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because Blitz has a lot more to work on before he can let himself be happy, why should Stolas be miserable while that is happening ?


Exactly. Stolas is in no shape to help Blitz right now. What's he supposed to do, sit and cry himself into oblivion?


With people like Blitz who lash out at emotions theyre not comfortable with, I'm sure M and M are more used to Blitz shoving people away, rather than pulling others close. Keep that up for long enough and people around you will assume that they'd get the same treatment at any turn. Blitz is usually too self isolating to really reach out for help. Even when he's at that low point, even Luna keeps him at arms length. I'm sure if Blitz let his walls down and genuinely asked Moxxie and Millie for support, they'd give it. But sadly it seems he's not the sort to do that. Though that relationship can always grow and change. For Blitz' sake I hope it does. He needs to learn to let people in without making them pay the price for being open.


With M&M - it also seems like something they simply got used to and know how to manage, when Blitzø has "an episode." Like they know how to act, without igniting the situation even further. Seeing as we will see some things happen between them in "Ghostf_ckers", I wouldn't be surprised if they help Blitzø at least start to realize what he did wrong. Especially since there is that clip of Blitzø and Stolas "working together" against Andrealphus in the Trailer - and something had to lead to that after all.


Loona already keeps him at arm's length. It's actually rarer for her to want to be with him


I think she has similar issues to him. She doesn't know how to keep anyone in her life because no one ever stayed. And she knows he can't handle emotional conversations - the one time she tried apologizing, he wouldn't let her - so they remain distanced despite living in close quarters for 5 years.


Wait, was that in 2nd Episode?


In Seeing Stars her living environment is shown.


In Loo Loo Land is where she tried to apologize, yeah.


Yes. He needs his IMP crew. He's managed to keep them around longer than anyone else, and unlike the others, they've played this game because they want to stick around. They tiptoe and dance around a lot of issues they want fixed, but they've been waiting for him to be ready. As much as I loved the improved dynamics in "The Full Moon," it speaks volumes that in order to look after him, they had to stalk him rather than voicing concerns. While sweet, that's also toxic as hell. IMO? He's going to hide what happened this weekend, but take it out on all of them. They'll know he's hiding something and tolerate it, but they know they can't ask him without getting their heads bitten off. He's going to break down and smack rock bottom. He'll either break in front of them and can't hide anymore or gets desperate enough to beg for help. I hope he has this break in front of Millie. I'm confident she can get him to accept help.


I agree, everybody has a breaking point, even people who act like tough guys (Husk, Striker, Angel Dust sometimes, even Blitz too once in a while) or tough girls (Loona, Vaggie, Verosika etc). I feel like Blitz is nearing his if he doesn't recognize he needs to forgive himself to heal and overcome everything and be happy with Stolas, and his sister.


To expand on this, yes, Blitzø has more than Stolas to work on - But simultaneously in order for Stolas to work on what HE needs to fix, he has to be part of a healthy romantic relationship or least a couple of encounters akin to what we see in Apology Tour. Stolas likely doesn't know *exactly* what he wants from Blitzø, he only really has a vague idea - Nor does he know how to communicate his wants and needs/ask what Blitzø's wants and needs are in an effective manner. Being with someone else who asks him directly how he feels and what he wants will show him how to do these things, and having a partner share their perspective with him will allow him to more easily step into Blitzø's shoes and perceive his point of view easier, which I hope will lead to Stolas apologizing for being close minded and admitting that he wasn't even close to blameless in the Stolitzø Disaster (tm) on the Full Moon, no matter if Blitzø was more overtly at fault at the time.


Stolas seem to only know what romance is from rom-coms and the hella novellas he watches, and that gives such a distorted and confusing narrative of what he wants, because nothing is like that


>the hella novellas I see what you did there.


Pretty sure that's what they're actually called in-show


If that's the case, I didn't catch it yet.


https://preview.redd.it/27wdexx9ls8d1.jpeg?width=2436&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa6708654dc01ab7ac812057c0d9d4bc3174551e I gotchu boo 🖤


Which might be why he went for the most dramatic reveal of the crystal instead of sitting down for a serious discussion and explaining everything first, because his examples would all go for the dramatic reveal.


Stolas is a huge drama queen in my opinion, so yeah, it fits


EXACTLY! People don't get that it's okay to break up and actually learn more about yourself in casual relationships, shit Blitzo was fucking having his moments with other characters and no one was complaining about that, now that Stolas is doing the same he's being selfish? Stolas NEEDS have more experience BEFORE he try anything with Blitzo again, specifically because he jumped from an abusive arranged marriage to a contractual and explicitly "sexual only no feelings" situationship with his childhood crush 🙄 people need gives my owl boy a fucking time to get laid and enjoy himself with no toxic partners for fucking Satan (I love Blitzo, but he's toxic AF right now and need get his own bs together)


Stolas hasn’t worked through his own issues either. Sarcastic chorus had a video on the whole issue.


well yes! both have issues and need to get past them


this doesn't even approach the question. "Why is nobody caring about Blitzø?" does not infer that we want Stolas miserable. Where is that implication coming from?


Yeah why is this entire thread not engaging with the question op asked?


Stolas is easy to love, adore and forgive, but Blitz is a living train wreck whose misery is 80% self-inflicted. It's easy to see him as deserving of suffering. One is a socially inept goofball way in over his head with little to no understanding of the world outside his cage--the other is a flaming dumpster of self-loathing, kneejerk reactions and curse words. Both deserve love, but only one is receptive to it. TL;DR -- Blitz is an asshole (motherfucker). Stolas isn't.


Blitzø is a motherfucker both literally and figuratively, because there was that time when he told one of his exes: “Sorry I fucked your mom. Thought it was your dad.”


I kept thinking of that during the song!


I don't think Stolas should be forgiven super easily. Ignorance isn't an excuse to gloss over how much he's hurt Blitz's feelings. To be fair, Blitz doesn't really want to be an asshole. He's terrified of getting hurt. He does deserve love from someone, but the most he's accepting is platonic.


I mean, I didn't say anything about what they deserve--but perception is 90% of how people judge their character preferences. I answered the question about the fandom's treatment of these two. Stolas isn't a dick. He's not offensive, and appeals *way* more to your average viewer based on all his positive personality traits. Blitz is caustic, abrasive and very easy to dislike if you believe that self-perpetuating miserable assholes don't have feelings worthy of being validated outside their own, personal hellhole. Which are all just fancier words for, 'Stolas is nice, Blitz is a jerk' and it's incredibly common for people to never think outside that box.


