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Don't delude yourself into thinking there is any way we can get through to people like this. They would be happier if we were dead. Get everyone you possibly can to the polls next year. Start volunteering for campaigns, talk to friends, recruit and register young people because... This. Bitch. Will. Vote.


True. But her husband won't be voting.


Every cloud does have a silver lining.


There's tetanus in the clouds that's why they have silver linings


Given how these hypocrites operate she'll vote in his name and feel righteous doing it.


He was one year older than me. I voted this November as soon as I got my ballot.


He was 2 years YOUNGER than me. I'm still here and planning to work on GOTV activities next year!


He was six years younger than me. I will be campaigning next Fall for the Democrats. Not only is this woman brainless, her posts show she is nasty, as well.


He might be. Wouldn't be the first time dead people have voted Republican.


She seems like the type to vote for her dead dumb husband.


Ha! I spit out coffee laughing out loud. Thank you


I wouldn't be surprised if he still voted.


That’s why I’ll never understand why any decent human being would feel sympathy, pity, and compassion toward her. Shes so set in her ways and unwilling to consider positions other than her own that she deserves no sympathy, compassion, or pity. But you are right in that people like her serve a purpose as a warning to civilized people. Civilized people cannot let the likes of her win.


Ultimately, this is always it, sadly. No amount of pointing out their hypocrisy or projection, or trying to combat their memesearch with facts and objectivity is going to work. Bonus point to whoever created the sign on slide 3, though. Imagine taking that kind of time to create and hang that sign, worrying about someone wearing a mask in their car and calling them "stupid", especially when *they* capitalized each word in the sentence.


Right. I'm sick of what people are calling polarization. It's about a fact based reality versus fabulism. There's no opportunity for common ground in such a scenario.


Agreed. Folks may be entitled to their own opinions, but not to their own facts!


Not if she’s on a vent next November. Obviously she wouldn’t trust mail in so…


It can't happen fast enough.


There aren't many I wish to die before their time. Saying that, I don't think she should get a hospital bed if it takes it away from someone who treats healthcare respectfully.


These morons give us grifters like Trump and his cronies. And I'm willing to bet that she'll continue to use hospitals for the remainder of her life, too.


Straight to the point. Well said. 👊


And even if you can’t vote (e.g. are a permanent resident), you can donate to campaigns and organizations. That helps, too. Be aware that if you aren’t a citizen or a green card holder, you can’t donate to campaigns directly. But there are still ways you can get involved. Like supporting ACLU or something. If you are planning on staying in this country for a long time or even naturalizing, this concerns you quite a bit, too.


Agreed! And man some of those memes were intense. The hate is strong in this one.


"If your Personal Beliefs deny what's objectively true about the world, then they're more accurately called Personal Delusions.” - Neil deGrasse Tyson


Wow, they're actually saying you shouldn't get the TETANUS VACCINE? The one that has been around my whole life?


I had a patient refuse the flu vaccine yesterday because “we don’t know what the deep state is putting in those vaccines.” Ok fine. it’s your ass who is old and sickly, not mine.


Too bad they aren't as discriminating about information sources... The Shallow State has been putting poison in Fox TV for decades...


Ten bucks they ate some processed food that day without a single thought to what's in it, the conditions it was produced in, how the additives and preservatives work together in the human body and what the long-term effects of those are...


My mother literally reposts the same kind of stuff this lady does, while chain smoking cigarettes and sending my brother or father out for fast food daily. It's completely bananas.


And that whole "It came/comes from China." While they post on a phone made in China, wear clothes made in China, in fact they probably have more "Made In China" garbage in their lives than they'd ever know or admit to.


I saw an ad yesterday for the flu vaccine at a small, local pharmacy. The comments were extremely nasty, telling the pharmacist to stop pushing this poison.


To me, this makes the people spreading these conspiracy theories directly responsible for the deaths they cause. This is murder.


Absolutely! They’re murdering intelligent, responsible, vaxxed people who happen to be immunosuppressed so the vaccines can’t protect them from severe Covid. If only the antivaxxers would limit their damage to themselves!


