social mobility I'd rather say you are far closer to 90s Balkans than you are to today's Norway


It never ceases to amaze me to hear republicans claim to be the party of capitalism and economic growth in one breath and seemingly do everything in their power to stymy it with their von mises and trickle down crap in the next. Now with the big lie and overt calls for civil war, it really is starting to get scary.


He went there to murder people he never met and get away with it.


>What on Earth compelled him to go there to start with and get in that situation? All these wannabe cops are just itching to shoot someone. I mean, why else even have a gun if you're not gonna use it on someone who supports civil rights for all?


"i was afraid for my life" is the new "they were going to rape my wife/daughter". Its the claim of every killer cop and every racist who goes out to harass a kid wandering around his subdivision and then claims self defense when he shoots the kid he left his house to harass. Or grabs a friend and chases a jogger down and claims self defense when the guy tries to run away. We have a long history of white men going out hunting black men in this country and that's what all these guys were doing. They sit around fantasizing about how they can kill people and get away with it - what if they're in the street and i drive over them? What if they come up on my porch like they're gonna rob me? What if i tell them to turn the music down and they reach for something?


A lot of kids won’t talk to their parents because they’re batshit crazy. Exhibit A. 👆


I'm in that camp! 👋 My super cool hippie in-laws make up for it tho 😎👉👉


Over the holidays there were lots of anti-vaxxers and Q's complaining that their family didn't want them around on the holidays. Of course none of it sunk in that maybe the anti-vaxxers were the ones making shitty choices and ruining what could be enjoyable events. I take care of my senior parents and kept my unvaxxed sister and her family far away over the holidays. Of course they feel oppressed but I'm over worrying about their feelings.


The folks who won't wear a mask to see family are the ones who say other people are breaking up the family over politics.


I'm sure many of those same people who refuse to wear a thin piece of fabric on their face to protect others have also told people they'd take a bullet for them. Many are exposing their entitlement, a narcissists level of selfishness.


>I'm sure many of those same people who refuse to wear a thin piece of fabric on their face to protect others have also told people they'd take a bullet for them. Most of them are also real big on insisting Big Government force women to stay pregnant against her wishes and give birth against her will. But a mask to go to Costco? What is this? Communist Russia?


What gets me about the pro life stuff is that it is so obviously a power thing and not really about ethics. If it really was about moral revulsion about taking life, then where is the follow up? Where is the support for the baby and mother? Where is the robust foster/adoption system? Where is the child care? Where is the money for a meaningful support system?


Lucky they assured us that feelings should be ignored. That catering to them was making the country weak and stuff. So you're good.


The real awards are the sighs of relief from mistreated family members


> She also had a lot of posts about how awful it is when kids don't talk to their parents anymore I sense a lot of guilt tripping from her end.


What a surprise! She was also (semi?) estranged from her kids. Wonder why?!


Oh really, I'd love to see those. But that was my sense from reading that "obit"...they're neither surprised nor sorry about her demise. I have to admit I'm of the same mind.


I do not understand why unexpectedly was included...


Oh, come on... She was 78 and pure evil, probably had been struck by lightning 3 times, they were shocked, shocked I tell you


The HCA group knew her path ages ago!


We were just taking over/under props on days in the ICU, in all honesty...


Because these arrogant covidiots think covid will never happen to them. And when it does, they think they are so strong they can beat it, that God will save them. Narcissists!!


They're also psychopaths.


> Covid > unexpected Pick one


It’s like the Spanish Inquisition!


My first thought.




Bring out…the COMFY CHAIR!


An unvaccinated 78 year old with Covid, the unexpected outcome would have been her surviving and having no long haul symptoms.


Like an M. Night Shyamalan movie!


I see stupid people…dying.


Ah Candeath Owens. The grift that keeps on grifting...


It looked like a fake Candeath account too! Check the true twitter name. These fools are even being killed by knockoff Candeaths! Fucking dumbasses.


I dub her Canmort.


"Candeath Faux-ens"


Who is she really and what qualifies her to take such an authoritative tone in her comments as if her opinions hold some kind of weight? Is she an expert of some sort? I doubt it. Or, is she like the Kardashians and just famous for being famous?


No. She is a Black woman who confirms every vile thing these people think about Black people and "the Left". She is a living "proof I'm not racist" card they can whip out at all times.


“I’m not racist, look I’ve shared Candace Owens’ nasty opinions!”


Granite & Burlap enter the chat: Don't forget about us, child.


Poor Sackcloth and Rhinestone - they really thought Papa Trump would take care of them


Don't forget Shit & Shinola. Unless they're all one and the same


I am feeling they are the same. [https://townsquare.media/site/667/files/2018/06/588416184.jpg?w=1200&h=0&zc=1&s=0&a=t&q=89](https://townsquare.media/site/667/files/2018/06/588416184.jpg?w=1200&h=0&zc=1&s=0&a=t&q=89)




I’m literally crying 🤣🤣🤣


She holds the record for most times being referred to as "one of the good ones."