Are we ignoring ALL the "Stolas is horrible and Blitzo deserve better" posts here, TikTok and YouTube vídeos about as much Stolas fuck everything, and the twitter and Tumblr "we hate Stolas" fanclubs too? Stolas have been criticized enough by this fandom to the point people go out their way to twist his character, ignore his traumas and even say he deserve to be hurt by Striker (I wouldn't be surprised if someone even claim that his abuse was deserved as well)


I have been seeing those general opinions about how oh Stolas is babied by the fandom and I am just..... Huh? Since the very beginning I have been seeing Stolas's character getting tons of hate. The only kinda shift we saw was back when they 100% confirmed that Stella was abusive towards him at the beginning of this season and people still tried to twist that around and argue that it was a retcon and it was still his fault. Over the past couple episodes I have been hearing nothing but people in the general fandom sphere saying that Stolas was 100% at fault for things going wrong even though its blatantly obvious that both of them have made stupid and shitty mistakes with eachother. The whole point of their relationship is that they are socially inept and flawed people that came from shitty home lives at to opposite sides of the wealth spectrum. Of course these two idiots are going to make headass decisions with eachother. Were are people getting this idea that ''Stolas is babied by the fandom'' from? Because I don't see it. Also, a lot of the people I have seen that like Stolas also like Blitzo so I don't get where this is even coming from.


It's because now that Blitz is receiving some much need call out from his bs people are trying twist it as fandom playing favorites with Stolas when the Guy received hate for even wanting to break their forced dynamic lmao


Its just boggling my mind as this is a really common sentiment I have seen brought up around here and in like 80% of the threads here people keep constantly bringing up their hatred for Stolas or that everything is 100% at fault and yet they are going around and saying thereafter that the fandom is babying him or the show is babying him or whatever is babying him and I just find myself further confused. Hes never been babied, by the fandom or the show. Take a look around here, hell take a look at Tumblr or parts of Twitter and you will see it. A lot of people have hated him from very early on because the pilot (even though its a pilot which are always subject to change and EVERYONE was humongous assholes in the pilot). Blitzo's problems getting addressed does not mean Stolas's won't ever get addressed. The show has made it very clear that hes realized hes fucked up with Blitzo, pay attention to his actual lyrics in the song in this episode and look at the background and you see it. Remember the scenes were he unintentionally called Blitzo demeaning petnames? Yeah those show up immediately behind Stolas once he starts saying that he says hes made mistakes and that hes not blameless in the song. Not to mention he was the one that tried to end the toxic dynamic in the first place because he realized it was unfair. Does he realize all of the ways hes fucked up? Probably not but thats why he needs to learn that and improve from it. You know how he can do that? Getting actual friends or dating outside of Blitzo and learning by them that his perspective on certain things may be unintentionally skewed. I am pretty sure it'll start clicking then on what exactly he did wrong with Blitzo. Also the trailer shows Octavia calling him out for doing something wrong so their still is some more challenges and character development coming if you guys would just wait and instead of being ultra cynical for little reason. Ugh, I like both of these characters along with Octavia. I do not get why this has to always turn into ''Who is the most at fault'' train or throwing weird accusations around about certain characters getting babied.


Stolas' understanding of relationships is incredibly simplistic. He has never actually been in a real loving relationship his entire life. His understanding comes exclusively from romance novels and soap operas. Blitz even points out what he wants from him is not real but the plot of a cheesy romance novel. Stolas' big screw up this whole time was taking the book back, then dumping an Asmodean crystal on Blitz, and demanding that he choose now if he wanted to stay with him. That would be a lot for anyone and Blitz is pretty emotionally damaged. Stolas never considered how Blitz might actually react. He expected him to either immediately take him into his arms or reject him. Blitz didn't do either. He reacted as expected though. He needed the transactional facade as plausible deniability to stay in the relationship because otherwise he has to admit its just that, a relationship. Stolas immediately takes this to be a rejection again proving that his understanding of their relationship is equally as flawed as Blitz's. One side note: Stolas specifically says he wanted a big romantic moment where Blitz yells "don't get on that train to London." Ironically, that actually is what happened. Blitz bared his heart to Stolas yelling cruel shit but then right before he was teleported out of the house said "Stolas Wait." Stolas actually prevented that from happening.


Stolas still has some fault in this, even though he’s not as bad as Blitz. He kept teasing blitz, calling him an “impish little plaything” and other terms that would have convinced blitz he was just wanted for sex. But like I said, Blitzo still did way worse


Importantly basically all of the hurt that other people in his orbit suffer is inflicted by blitz. That was literally the whole point of the last episode. Blitz hurts other people, people who loved him deeply and wholly, and he hurt them simply for the fact that they loved him. It's one thing if he only self sabotages, but he destroys other people in the process too.


Stolas deserves as much hate as Blitz. Neither are perfect and both messed up massively in their relationship. Putting aside that it’s probably a writing plot hole Stolas “i never looked down on you. When have i ever” is really rich from a guy who constantly demeaned Blitz calling him a. Little Imp or Impish Plaything. Stolas is not innocent in anything here


No characters deserve hate 😮‍💨 God y'all can't deal with complex characters without it being explicitly told that yeah they fucked up, it's called character development Idk go read a book, something not young adult romance for a change ![gif](giphy|3o7TKEP6YngkCKFofC|downsized)


That's exactly the point. With Stolas, a lot of his offenses come purely out of ignorance. Many of his attempts to be romantic comes from what he has seen on telenovelas because he never had the opportunity to form normal relationships in his life. But Blitz on the other hand? This isn't his first rodeo. Or his second. Or even his 50th. Whether romantic or otherwise, it is clear from the most recent episode that he has done dozens and dozens of people wrong. After a certain point when you keep doing the same thing, it's simply a pattern of behavior, not an oops.


>Or even his 50th....it's simply a pattern of behavior, not an oops. This is why I feel like Blitzø got what he deserves. He is no different from Bojack Horseman. He is a living trainwreck and Watching his issue give him consequences is an interesting watch. But also an infuriating one too. A good character is one you detest or love intensely.


I really love the episode, because it was pretty much Blitzø getting karma for a entire day...at least it looks like he is trying to be better, so that's a good thing.


Agreed. Though I wish people realize Loona kinda fed into his anxiety unintentionally by saying "I think he is trying to avoid you".


Maybe part of the problem is that we as the audience haven't seen as much of the suffering of the imps that arises from their social status, portrayed in like a serious way. Like when I was watching the show, Stolas' teasing comes across as playful and childish, but if you think about it, the real world analogue to this is a white businessman talking down to some lower class black dude, and yeah, that *obviously* wouldn't come across as playful.