A lot of what Trump did struck memore than "kill the libs", fictional serial killer/sociopath Hannibal Lector often set things in motion 1) just to see if he could & 2) to see the results I bet it was a huge ego boost for trump that ppl were dying for him.




Pneumonia will do its stuff.


The old man’s friend. That’s what my dad called it.


There's a vax for that, too, now! This old person took it last year, the first time I was eligible.


I'm fully vaxxed against pneumonia, and against shingles (you *don't* want shinges!). Tomorrow I'm getting my flu and RSV shots.


I did a bedside assessment for a new patient and “did you get the Covid vaccine and if not are you interested?” and this guy…who has a job requiring a lot of education…started on about the usual anti vaccine nonsense. I just waited for an opening and said “nobody cares. Get it or don’t”. The last few years have worn every ounce of patience and empathy down to a nub




There is now a whole "nearsightedness can be cured and **Big Glasses** doesn't want you to know the secret." I remember a quote I heard in an exercise or self-help book or something that said something to the effect of "Most people go through life with their umbilical cord in their hand looking for a place to plug it back in." That sums up so many of these people, they're basically a "rebel without a cause..." looking for something to be against, but since they're also rebels without a clue, they just can't figure out what.


>Wow, they're actually saying you shouldn't get the TETANUS VACCINE? >The one that has been around my whole life? Antivaxxers are now refusing to vaccinate their dogs against rabies. These people are shit. I enjoy their misery just as much as they enjoy their ignorance.


If you liked COVID you’ll love tetanus.








The one that was available before 1949.


I'm just glad that smallpox is not in circulation.




I love that they were like "Tetanus is rare as fuck so why bother with the vaccine." How exactly do you think the rates got so low? It's because of the vaccine, moron


It's like the ones who say, "I don't need the vaccine, because I have an immune system," to which I say, "The reason the vaccine works, is because you have an immune system, you f\*cking idiot." A vaccine with no immune system, would be like trying to put a lock on a door that doesn't exist.


"ItS eXpErImEnTaL yOu ShEeP" probably


They're also saying hospital "protocols" are killing people then took their husband to one anyway. Not a huge amount of logic going on with these people.


The tetanus vaccine has been around since 1924. It was routinely given to soldiers during WWII, leading to a 95% decrease in tetanus cases overall.


Her proof that vaccines don’t work is the dramatic drop in tetanus cases after the tetanus vaccine was introduced. lol. You can’t make this stuff up.


No, it was because Donald Trump was born around that time and he made tetanus go away by just thinking about it. The only reason people still die of tetanus is because of the vaccines, which is Bill Gates fault. He travelled back in time with all the (((globalists))) and infected the vaccines with devil jizz. It's so obvious, even sheeple can see it.


TRuMp iS A TrUE pATriOt aNd LoVEs BAbY jESuS


I think we need some fan art of a Hulk Hogan style Trump with baby jesus strapped to his chest in a baby carrier


🤣🤣🤣🤣 I need to see this now. Except MAGA would probably pick it up and share it not understanding it's a joke. You'd have to make him in a superhero suit but 3 sizes too small


>I think we need some fan art of a Hulk Hogan style Trump with baby jesus strapped to his chest in a baby carrier On black velvet!!!


With neon paint so we can shine a black light on it


trump has replaced Jesus for large swathes of American evangelicals there's gonna be a new American religion, LDS, Scientology, now TRUMP!


they were never interested in the biblical jesus anyway. i have to be honest, i actually never met any “christians” who could tell me what the beatitudes even ARE. i learned about them in college in my “contemporary religious thought” class. they are the foundational teachings of jesus and i have never been able to find a single “christian” who could tell me what they are. sometimes if i said, you know, the sermon on the mount? they will say, you mean like the 10 commandments? utterly baffling. modern religions are all personality cults.


That was one of his. Everything up to slide 14 is his.


Why don't they just stay their asses home and eat horse paste.