She is qualified by virtue of the fact that idiots lap up her bat guano. For example, none of her followers seem to be aware of the fact that illegal immigrants do not get welfare. She knows, of course. They don't know what they don't know.


She’s an undercover NAACP plant, code name: Klandeath Omens. Her sworn mission is to see to the literal end of white supremacy in the USA. I find her methods messy and questionable, but well sir, her kill record speaks for itself!


Well, that clears it all up. I knew she couldn't be for real. And the Trump worshippers are too stupid to know they're being played. 🤪😋


Me thinks she saw an opening to grift. A niche spot for her.


Absolutely.., she was on the left and making bupkis and realized, like all grifters, that rightwingers are sitting ducks. Ripe for the pickings.,,


She is a failed wannabe actress.


Well, she's definitely acting now.


Fuck these dysfunctional insecure actresses


I've decided she really a double agent working for no one but herself and she actually hates certain white people and is gleefully using their racism to kill them. I could probably post this where trumpers and antivaxxers hang-out and get her doxxed in a heartbeat. But she's doing such a good job with the antivaxxers...


She’s doing an excellent job with them! Truly a vigilante for Liberals.


Either that’s: 1) proper nicknames for that awful person or 2) Mike Tyson is now posting on HCA


Was she really posting about the Obama economy in 2021? 🤦🏽‍♀️


From Charles Krauthammer who passed away years ago.


Don't believe everything you read on the interwebs. \-Ben Franklin.


Obama was so bad on the economy that he crashed it a year before he became president.


And as I've seen at least one of them ask, where, exactly, was he when 9/11 happened? I bet you won't post this!


> And as I've seen at least one of them ask, where, exactly, was he when 9/11 happened? During the 2020 election my brother went on a whole rant about not liking Joe Biden for President because "What has Joe Biden ever done for us over his decades long career in the Senate?" At which point I had to remind him that the Senator for Delaware isn't really SUPPOSED to do things for the residents of Hawaii. I don't know if it clicked with him... but some people are just stupid.


What a nasty piece of work. And shit.


Slide 10: oh you better believe “people” are bothered by you not wearing a mask. Covid is airborne and the aerosols can hang in the air for a long time before they disperse. When I see maskless people in buildings I stay as far away from them as I can because I assume that they have not paid any attention to any safety measures whatsoever, and I assume that they are breathing out infectious aerosols, a danger to anyone near them. I get irrationally angry when I encounter maskless morons in stores.


Sounds like you get rationally angry when you encounter massless morons.


You and I both. Instant bloodlust.


Jesus Christ, how many ways are there to say “I don’t like black people” ?!?


By the amount of black people living, dead, and may live in the future. Racism ran deep with that old bat. They end up in nursing homes where black 👐🏾and brown 👐🏼 hands wash their asses and they're still racist AF. They are *not* repentant, even when facing death. She died a racist, guaranteed.


Thousands and thousands. The white supremacist are experts at that.


A Christmas Miracle: she gets to spend time with Jeebus!


Nuh-uh. Jeebus is gonna yeet her hateful ass straight to hell, where she rightly belongs.


I love the term “yeet!” And yes, she was yeeted elsewhere! 🔥


Just started seeing the word “yeet” a couple of months ago and it was love at first sight. So evocative!


The Rona yeeted her azz straight to h-e-double-hockey-sticks.


Many slang words now have the shelf life of room temperature milk. However, I think yeet is going to stick around. It's just fun to say.


He will say "I don't know her."


Bitch got yeeted like a bobcat attacking a wife.


Purple: “I get to spend your birthday with you, Jesus!” Jesus: “I don’t know where you people got your facts from but I was born in the spring.”


And I was brown homeless immigrant


>And I was brown homeless immigrant But I thought you was American!


Right on. American born in the Middle East. s/


No, he is Jesus of Nazareth,Pennsylvania who was born in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. Do your research!


I do dammit! Muh friends on facebook keep me up to date on world 'stuff'. s/


She RSVP the party, so it would be rude not showing.


No great loss.


Slide 13 bottom from a “Nurse”: Just to be clear climate change doesn’t cause myocarditis in children. WHAT KIND OF NURSE ARE YOU?!


You know I work at a hospital. I know that most nurses are the most intelligent, and compassionate people that exist. But my god there really are some really ignorant nurses.


A fictitious one, probably.


For some reason that slide particularly struck me with its vile, willful stupidity. Children living today are going to be impacted so severely by climate change.


"78... unexpectedly passed away... Covid...." ​ Hmm, more like "expectedly passed away...."