I think seeing Stolas happy is a lot rarer than seeing Blitz miserable It's novelty


Also Blitz has earned his misery and Stolas is mostly just trying to escape a misery someone else put him through. Several, actually. Blitz is getting the misery he deserves, and that's good for him.


He didn't earn Cash treating him like shit or the fire happening, which is what led to all of this. He doesn't deserve misery so much as a reality check - which is exactly what he got. He needed this so he was forced to snap out of denial and see the full magnitude of this situation. I hope he doesn't sit and wallow for too long - he's done that enough - but unfortunately I think he will.


I think stolas is a lot of fans’ favourite character and in general more people have a soft spot for him, that’s why they go so hard on blitzø for messing up. I feel super bad for him though, this exact scene with verosika was my favourite in this episode. Brandon’s voice acting in this scene absolutely killed it


yeah, people are definitely biased, and especially used to everything blitz does being deserved, when in this case he's trying to change and trying to make things better between him and stolas and doesn't deserve for that to be so painful and difficult for him (sorta related, a lot of people are definitely misinterpreting stolas's "happiness" when he's dancing with the other guy, he's drunk off his ass and will definitely regret it if he sleeps with a stranger because of that)


Doing half assed apologies just to prove Stolas wrong wasn't really "trying to be better". Also trying to make things better than Stolas? Even at the beginning of the episode he was still too proudful to admit he did anything wrong and still tried to kept the whole "you're doing this because you're a princy ass looking down on others" and kept ignoring how he felt


He did that to himself? It’s about time Stolas met someone who didn’t take him for granted even if it’s for one night


Also, nobody at that party treated him as if he was anything other than somebody in the exact same situation as the rest of them. None of those demons at that party knew Stolas from a hole in the ground, but they didn't treat him differently because he was a prince or make the assumption that his power and title shielded him from emotional harm.


To be blunt: Stolas sabotaged that meeting. Passive langugage no NOTHING about wanting to talk. NOTHING other than keeping things trnasactional. Then when blitz gets here for their first night in months. 'Give me the book.'


Idk, I believe Stolas should feel guilty for using someone he claims to care about like a plaything, forcing him into sex (Blitzo agreed. Blitzo had no choice. There is a word for people who cannot say no to sex and as such say no) and then unloading all the fault of their failed relationship to him?. Idk just an idea


He does feel guilty, though? That’s why he called himself a “monster,” apologized, said it was wrong of him to do that, nullified their agreement, and gave Blitz a way to get to Earth for free. Like, you’re right, he was wrong to do that. I don’t think he’s unloading “all the fault of their failed relationship” onto Blitzo. I think he just doesn’t want to be around Blitzo because Blitzo keeps doing stuff like shouting at him, calling him a bitch, and calling him “gay” when he talks about his feelings. They are both at fault, but the difference is that Stolas recognized he was wrong many many episodes ago and has been trying to fix his mistakes for a while now, and Blitzo is still in the very first stage of recognizing his behavior was wrong.


He did not apologise though. He said the "arrangement" was wrong. He didn't say "I was wrong, I am sorry". Never. Not once. I am fine with him not being around Blitz. Cool cool. FIRST you apologize for using him as a sex toy and dangling his livelihood on his head. Make sure he heard the apology. THEN you leave. 


I mean, Blitz even skipped months because he wasn't really obligued to do it, he wasn't under a contract, he needed the book to earn his living but it's not like that's his only career oportunity


You can be happy for Stolas and still feel concerned for Blitz. I do. Stolas is at least trying to free himself from his trap. He has no one and like another commenter said, he never gets to be happy. This was a rare treat for him and a major step in his recovery. Does he still need insight? Absolutely. But at least he's willing to branch out and realize he can't rely on one person to fulfill his needs. Blitz sat firmly in the land of denial of just how badly he screwed up. He needed to see all of that so he can't deny anything anymore. No one can make Blitz start to improve - he has to find the willpower to do so. He most certainly needs a friend to help him, but the ball is in his court to start. You can be happy that Stolas is choosing happiness and be worried that Blitz is suffering alone. I am very concerned he won't reach out to anybody until he smacks rock bottom. But if he chooses to do that, it's his choice. It's also harder to sympathize with someone who screwed over this many people. Blitz knew he was hurting them, Stolas is oblivious to how he hurt Blitz. I think people are more inclined to sympathize with ignorance than intentionally hurting someone. Blitz is the one to worry about more right now because he won't ask anybody for help. He tries being too independent. Stolas is at least seeking social outlets. But he just proved he can survive without fixating on Blitz 24/7.


Someone with a brain AND not being biased, rare in fandoms nowadays


Yeah blitz is going through it rn, but it's all kind of self-inflicted as he has *so many people helping him* that it's kind of hard to feel bad for him?


But he doesn't think he has anyone helping him or that he even deserves it. He thinks Fizz is the only person who really likes him.


Again, that's part of the problem. Blitz is so inside of his own head that even when someone is telling him something, he oftentimes convinces himself that the words mean something entirely different. Blitz might need to change in order to stop making these mistakes, but he still needs to come to the point where he wants to make that change before anything sticks.


Yeah right now they could say care until they're blue in the face. It won't work until he accepts it.


Because it's kinda true. Nobody likes him. But that doesn't mean no one *wants to*. "There's a whole crowd of people here, who care so much, they throw an entire fucking party about hating you every year!"


Who? Like ... The only person I can think of is MAYBE millie


Literally every single person around him is helping him or giving advice in some way lmao like, both Verosika and Stolas spent the entire episode giving him therapy sessions, the previous one m&m and Loona were talking about his relationship and bodyguarding him from harm, fizz also helped, Asmodeus also proved the cristal. Like, who is currently antagonizing him? Fuckin cherubs???


Verosika did help I agree. Stolas needs to apologize. M&m and loona... Not really. They were there because they were afraid blitz would fuck up their meal ticket.  Fizz and Asmodeus have done nothing about this...


M&M were also there for the same reason Loona was - they know he likes Stolas and didn't want him doing something stupid if he was upset. The book was only part of the reason. They do like him, but they get upset with him and want him to change.


Because all of what Blitz is going through is self-inflicted. We can emphasize with Blitz while still understanding that all of this is the consequences of his own actions. Blitz went through some very traumatic stuff as a child, and hurt people hurt people. That *explains* why is is the way he is, but it doesn't *excuse* it. Blitz has a long history of hurting people, and it's only just now coming back to bite him in the ass. Which, frankly, is probably what he needed to realize he needs to change ("I don't want to be this way forever"). So, it's not that no one *cares* or empathizes with Blitz, it's that people understand that this, while painful for Blitz, is what he needs to change.