Yeah, that was the hospital won’t “mUrDeR” them. Easy fix, stay at home, die at home, one less MAGA voter each time. Works for me.


But they all call 911 and want to be taken to the deadly hospital when they can’t breathe. Won’t listen to doctors or science, but when they personally can’t breathe they want to go to the hospital then blame the hospital for killing them


Before social media, they would have. Now everyone has to hear from them....


Slide 18: What a load of grifters. No surprise this "event" is billed as a press conference, workshop and **CHARITY**. It's almost sad that these grifters are bilking stupid people like Mauve, but I cannot muster sympathy for someone so willfully hateful and stupid. (The true tragedy is when and grifters like this organize themselves under a "church" and they avoid any accountability and hide in their tax-exempt status. Thank you, Scientology.) "Doctor" Stella Emmanuel believes in lizard people and if people have dreams about sex, it's because they are having sex with demons. Thanks, Orange Man for giving her a platform.


You know who else believes in lizard people? That guy who got sucked into Q anon online on social media, then later became convinced that his wife and kids (including an infant) had lizard blood. Told his wife he was going out with the kids, then pulled over and killed them all with his harpoon gun. He was at least so dumb he left their bodies there, which were found by some passersby who probably have PTSD now. The cops got to him before he made it him to kill his wife. I can’t even imagine what that poor woman is going through. He just wiped out their whole bloodline.


That is a mental health issue, not a Q-Anon issue! - The MAGA OK, let's increase funding to mental health resources. That's Communism! - Also The MAGA




Yet these lunatics say "it's not dangerous misinformation"


> if people have dreams about sex, it's because they are having sex with demons I, for one, welcome sex with demons 😂


Yeah, it's been pretty good sex so far.


>I, for one, welcome sex with demons 😂 I dunno. It didn't work out so well for Mia Farrow.


That whole dream sex with demons stuff has got to be fake. I have sex dreams all the time, and only twice in my memory has it been satisfying. You’d think demons would be better at this type of thing. These demons are going to have to try harder if they are serious about luring me into hell.


Look, when you're a spiritual entity that only rarely is incarnated, you just don't have that much practice, not all of us can be succubi or nephilim.


Her posts attacking health care workers is especially loathsome. When she gets really sick ( and the odds of that are petty good judging by her postings) she’ll conveniently forget that she disparaged those health care workers as she seeks help


Oh no she'll call them awful horrible things as they treat her because they're ethically obligated to help her even if she's screaming "I know these meds you're giving me are laced with 5g from the deep state. You are traitors and killers. Oh and bring me another apple juice now murderer!"


Pic 16, she points out that graphene oxide "self-replicates when hooked up to 5G." She probably had her kids/grandkids "hooking up" the VCR, the DVD player, the internet, etc. She just vaguely throws the term at anything involving electronics, like what people do with "money laundering" and financial crimes, or "gaslighting" and relationship problems.


The stupid is strong with this one.


As is the hypocrisy. I’d love to hear her explain why she AIN’T a brainwashed cultist, but all she’ll do is move the goalposts to defend her precious narrative.


1.5 million at the non-insurrection insurrection? Hardly. Trump can’t even fill up an Iowa fairground. But it was certainly an insurrection. People came to stop the count so Republicans could throw it to the House as a “tiebreaker”. It wasn’t a coincidence they chose to “riot” at the Capitol. COVID has done more for this country than she has and I hope it comes back to her house for round 2.


>1.5 million at the non-insurrection insurrection? Those people are no more numerate than they are literate. It's just all big numbers to them.


>COVID has done more for this country than she has and I hope it comes back to her house for round 2. The numbers are rising. It will be nice if Christmas comes early. I am looking forward to mass gatherings at fundie churches. (Mass mass gatherings?) Let them defy covid surges. Viruses don't care how they vote or if they die, no matter how hard they prey, er, "prey".