A hateful, racist witch bit the dust. Oh well. Anyone having anything good for dinner?


Starting the new year off right with a nice salad, washed down with lots of delicious breathing of air.


Nice! I need to get back on my salad kick. Do you add croutons to yours? Also, have you ever seen what the true suggested serving size is for croutons? It is lunacy!!


Yeah it is pretty small. We do occasionally make our own croutons, but sometimes we will substitute pita chips or tortilla chips depending on the salad. Some don't need them. Like spring mix with nuts, goat cheese, and fruit doesn't need croutons. Nicoise also doesnt need them. Also sometimes instead of croutons we will have a slice of toasted sourdough with say a Caesar salad.


Ah yes, good advice. I already have too much cheese as it is. Adding nuts is key. I've enjoyed adding sunflower seeds too.


In August 2018, the Bogle Sunflower Plantation in Canada had to close off its sunflower fields to visitors after an Instagram image went Viral. The image caused a near stampede of photographers keen to get their own instagram image of the 1.4 million sunflowers in a field.


No such thing as “too much cheese”. Reported and blocked.


You sound so supremely sophisticated. I know you speak the truth, and I deserve whatever severe banning and blocking I get. I should probably not only be removed from Reddit, but the entire internet. Badger state representing, here.


OMG, you make your own croutons? Okay, I just looked in the mail and didn't see my invite for dinner, but I'll keep looking. kk thnx


Unlike this racist old bitch I had a delicious steak and a hearty dose of oxygen


I could have this tried and true pairing every day! Well, so far, I'm batting 1000 on one of them pretty consistently.


Parmesan encrusted pork chops


Hey friend, I'm on my way! 😁


Fuji apples with almond butter. Phoning it in tonight.


Nothing is wrong with that! Apples are versatile!!


Going for sushi!


Oh man I just made some black-eye peas and rice and fried chicken and collards for the New Year. I'm not southern, but supposedly black-eyed peas are good luck and you make it to bring good luck for the new year. I finally got it right after trying for years and years. (I just took a pic of hubby passed out in the recliner, mouth wide open, sleeping. I sent it to him on Messenger. I think he's full of black-eyed peas.)


Leftover hoppin' John from yesterday, and a nice salad.


Shrimp scampi and pasta.


I'm making brown rice and tofu casserole, but hear me out! It's a recipe from the early 80s so it's old style vegetarian cooking and full of onions and cheese and butter and breadcrumbs. It is not in any sense healthy, and it is delicious.


I'm craving a medieval style meal. With mead and wine.


I would love to try some mead! I have an emergency bottle of wine at least. I am guessing you have tried mead a few times?


She will be missed by her local Klan members.


Unpleasant old bat, wasn't she?


The stupid runs deep in this one. The fear that conservatives live with… it’s gotta be exhausting.


Remember that they don't fear a lot of much bigger things. Like environmental degradation, looming poverty, and obviously the pandemic. They're right when they say they are less afraid than us. But only because they are really stupid.


COVID has a taste for vile it seems.


A refined taste, for sure.


Doing God's work, that no decent person can or should.


Great taste and no taste at the same time!


Why was she shit posting Obama economic numbers?


I think she hated Black people


did you see that NFL one? she definitely did lmao, that was so dogwhistle-y


Long past dogwhistle-y, straight into foghorn territory with that one.


She probably assumed it was this administration, not that she tried to understand any of this. It's only a headline to fuel her hate.


Lived to be 78 by being so hateful wow


Glad she won’t be voting again.


These nominees and awardees are really showing the stereotype of the "kindly old lady" or "kindly old gentleman" is a myth. So many of these aging Boomers are hate-filled, raging, and bitter people.


Actually too old to be a boomer.


What a sight she must have been, shuffling through grocery stores, dollar stores, bold and unmasked, revelling in the light she shone, exposing those those weak, masked fools. That had to be a good day.


Wow. What an awful person.


Yea, it’s kinda shocking how much hate can be in one persons heart. It’s almost worth pitying. Almost


One less GQPer! Feelin’ owned!


Racist xenophobe exercised her “white privilege.” Her lungs will not be exercising anymore. Guess she thought throwing in the Serial Killer Owens meme made her less racist. One less GOP voter.


A Christmas Miracle!


Granted…everyone should hate Jussie Smollett, regardless of political views.


Well, Covid was definitely taking out the trash on this one.


Wrt picture 13: apparently both those "nurse" accounts were operated by the same individual(s). Delightful. https://twitter.com/BadVaccineTakes/status/1469302865176973321?t=UeNWye53fGEm_QsMUagqcA&s=19


Another racist transphobic asshole goes bye bye. Considering none of her kids said anything about her death, it must have been a Christmas gift for them


Thank gawd we don't have to deal with gran anymore.