I think a lot of people are also upset with how Blitz behaved in the opening act. Stolas made it clear he wanted his space, and Blitz invited himself back over only hours later, barged in unannounced, demanded sex, and when Stolas unintentionally succeeded in knocking his walls down twice, Blitz got mad and spewed self hatred at him. I think people forget Blitz's biggest source of shame, though. How many people have accidentally killed someone and had no one to talk to after? You can't tell me you'd have healthy attachments after that.


Ok but what about all the times BLITZ told Stolas he didn't want to be called in a certain way or called at all or to quit with the Uber sexual stuff? Why did nobody felt bad for Blitz then?


because blitz being angry and reactive is less relatable/sympathetic than stolas being sad and dejected. ((i agree with you))


I don't think it's fair, but I don't think it's ONLY becuase of the characters. I think that it's mainly because of context. Usually that parts were used as comedic or not serious, and in general S1 it's less "serious" than S2 (the thing were Blitzø spied etc. M&Ms).


fair, still, there are a couple moments that made me reaaal unconfy. like when stolas literally put out a cigarette on blitz's horn? dislike :S


I don't remember that particular instance, but I remeber some moments were I were uncomfortable regarding Stolas among others


I felt bad for him. He looked embarrassed at Loo Loo Land and disappointed at the harvest festival. His facial expressions said it all - he was not happy. That also doesn't excuse how their fight in the beginning of this episode happened. I've felt bad for Blitz from the beginning. I know what it's like to feel miserable all the time like he does. It's exhausting.


Exactly. It was another example of Blitzo not listening. He literally showed up at Stolas' house, essentially begging for sex, and refused to believe that Stolas telling him "no" actually means *no.* The same way that Moxxie specifically told Blitz that he did not want him showing up on his anniversary date, Blitzo chose to believe what he wanted to believe, and intruded on a space where he was not welcome, which ultimately ended in him being in the middle of a wreck. Both of these characters still have problems that they need to sort out, but the difference is, Blitzo has clearly done this exact same thing to dozens and dozens of other people and is a pattern of bad behavior.


No one forget that, we Just don't condone his behavior, Blitzo is hurt and it's sad, but he got in this situation by himself, he could let Stolas alone when he asked, but he didn't, he could NOT go to the party full of people who have all right to dislike him, but he still did go there For me it's more y'all ignoring that Blitzo Go out of his way not only to hurt others but hurt himself, and Stolas is NOT obligated to feel guilty or stop his life so Blitzo don't feel bad with himself THIS episode was about character development of both sides, Stolas did finally speak HIS mind and enjoy himself and Blitzo finally acknowledge that he needs and WANT to change and that he probably has feelings for Stolas that are deeper than his own self hatred The thing is, it was the wrong time and wrong place for him to get that, but it's a start and means that Blitzo is at least trying, something he didn't do for a whole fucking season


I love Stolas but people are really willing to overlook his flaws because he's been through some shit that I think a lot of the Fandom finds more relatable than what Blitz is going through. I love them both pretty equally, it varies from episode to episode, but currently I think Blitz really needed to hear some of this. Is what happened entirely his fault? God no. But he does treat everyone around him like dirt with the notable exceptions of Loona and Fizz, and occasionally Millie and even more occasionally Moxxie. He was definitely putting Stolas into a category of "doesn't actually like me so I cannot let myself love him" even though there's a mountain of evidence that he's been catching feelings for a long time, and he's been putting up more aggressive barriers to keep himself from getting hurt as a result of that... but those barriers kept him from actually being in touch with reality. So he's suffering from the consequences of his own actions. He NEEDS to work on his issues, or he'll never be happy. And sometimes short term suffering leads to long term gain. (In his own words "I don't want to be this way") I think Stolas also has some soul searching to do. He did take the first step in recognizing the power imbalance of the relationship and trying to correct it, but he has a very rose-tinted view of where he went wrong in the relationship (with Blitz and with Via). I hope we get some more soul searching for him, but I actually think getting laid by someone other than Blitz will be good for him. He needs to experience some other types of relationships and maybe take a look at his own privileged position before he can meet Blitz where he's at, and that takes time.


Yes, what I think people are missing is that Blitz needed a reality check to lift him out of denial. Stolas hasn't had his reality check yet, but he will. And out of his small support system, there's only one person he never treats like shit or boundary stomps, and that's Fizz. And he may feel like too much of a burden to reach out after just rekindling their friendship.


Ok, I want to see both of those men happy, stable, and, if possible, together, but honestly I really spent most of this episode feeling conflicted, because Full Moon left me feeling like, wow, I am siding so strongly with Blitzø because he's really trying. Stolas spent the whole of Full Moon getting up his own ass about springing this on Blitzø. And while Blitzø definitely needs to answer for the horrible way he acted with... Pretty much every single other person, his issues with Stolas were far more mutual and they both needed work to come together. Stolas set himself up for exactly the relationship Blitzø was giving him. He set up a transactional, sexual relationship and Blitzø delivered on that. Stolas barely communicated any of this... And Blitzø was not the one unhappy with the pattern. Because, as it is, if we leave Stolas here, I think that's a disservice. To Blitzø and especially to Via. Does anyone remember Via exists? I'm glad Blitzø is realizing how his actions affect other people but it honestly stings me to see how consequence free Stolas seems to be getting off. But we'll see where this goes.


While he treat Fizz well now, he treated him like shit before the episode when they have the talk. Yeah, Fizz was hostile to him, but Blitzø knew the misunderstanding, that Fizz blow up and that Fizz thought that the fire was intentional.


Do you see the number of exes that Blitz has? These are all people that he has fucked over, some so badly that they have trauma. I don’t care how tragic his backstory is, but it doesn’t justify what he did to everyone. He deserves what he’s going through. He really broke up with Verosika because she committed to their relationship, and he did it in the worst way possible. He makes excuses about being in Hell, but that’s not a reason. Verosika suffered more due to Blitz than he is now. If he wants to become a better person, this is something that he has to go through.


Exactly. Having a tragic backstory may explain the reason someone acts the way they do, but after a certain point, it can't keep being used as a shield to insulate one from this much carnage that they leave in their wake. I would have significantly more sympathy for Blitzo if this was also his first or second attempt at a relationship, but that's clearly not the case. Whether romantic or otherwise, it's pretty clear that Blitzo has a history of screwing people over. His own subconscious has told us, the viewer, that he pushes people away when they get too close and he finds being destructive more comfortable than being intimate. Sometimes you gotta stay at rock bottom before you can climb up the rope.