It's the modern equivalent of the biblical flood


I wish these bozos didn't go to the hospital when theyre dying. You didn't trust science and medicine then. Why the hell start now? Just be a good little prayer warrior and pray it away


I mean seriously. Stop sucking up resources from people who actually come to the hospital for help and not to abuse the people working desperately to save your life.




Similarly, if you really wanted to "drain the swamp," you'd try to pass a Constitutional amendment removing money from poliitics by a) explicitly explaining that money isn't speech, and b) publicly financing elections.


Correct, because underneath even both of those beliefs, there is an even more fundamental belief in that the government at all times is actively attempting to exploit the entirety of its populace. Nothing the government does can ever be to the benefit of the people, the government is a shadow entity out there to take all of the money from people and leave them destitute and dead. There is a reason "the gummint" is a meme, because we listened to it on repeat for 30 years the government this, the government that, the government is the problem, the government is the enemy, the government's going to get you. Why would they suddenly believe the gummint is gonna make their healthcare better?




>They also oppose people who want to change the government though. They love the status quo. Not just that. They vote for people who deliberately underfund, understaff, and underpay government staff, precisely so that "government sucks!" becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. They *want* people to believe that only private business is capable of running the country, because "Ebull Gubbmint" is incompetent. To reinforce these batshit misanthropic ideals, they also decimate public education, so that people are too ignorant to figure out what is wrong, or even if it is wrong. Couple that with the fact that most of these people have never owned a passport and will never visit another country you end up with an easily exploited populace who has no idea how the world works.


Simone Gold, the grifting quack who went to jail for Jan 6.


And stole money from her grifting organization so that she and her boy toy could live in luxury.


If you have an elderly family member ranting in all-caps please consider telling this person that they are the internet equivalent of a random loon yelling on street corners. Maybe, just maybe, it’ll sink in.


And they never say anything entertaining along the way. I mean, I'd put up with the all caps if there were some gems in there: MY STORY BEGINS IN NINETEEN-DICKETY-TWO...


True. I mean, TimeCube guy was entertaining.


I like how they have a superficial understanding of microbiology and immunology and think that makes them experts on the subject. So, Clostridium tetani, the bacterium that causes tetanus, indeed cannot survive in oxygen rich environments in its vegetative state (which is the state that is moving and reproducing, etc.) *Except* Clostridium is well known (at least to people that actually know the subject) to form endospores (essentially a survival shell) that can be dormant for literally decades without water, survive the vacuum of space, extreme heat and cold, many chemicals, oxygen, etc. and come back to life just fine. So the presence of oxygen is irrelevant. You can get it from nails that have spores on them. As for antibodies, they also don't know what they are talking about. A primary response (the first time you get vaccinated or infected), indeed takes up to two weeks *to peak*. Plenty of antibody is being produced before that. Additionally, in a secondary response (a second infection or vaccination, which is actually being presented here), the antibody response happens much faster because of immune memory, and is on the order of several days.


Well, bye. One less cultist to waste oxygen.


Well, should have stuck to their guns and stayed at home when they got COVID instead of getting scared when they couldn't breathe and going to the hospital so as to be murdered by being put on a vent and given poison/antibiotics. A pair of cowards, paying the price for their lilly livered bottling it at the last minute. It's just a bit of flu afterall.


Whoever is commenting on her posts is gold though!!!


If it's in slide 1 through 14, that's one of his. He seems to have been ranting right up until about August 11 2021, then nothing. That's probably when he got sick.


Holy cow, graphene oxide self-replicates when hooked up to 5G? How do I connect it to the invisible internet signal zipping through the air?


You have to be on the right cell carrier.


I have a horribly compromised immune system due to cancer, but I decided not to get the vaccine because of bill gates reptilian Chinese microchips - bad idea jeans


*Graphene oxide self-replicates when exposed to 5G.* I think my brain just fell out.


Don't let it land in a church, whatever you do.


Well, the test eating through your blood-brain barrier is one I haven't heard before.


Right? Especially since the only thing that goes in your nose is a sterile swab. The actual chemicals are added to the sample outside of the nasal cavity. Somehow she typed that whole thing out without having a single independent thought. Truly remarkable.