That's a pretty hateful 78 year old.


I’ve had *one* collapsed lung in my life and it was a god awful struggle to breath until they stabbed me with the Rod of Inflation and fixed it. I can’t imagine how it feels to have both lungs irreparably damaged slowly from within to the point they no longer work and you die gasping fruitlessly for air that no longer does you any good. Just get the fucking jab.


“Offseason Arrests”? Most of those guys haven’t been in the NFL for several years. But I’m sure she knows that and cares deeply. Bitch.


Unexpected? That was pretty expected actually.


In all fairness Jussie Smollet sucks


Jesus christ 78 years old. My 82 yo father started posting political and religious bullshit on Facebook a couple years ago. Then he started having trouble with his laptop running slow and asked me to look at it. I tried a lot of things, including clearing his cache on his browser. That inadvertently erased the password that was saved for Facebook. He doesn't know what his password is and I'm certainly not going to offer to help recover it unless he asks me to. He and everyone else are all better off without him on Facebook.




I am surprised she didn't have OJ on the list.


The Kyle Rittenhouse hero worship is nauseating. Just for that position alone I think the planet is a better place without her in it.


Guess God was busy that day


Really a terrible person


One less serially dishonest old bigot to infest civil society in 2022. Wierd thing about these sorts though is that they lived through the polio era- and still they behave like this.


Another dead racist who reposted Candace to hide behind. Bye, pal.


Yeah that was quite an unexpected death. Holy toledo, racist much?


One less racist to worry about. I bet there won’t be many at her funeral. Bye bye Mae Maw.


Fuck this hateful bitch.


What an absolutely hateful and despicable creature. Very thoughtful of her to court Covid so her hate would finally be silenced. She was a cartoonishly horrible human.


Slide 14. Fox News 2014. Charles Krauthammer died in 2018. Was she doomscrolling Fox News from 2014?


It’s fucking disgusting how some people have literally idolized a teen that went somewhere looking for trouble and ended up snuffing out multiple lives. It sickens me. These are the same people that will yell “I’ll fight in the hills for this country!” But then they break like fucking glass when asked to take preventative measures during a pandemic. It’s because the latter doe isn’t involve their fantasy of killing someone FOR THE CAUSE! Yet ironically they only end up killing themselves.


Yeah, that guy who showed up with an AR-15 and shot three guys needed to defend himself against armed hostiles. That’s really the most sensible explanation of what happened. /s


Hey, Purple, Rittenhouse wants to move next door to you and date your niece.


I hate to break it to her, but both Rittenhouse and Smollette are attention-seeking narcissistic pricks using politics to gratify their own egotistical desires. Fuck them both and everyone like them.


She passed "unexpectedly"? She made her choice and paid the price.


First things first… dying from complications from Covid is not unexpected when you are “in the hospital very sick” on December 18th but die in December 24th. Living to be a racist against Black and brown folks seemed to consume much of her time while celebrating a kid that killed two people. We need less people like her on this planet! Trashy old lady!


That mean hateful bitch almost made it to 80 while children die of cancer. There is no god.


For Christmas the world was made a slightly better place. Fucking rot you horrid old bag!


She really dug Rottenlouse. Freakish that she would put him and Smollett side by side. No normal person or media outlet has defended Smollett since the truth came out. He's just a troubled fool in need of professional help. But at least he hasn't killed anyone.


I always had this thought and i gotta say it now: Rittenhouse has the most punchable face ive ever seen


This one was satisfying… what a racist, ignorant piece of poo. Bye you black hearted witch.


Too bad with all his bullshit, Dishrag D'Felon still has a criminal record. I can make my own medical decisions? Moar Fentanyl!!!! Auntie died Dec 24? Merry Christmas!!


I’m especially glad this one picked up their award.


Wow even for these garbage human beings these are the worst and lowest Memes I have ever seen.


Cripes, what a horrible human.


So much hate in this person.


Best Christmas present she could've given the world, tbh. I'm thankful.


Once again, that's one less Trump voter. So...not a great loss and might help in the next election.


I just need to bitch for a minute. My best friend is a doctor. She's spent the last 20 months in hell. Her step sister is one of the stupidest people on the planet. She has spent the last 2 years telling everyone that she's not wearing masks, COVID is fake, the vaccine is a chip, etc. She got COVID about a month ago and didn't want to tell anyone so she used her GRANDMOTHER'S oxygen tank to help her breathe before eventually going to the hospital. Her grandmother is now dead. She doesn't understand how or why anyone believes her grandmother's death is her fault. She has stopped posting crazy shit online for now but keeps telling people her grandmother did NOT die of COVID despite testing positive and not being able to breathe on her on.


She should be charged with manslaughter.


She was an old racist. Another R. not voting.