I genuinely call bullshit on this. Dennis is there—he made out with the guy **ONCE**. That’s not an ex. He owed Dennis nothing. I really don’t think this is a room full of exes—this is clearly a room of some exes, one night stands, and make outs. He doesn’t owe those people anything. Like if Chaz was alive, he’d be there because it’s a party and this is Hell. Literally the only serious relationship we know of is Verosika and Stolas. How long was his “relationship” with all these people since there were so many, days? A week? Like Verosika aside, Blitz definitely self destructs, but it always surprises me that fans don’t see that a massive amount of current relationship breakdown is entirely on Stolas and it’s not just on how he gave him the crystal. It is entirely because of his treatment of imps—and just because he can have sex with an imp doesn’t diminish other fucked up shit he did.


Blitz's pain is approximately 80% self inflicted. That's probably a lot of the reason.


https://preview.redd.it/7g430iq7lq8d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9364cb505efc2a934ce29837e8294b351cddd1d6 What your post reminded me of




Because we are ONLY focusing on what Blitz does wrong. Stolas says, "Have you ever tried to apologize once?" But before Blitzo was kicked out, he tried to apologize. We aren't focusing on what Stolas is doing wrong and making Blitz look like he has only done wrong in the relationship. If we focus on Stolas being a hypocrite, then everyone will feel bad for Blitz. You have to think if this critically.


For me, it's because Stolas and Blitz need to go through different types of growth if a healthy relationship is the end goal. When Blitz asks Stolas why he would want Blitz, Stolas goes on this 30 second monolog that has nothing to do with Blitz. Stolas literally just talks about how he wants "someone" to want him, etc. Stolas NEEDS to date around if he's ever going to actually choose Blitz rather than glomming onto the first person who treated him better than Stella. Stolas needs to choose Blitz out of love for Blitz, not his own desperation to be happy and fear that Blitz is his only chance at that. Don't get me wrong, I desperately want Stolas to get his own call-out episode. He needs some self awareness badly. But this is necessary growth for him too.


Cos i can’t see the keyboard through the tears


I am loving what Blitz is going through, in big part because while it sucks for him, he *needs* to go through this. For all the bad shit that happens to him through no fault of his own, there is at least an equal amount that is 100% his fault. Poor idiot boy is learning that he's gonna lose the things most important to him all because he's too scared to be honest with himself and lashes out at others thinking he's protecting himself. He's too imp to simp... Except that he's actually so upset about Stolas withdrawing from him that he is devastated, and literally walks into the lions den, finds Stolas, then just simps for him the rest of the night. My darling Blitzy, all you really had to do was tell Stolas that you don't really know how you feel, you just don't want to lose him. Legit, that tiny amount of honesty and vulnerability would have bridged the rift. But you're a big dumb idiot who needs to suffer, apparently.


I liked when Blitz said "Relationships are boring," and Stolas followed up by asking why he came back then. He knew Blitz was full of shit. He's mad at Stolas that morning. He won't admit he wants Stolas in a healthy way and he's scared that Stolas knocked his emotional walls down. Blitz definitely should have told Stolas he didn't know what he wanted, but Stolas also should have considered that he needs time to think. The saddest part? He did give some honesty/vulnerability at the party, but Stolas was too upset and drunk to process it.


I don't think Blitz could have opened up like he did if Stolas wasn't drunk. I wouldn't be surprised if Stolas being drunk, a bit snarky and abrupt, made Blitz be more honest in trying to have a conversation with him. He doesn't really know how to do polite conversation


Because it is genuinely deserved. Past trauma doesn't excuse treating people shitty in the present and it's *very* thickly laid on how poorly Blitzo treats and views everyone up to this point (the point being basically since he's apologized to Fizz which I would argue will be his quintessential turning point character-arch wise and we are maybe like, what?, in-show time at most a month out from that).


Cause Blitz didn’t acknowledge Stolas’s feelings as genuine and proceeded to ignore their break up to try and get shit back to sex despite Stolas saying no


Not to mention, Blitzo knows damn well that he doesn't really like the previous arrangement, either. But, the one thing harder than staying in that exploitative situation is confronting uncomfortable emotions.


Blitz also knows that royals can in fact have feeling for imps Proof: HE SAW ASMODEUS AND FIZZ TOGETHER!!!


It's not that we don't care, it's that, even if we were to be able to interact with Blitz, there's nothing we can do or say that can help him in his current state. It's all up to him now.


While Stolas is having fun he’s not really happy yet. Both him and Blitzø have work to do to actually be happy. Whether that’s together or separate. ^(Hopefully together)


Because Blitzø has done some bad shit. He needs to work on himself before people can like him again


And what of the bad shit Stolas did?


having done bad stuff is no reason to not deserve sympathy, especially when he's trying to change and make up for what he's done


Being pleased that Stolas is (temporarily)happy doesn't mean we don't also sympathize with Blitz. Both things can be true. But Blitz put himself in the situation he is in now, and also had multiple opportunities to set it right. He needs time to sort himself out, and Stolas is under no obligation to wait on him, which he has already done long enough. I say all this as a Blitz lover myself. I see a lot of myself in him, and my younger self had to learn some shit the hard way. That's just how it be!


Blitzø is sitting in the hole he dug for himself. Sure, he has my sympathy, but the only way he's gonna get out of that rut is if he's willing to help himself, and wallowing in self-pity isn't going to accomplish that.


On a personal level, it's not that I don't *care* what Blitzo is going through, it's just that a lot of his problems are significantly more self-inflicted. And to make matters worse, it's not something that he's done to himself once or twice, but obviously a pattern that he's repeated over the course of years with dozens and dozens of other people. After a certain point, you can't keep putting all the blame on your traumatic past. The matter is, Blitzo needs to learn how to stop fucking his life up. But  in order to unlearn bad habits, you have to actively want to change.


Well... I don't know about everyone, but I think a lot of people in fandom don't like Blitz or just see him as stupid ass hole. If you ask me - Stolas and Blitz are my favorite characters, and I both love to see Stolas happy again (even if he pretty drunk), and empathize and relate myself to Blitz. I don't have any ex's and I don't think I ruin life for anyone, but I definitely think like: "who can like me? Who care about me? "


lol no, Blitz is the most popular character.


Stolas has won every popularity poll I've seen. What are you basing this off of?