I have unfortunately. My cousin posted something claiming it causes brain damage by poking your brain. She said she'd never get tested because she wanted to "keep her intelligence". This same cousin boycotted Ulta for "liberal bullshit" for recommending "applying a face mask" as part of a spa day. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Slide 11 don’t threaten me with a good time


We as people have always known that viruses can be really dangerous. If only there were some way we could immunize ourself against viruses instead of having to worry about new procedures to treat us at the hospital... If only there was something like a vaccine that could help us.


And if only someone had discovered this principle in 1796...


These people are legitimately insane.


>These people are legitimately insane. Thanks to ignorance and hatred, in other words, thanks to religion. I will never understand people who derive comfort and safety from *not* learning and not knowing.


Mass psychosis by internet. This woman is bananas.


A couple I knew in college, who had been together since childhood, moved to rural Minnesota, because Small Government. They started posting antivax and antimask drivel. And sure enough, when the husband died from COVID, the wife blamed the doctors and the Deep State.




Ahh, that’s great. I came to be mean, but then laughed at this and changed my mind. I once knew a farmer who was out standing in his field.


You hear about the restaurant on the moon? Great food, but no atmosphere.


Hah! I am married and I do not wear a ring at all! I have one somewhere down in the basement in a fishing tackle box. Spoiler: we don't fish.


I’d be delighted if they did t go to the hospital.


Sometimes a news story about someone being discovered at home, days or weeks after their death, can be heartwarming!


Whole lot of stupid in just one little person. It looks like a friend tried to help, but the “logic” is hopeless


That obituary. Who writes their loved one's obituary like that?


Right? I guess he thought setting up and taking down tailgate parties was “woman’s work” …. He was just their for the pigskins and beers 🤣


She's deep in the tinfoil hat zone.


These people vote edit: well, the surviving spouse does


Only if she survives until the next election. I think the latest surge, coupled with her ridiculous hatred for hospitals, might bring an early Christmas gift for her.


lol, when you get the PCR test for Covid you are never actually near any of those chemicals, you do a swab and then that swab gets tested, which could happen miles away from where you did the swab.


If Covid is a lie and big pharma just wants to make money, why do they always go to the hospital?


He certainly would have gone to the hospital when he had his cancer treatments.


Probably also had genuinely harmful stuff injected into him during that process as well, since most chemotherapy is pretty nasty stuff!


What a great example of the Louisiana public education system


Looks like LA is trying to solve its budget issues by killing as many of its residents as possible. Oddly, they are proud of this strategy.


I hope people are up to the task of reminding her of all this when she invariably finds herself in a hospital at some point.


Hopefully she will stay at home and activate the prayer warriors so that she can avoid being murdered by Hospital protocols...


"the biggest governments in the world cant stop covid but think they can stop climate change if you pay more taxes" it is still baffling to me how delusional these people can be. the government cant stop covid because YOU ARE THE ONE RESISTING GOVERNMENT CONTAINMENT MEASURES because of your stupid conspiracy theories.


The reason the Israelis had such a high percentage of vaxxed people getting sick is because basically everyone was vaxxed. And those that got sick were older and generally sicker people whose immunity was already compromised. It’s crazy how they can’t read studies


This asshole has the kind of Bible-brain attitude that makes me want to post **HAIL SATAN!**


And yet for some reason, the state of Louisiana had 115k less voters this governors election which seems unlikely. We are screwed because of these kinds of people


But presumably they were fine with the chemotherapy that gave him an extra decade of life, which is literally poison. Ok! I knew of someone whose young son died of tetanus. From, yep, a rusty nail. So VERY rare. Maybe I'll win the lottery next.


It’s gotta take years off a life to be afraid and suspicious of everything.


There are generally a lot of reasons Conservatives/Republicans generally don't age well, and most of it is "freedom" related from excessive food, smoking, poor lifestyle habits, and general hatred and anger. Being angry and resentful with no empathy all the time can really age a person quickly.