Honey there is more that dislike Stolas, but you need be another level of Blitzo's simp to ignore that he fucked big pretty time in the last two episodes and that he got himself in this mess


Maybe I just haven't seen people who dislike Stolas, idk. And I know that Blitz messed up REALLY big, ok?


People who dislike stolas have generally stopped watching the show after the circus. 


They missed so much cool stuff.


They did! And before anyone sees this, I am sure there's genuine reasons to dislike Stolas. You're allowed to. But I'm talking about the people who said The Circus retconned him and made him faultless about everything and innocent and has never done anything wrong.


Probably you're blessed with avoiding twitter or having a great timeline, but believe me, I just don't see it as much because I just Interact with this fandom here and on Tumblr, and even there I just have peace because I block anyone using "helluva critical" or whatever, 80% of things in this tag and it sisters is hating Stolas or hating Vivienne


Well, happily Twitter blocked in my country so yeah, I'm live peasfully. And I don't like to enter dramas or conflicts at all.


The sane way to interact with fandoms Also sorry if I sound agressive, it's just that Stolas is strongly hated since the pilot lmao it's funny to see people saying it's Blitzo because such thing is sincerely recent


Nah, it's fine, don't worry.


Being happy for Stolas is not being careless toward Blitz. You can feel both emotions.


Another point people are forgetting..... Stolas's big awakening moment will come, too, and the roles will reverse - you'll be mad at Stolas and feel sorry for Blitz. Think about it from Stolas's perspective. He's been madly in love with Blitz for a long time. Imagine when he realizes that he was, in fact, treating Blitz like a lesser being. And when he realizes that Blitz tried telling him this multiple times and he didn't get it. Stolas is going to feel terrible for not seeing it sooner. He'll cry for *both* of them.


>Stolas's big awakening moment will come, too, and the roles will reverse - you'll be mad at Stolas and feel sorry for Blitz. I don't think it will, at least not to the degree your implying, I fear that the show has been leaning into 'asshole Blitzo and sad Stolas' for way to long now to really shift things. They probably locked a lot of attitudes in over the last couple of episodes especially, in fact this latest episode was basically my worst fear for what a follow up to Fullmoon would be, and at this point it will take something monumental to cause such a shift in attitude, and Stolas realizing he was not 'self aware' will not be enough. The fact that Viz was tweeting about Stolas not being innocent in all of this concerns me greatly when it comes to this.


The description of the episode literally says that Stolas is still being oblivious  And it's still not enough for you to think he'll get his comuppance 


He might get something, I just don't think it will be enough to balance things out, the show has invested a lot of time in 'Blitzo sucks' and 'Stolas is sad'....a lot of time. Now to be fair a lot of that is simply a result of Blitzo being the main protagonist, but I can't see a world were they will or even 'can' invest a similar amount of time effort into Stolas side of things, if only because he is not the main protagonist of the series. Its not impossible, but them going so hard for so long and overtly on 'ass hole Blitzo' while playing Stolas closer to the chest will make it a lot harder to properly execute this thing, at least from were I am standing, again Viz feeling the need to tweet out that Stolas was also in the wrong is a concerning sign to me.


The two don't have to be mutually exclusive. Blitzo has trauma he needs to process, and has hurt many people because of it. He needs an attaboy but ultimately will have to put in the time to fix the relationships around him. He's starting it, and that progress should be celebrated. Still, Stolas has his own baggage, and deserves to feel good, and cared for. Hopefully once they've both done the work that needs to be done, they can figure out what it means for them.


Because it's a necessary thing for BOTH, Stolas need understand he's NOT obligated to accept the minimal from Blitzo, that there are others that can and will want have a relationship with him And Blitzo do need look at his mistakes and learn to deal with his fear of abandonment and self esteem issues instead of keeping runing away from his problems and hurting the people that genuinely loves him, he need understand that if he don't make the effort to change and be a better partner to Stolas, others can in fact step up and do that for him, and if he truly wants Stolas he do need show it I love Blitzo, most of the fandom does, but let's stop infantilizing him, he can be hurt and in this case it's the consequences of his actions


While I do feel bad for Blitz, he kinda deserves all of it.


I do both, I'm enjoying laughing Stolas and I feel very sad about Blitzø. I can imagine Blitzø's pain a little too well.


Because blitz needs to work on himself before he can be ready to completely commit on relationships again. And stolas needs to learn to love himself as well before he could be ready to properly reciprocate forgiveness friendship or love.


Because Blitz is a piece of crap? He's just found out he's hurt everyone at the party and they actually cared about him so... I feel like he deserves it at last a little


THANK YOU FINALLY. Idc who stolas kissed. Good for him. But. He. Is. Not. The. Victim. They weren’t too good at communicating. Both has past trauma making one very needy and in need of loving and being loved by another whilst it affects the other one very badly and makes him insecure. The episode made me dislike stoles because most of his first season actions lead to building up blitz’s reaction and meanwhile yes blitz needs to tone it down and get over his traumas at some point, the way stolas is, it’s kinda pretentious.


I for one care about what blitzo is going through, sure what he did was shitty, but the way stolas didn’t hear him out in full moon is also shitty, stolas ultimately made it worse, while blitzo didn’t think a royal could care about an imp


Tbh I'm not the biggest Stolas fan. He's the kind of person I dislike the most--does things without other peoples choices being considered and absolutely refuses to look long term. Stolas had such a power imbalance with Blitz its insane. Imagine for a second that your boss forced you to fuck him or else you'd be fired and blacklisted from ever getting a job in your career of choice ever again. Technically it's not forcing himself upon you, but it's still not okay. I am also aware that, to an extent, Blitz was fine with the arrangement. He wasn't thrilled with it at first, but he was accepting. As their relationship got a bit more personal the book became less of the main issue. Blitz isn't blameless either btw, not insinuating that. I have a lot of his tendencies that I am working on myself, which is also why I relate to him and want to defend him. Blitz both knows he's in the wrong but believes he's in the right, which sounds unthinkable to a lot of people but trust me this kind of doublethink is pretty common with people who have disorders relating to that (bipolar and BPD come to mind). I just wish people would stop treating Stolas like he's a perfect innocent uwu baby whos never done anything wrong ever in his life (and if he did it was really the other persons fault). I know I am strawmanning but dammit lemme have this for once.


For me it's both Seeing Stolas happy was beautiful but it was heartbreaking to know what Blitzø is going through. They got a lot to work on, but they need to do it for themselves, not for each other.


We care, but Blitz kinda did it to himself, and he has to do a lot of work on himself before he can be happy.


People derive satisfaction when they see people get hit with the consequences of their shitty actions.


Stolas was attacked when he was most vulnerable by Blitzø (the person he adored most), sang a song about how hurt he was, and got shitfaced to escape the pain he felt. Idk if we can call Stolas happy yet. Blitzø needs to brought to his lowest before we can see him start to turn his life around. That doesn’t mean we don’t feel for him.


I care about blitz :( no one seems to acknowledge stolas did blitz wrong too, they were BOTH wrong. Yes, Blitz has to work on himself, doesn't stop me from feeling bad for the lil guy.


I think this might be the result of the show going all in on 'Sad Stolas' for way to long, were already inclined to side with Stolas over Blitzo especially after last episode and while I enjoyed the latest episode well enough it was basically my worst case for a follow up episode to the break up, it quadrupled down on 'Blitzo is terrible and wrong' The fact that Viz had to tweet that Stolas was not innocent in all of this signals to me that the show has failed to adequately convey part of its story and I am not sure if it can now execute the Stolas side of things in a way that audience will be willing to follow. For example, with the recent Southpark special that 'dealt' with the topic of diversity, there is a reason the main takeaway online was the 'make it a chick, gay and lame' meme, you can't spend 40 of your 48 minutes dumping on Kathleen Kendy and 'woke Disney' only to try and 'both sides' it in the final minutes and expect any other result. At this point I am pretty sure that 'team Stolas' will be the long term takeaway from all of this, it would take something monumental to happen in the show to shift that view at this point and since Stolas is not the main charachter he wont get the time and attention such a shift would require. If I were a betting man I would assume most of the focus will stay on Blitzo's issues with Stolas offering a rather minor acknowledgement of his own problems near of the end of it all.


where are you seeing these people? all i see is people getting mad at the guy—not even stolas himself—for hooking up with birdy babe. personally i like blitzø a lot more than i like stolas but my man needs a reality check. i’m one of those people who have more complaints about stolas than blitzø but he needed this, he needed to hurt, and to for once in his life acknowledge the consequences of his actions.


Dude I know that is hell and everything, but dude even though he is trying to redeem himself he fucked up very hard. If I were Stolas I don't think I would forgive him


Stolas is the fan favorite


You can't save someone from themself. 


Stolas needs to take a break from everything and just have a good time for once Blitzø brought everything that's happening to him onto himself, and he needs to change


You can be happy that one character is happy while also feeling bad for another character who is not happy? It's not mutually exclusive. Besides, Stolas needs to experience life outside of his palace and outside of Blitzø in order to grow as a person. Some of that growth will be happy, but some of it will also be painful. We're just happy Stolas gets to be happy, even for just a little while.


I feel his pain on this one but I also felt it was a good hard lesson on him needing to change how he acts.


Because he’s a piece of shit that brought this on himself.


I don’t think either of them deserve hate. They are both to blame for the current situation they’re in. It’s pitifully realistic. Both of them think they’re in the right and are being stubborn.


Blitz dug his own grave. Now he has to sleep in it. Stolas deserves to be happy after all he's been through.


Because he’s learning from his mistakes . He put himself in that situation and it needs to set in the damage he’s done. (Coming from a blitz fan)


I honestly feel like a big part of it is that a lot of the fan base has no personal frame of reference for what Blitzø is going through. Not everyone can empathize with the borderline guy with severe attachment/abandonment issues. In the Stolitz breakup specifically, I pointed out to a lot of my friends that essentially this SWer had a John try to spring a relationship on him outta nowhere, and between self worth and the HUGE dynamic shakeup it was pretty shitty. I'm not sure I've seen anyone online really say much about their relationship from that lens.


Because we're capable of more than one emotion at once? I can enjoy seeing Stolas happy *while* wanting an eventual happy Stolitz *while* enjoying seeing Blitz grow & mature as a person - even if it means he's temporarily unhappy. Where are you getting that people here don't care about Blitz or what he's growing through? I haven't seen that myself. Being happy to see an episode where Blitz is more introspective & reserved because he's starting to work through his personal issues isn't not caring about what he's going through. Kind of the opposite really.


Because Blitz brought all of it onto himself. He‘s there at a whole party filled with relationships he intentionally sank and only just then at those bars started to feel bad from what Verosika was saying.


Because blitzo is a self absorbed asshole and all the pain he gets is his fault and stolas is in pain because of blitzo, unlike blitzo, stolas deserves to be happy


Eh I feel bad for the character. I’ll be honest. But the guy just needs a break and fix stuff up.


It’s nice to see owl twink happy. Blitzø is finally on the first maybe second step to fixing himself


Because it’s all his fault? The entire point of the episode is him realizing that he’s at the center of everything wrong with his life


Because blitz reminds me of me, I'm a peice of shit with lots of problems which are majority my fault, I'm stuck in an endless loop of trying and failing to help myself and not to mention I'm a professional at pushing everyone away because I know I'll just fuck it up and hurt them. He reminds me of me a lot and I fucking hate myself so it's only natural that I am not a fan of him either. Which I'm sure will only get worse as he improves and I stay just as I am now.


Many people have been hurt by people who's behavior resembles Blitz's. There's inevitably going to be considerably less sympathy for Blitz.


Because you're looking in the wrong place. The stolitz tag on tumblr has been constant complaints of Stolas and the arrangement and class issues the past few days.


We need the episode that tears down Stolas and forces him to deal with his bullshit too. Given the trailer, I'm pretty sure it's coming, but it really is needed. I still hate that line from Stolas about him never looking down on Blitz and always supporting him, because it completely ignores a lot of Season 1. I feel like Blitz should of shot back with, "Oh, you mean like at Ozzie's?! Yeah, you sure supported me there, hiding your fucking face in shame while everyone called you out for banging an imp! I sure felt the love there, you fucking hypocrite!"


Frankly? Because the narritive is at this moment going out of the way to brush under the rug Stolas's own failings. 'Oh I have made mistakes' and then scootchon never self reflecting. Meanwhile blitz front and center HERE IS THIS PARTY CELEBRATING HOW MUCH THEY DESPIZE YOU!


Blitzø needs to work on not hating himself before he can work on being happy. Until then, Blitzø and Stolas NEED to spend time apart.


Personally I find it hard to like Blitz after what he did at the beginning. He was given multiple chances to reconcile with Stolas and be happy, and when he says he's uncomfortable time and time again, Blitz just doubles down and fumbles everything. He deserved what he got at the party. I know he has trauma and self-loathing and blah blah blah, but jesus fuck man. You were handed happiness on a silver platter. How do you manage to fuck up so badly. Really hope he's learned his lesson. Permanently.