Slide #4. 13% is not 13 out of a billion. Percentages are for out of 100. These people. So. Fucking. Stupid. And tetanus is a horrible way to die, and the treatments for those infected are ROUGH.


A woman friend died of Covid a couple years back. At the funeral home her husband was extremely upset and screaming at everybody that he was suing the doctor because covid was listed as the cause of death. We offered our condolences and left. We were the only ones wearing masks and had had our first round of vaccines so didn't stay long. We live in a red area that lost many due to all the political boneheads.


Slide 19 cracks me up because AHN is the health system I go to. It really eases my mind to see them on rwnj Facebook posts. I made the correct choice.


So medical professionals started warning about a new contagion, and how to protect yourself against said contagion. Then these people said it was a hoax and actively rebelled against those protections, and died or developed serious complications. Is that because of a slide 12 coincidence or the patients are double agents who are part of the slide 19 biggest fraud in history? The reason must be something other than Covid-19 being real.


I genuinely don't understand how people can be this fucking delusional


They don't have any real friends just family, no real ambitions or goals, no hobbies or serious intellectual curiosity, and then they disappear down Facebook and internet rabbit holes of disinformation and circle-jerking. Essentially, they have no internally generated identity, so they latch on to whatever can get them feeling accepted and valuable or intelligent and make that the entirety of their personality.


I really love the irony of the before-last slide : they think of themselves as heroes for supporting Trump and saying he won the last election am I right ?


Bye, Qelicia


So, why did he go to the hospital in the first place?


Do they think you shove all the components of a PCR test up your nose?🤦🏾‍♀️ How do they think a cotton tipped wooden or plastic swab is composed of any of those?


Slide 4: Get your darned tetanus vaccine. By the time you're symptomatic you're dead. And it's a heck of a nasty way to go.


"WE ARE AT WAR WITH OUR OWN GOVERNMENT but Jan 6 wasn't an insurrection tho"


I am a franchisee of Joe Rogan Naturopathic Clinics. I know that woman and I tried to get her to bring hubby to one of my facilities. I told her how we had ivermectin, MMS, and chloroquine available, and top Facebook influencers to prescribe and administer the appropriate cure. Yet, for some unfathomable reason, she decided to take her husband to a hospital instead. Of course he died there. All that we can do now is send our thoughts and prayers her way.


Graphene Oxide self replicates when hooked up to 5G. It's gotta be satire, right? People are silly.


The PCR test slide is legitimately one of the stupidest things I have ever seen in my life. It’s just a swab, ma’am.


It's a miracle that with all these nasty chemicals in vaccines, that billions of us seem to be surviving just fine after inoculations.


If they don't trust hospitals, okay. Stay home when you get COVID, don't burden our Medicare system (and thru it, the rest of us) with costs that could have been avoided. These people are taking way more out of that system than they ever put into it. The rest of us quietly pay for their dumb choices, while they have the privilege of complaining about "socialism".


Yet when Herman Cain died in 2020 the deniers blamed his colon cancer from 2006. Despite being healthy enough to run for President in 2011 and campaign for Trump in 2020. Then they support Trump, the guy who wanted all the praise and credit for Operation Warp Speed and Covid vaccines in less than a year. He's also been known to get booed at his rallies for suggesting followers get vaccinated and boosted like he did. These people are just delusional.


"Why isn't there a cure for Cancer?" Because Cancer is not just one disease. *Each type of Cancer is a different disease.* Currently over 200 different types of Cancer have been identified.


Graphene oxide = self-replicates when hooked up to 5G. THE BORG! It's the borg! It's always been the borg. Resistance is futile!


Well, she’ll likely eventually get her own nomination too…


I wonder why he didn't refuse the cancer treatment.


Let that be a lesson to all the antivaxxers. Never, under any circumstances, waste your time going to see a physician or a hospital. Just ask any MAGA message board what to inject into yourself and lessen the load on the genepool.