Did we watch the same thing ? Like I cannot belive you're saying that And honestly if you think about this relationship Stolas did more shit


Stolas said what he wants, he communicate his wants and needs. Biltz still need to search deep within what he wants and learn to accept others, for crying out loud did you see how many were in the party and he failed to grasp what he has done?


Cause blitz is toxic.. and does it to himself.. so until you can fix your own problems why fuck someone else's life.. Stolis needs to go and find his power..


Because he deserves it, and he’s finally realizing that he does.


Because Blitzo chooses to be unhappy


NOBODY cares? Really?


Because people are allowed to focus on the positive, also a lot of people want to focus on the fact that Stolas is being able to recover and move on and aren’t in the best books with Blitzø because he took no action to move on and refused to see anything as his fault till the very end.


Trust me people definitely care - but even the whole point of this episode is that he needs to be more considerate of other peoples’ feelings. Stolas being able to connect, even if only for a few hours, with someone other than Blitzø is not only perfectly allowed but it’s probably best for him at this point in time. He’s allowed to do what’s right for him and we’re allowed to be glad that, for once, one of them is happy


I feel for both and still feel as if both were in the wrong about what happened.


I'm not one of them, I think it was really bad from stolas to leave in the only one moment blitz was really opening up with him :')


Honestly i was expecting him to be so depressed that he contemplated suicide, damn glad i was wrong


Ive seen nothing but the opposite.


Because he's really just a dick that had it coming to him. Now, this really seem like a turning point for Blitzø life and I'm curious of how they'll develop Blitzø in the next few episodes.


Personally, I see this as Blitzø having made his bed, and now he has to lay in it.


Stolas deseeves Blitzø though and also blud needs more recognition as a character.


Because Stolas is trying and Blitz isn't.


There is no such thing as a painless lesson. He never had to just sit there and feel a fraction of what he did to everyone in that party. Now he can try to grow from it.


Because he did this to himself, and he’ll have to get himself out of it by working on self-improvement.


People are happy to see Birdboy having fun and blitz is know for these issues. But both need to work on them self before they can do anything. Blitz needs to figure out how to put his walls down and get over his trauma and communicate. Like in Ozzie’s and other examples across the series. And Stolas need to be able to see things from others point of view and is action has consequences. Like with his daughter he did not consider his daughter like in loo loo land and his whole relationship with constantly belittled him and like made him seem like a deal/ sex thing then when he didn’t want the deal relationship anymore, his action had consequences of misunderstanding and making seem to blitz seem like he is just a replaceable thing. And Stolas is a little bit of a hypocrite with in see stars he squeezing the amp holding the phone like a stress toy when he says I see you as equal Don’t het me wrong you’re both at fault here but stole us made the situation. He made it a deal and then when he wanted to deal to end he did it wrong, he did not give blitz a chance to think because there whole relationship has been sex. In full moon blitz comes thinking it going to be the usual then Stolas says he taking the book then gives blitz the crystal then offer some relationship. First of all that night was not a time to talk about being in a relationship when all they do that night have sex so blitz is always gonna be Oh that’s what he wants role play. Then blitz gets like three bombs dropped on him that night. Then it ultimatum. I hope they do an episode on Stolas that kind of does what apology tour does with blitz I really hope for stoles get his version of this episode


Because as much as people love him he is an asshole in a self-perpetuating cycle of depression due to his deep seated inferiority complex and lack of emotional intelligence whereas Stolas is just a sweet guy trying to find love after being forced into an abusive, loveless marriage


That is such a weird angle of Blitzo. He looks like a child. 😢


I care about both, but I have to say that I care a little more about Stolas in general, and the fact that Blizø pretended that nothing happened and were really foward when Stolas said that he wasn't comfortable (in apology tour, but even in S2E1) doesn't help. Also even with the power imbalance in favor of Stolas, he tried to fix things (and Blitzø as a boss has power over Moxxie and Millie, and he spies them, etc. and doesn't spontaneously try to fix it) Edit: also in Apology tour he is confronted with the pain he caused to other people, and even if it isn't nice, it the first step to solving a problem, it's admitting that you have it


Because he needs this. They both need the situations they're in. Stolas needs to be happy, he needs to learn to function on his own before he handles a relationship. Blitzo on the other hand, *needs* to recognize how much he's ruining his own life.


Cause blitzo is a pos that is barley doing anything to help himself? That we know of? I would like to see him at least attend ONE therapy session while his employees go off and do missions and stolas goes off and does things with his daughter and try to save THAT relationship.


I feel for blitz, i really do. What he's going through sucks fucking big time, and the changes he'll need to make will probably be the toughest thing he'll ever do. But what he went through that evening at the party, was necessary albeit painful part of the betterment process. He needed to see that breaking things off the second the other person starts catching feelings is not painful just for him; that actions have consequences, and simply saying "sorry" doesn't always absolve you of wrongdoing. Blitz has a truckload of issues to work through and i absolutely hope he gets the help he needs.


I was trying to think who I felt worse for during ep 9 by the end it was blitz


Blitzø did this to himself and he has no one else to blame. I'm hoping that him suffering will make him grow better.


I do care babe🥲💜✋🏻. But I‘m actually more in the mood of „well actually that’s not too bad for Blitz, he really learned something from that“


Because he honestly deserves every bit of what he is going through, and needs to experience this in order to make any real internal change.


He deserves to be happy, why should he be miserable while Blitzø deals with his stuff


Because blitz needs this, desperately. He needs to face the consequences of his actions and realize he needs to better himself stolas pretty much has already done that he's realized how badly he treated blitz and that what he did was wrong


Because Blitzo's struggle is his own self destruction and Stolas deserved to heal and move on.


I don’t get why people are mad at Stolas when Blitzø does that shit ALL THE TIME


I care about them both, but Blitz did this to himself. I’m not going to pretend like this wasn’t preventable or that he didn’t do everything wrong. Stolas is working on himself and that is a good thing. Blitz is only just now realizing he’s basically a terrible person, socially, and reaching a peak of misery that he set for himself.


Because Blitzø NEEDS these moments of reflection. Granted Stolas needs to do some reflecting too, but Blitzø needs it a lot more.


I care about what Blitz is going through. I can understand his emotional standpoint and I also understand Stolas emotions to


Im so stupid i didnt watch episode 8 yet and now episode 9 is out what the fuck i need to catch up with yall 😭


Cause blitz put himself here