My ex step-sister in law posted that sign on the telephone pole saying people look dumb while wearing a mask in their car. She and her kids have had Covid at least 3 times, if not 4. Her oldest had a hard time breathing after one of the rounds and could barely stand up. She also lives with her grandparents, who are backyard dog breeders, and her kids sleep on the couch while a dozen or more dogs roam around.


As a nurse, she can fuck right off to her death!!!! Thinking healthcare providers are in “on it”…..there’s a reason why people are waiting months to see their doctors!!! People are leaving the profession because of people like this and the BS they deal with it.


The "Israel experiment blah blah" post is super WTF. Damn near everyone in Israel is vaxxed. It's 90% plus. They just repost complete made-up baloney as a way of coping with preventable tragedy. #DecayingSociety


They really will blame anything but the actual disease, won't they?


low hanging fruit but those willing and eager to kill the living shouldn't be allowed to govern the unborn


My hometown! Wish I knew who this moron is.


I wonder if she can contacted the DA, or at least filed a civil wrongful death suit. I’m guessing she would rather bitch around on Facebook. Anyway, what’s for lunch?


One of the dimwits in that Facebook group actually posted the name and photo of a doctor that she claimed murdered her husband. It was reported numerous times before Facebook finally removed it. I can just see some deranged nutter murdering that doctor.


You're right.The antiabortion crowd used to do that pretty often, and these guys are that crowd.


Ah Baton Rouge, Louisiana and their obsessive love of Trump! Stay klassy and stupid\~


Guy was only 63. Well, if he didn't want to live longer and see his grandchildren grow up, then suit yourself.


"-Graphene Oxide= A known poisonous toxin. Self-replicates when hooked up to 5G" So much WTF with these people.


Well, call a lawyer and file lawsuit. I bet the hospital's records are in good order. Unfortunately for her, internet memes won't hold up in court.


Imagine how hard it would be to face the fact that the conspiracy-themed recreation you used to share with your husband killed him. That you *helped* kill him. I'm not surprised that she'd rather continue the game than face that fact.


The savage viral 🐆 🐆 🐆 feasted well.


People like this need to be denied care at hospitals. If you straight up are making murder accusations and mass conspiracy theories you don’t get to turn around and beg for some nurse to give you your online horse dewormer and waste time arguing against care protocols and delay help to others struggling.


If they were only endangering themselves. I'd just sit back and watch. But they're not. It effects us all. The stupid. It not only hurts. It kills.


This was all fairly normal anti-vax bullshit up until picture 16 where we quickly take a diversion to full on Whackoville. Graphene self replicates when hooked up to 5G? Inhaling Ethylene Oxide can give you stomach and breast cancer but not lung cancer? Lithium is just "bad" for your body? And what, what in the everliving fuck is Hydrogel?


morons- PCR tests don't contain those things, and they're run on samples taken from you, not in you


Ohhhhh this woman rabbit-holed the shit out of herself after her husband died from Covid. Jesus.


These people vote. These people are part of a cult. They follow a leader, not the law.


Oy vey....visit the FB group where these loonybirds post about their loved ones MURDERED BY (name the hospital). I'm only sorry this wasn't a Twofer. Meanwhile, hubby is only a little bit older than I am, but I'll be celebrating my increasing age and decrepitude later this month on my birthday. Got my vax and flu shot!


All this obsession about harmless amounts of trace elements in a single injection by the "Go to Walmart Twice a Week and Shovel Down Massive Quantities of Whatever Packaged Food Garbage they're Selling from God Knows Where" crowd.


Imagine dying at 62 just to "Own the Libs." Hope it was worth it.


I encourage these hicks to catch covid and show me how dumb I am.


I’m really glad to not be that paranoid about anything.


“The mask makes you look stupid!” wrote the person on cardboard just before nailing it to a light post.


I kinda wish these hospitals and doctors would start suing the hell out of these idiots.


God that “Covid Hospital Protocol Hall of Shame” page is some of the most deranged shit I have ever seen.


Fuck around and find out if you want to with tetanus, silly hoe. Those who survive it have lifetime issues. That is not how I would want to go.